Apache Spark and Scala
Apache Spark and Scala, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.6, with 67 lectures, based on 144 reviews, and has 656 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the limitations of Hadoop mapreduce and how Spark overcomes these limitations Gain expertise in Scala programming language and its characteristics Able to work with RDDs' and create applications in Spark A thorough understanding about Spark SQL by using SQL queries in Spark This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who aspire to gain a deep understanding of Apache Spark or Professionals looking for a career in real time big data analytics or Big Data and Hadoop Developers who want to analyze data faster It is particularly useful for Students who aspire to gain a deep understanding of Apache Spark or Professionals looking for a career in real time big data analytics or Big Data and Hadoop Developers who want to analyze data faster.
Enroll now: Apache Spark and Scala
Title: Apache Spark and Scala
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Lectures: 67
Number of Published Lectures: 67
Number of Curriculum Items: 67
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 67
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the limitations of Hadoop mapreduce and how Spark overcomes these limitations
- Gain expertise in Scala programming language and its characteristics
- Able to work with RDDs' and create applications in Spark
- A thorough understanding about Spark SQL by using SQL queries in Spark
Who Should Attend
- Students who aspire to gain a deep understanding of Apache Spark
- Professionals looking for a career in real time big data analytics
- Big Data and Hadoop Developers who want to analyze data faster
Target Audiences
- Students who aspire to gain a deep understanding of Apache Spark
- Professionals looking for a career in real time big data analytics
- Big Data and Hadoop Developers who want to analyze data faster
This course on Apache Spark and Scala aims at providing an advanced expertise in big data Hadoop ecosystem. This course will provide a standard skillset which helps one become a specialist on the top of Big data Hadoop developer.
The course starts with a detailed description on limitations of mapreduce and how Spark can help overcome them. Further it covers a deeper dive into the Scala programming language.
Moving on it covers Spark as a standalone cluster and an understanding of Resiliient Distributed Datasets.
The course also covers concepts of Spark SQL using SQL queries through SQL context and Hive Queries through Hive context.
This course certainly provides material required for building a career path from Big data Hadoop developer to BIg data Hadoop architect.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Module-1 Introduction to Big data, Hadoop and Spark
Lecture 1: 1.1 Overview of Big Data
Lecture 2: 1.2 Introduction to Apache Hadoop
Lecture 3: 1.3 Hadoop Distributed File System
Lecture 4: 1.4 Hadoop Map Reduce
Lecture 5: 1.5 Introduction to Apache Spark
Lecture 6: 1.6 Characteristics of Apache Spark
Lecture 7: 1.7 Users and Use Cases of Apache Spark
Lecture 8: 1.8 Job Execution Flow and Spark Execution
Lecture 9: 1.9 Spark Unified Stack
Lecture 10: 1.10 Complete Picture of Apache Spark
Lecture 11: 1.11 Why Spark with Scala
Lecture 12: 1.12 Apache spark Architecture
Chapter 2: Module 2: Introduction to Scala Programming Language
Lecture 1: 2.1 Introduction to Scala
Lecture 2: 2.2 Scala Basic Syntax
Lecture 3: 2.3 Scala Class and Objects
Lecture 4: 2.4 If else Statements in Scala
Lecture 5: 2.5 Loops in Scala
Chapter 3: Module 3: Advanced Scala Programming
Lecture 1: 3.1 Functions and Procedures in Scala
Lecture 2: 3.2 Access Modifiers
Lecture 3: 3.3 Strings and Arrays
Lecture 4: 3.4 Scala Collections
Lecture 5: 3.5 Scala Traits
Lecture 6: 3.6 Pattern Matching
Lecture 7: 3.7 Scala Extractors
Lecture 8: 3.8 Scala Exception Handling
Lecture 9: 3.9 Scala Files IO
Chapter 4: Module 4: Apache Spark RDDs
Lecture 1: 4.1 Programming with RDDs
Lecture 2: 4.2 Starting with Spark
Lecture 3: 4.3 Creating RDDs
Lecture 4: 4.4 RDD Operations
Lecture 5: 4.5 Lifecycle of Spark
Chapter 5: Module 5: Apache Spark RDDs II
Lecture 1: 5.1 Spark Caching
Lecture 2: 5.2 Common Transformations and Actions
Lecture 3: 5.3 Spark Functions
Lecture 4: 5.4 Some more Spark functions
Chapter 6: Module 6: Working with Key-Value pairs
Lecture 1: 6.1 Key Value Pairs
Lecture 2: 6.2 Aggregate Functions
Lecture 3: 6.3 Working with Aggregate Functions
Lecture 4: 6.4 Joins in Spark
Lecture 5: 6.5 Practical on Word count example
Chapter 7: Module 7: Advanced Spark Programming
Lecture 1: 7.1 Spark Shared Variables
Lecture 2: 7.2 Spark and Fault Tolerance
Lecture 3: 7.3 Broadcast variables
Lecture 4: 7.4 Numeric RDD Operations
Lecture 5: 7.5 Per-Partition Operations
Chapter 8: Module 8: Running Spark jobs on Cluster
Lecture 1: 8.1 Spark Runtime Architecture
Lecture 2: 8.2 Spark Driver
Lecture 3: 8.3 Executors
Lecture 4: 8.4 Cluster Managers
Lecture 5: 8.5 Cluster Managers II
Chapter 9: Module 9: Spark SQL
Lecture 1: 9.1 Introduction to Spark SQL
Lecture 2: 9.2 Starting Point-SQL Context
Lecture 3: 9.3 Hive with Spark SQL
Lecture 4: 9.4 Spark SQL Caching
Chapter 10: Module 10: Spark Streaming
Lecture 1: People.json, Employee.json
Chapter 11: Module 11: Machine Learning in Spark
Lecture 1: 11.1 machine learning with mllib
Lecture 2: 11.2 MLib Data Types
Lecture 3: 11.3 labeled point data types
Lecture 4: 11.4 Local Matrices in mllib
Lecture 5: 11.5 MLib Algorithms
Lecture 6: 11.6 Classification and Regression
Lecture 7: 11.7 Clustering
Chapter 12: Module 12: GraphX in Spark
Lecture 1: 12.1 GraphX Introduction
Lecture 2: 12.2 Creating Graphs
Lecture 3: 12.3 Graph Operators
Lecture 4: 12.4 Subgraph Transformation
Lecture 5: 12.5 Computation with map reduce triplets
Insculpt Technologies
Engraving Intelligence
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 22 votes
- 3 stars: 29 votes
- 4 stars: 40 votes
- 5 stars: 40 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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