AI system in Unreal Engine 5 and C++, Beginner to advance
AI system in Unreal Engine 5 and C++, Beginner to advance, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.43, with 135 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 300 reviews, and has 2264 subscribers.
You will learn about C++ Basics: Everything you need to know before starting UE5 Unreal Engine 5 Basics: we will cover Unreal Engine 5 basics to be ready for game development Using Unreal Engine 5 and C++ together, l will teach how to use UE5 classes and how to add our own classes and functions into that Creating a map: I will show you how to create a full game map Shooter 3rd person character: we will start it from blank class and will add all the functionality using C++ AI in UE5 and C++: Will cover: AIController class, SetFocus, MoveToActor, LineOfSightTo, BehaviorTree, BT Tasks, BT Decorators and custom tasks Adding sound effects and particle effects into game Game HUD, Health bar, Loser screen widget, field of view of camera and enemy health bar Full AI control people AI control cars Car driving Car damage effect, exploding and spawning old damaged car after shooting the car Strong AI police system Creating final project This course is ideal for individuals who are If you want to start or re-skill to game development or If you want to learn AI system using UE5 and C++ or Artists who want to make their products alive with AI or Developers who want to develop advance AI games or Environment designers It is particularly useful for If you want to start or re-skill to game development or If you want to learn AI system using UE5 and C++ or Artists who want to make their products alive with AI or Developers who want to develop advance AI games or Environment designers.
Enroll now: AI system in Unreal Engine 5 and C++, Beginner to advance
Title: AI system in Unreal Engine 5 and C++, Beginner to advance
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.43
Number of Lectures: 135
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 133
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 136
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 134
Original Price: ₹799
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- C++ Basics: Everything you need to know before starting UE5
- Unreal Engine 5 Basics: we will cover Unreal Engine 5 basics to be ready for game development
- Using Unreal Engine 5 and C++ together, l will teach how to use UE5 classes and how to add our own classes and functions into that
- Creating a map: I will show you how to create a full game map
- Shooter 3rd person character: we will start it from blank class and will add all the functionality using C++
- AI in UE5 and C++: Will cover: AIController class, SetFocus, MoveToActor, LineOfSightTo, BehaviorTree, BT Tasks, BT Decorators and custom tasks
- Adding sound effects and particle effects into game
- Game HUD, Health bar, Loser screen widget, field of view of camera and enemy health bar
- Full AI control people
- AI control cars
- Car driving
- Car damage effect, exploding and spawning old damaged car after shooting the car
- Strong AI police system
- Creating final project
Who Should Attend
- If you want to start or re-skill to game development
- If you want to learn AI system using UE5 and C++
- Artists who want to make their products alive with AI
- Developers who want to develop advance AI games
- Environment designers
Target Audiences
- If you want to start or re-skill to game development
- If you want to learn AI system using UE5 and C++
- Artists who want to make their products alive with AI
- Developers who want to develop advance AI games
- Environment designers
Want to learn Artificial intelligence in Unreal Engine 5 and C++?
Yeah! let’s start it!
This is a complete course for those who want to learn AIin UE5and C++. here we will use C++ and Unreal Engine together to make it more powerful.
I will start everything from beginning very simple, then we will jump into intermediate and advance topics.
C++ is one of the most powerful programming languages in the world, and Unreal Engine 5 is an gaming engine famous for creating games like Fortnite, Borderlands 3, Observer, and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. so using these two powerful tools can make your dreams come true.
in this course we will cover following topics:
1. C++ Basics:
Build first C++ Program
Compile and Errors
Variables and Constants
Expressions and Statements
If – else Statement
2. Creating a secrete maker program using C++
3. Unreal Engine 5 Basics:
User Interface
Navigation and camera control
Viewport Settings
Creating and Transforming objects
Post Process Volume
Texture and its types
Landscape Materials
MegaScans Library
Foliage System
4. Using C++ and UE5 together (simple car game)
Classes in Unreal Engine 5
PAWN class
UE5 Actor Components
Forward Declaration
Creating objects and Components
Mesh, Camera and Spring Arm components
Possessing A Pawn as game player
Input (Bind Axis and Bind Action)
Add Actor Local Offset
Frame rate and Delta time
Add Actor Local Rotation
Rotator and FVector
5. Creating a game map
6. Shooter Game
Character class
Character Movement Functions
Animation blueprint and Blend space
Actor class
Spawning Actor
Attach to component
Shooting function
Particle Effects
Line Tracing
Take Damage
Virtual Take Damage function and receiving the damage
Health variables
IsDead function
Death animation
7. AI in Unreal Engine 5 and C++
AI controller class
Set focus
AI Movement:
Nav Mesh
Behavior Tree
BT Tasks
BT Decorators
Blackboard Keys
Shoot Task
8. Game Details
Sound Effects
Player Controller
Game HUD
Health bar
Field of view of camera
Animation State Machine
9. Advance Game AI
Full AI people control system
Full AI Control cars
Car Driving
Car Damage and Exploding
Spawning damaged car
Strong AI Enemy
10. Finalizing the Game
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Installing Visual Studio community 2022 and Visual Studio Code
Chapter 2: C++ Basics
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Build first program
Lecture 3: Printing hello world
Lecture 4: Input
Lecture 5: New line
Lecture 6: Comment
Lecture 7: Compile and Error
Lecture 8: Variable
Lecture 9: Variable types
Lecture 10: Variable Declaration
Lecture 11: Variable naming rules
Lecture 12: Variable initialization
Lecture 13: TEST Program
Lecture 14: Constant
Lecture 15: Arrays
Lecture 16: Initializing Arrays
Lecture 17: Accessing the elements of an Array
Lecture 18: Expressions and statements
Lecture 19: Operators
Lecture 20: if – else statement
Lecture 21: Looping
Lecture 22: While Loop
Lecture 23: do…while loop and for loop
Lecture 24: What is a function
Lecture 25: Function in C++
Lecture 26: Pointers
Lecture 27: Dereferencing a Pointer
Lecture 28: Array of Pointers
Lecture 29: const and pointers
Lecture 30: Pointer Arithmetic
Lecture 31: Reference
Lecture 32: Passing by reference
Lecture 33: Section Summary
Chapter 3: C++ first program in C++
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Simple Program
Lecture 3: For Loop
Lecture 4: Finish program
Lecture 5: Section Summary
Chapter 4: Unreal Engine 5 Basics
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Introduction to Unreal Engine 5
Lecture 3: Installing Unreal Engine
Lecture 4: Creating first project
Lecture 5: User Interface
Lecture 6: Navigation
Lecture 7: View port Settings
Lecture 8: Creating and Transforming objects
Lecture 9: Post Process Volume
Lecture 10: Materials
Lecture 11: Texture based Material
Lecture 12: Material Parameters, instance and Master Material
Lecture 13: Lighting System in Unreal Engine 5
Lecture 14: What is Lumen?
Lecture 15: Landscape
Lecture 16: Landscape Material
Lecture 17: Quixel Library
Lecture 18: Foliage System in Unreal Engine 5
Lecture 19: Section Summary
Lecture 20: Do you want to know more about Unreal Engine 5?
Chapter 5: Beginner C++ and UE5 combined use (simple car driving game)
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: New Project and files migration
Lecture 3: Creating first C++ class in Unreal Engine 5
Lecture 4: UE5 Components
Lecture 5: Introduction to the code inside Pawn class
Lecture 6: Forward Declaration
Lecture 7: Capsule Component
Lecture 8: Static Mesh Component
Lecture 9: UPROPERTY
Lecture 10: Spring Arm and Camera Components
Lecture 11: Possessing the Pawn as game player
Lecture 12: Bind Axis Mapping
Lecture 13: Car Movement Control
Lecture 14: Car Speed Control
Lecture 15: Car Turn
Lecture 16: Collision
Lecture 17: IsCarMoving
Lecture 18: Section Summary
Chapter 6: Creating game map
Lecture 1: Creating an empty level and lights
Lecture 2: Creating the map
Lecture 3: City map overview
Chapter 7: Shooter Game Starter
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: Game Setup
Lecture 3: Character Movement
Lecture 4: Spring Arm and Camera
Lecture 5: Animation Blueprint
Lecture 6: Animation Blend Space
Lecture 7: Movement Speed
Lecture 8: Gun Class and Spawning it
Lecture 9: Attaching to Socket
Lecture 10: Shoot
Lecture 11: Particle Effect
Rahmat M
Video Game Developer (Unreal Engine & C++)
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 26 votes
- 5 stars: 250 votes
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