Advanced CSS & SASS: Framework, Flexbox, Grid, Animations
Advanced CSS & SASS: Framework, Flexbox, Grid, Animations, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 203 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 39 reviews, and has 380 subscribers.
You will learn about CSS Flexbox layouts: build multiple real-world Templates with flexbox CSS Grid layouts: build multiple real-world Templates with CSS Grid Advanced CSS animations with @keyframes, Animations Advanced CSS Transitions SASS SCSS Structuring Web Pages Advanced responsive design: media queries, em and rem units, etc. Using Sass in real-world projects: managing media queries, global variables, CSS animations, etc. Responsive images Create your own CSS Framework Create you own reusable Variables Component for Colors, Screen sizes and Typography and implement them in web pages Create you own reusable Buttons Components and implement them in web pages Create you own reusable Cards Components and implement them in web pages Create you own reusable Navigation Components and implement them in web pages Create you own reusable Form Components and implement them in web pages Web Development essentials Get friendly and fast support in the course Q&A This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner CSS or Beginner SASS or Beginner Web Developers or Advanced HTML or Beginner Front End Web Developers or Advanced Web Developers or Advanced Front End Web Developers or Advanced Back End Web Developers curious about Front End Web Developers or Freelancers It is particularly useful for Beginner CSS or Beginner SASS or Beginner Web Developers or Advanced HTML or Beginner Front End Web Developers or Advanced Web Developers or Advanced Front End Web Developers or Advanced Back End Web Developers curious about Front End Web Developers or Freelancers.
Enroll now: Advanced CSS & SASS: Framework, Flexbox, Grid, Animations
Title: Advanced CSS & SASS: Framework, Flexbox, Grid, Animations
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 203
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 203
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 206
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 206
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: €219.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Flexbox layouts: build multiple real-world Templates with flexbox
- CSS Grid layouts: build multiple real-world Templates with CSS Grid
- Advanced CSS animations with @keyframes, Animations
- Advanced CSS Transitions
- Structuring Web Pages
- Advanced responsive design: media queries, em and rem units, etc.
- Using Sass in real-world projects: managing media queries, global variables, CSS animations, etc.
- Responsive images
- Create your own CSS Framework
- Create you own reusable Variables Component for Colors, Screen sizes and Typography and implement them in web pages
- Create you own reusable Buttons Components and implement them in web pages
- Create you own reusable Cards Components and implement them in web pages
- Create you own reusable Navigation Components and implement them in web pages
- Create you own reusable Form Components and implement them in web pages
- Web Development essentials
- Get friendly and fast support in the course Q&A
Who Should Attend
- Beginner CSS
- Beginner SASS
- Beginner Web Developers
- Advanced HTML
- Beginner Front End Web Developers
- Advanced Web Developers
- Advanced Front End Web Developers
- Advanced Back End Web Developers curious about Front End Web Developers
- Freelancers
Target Audiences
- Beginner CSS
- Beginner SASS
- Beginner Web Developers
- Advanced HTML
- Beginner Front End Web Developers
- Advanced Web Developers
- Advanced Front End Web Developers
- Advanced Back End Web Developers curious about Front End Web Developers
- Freelancers
Got your basics done? html hello world, style color red, good, it’s time to create amazing web sites. We are going to start up slowly and create a simple landing page, then we will go through modern CSS technology like CSS flexbox, CSS Grid, animations, transition, then start creating our own reusable sass components and apply then trough classes in our own website templates.
Who is this course for:
NOT for Absolute Beginners!
Beginner CSS developers who want to up there CSS game.
CSS developers who want to have a deeper understanding on how CSS Works.
Freelancers who want to have basic Web-page Templates for client presentations.
CSS developers who want to expand their tool-set to animations, Flexbox, CSS Grid, Sass, and much more.
Front-end developers who want to finally understand how CSS works behind the scenes.
In general: anyone who wants to truly master CSS!
In a nutshell, this course is for those of you who got your basics done in HTML,CSS and want to go to the next level.
What is the next level?
Now we get in to what YOUactually will learn in this course:
From Beginner to Advance CSS Web Pages Structuring.
Using Pseudo Elements and Classes.
Flexbox layouts.
Grid layouts
CSS Transitions
CSS Animations with keyframes
Advanced Responsive Design: media queries media, em and rem units, etc.
Using Variables in CSS.
Complete SASS technology and SCSS to CSS compiler.
SASS Syntax
SASS Variables
SASS Scope
SASS Shadowing
SASS Data Types: Numbers, String, Colors, Lists, Maps, Boolean and Null.
SASS Operators
SASS Functions
SASS Mixin
SASS Flow Control with: if, else if, else, each, for, while.
Creating Reusable Variables Components.
Creating Reusable Typography Components.
Creating Reusable Buttons Components.
Creating Reusable Cards Components.
Creating Reusable Navigation Components.
Creating Reusable Form Components.
Why SASS ?
If your CSS to cluttered up!? And You want to create some clarity in your Project. Then You need to get more organized in order to become a more efficient Developer !
The best way to get organized and up your productivity is to slice everything up in to easy to control pieces.
The main Focusof this Courseis to Reverse Engineerthe creation process, thus resulting in a more deeper understanding of CSS by using SASS Structure of Style-sheets named Partials. Partials will help you separate your design in to small and ease to manage peaces!
You will learn complex CSS Animations and Transitions, advanced responsive design techniques, Flexbox layouts, CSS Grid ,Sass, CSS architecture, fundamental CSS concepts, and so much more.
After finishing this course you will have a profound understanding of :
CSS Grid
Sass and Scss
Responsive webdesign
Your Own CSS Framework with reusable Components
Multiple Web-page Templates.
Your Own Portfolio Website.
This Course contains:
• Lifetime access to 20+ hours of HD quality videos. No monthly subscription.
• Downloadable assets, HTML starter code for each project;
• All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection!
• Friendly and fast support in the course Q&A whenever you have questions or get stuck;
• English closed captions .
Just one more thing!
What is the most important thing in life?
If your answer wastimethen you are right. Either it’s time whit you Family, your Spouse, your Friends, time is of essence. How can we get more time? We can’t.🙁
Time isNOTrecyclable!Wants it’s gone it’s gone forever.
What we can do is save time.
So have can we save time?
By getting more efficient, how do we get more efficient, we set up systems that work for us.
If I could compress this course in to one word it would beefficiency.
My Name in :
Menyhart B. Norbertand I would love to welcome you as a new student in my course. I’m sure you’re gonna love it!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Setting up the Developer Environment
Lecture 3: Developer environment Resources
Lecture 4: Web Browser & Code Editor
Chapter 2: Starter Project – Reverse Engineering
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Project Starter Files
Lecture 3: Laying Plans
Lecture 4: Menu Bar
Lecture 5: Main
Lecture 6: Footer
Lecture 7: Responsiveness on Mobile Platforms
Lecture 8: Sass Basic Setup
Lecture 9: Partials and Config
Lecture 10: Partial file Variables
Lecture 11: Partial file for the Navigation
Lecture 12: Partial file for the Main
Lecture 13: Partial file for the Footer
Lecture 14: Partial file for Responsiveness
Lecture 15: Conclusion
Chapter 3: SASS Explained
Lecture 1: SASS Syntax Starter Files
Lecture 2: SASS Syntax
Lecture 3: SASS Variables Starter Files
Lecture 4: SASS Variables
Lecture 5: SASS Default Value
Lecture 6: SASS Scope
Lecture 7: SASS Shadowing
Lecture 8: SASS Flow Control
Lecture 9: SASS Advance Variable Functions
Lecture 10: SASS Deta Types
Lecture 11: SASS Data Types – Numbers
Lecture 12: SASS Data Types – Strings
Lecture 13: SASS Data Types – Colors
Lecture 14: SASS Data Types – Lists
Lecture 15: SASS Data Types – Maps
Lecture 16: SASS Data Types – Boolean
Lecture 17: SASS Data Types – Null
Lecture 18: SASS Operators
Lecture 19: SASS Functions
Lecture 20: SASS Mixin
Lecture 21: SASS Flow Control
Lecture 22: SASS Flow Control @if and @else
Lecture 23: SASS Flow Control @each
Lecture 24: SASS Flow Control @for
Lecture 25: SASS Flow Control @while
Chapter 4: Responsive design @media
Lecture 1: Desktop Tablet Mobile
Chapter 5: Flex Box in CSS and SASS
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Starter Files
Lecture 3: Display Flex & Flex Direction
Lecture 4: Flex Wrap
Lecture 5: Justify Content
Lecture 6: Align Items
Lecture 7: Align Content
Lecture 8: Flex Order
Lecture 9: Flex Grow
Lecture 10: Flex Shrink
Chapter 6: Project – Food Blog Template – Using Flex Box
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Starter Files
Lecture 3: Basic Configuration
Lecture 4: Navigation
Lecture 5: Main
Lecture 6: About
Lecture 7: Footer
Lecture 8: Responsiveness
Chapter 7: Display Grid in CSS and SASS
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Starter Files
Lecture 3: Display Grid – Grid Template Column & Row
Lecture 4: Grid Template Area
Lecture 5: Grid Template
Lecture 6: Grid Gap
Lecture 7: Align Items
Lecture 8: Justify Items
Lecture 9: Justify Content
Lecture 10: Align Content
Lecture 11: Grid Auto Columns & Rows
Lecture 12: Grid Auto Flow
Lecture 13: Children Properties
Chapter 8: Project – Photo Template using CSS Grid
Lecture 1: Photo Template Intro
Lecture 2: Photo Template Starter Files
Lecture 3: Photo Template Config Partial
Lecture 4: Photo Template Text Component
Lecture 5: Photo Template Grid Layout
Lecture 6: Photo Template Navigation
Lecture 7: Photo Template Header
Lecture 8: Photo Template Main
Lecture 9: Photo Template Aside
Lecture 10: Photo Template Section
Lecture 11: Photo Template Form
Lecture 12: Photo Template Footer
Lecture 13: Photo Template Responsiveness
Chapter 9: CSS Transitions & Rotations
Lecture 1: Introduction to the section
Lecture 2: Starter Files
Norbert B. Menyhart
"Knowledge is Power" Acquire Knowledge by Learning!
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 15 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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