Applied Deep Learning with Keras
Applied Deep Learning with Keras, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.42, with 108 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 6 reviews, and has 87 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the difference between single-layer and multi-layer neural network models Use Keras to build simple logistic regression models, deep neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and convolutional neural networks Apply L1, L2, and dropout regularization to improve the accuracy of your model Implement cross-validate using Keras wrappers with scikit-learn Understand the limitations of model accuracy This course is ideal for individuals who are If you have basic knowledge of data science and machine learning and want to develop your skills and learn about artificial neural networks and deep learning, you will find this course useful. It is particularly useful for If you have basic knowledge of data science and machine learning and want to develop your skills and learn about artificial neural networks and deep learning, you will find this course useful.
Enroll now: Applied Deep Learning with Keras
Title: Applied Deep Learning with Keras
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.42
Number of Lectures: 108
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 108
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 117
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 117
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the difference between single-layer and multi-layer neural network models
- Use Keras to build simple logistic regression models, deep neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and convolutional neural networks
- Apply L1, L2, and dropout regularization to improve the accuracy of your model
- Implement cross-validate using Keras wrappers with scikit-learn
- Understand the limitations of model accuracy
Who Should Attend
- If you have basic knowledge of data science and machine learning and want to develop your skills and learn about artificial neural networks and deep learning, you will find this course useful.
Target Audiences
- If you have basic knowledge of data science and machine learning and want to develop your skills and learn about artificial neural networks and deep learning, you will find this course useful.
Though designing neural networks is a sought-after skill, it is not easy to master. With Keras, you can apply complex machine learning algorithms with minimum code.
Applied Deep Learning with Keras starts by taking you through the basics of machine learning and Python all the way to gaining an in-depth understanding of applying Keras to develop efficient deep learning solutions. To help you grasp the difference between machine and deep learning, the course guides you on how to build a logistic regression model, first with scikit-learn and then with Keras. You will delve into Keras and its many models by creating prediction models for various real-world scenarios, such as disease prediction and customer churning. You’ll gain knowledge on how to evaluate, optimize, and improve your models to achieve maximum information. Next, you’ll learn to evaluate your model by cross-validating it using Keras Wrapper and scikit-learn. Following this, you’ll proceed to understand how to apply L1, L2, and dropout regularization techniques to improve the accuracy of your model. To help maintain accuracy, you’ll get to grips with applying techniques including null accuracy, precision, and AUC-ROC score techniques for fine tuning your model.
By the end of this course, you will have the skills you need to use Keras when building high-level deep neural networks.
About the Author
Ritesh Bhagwathas a master’s degree in applied mathematics with a specialization in computer science. He has over 14 years of experience in data-driven technologies and has led and been a part of complex projects ranging from data warehousing and business intelligence to machine learning and artificial intelligence. He has worked with top-tier global consulting firms as well as large multinational financial institutions. Currently, he works as a data scientist. Besides work, he enjoys playing and watching cricket and loves to travel. He is also deeply interested in Bayesian statistics.
Mahla Abdolahnejadis a Ph.D. candidate in systems and computer engineering with Carleton University, Canada. She also holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in biomedical engineering, which first exposed her to the field of artificial intelligence and artificial neural networks, in particular. Her Ph.D. research is focused on deep unsupervised learning for computer vision applications. She is particularly interested in exploring the differences between a human’s way of learning from the visual world and a machine’s way of learning from the visual world, and how to push machine learning algorithms toward learning and thinking like humans.
Matthew Moocarme is a director and senior data scientist in Viacom’s Advertising Science team. As a data scientist at Viacom, he designs data-driven solutions to help Viacom gain insights, streamline workflows, and solve complex problems using data science and machine learning.
Matthew lives in New York City and outside of work enjoys combining deep learning with music theory. He is a classically-trained physicist, holding a Ph.D. in Physics from The Graduate Center of CUNY and is an active Artificial Intelligence developer, researcher, practitioner, and educator.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Machine Learning with Keras
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: Installation and Setup
Lecture 3: Lesson Overview
Lecture 4: Data Representation
Lecture 5: Loading a Dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository
Lecture 6: Data Pre-Processing
Lecture 7: Cleaning the Data
Lecture 8: Appropriate Representation of the Data
Lecture 9: Lifecycle of Model Creation
Lecture 10: Machine Learning Libraries and scikit-learn
Lecture 11: Keras
Lecture 12: Model Training
Lecture 13: Creating a Simple Model
Lecture 14: Model Tuning
Lecture 15: Regularization
Lecture 16: Lesson Summary
Lecture 17: Activity 1: Adding Regularization to the Model
Lecture 18: Solution 1: Adding Regularization to the Model
Chapter 2: Machine Learning versus Deep Learning
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: Introduction to ANNs
Lecture 3: Linear Transformations
Lecture 4: Matrix Transposition
Lecture 5: Introduction to Keras
Lecture 6: Lesson Summary
Lecture 7: Activity 2: Creating a Logistic Regression Model Using Keras
Lecture 8: Solution 2: Creating a Logistic Regression Model Using Keras
Chapter 3: Deep Learning with Keras
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: Building Your First Neural Network
Lecture 3: Gradient Descent for Learning the Parameters
Lecture 4: Model Evaluation
Lecture 5: Lesson Summary
Lecture 6: Activity 3: Building a Single-Layer Neural Network for Performing Binary Classif
Lecture 7: Solution 3: Building a Single-Layer Neural Network
Lecture 8: Activity 4: Diabetes Diagnosis with Neural Networks
Lecture 9: Solution 4: Diabetes Diagnosis with Neural Networks
Chapter 4: Evaluate Your Model with Cross-Validation using Keras Wrappers
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: Cross-Validation
Lecture 3: Cross-Validation for Deep Learning Models
Lecture 4: Evaluate Deep Neural Networks with Cross-Validation
Lecture 5: Model Selection with Cross-validation
Lecture 6: Write User-Defined Functions to Implement Deep Learning Models with Cross-Valida
Lecture 7: Lesson Summary
Lecture 8: Activity 5: Model Evaluation Using Cross-Validation
Lecture 9: Solution 5: Model Evaluation Using Cross-Validation
Lecture 10: Solution 5: Model Evaluation Using Cross-Validation
Lecture 11: Solution 6: Model Selection Using Cross-Validation
Lecture 12: Activity 7: Model Selection for Diabetes Diagnosis
Lecture 13: Solution 7: Model Selection for Diabetes Diagnosis
Chapter 5: Improving Model Accuracy
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: Regularization
Lecture 3: L1 and L2 Regularization
Lecture 4: Dropout Regularization
Lecture 5: Other Regularization Methods
Lecture 6: Data Augmentation
Lecture 7: Hyperparameter Tuning with scikit-learn
Lecture 8: Lesson Summary
Lecture 9: Activity 8: Weight Regularization on a Diabetes Diagnosis Classifier
Lecture 10: Solution 8: Weight Regularization on a Diabetes Diagnosis Classifier
Lecture 11: Activity 9: Dropout Regularization on Boston Housing Dataset
Lecture 12: Solution 9: Dropout Regularization on Boston House Prices Dataset
Lecture 13: Activity 10: Hyperparameter Tuning on the Diabetes Diagnosis Classifier
Lecture 14: Solution 10: Hyperparameter Tuning on the Diabetes Diagnosis Classifier
Chapter 6: Model Evaluation
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: Accuracy
Lecture 3: Imbalanced Datasets
Lecture 4: Confusion Matrix
Lecture 5: Computing Accuracy and Null Accuracy with Healthcare Data
Lecture 6: Calculate the ROC and AUC Curves
Lecture 7: Lesson Summary
Lecture 8: Activity 11: Computing the Accuracy and Null Accuracy of a Neural Network
Lecture 9: Solution 11: Computing the Accuracy and Null Accuracy of a Neural Network
Lecture 10: Activity 12: Derive and Compute Metrics Based on a Confusion Matrix
Lecture 11: Solution 12: Derive and Compute Metrics Based on the Confusion Matrix Solution
Chapter 7: Summarize your learning from this lesson.
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: Computer Vision
Lecture 3: Architecture of a CNN
Lecture 4: Image Augmentation
Lecture 5: Amending Our Model by Reverting to the Sigmoid Activation Function
Lecture 6: Changing the Optimizer from Adam to SGD
Lecture 7: Classifying a New Image
Lecture 8: Lesson Summary
Lecture 9: Activity 13: Amending our Model with Multiple Layers and the Use of SoftMax
Lecture 10: Solution 13: Amending our Model with Multiple Layers and Use of SoftMax
Lecture 11: Activity 14: Classify a New Image
Lecture 12: Solution 14: Classify a New Image
Chapter 8: Transfer Learning and Pre-trained Models
Packt Publishing
Tech Knowledge in Motion
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
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