Android Java Masterclass – Become an App Developer
Android Java Masterclass – Become an App Developer, available at $99.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 338 lectures, based on 10603 reviews, and has 71188 subscribers.
You will learn about You’re taught step by step HOW to build Android 7 apps for Google’s Nougat platform that will work on older Android versions. With each comprehensive step, the WHY you’re doing it is explained. You’ll have EXPERT LEVEL knowledge of the Java programming language and know exactly how each process of Android Nougat development works. The course is continually UPDATED, so you’ll learn the very latest as Android Nougat evolves. NEW CONTENT is always being added, and you're covered with full lifetime access to the course. SUPPORT is mind blowing – questions you have are answered that day. The EXPERTISE to be an Android Nougat app developer as taught by the best. The skills you’ll learn are in HIGH DEMAND. You’ve learned to program like an expert. Go get that job! This course is ideal for individuals who are The course is 100% for you if you’re wanting to be a kickass Android 7 app programmer! or No previous programming experience is assumed. or However, if you’re already an expert Android 7 programmer with knowledge of all the latest updates, then this course is not for you. It is particularly useful for The course is 100% for you if you’re wanting to be a kickass Android 7 app programmer! or No previous programming experience is assumed. or However, if you’re already an expert Android 7 programmer with knowledge of all the latest updates, then this course is not for you.
Enroll now: Android Java Masterclass – Become an App Developer
Title: Android Java Masterclass – Become an App Developer
Price: $99.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 338
Number of Published Lectures: 323
Number of Curriculum Items: 338
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 323
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You’re taught step by step HOW to build Android 7 apps for Google’s Nougat platform that will work on older Android versions.
- With each comprehensive step, the WHY you’re doing it is explained.
- You’ll have EXPERT LEVEL knowledge of the Java programming language and know exactly how each process of Android Nougat development works.
- The course is continually UPDATED, so you’ll learn the very latest as Android Nougat evolves.
- NEW CONTENT is always being added, and you're covered with full lifetime access to the course.
- SUPPORT is mind blowing – questions you have are answered that day.
- The EXPERTISE to be an Android Nougat app developer as taught by the best.
- The skills you’ll learn are in HIGH DEMAND. You’ve learned to program like an expert. Go get that job!
Who Should Attend
- The course is 100% for you if you’re wanting to be a kickass Android 7 app programmer!
- No previous programming experience is assumed.
- However, if you’re already an expert Android 7 programmer with knowledge of all the latest updates, then this course is not for you.
Target Audiences
- The course is 100% for you if you’re wanting to be a kickass Android 7 app programmer!
- No previous programming experience is assumed.
- However, if you’re already an expert Android 7 programmer with knowledge of all the latest updates, then this course is not for you.
There’s no getting around it.
Android accounts for 81.7% of all smartphones sold, but not all come packed with the very latest Android Nougat.
That won’t worry you because after completing this course, the apps you build will perform brilliantly on Android Nougat or any older Android operating system.
Now that’s something most courses don’t teach you!
So, you want to be an Android 7 Nougat programmer? Or you are interested in Android 8 Oreo?
Well, I’m Tim Buchalka, one of your instructors, and I’ve designed the Android 7 Nougat App and Android 8 Orea Masterclass just for you! Yes one, course covering both version!
Choosing a course that’s perfect for you can be damn hard. You need Instructors:
· Who are passionate about what they do.
· Keep their courses continually updated.
· And most important, provide outstanding support and follow up to your questions.
That’s what I do. And that’s the reason why I made it into the Top 10 List of Outstanding Instructors in the 2015 Udemy Instructor Awards.
Know that you’re exactly in the right place to MASTER Android 7 Nougat app programming as well as Android 8 Oreo!
Yes, we are in the process right now of updating the entire course to Android Oreo now it has been released by Google!
In this course, you will discover the power of Android app development, and obtain the skills to dramatically increase your career prospects as a software developer. You’ll also have a head start over other developers using obsolete tools and earlier versions of Android.
Android is continually being updated, so OLD versions of the operating systems will have features from the latest version. It’s called AppCompat, which is a set of support libraries used to make apps developed with newer versions, work with older versions.
But it only works if the developer codes it a right way. It doesn’t just happen by default. The way I teach you in this Masterclass course is the right way!
With my course, you get the best of both worlds. You’re taught to write code for the latest version of Android Nougat with a strong focus on AppCompat. That way, the apps you build will also support older versions of Android.
Most Android courses just focus on teaching app development for the current Nougat version. What that means is you’re only taught to make apps for the latest version of Android, and that alienates a huge user base.
With my course, that’s not the case. Your skill level is maximized so your app reaches more users, which means more downloads, which means more money.
Starting is easy because no previous programming experience is needed. NONE! If you do have it, great. Or maybe you just want to brush up on your Android development skills, and that’s fantastic too.
The course is presented using a combination of video, slides and diagrams, all designed to teach you everything you need to know.
This is what you’ll learn in the course:
· Develop apps for the very latest version of Android 7 Nougat that also work on older Android devices running older versions of the Android operating system.
· Download, install and configure the necessary (free) software.
· Create your first app.
· Build a range of apps demonstrating key aspects of the Android framework.
· Test your apps on emulators or a real Android phone or tablet.
· You’ll learn Java programming because Android app development requires knowledge of Java. Included are Java tutorial videos that will get you up to speed fast.
· Ensure your apps work with current and older Android versions on phones and tablets.
· Use Android studio 2.3, the newest version of Google’s premier Android tool.
· Learn how to use databases, web services, and even get your apps to speak!
· Understand the all new Constraint layout, for “drag and drop” screen creation.
· Use powerful libraries of code to play videos, download website data, manipulate images, and a whole lot more!
To reinforce what you’ve learnt during the course, there are numerous challenges designed to help you understand each concept being taught. You’re also shown the solution to the challenge so you know you’re always on the right track.
The course is continually updated and enhanced, and fully supports Android Nougat as it evolves. New content is added each week, guaranteeing what you’re learning is relevant for you today and will never be obsolete.
With many courses, it’s just set and forget. But not with mine! I’ve got a PROVEN track record of continually updating and adding new content. An example is my Java Masterclass course which now has 65 hours of content and counting, and benefited a whopping 80,000 students.
And if you have any doubts about the course, be blown away by the glowing reviews left by students on this page.
Your instructors are me and Jean-Paul Roberts. Between us we have a collective 60 years of commercial software development experience, meaning you’re learning the right way to program to maximize your future development potential.
Here’s what’s important. There’re a lot of people out there teaching Android Nougat who are not developers. We’re developers with many years’ experience with the Android platform, who also teach Android Nougat.
Importantly, our courses teach students the real-life skills needed to get those in-demand jobs or further your programming skills.
Take this course in confidence today knowing you have just found the BEST Android 7 Nougat/Android 8 Oreo course on Udemy!
Don’t delay. Every minute you’re not learning Android 7 is a missed opportunity for that PERFECT high paying job.
Click the BUY NOW button and start learning. The world needs your new apps!
“Tim is a great Teacher and makes this stuff really easy to understand. He takes you from Zero to Expert in no time at all and always answers any questions I ask him almost right away. I started with Tim’s other “Complete Java Developer Course” which gave me a great Foundation in the principals of the Java Programming Language and unlike other Teachers on Udemy, Tim is ALWAYS adding new videos to his courses. If your thinking of taking this Course, I can tell you that when you learn the things Tim is teaching here, your Job prospects will be well enhanced. Thanks Again Tim.” – Oliver Farren
“Excellent communicator. Videos are very well organized and Tim articulates the important information very well. As a software programmer for over 30 years he certainly knows his stuff!!!!” – Dale Stewart
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Interface Overview
Lecture 3: Introduction to Android
Lecture 4: FAQ
Chapter 2: Downloading and Setup
Lecture 1: Windows – Install Android Studio
Lecture 2: Mac – Install Android Studio
Lecture 3: Linux – Install Android Studio
Lecture 4: Configure Android SDK on all Three Platforms
Lecture 5: Android Studio Settings
Lecture 6: Enable VT-X in BIOS
Chapter 3: Hello World Android app
Lecture 1: Your Programming Careers Questions Answered
Lecture 2: Access to Programming Career Q&A
Lecture 3: Introduction
Lecture 4: Android Studio Templates
Lecture 5: FAQ: Templates in Android Studio 3.6 and later
Lecture 6: More on Android Templates
Lecture 7: Hello World
Lecture 8: Tour of Android Studio
Lecture 9: Setting Up a Virtual Device
Lecture 10: FAQ: Emulators on Windows 10 with AMD processor
Lecture 11: Running on an emulator
Lecture 12: Running on a physical Android device
Chapter 4: The Button Counter app
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Setup Play Project
Lecture 3: The Constraint Layout
Lecture 4: Constraints and Resizing
Lecture 5: Positioning Widgets
Lecture 6: Inner Lines within a Widget
Lecture 7: Layouts on Different Devices
Lecture 8: More on the Constraints
Lecture 9: Layout Designer rendering error
Lecture 10: FAQ: Baseline Constraints change
Lecture 11: Baseline Constraints
Lecture 12: Constraining Widgets
Lecture 13: Add Scrolling Capabilities
Lecture 14: The Button Counter App
Lecture 15: Finish Layout
Lecture 16: Activites, Bundles and Classes
Lecture 17: Java Fields and Classes
Lecture 18: Asking good questions
Lecture 19: Button Click and onClickListener
Lecture 20: Fixing Some Issues
Lecture 21: Get Text and Null Checking
Lecture 22: ID Confusion and Challenge Time
Lecture 23: Save Instance State
Lecture 24: Activity Lifecycle
Lecture 25: Overriding Methods
Lecture 26: Logging and Bundle Data
Lecture 27: Wrap Up
Chapter 5: Java Tutorials
Lecture 1: Introduction to this section
Lecture 2: FAQ: Running pure Java code in Android Studio
Lecture 3: Hello World
Lecture 4: Strings and Ints
Lecture 5: Arithmetic and String Concatenation
Lecture 6: Classes
Lecture 7: Encapsulation
Lecture 8: Multiple Constructors
Lecture 9: this and Calling Methods
Lecture 10: Object and Method Chaining
Lecture 11: Enum and ArrayList
Lecture 12: Testing Our Classes
Lecture 13: Inheritance
Lecture 14: Extending From a Class
Lecture 15: Overloading and Overriding Annotation
Lecture 16: Inheritance Challenge
Lecture 17: Repeating Code While
Lecture 18: for and for each Loops
Lecture 19: do while Loop
Lecture 20: Comparing Numbers and Objects
Chapter 6: Calculator App
Lecture 1: Introduction to this section
Lecture 2: Demo Calculator App
Lecture 3: Calculator Interface Setup
Lecture 4: Continue with Interface
Lecture 5: Fine Tuning the Layout
Lecture 6: Create Landscape Layout
Lecture 7: Comparing Files with Diff
Lecture 8: Comparing Directories
Lecture 9: Flowchart and onClickListeners
Lecture 10: Operation Button Listeners
Lecture 11: Implement Operations
Lecture 12: Decimal Point Bug Fix
Lecture 13: Bug Fix Challenge
Lecture 14: Guidelines
Lecture 15: Fixing Landscape Layout
Lecture 16: Add Neg Button to Layout
Lecture 17: Write Neg Button Functionality
Lecture 18: Add Neg Button to Portrait
Chapter 7: Top 10 Downloaded App
Lecture 1: Introduction to this section
Lecture 2: Introduction
Lecture 3: Async Task
Lecture 4: Important note for API 28 (and higher) and the Top 10 Downloader
Lecture 5: Execute Our Async Task
Lecture 6: doInBackground and downloadXML
Tim Buchalka
Java Python Android and C# Expert Developer – 1.58M students -
Jean-Paul Roberts
Computer programmer, analyst and teacher -
Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy
Professional Programmers and Teachers – 2M students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 152 votes
- 2 stars: 218 votes
- 3 stars: 946 votes
- 4 stars: 3231 votes
- 5 stars: 6056 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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