Android Multithreading Masterclass
Android Multithreading Masterclass, available at $119.99, has an average rating of 4.63, with 81 lectures, based on 1002 reviews, and has 5948 subscribers.
You will learn about Write multithreaded code of any complexity in your Android apps Learn the difference between the UI and background threads Understand advanced concepts like Synchronization, Locks, Volatility and Happens-Before Analyze and reason about the thread-safety of your code Manage hundreds of inter-dependent threads Prevent memory leaks Compare popular concurrency frameworks for Android: AsyncTask, RxJava, Coroutines This course is ideal for individuals who are Android developers It is particularly useful for Android developers.
Enroll now: Android Multithreading Masterclass
Title: Android Multithreading Masterclass
Price: $119.99
Average Rating: 4.63
Number of Lectures: 81
Number of Published Lectures: 81
Number of Curriculum Items: 81
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 81
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Write multithreaded code of any complexity in your Android apps
- Learn the difference between the UI and background threads
- Understand advanced concepts like Synchronization, Locks, Volatility and Happens-Before
- Analyze and reason about the thread-safety of your code
- Manage hundreds of inter-dependent threads
- Prevent memory leaks
- Compare popular concurrency frameworks for Android: AsyncTask, RxJava, Coroutines
Who Should Attend
- Android developers
Target Audiences
- Android developers
Multithreading is an essential topic in Android development because, to write snappy and reliable Android applications, you must use more than one thread. Unfortunately, multithreading is also a very complex technique that introduces unique challenges. Incorrect multithreaded code manifests itself as unresponsive user interfaces, freezes, memory leaks, crashes and other bugs, all of which can be very challenging to find and fix.
In this course, you’ll dive into the fundamentals of multithreading and learn to write correct and performant multithreaded code of any complexity in your Android applications!
Topics covered in this course:
What a thread is
Why multithreading is uniquely challenging
Keep the user interface responsive
Make your multithreaded code thread-safe (i.e. correct and reliable)
Analyze the performance of multithreaded code
Manage up to hundreds(!) of concurrent threads
Compare several multithreading frameworks for Android, including AsyncTask, RxJava and Kotlin Coroutines
You’ll practice everything you’ll learn here by solving a series of carefully designed, hands-on exercises. So, after completing this course, you’ll have extensive hands-on experience with multithreaded code.
We’ll review several popular concurrency frameworks and see how they accommodate the same complex multithreaded feature. This will allow you to grasp the full landscape of multithreading in Android ecosystem. This will allow you to choose the framework you like the best to use in your Android projects!
So, if you want to become an expert in Android multithreading, this course is perfect for you!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Java and Kotlin
Lecture 2: Tutorial Application Overview and Important Info
Chapter 2: Concurrency and Multithreading Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Motivation for Hardware Intuition
Lecture 2: CPU Operation Basics
Lecture 3: Single-Tasking System
Lecture 4: Cooperative Multitasking System
Lecture 5: Preemptive Multitasking System
Lecture 6: Multiprocessing System
Lecture 7: Android Processes and Threads
Chapter 3: Thread Class, Garbage Collector, Memory Leaks
Lecture 1: java.lang.Thread Class
Lecture 2: Exercise 1
Lecture 3: Garbage Collector in Android
Lecture 4: Memory Leaks in Android
Lecture 5: Threads Termination
Lecture 6: Exercise 2
Lecture 7: Thread Class, Garbage Collector, Memory Leaks Summary
Chapter 4: UI Thread in Android Applications
Lecture 1: UI Thread vs Background Thread in Android
Lecture 2: Demonstration of UI Thread
Lecture 3: User Interface Responsiveness
Lecture 4: Protection of User Interface from Background Threads
Lecture 5: Execution of Code on UI Thread
Lecture 6: Handler and Looper Intuition
Lecture 7: Exercise 3
Lecture 8: UI Thread in Android Applications Summary
Chapter 5: Multithreading Challenges
Lecture 1: Introduction To Multithreading Challenges
Lecture 2: Visibility
Lecture 3: Atomicity
Lecture 4: Volatile Variables
Lecture 5: Concurrency Bug Fix, or When Volatility Isn't Sufficient
Lecture 6: Atomic Classes
Lecture 7: Threads Synchronization
Lecture 8: Immutability
Lecture 9: Happens Before
Lecture 10: Happens Before Demonstration
Lecture 11: Exercise 4
Lecture 12: Exercise 4 Solution
Lecture 13: Amendment to Exercise 4 Solution
Lecture 14: Multithreading Challenges Summary
Chapter 6: Paused (Blocked) Threads
Lecture 1: Pausing Threads
Lecture 2: Thread Sleep
Lecture 3: Thread Wait
Lecture 4: Thread Join
Lecture 5: Amendment To Thread Join
Lecture 6: Exercise 5
Lecture 7: Solution Exercise 5
Lecture 8: Paused (Blocked) Threads Summary
Chapter 7: Clean Design of Multithreaded Code
Lecture 1: Importance of Clean Design
Lecture 2: Refactoring to Use Case and Observer
Lecture 3: Java 8 Lambdas
Lecture 4: Exercise 6
Lecture 5: Clean Design of Multithreaded Code Summary
Chapter 8: Thread Pool
Lecture 1: Simple Cached Thread Pool
Lecture 2: Thread Pool Issues
Lecture 3: Custom Configuration Of ThreadPoolExecutor
Lecture 4: Interplay Between Core Threads and Keep Alive Time
Lecture 5: Misconfiguration of ThreadPoolExecutor in AsyncTask
Lecture 6: Providing Multithreading Classes Using Dependency Injection
Lecture 7: Exercise 7
Lecture 8: Thread Pool Summary
Chapter 9: AsyncTask
Lecture 1: Why You Need to Know AsyncTask
Lecture 2: AsyncTask Demonstration and Highlight of Issues
Lecture 3: AsyncTask Summary
Chapter 10: ThreadPoster
Lecture 1: ThreadPoster Demonstration
Lecture 2: Exercise 8
Lecture 3: ThreadPoster Summary
Chapter 11: RxJava
Lecture 1: RxJava Introduction
Lecture 2: RxJava Observable
Lecture 3: RxJava Disposable
Lecture 4: RxJava Advanced Multithreading
Lecture 5: Exercise 9
Lecture 6: RxJava Summary
Chapter 12: Coroutines
Lecture 1: Kotlin and Corooutines
Lecture 2: Coroutines Demonstration
Lecture 3: Nested Coroutines
Lecture 4: Coroutines Dispatchers
Lecture 5: Coroutines Cancellation
Lecture 6: Non Cancellable Coroutines
Lecture 7: Exercise 10
Lecture 8: Coroutines Summary
Chapter 13: Course Summary and Next Steps
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Vasiliy Zukanov
Professional Android developer, Blogger, Educator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 14 votes
- 3 stars: 48 votes
- 4 stars: 245 votes
- 5 stars: 691 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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