API introduction use JavaScript AJAX JSON Social Connections
API introduction use JavaScript AJAX JSON Social Connections, available at $34.99, has an average rating of 3.45, with 41 lectures, based on 133 reviews, and has 9731 subscribers.
You will learn about connect to APIs Access data using AJAX Learn about JSON data Access Google Maps for your website Access Twitter API, Widgets and connect to your Twitter account Access Facebook API authorization by Facebook for websites This course is ideal for individuals who are web developers or this API course is meant for web developers who want to integrate API content or web masters who want to add Google Maps, Facebook Login or other top APIs or Anyone who wants to learn more about AJAX and JSON to transfer data into HTML It is particularly useful for web developers or this API course is meant for web developers who want to integrate API content or web masters who want to add Google Maps, Facebook Login or other top APIs or Anyone who wants to learn more about AJAX and JSON to transfer data into HTML.
Enroll now: API introduction use JavaScript AJAX JSON Social Connections
Title: API introduction use JavaScript AJAX JSON Social Connections
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 3.45
Number of Lectures: 41
Number of Published Lectures: 41
Number of Curriculum Items: 41
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 41
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- connect to APIs
- Access data using AJAX
- Learn about JSON data
- Access Google Maps for your website
- Access Twitter API, Widgets and connect to your Twitter account
- Access Facebook API authorization by Facebook for websites
Who Should Attend
- web developers
- this API course is meant for web developers who want to integrate API content
- web masters who want to add Google Maps, Facebook Login or other top APIs
- Anyone who wants to learn more about AJAX and JSON to transfer data into HTML
Target Audiences
- web developers
- this API course is meant for web developers who want to integrate API content
- web masters who want to add Google Maps, Facebook Login or other top APIs
- Anyone who wants to learn more about AJAX and JSON to transfer data into HTML
APIs are an extremely powerful way to access content and interact with severs across the internet. Within this course we show you how to use simple JavaScript and connect to popular web 2.0 APIs like Twitter, Google Maps, and Facebook. We show you how AJAX works and how to use JSON to transfer and output data onto your webpage.
We use HTML and CSS to setup the webpage, and JavaScript to pull data onto the page.
AJAX and how to connect and output file information into HTML using JavaScript.
JSON– as a data source, how to check JSON and parse it using JavaScript.
Google Maps – is done using JavaScript, we show you how to add interactive maps, set markers and more. Basic JavaScript knowledge is used but not required.
Twitter Developer API– We introduce you to the Twitter Developer console, how to create applications and widgets. We show several ways to place Twitter data on your site, including Twitter Widgets, JavaScript only format for search, timelines and user info. Twitter REST API, to pull user feed, search twitter for hashtags, post tweets and more. PHP is used in this lecture but PHP knowledge is not necessary, the source code can be copied and updated with your own keys to access the API. If you want to learn how to access Twitter and create applications that interact with Twitter this course will teach you how.
Facebook– Using the JavaScript SDK, we show you how to login, access the Facebook API and pull back data. Authorizing your applications with Facebook authorization.
All the source code is included, step by step learning and a 30 day money back guarantee.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to web APIs
Lecture 1: Introduction to course and what you will learn
Lecture 2: Introduction to APIs
Lecture 3: Web APIs resources
Lecture 4: JavaScript web APIs
Chapter 2: AJAX and how to make requests
Lecture 1: XMLHttpRequest requests
Lecture 2: JavaScript API AJAX requests
Lecture 3: JavaScript API access options
Lecture 4: API source code
Chapter 3: JSON how to read JavaScript Object notation data
Lecture 1: JavaScript API JSON
Lecture 2: JavaScript API JSON as object data
Lecture 3: source JSON
Lecture 4: JSON Resources Online
Lecture 5: Resource for JSON
Lecture 6: JavaScript API AJAX URI data source connection
Lecture 7: JavaScript API AJAX for each loop return object data
Lecture 8: AJAX JSON sourcecode
Chapter 4: Working with Web APIs Google Map APIs
Lecture 1: JavaScript API setting up Google Map API
Lecture 2: JavaScript API working with Google Map
Lecture 3: JavaScript API Google Map Properties
Lecture 4: JavaScript API add marker
Lecture 5: JavaScript API Google Map Event Listener
Lecture 6: Google Map Source Code
Chapter 5: API to Twitter data
Lecture 1: JavaScript API twitter Widget API introduction
Lecture 2: Twitter JavaScript API JavaScript Only option
Lecture 3: Twitter API resources
Lecture 4: Twitter Setting up Feed JavaScript API
Lecture 5: Settings.php
Lecture 6: Twitter API PHP code explanation
Lecture 7: Index Source Files
Lecture 8: PHP Twitter API setup
Lecture 9: Query on a hashtag Twitter API
Lecture 10: Twitter API posting tweets via REST API
Lecture 11: Twitter Project Source Files
Chapter 6: Facebook API Access
Lecture 1: Basic Facebook API setup
Lecture 2: Facebook Resource Guide
Lecture 3: Facebook Social Plugins
Lecture 4: JavaScript Facebook API login
Lecture 5: JavaScript SDK Facebook login process
Lecture 6: Simple Facebook Login Sourcecode
Lecture 7: Web APIs and Course Resources
Chapter 7: JavaScript coding examples code snippets and Q&A responses
Lecture 1: JavaScript Callback examples
Laurence Svekis
Instructor, GDE, Application Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 15 votes
- 3 stars: 28 votes
- 4 stars: 34 votes
- 5 stars: 51 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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