An Introduction To Video Game Production
An Introduction To Video Game Production, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.73, with 53 lectures, 18 quizzes, based on 952 reviews, and has 16348 subscribers.
You will learn about All the basics of how a video game is produced, from concept to shipping (and beyond) A full understanding of the video game production cycle The ability to create a backlog from scratch and then use it to help with the planning and delivery of your game projects How to use mind maps to help create backlogs, and how to develop crew plans for your game teams so you can plan for key milestones About how things like marketing, recruitment, localisation, play testing and team management can really affect your production plans, and how to mitigate this and build them into your plans from the very beginning. How to choose which engine to build your game on, and which platforms you should launch on What a video game producer does each day and what the key components of the job really are The ethical considerations of being a game producer and managing game projects and teams Closing and shipping your game project, how to manage bugs and what to look out for The key documentation needed in a game project, what it contains and when you need it The general finances of game development and where your budget really goes What to consider when making your game accessible to all and how to build this in and who can help This course is ideal for individuals who are Game development students or New video game producers or Anyone who'd like to get into the industry as a producer or Gamers who want to see behind the curtain a little or Journalists who may want to do some extra research into the role of a game producer It is particularly useful for Game development students or New video game producers or Anyone who'd like to get into the industry as a producer or Gamers who want to see behind the curtain a little or Journalists who may want to do some extra research into the role of a game producer.
Enroll now: An Introduction To Video Game Production
Title: An Introduction To Video Game Production
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.73
Number of Lectures: 53
Number of Quizzes: 18
Number of Published Lectures: 53
Number of Published Quizzes: 18
Number of Curriculum Items: 71
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 71
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- All the basics of how a video game is produced, from concept to shipping (and beyond)
- A full understanding of the video game production cycle
- The ability to create a backlog from scratch and then use it to help with the planning and delivery of your game projects
- How to use mind maps to help create backlogs, and how to develop crew plans for your game teams so you can plan for key milestones
- About how things like marketing, recruitment, localisation, play testing and team management can really affect your production plans, and how to mitigate this and build them into your plans from the very beginning.
- How to choose which engine to build your game on, and which platforms you should launch on
- What a video game producer does each day and what the key components of the job really are
- The ethical considerations of being a game producer and managing game projects and teams
- Closing and shipping your game project, how to manage bugs and what to look out for
- The key documentation needed in a game project, what it contains and when you need it
- The general finances of game development and where your budget really goes
- What to consider when making your game accessible to all and how to build this in and who can help
Who Should Attend
- Game development students
- New video game producers
- Anyone who'd like to get into the industry as a producer
- Gamers who want to see behind the curtain a little
- Journalists who may want to do some extra research into the role of a game producer
Target Audiences
- Game development students
- New video game producers
- Anyone who'd like to get into the industry as a producer
- Gamers who want to see behind the curtain a little
- Journalists who may want to do some extra research into the role of a game producer
A complete introduction to how video games are producedfrom what a game producer does everyday to how to build and maintain a backlog, how marketing affects your production plans to the ethics of being a producer, and a whole bunch more.
This course is set up for anyone interested in how video games are produced, from fresh producers to game design and production students and indeed anyone who just wants to have a look behind the curtain of video game production.
In the course we go through a set of lectures covering all areas of game production, complete with exercises you can try, and at the end we take what we’ve learned and run through an example project, which can act as a proxy for your own game.
By the end of the course you should be equipped to plan and produce your own video game in a conscientious way, aware of and now able to avoid all the pitfalls and problems most teams have to experience for themselves.
You get lifetime access to this course for one fee, and the instructor is an experienced games industry producer who’s worked on some of the biggest games ever released (like GTA V & Cyberpunk 2077)and wants to share the knowledge they’ve gained so you can make your own projects in a safer, less risky way.
What this course ISN’T:
We discuss the skills of a video game producer and all the essential knowledge required to PLAN your project effectively, this course is notfocused on BUILDING a game (check Udemy for other awesome courses on how to use Unity or Unreal to build a game!)
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction & Welcome
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: A Note On Terminology
Chapter 2: Production Cycle Overview
Lecture 1: Production Cycle Overview
Lecture 2: Pre-Production
Lecture 3: Production
Chapter 3: Before You Make Anything
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Ideation & Type of Game
Lecture 3: Choosing a Game Engine
Lecture 4: Deciding On Platforms
Lecture 5: Hard Constraints
Chapter 4: Getting Started – Pipelines and Prototypes
Lecture 1: Pipelines and Workflows
Lecture 2: Prototyping and Vertical Slice
Chapter 5: Scoping & Backlogs
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Backlogs
Lecture 3: Visualising Backlogs
Lecture 4: Estimating Backlogs
Lecture 5: Backlog Breakdowns
Lecture 6: Backlog Into High Level Roadmap
Lecture 7: Using The Backlog In Daily Development
Lecture 8: Backlog Software
Chapter 6: General Production Topics
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Minimal Viable Products (MVPs)
Lecture 3: Team Management & Hierarchy
Lecture 4: Documentation
Lecture 5: Finance & Budgets
Lecture 6: Team Composition
Lecture 7: Recruitment
Lecture 8: Localisation
Lecture 9: Accessibility
Lecture 10: Playtesting
Lecture 11: Marketing
Lecture 12: Technical Considerations – Branches
Lecture 13: Daily Jobs For a Producer
Chapter 7: Closing
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Bug Triaging
Lecture 3: Cutting
Lecture 4: TCR/TRCs (Technical Requirements)
Lecture 5: Going Gold
Lecture 6: Giving Credit Where It's Due
Lecture 7: The Ethics of Being a Producer
Lecture 8: End & What's Next
Chapter 8: Example Project
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Before We Make Anything
Lecture 3: Prototyping & Vertical Slice
Lecture 4: Planning The Vertical Slice
Lecture 5: Estimating and Visualising The VS Backlog
Lecture 6: Assessing the VS and Gathering Data
Lecture 7: Expanding the Backlog
Lecture 8: Milestones
Lecture 9: Localisation, Marketing, Playtesting
Lecture 10: Closing
Chapter 9: Final Credits & Thanks
Lecture 1: Final Credits
Lecture 2: Thanks
Derek Patterson
Veteran Producer in the Games Industry
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 73 votes
- 4 stars: 296 votes
- 5 stars: 573 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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