Algorithms and Software Engineering for Professionals
Algorithms and Software Engineering for Professionals, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.75, with 104 lectures, based on 66 reviews, and has 1136 subscribers.
You will learn about Master the core software engineering algorithms Understand the concepts Iterations, time complexity and optimization Understand key data structures such as stack and queues Learn the Art of Algorithm design Master tree and graph Algorithms Ace in technical interviews with proper grasp of concepts This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who want to master core concepts and algorithms for better software development will find this course very effective It is particularly useful for Students who want to master core concepts and algorithms for better software development will find this course very effective.
Enroll now: Algorithms and Software Engineering for Professionals
Title: Algorithms and Software Engineering for Professionals
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.75
Number of Lectures: 104
Number of Published Lectures: 104
Number of Curriculum Items: 104
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 104
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master the core software engineering algorithms
- Understand the concepts Iterations, time complexity and optimization
- Understand key data structures such as stack and queues
- Learn the Art of Algorithm design
- Master tree and graph Algorithms
- Ace in technical interviews with proper grasp of concepts
Who Should Attend
- Students who want to master core concepts and algorithms for better software development will find this course very effective
Target Audiences
- Students who want to master core concepts and algorithms for better software development will find this course very effective
In order to build something, you must start from the ground up. It is always important to understand the basics and the core of a concept and this ideology also holds true for software programming. Data structures and algorithms are the basic building blocks for Software Engineering, that determine how the system will operate.
Data structures and algorithms are two common concepts that can be found in Software Engineering and are imperative to mastering any programming language or technology within the software technology landscape. In order to master any programming language, functional or objective, one must first understand the basic concept behind it, which includes algorithms.
Data in software engineering are represented in data structures such as maps, lists, trees, etc. and is in the constant need of being sorted and merged, transformed and matched in some way. For this reason, software engineers devised algorithms as a solution for this task, which is consistent, repeatable and testable with a set of metrics to quantify performance.
However, for data structures to work seamlessly with your system, you need to understand the basics to creating clean, efficient and powerful algorithms that reduces the amount of work required by the engineer. This is where this course can help.
Our comprehensive course has been designed to help you understand algorithms and data structures from scratch. This course covers important concepts related to data structures and algorithms including the five major categories of algorithms: Cryptography, Compiler Theory, Signal Processing, Data Analysis, and Graph Databases. This is a course for the Big Boys.
It also includes understanding other primary concepts such as recursion and its relationship to concurrency and ADT’s like Trees and Graphs; relationship between trees and rotation operations used in balancing, operations with Primes, Fermat’s theorem, parsing grammars with Stacks and Queues and related tools like AST based parsers the beginning step on the road to Compiler theory.
In addition to covering the theoretical concepts, the course also is packed with examples of practical applications. It is important to not only understand what the concept it, but also how to use it. You will definitely get the best of both worlds in this algorithm and data structure tutorial.
This course will also help you ace the theoretical intensive tech interviews. So if you plan to apply for a tech job, this course will act as a great refresher.
With this course, you will not only be able to understand algorithms, but actually write better algorithms to help simplify your programming life. With this much power waiting for you, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Iterations and Transformations on Sequence’s
Lecture 1: Iterations
Lecture 2: Iterations Lab 1 Count Condition Loops with Java 8 Streams
Lecture 3: Iterations with Java Collections .
Lecture 4: Iterations Lab 2 LinkedList Unsafe iteration on Queues
Lecture 5: Iterations with Java Maps and Streams
Lecture 6: Iterations Lab 3 Matching Pattern Sequences with iterations Part A
Lecture 7: Iterations Lab 3 Matching Pattern Sequences with iterations Part B
Chapter 3: Time Complexity
Lecture 1: Time Complexity
Lecture 2: Big O specific calculation
Lecture 3: Time Complexity Lab 1 Practical Obtain Sequence Introduction
Lecture 4: Time Complexity Lab 1 Practical Task Obtain Sequence Solutions
Lecture 5: Array Operations 1 Equilibrium Index
Lecture 6: Array Operations 2 Optimal Index
Lecture 7: Sorting Arrays
Lecture 8: Time Complexity Lab 2 Array task with Expected Worst case time complexity O(n)
Lecture 9: Space complexity
Lecture 10: Sorting Algorithms Time and Space complexity
Lecture 11: Common Sorting Algorithms best and worst case
Lecture 12: Time Complexity Lab 3 Sorting Algorithm efficiency
Chapter 4: Counting and Optimisation
Lecture 1: Counting Concepts
Lecture 2: Sliding window maxima and minima
Lecture 3: Counting and Optimisation Lab 1 Application of a Sliding window
Lecture 4: Counting and Optimisation Lab 1 Application of a Sliding window Part B
Lecture 5: Counting Patterns
Lecture 6: Count Combinations
Lecture 7: Count Permutations
Lecture 8: "Counting and Optimisation Lab 2 Application of Counting to Permutations "
Lecture 9: Counting Theorem for Algorithms
Lecture 10: Counting Sort
Lecture 11: Pigeonhole Sort
Lecture 12: Counting and Optimisation Lab 3 Application of the Counting Theorem
Chapter 5: Sorting
Lecture 1: Sorting Concepts
Lecture 2: Implement Insertion Sort with comparator
Lecture 3: Sorting Lab 1 Introduction
Lecture 4: Sorting Lab 1 Compute the number of distinct values in array of N integers.
Lecture 5: Breaking the Quadratic time barrier
Lecture 6: Implement Heap Sort
Lecture 7: Recursive Sorting Algorithms
Lecture 8: Implement MergeSort
Lecture 9: Sorting Lab 2 Practical Optimise subsequences
Lecture 10: Implement Radix sort Part A
Lecture 11: Implement Radix sort Part B
Lecture 12: Sorting Lab 3 Practical Radix Sort on String Arrays
Chapter 6: Stacks and Queues
Lecture 1: Stack Concepts
Lecture 2: Implement a basic Stack with a Linked List
Lecture 3: Perform simple stack algorithm with Reverse Polish notation
Lecture 4: Stacks and Queues Lab 1 Application of a Stack
Lecture 5: Queue Concepts
Lecture 6: Implement a basic Queue with a Linked List
Lecture 7: Practical Application of a Queue
Lecture 8: Stacks and Queues Lab 2 Practical Application of a Queue
Lecture 9: Parsing Concepts
Lecture 10: Implement a simple AST parser
Lecture 11: Stacks and Queues Lab 3 Test for Well Formed Expressions
Chapter 7: Divisibility Operations and Primes
Lecture 1: Slice Operations
Lecture 2: Implement Kadane's algorithm
Lecture 3: Implement a double-slice operation
Lecture 4: Slice Operations Lab 1 Application of a slice operation Part A
Lecture 5: Slice Operations Lab 1 Application of a slice operation Part B
Lecture 6: Divisibility Operations
Lecture 7: Implement Euclidean algorithm (common factors)
Lecture 8: Implement a test for a prime number
Lecture 9: Slice Operations Lab 2 Simple Peak detection
Lecture 10: Slice Operations Lab 2 Simple Peak detection Part B
Lecture 11: Divisibility Operations and Primes
Lecture 12: Sieving (finding prime numbers)
Lecture 13: Slice Operations Lab 3 Probabilistic Tests for Large Primes Part A
Lecture 14: Slice Operations Lab 3 Probabilistic Tests for Large Primes Part B
Chapter 8: Tree Based Algorithms
Lecture 1: Search Algorithms
Lecture 2: Implement a Binary search
Lecture 3: Implement a Hash table
Lecture 4: Tree Based Algorithms Lab 1 Binary search algorithm optimisation
Lecture 5: Binary Trees
Lecture 6: Implement a Binary Search Tree
Lecture 7: Binary Tree recursion
Lecture 8: Tree Based Algorithm Lab 2 Extend the Binary Tree API
Lecture 9: Avl Trees
Lecture 10: Implement a Avl Tree
Lecture 11: Sub Trees and Paths
Lecture 12: Tree Based Algorithm Lab 3 Tree Traversal (Paths)
Chapter 9: Graph Algorithms
Lecture 1: Graphs Concepts
Lecture 2: Implement a Graph as a Abstract Data Type (ADT)
Lecture 3: Implement a Depth-first search
Lecture 4: Graph Algorithms Lab 1 Path Search with dfs
Lecture 5: Graphs Search
Lecture 6: Implement a Directed Graph as a Abstract Data Type (ADT)
Lecture 7: Implement a Breadth-first search
Lecture 8: Graph Algorithms Lab 2 Breadth First Search
Lecture 9: Topological Sort
Lecture 10: Implement a Topological sort
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 17 votes
- 5 stars: 28 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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