Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp in R Programming
Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp in R Programming, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 3.9, with 92 lectures, based on 64 reviews, and has 776 subscribers.
You will learn about How to build Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in R How to build Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in R How to use H20 package in R to solve real world challenges Read Data Into R Environment From Different Sources Implement Pre-processing Tasks in R Environment This course is ideal for individuals who are Data Scientist and Machine Learning enthusiasts who wants to add R Programming into their toolkit It is particularly useful for Data Scientist and Machine Learning enthusiasts who wants to add R Programming into their toolkit.
Enroll now: Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp in R Programming
Title: Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp in R Programming
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 3.9
Number of Lectures: 92
Number of Published Lectures: 86
Number of Curriculum Items: 92
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 86
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to build Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in R
- How to build Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in R
- How to use H20 package in R to solve real world challenges
- Read Data Into R Environment From Different Sources
- Implement Pre-processing Tasks in R Environment
Who Should Attend
- Data Scientist and Machine Learning enthusiasts who wants to add R Programming into their toolkit
Target Audiences
- Data Scientist and Machine Learning enthusiasts who wants to add R Programming into their toolkit
This course covers the main aspects of neural networks and deep learning. If you take this course, you can do away with taking other courses or buying books on R based data science.
In this age of big data, companies across the globe use R to sift through the avalanche of information at their disposal. By becoming proficient in neural networks and deep learning in R, you can give your company a competitive edge and boost your career to the next level!
My name is Minerva Singh and I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished a PhD at Cambridge University.
I have +5 years of experience in analyzing real life data from different sources using data science related techniques and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals.
Over the course of my research I realized almost all the R data science courses and books out there do not account for the multidimensional nature of the topic .
This course will give you a robust grounding in the main aspects of practical neural networks and deep learning.
Unlike other R instructors, I dig deep into the data science features of R and give you a one-of-a-kind grounding in data science…
You will go all the way from carrying out data reading & cleaning to to finally implementing powerful neural networks and deep learning algorithms and evaluating their performance using R.
Among other things:
You will be introduced to powerful R-based deep learning packages such as h2o and MXNET.
You will be introduced to deep neural networks (DNN), convolution neural networks (CNN) and unsupervised methods.
You will learn how to implement convolutional neural networks (CNN)s on imagery data using the Keras framework
You will learn to apply these frameworks to real life data including credit card fraud data, tumor data, images among others for classification and regression applications.
With this course, you’ll have the keys to the entire R Neural Networks and Deep Learning Kingdom!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to AI in R course
Lecture 1: Welcome To The Course
Lecture 2: Install R and RStudio
Lecture 3: EXTRA: Learning Path
Lecture 4: Get the Materials
Lecture 5: Install MXnet in R and RStudio
Lecture 6: Install Mxnet in R- Written Instructions
Lecture 7: Install H2o
Lecture 8: What is Keras?
Lecture 9: Install Keras in R
Chapter 2: Working with Real Data
Lecture 1: Read in Data From CSV and Excel Files
Lecture 2: Read in Data from Online HTML Tables-Part 1
Lecture 3: Read in Data from Online HTML Tables-Part 2
Lecture 4: Working with External Data in H2o
Lecture 5: Remove NAs
Lecture 6: More Data Cleaning
Lecture 7: Introduction to dplyr for Data Summarizing-Part 1
Lecture 8: Introduction to dplyr for Data Summarizing-Part 2
Lecture 9: Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA): Basic Visualizations with R
Lecture 10: What Are the Most Common Data Types We Will Encounter?
Chapter 3: Some Theoretical Foundations
Lecture 1: Difference Between Supervised & Unsupervised Learning
Chapter 4: ANN Intuition
Lecture 1: Plan of Attack
Lecture 2: The Neuron
Lecture 3: The Activation Function
Lecture 4: How do Neural Networks work?
Lecture 5: How do Neural Networks learn?
Lecture 6: Gradient Descent
Lecture 7: Stochastic Gradient Descent
Lecture 8: Backpropagation
Chapter 5: Build Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in R
Lecture 1: Neural Network for Binary Classifications
Lecture 2: Evaluate Accuracy
Lecture 3: Implement a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) For Supervised Classification
Lecture 4: Neural Network for Multiclass Classifications
Lecture 5: Neural Network for Image Type Data
Lecture 6: Multi-class Classification Using Neural Networks with caret
Lecture 7: Implement an ANN with H2o For Multi-Class Supervised Classification
Lecture 8: Implement an ANN Based Classification Using MXNet
Lecture 9: Implement MLP With Keras
Lecture 10: Keras MLP On Real Data
Lecture 11: Keras MLP For Regression
Lecture 12: Neural Network for Regression
Lecture 13: More on Artificial Neural Networks(ANN) – with neuralnet
Lecture 14: Implement an ANN Based Regression Using MXNet
Lecture 15: Identify Variable Importance in Neural Networks
Chapter 6: Build Deep Neural Networks (DNN) in R
Lecture 1: Implement a Simple DNN With "neuralnet" for Binary Classifications
Lecture 2: Implement a Simple DNN With "deepnet" for Regression
Lecture 3: Implement a DNN with H2o For Multi-Class Supervised Classification
Lecture 4: Implement a (Less Intensive) DNN with H2o For Supervised Classification
Lecture 5: Implement a DNN With Keras
Lecture 6: Implement a DNN With Keras
Lecture 7: Identify Variable Importance
Lecture 8: Implement MXNET via "caret"
Lecture 9: Implement a DNN with H2o For Regression
Lecture 10: Implement a DNN with Keras For Regression
Lecture 11: Implement DNN Regression With Keras (Real Data)
Chapter 7: Unsupervised Classification with Deep Learning
Lecture 1: Theory Behind Unsupervised Classification
Lecture 2: Autoencoders for Unsupervised Learning
Lecture 3: Autoencoders for Credit Card Fraud Detection
Lecture 4: Use the Autoencoder Model for Anomaly Detection
Lecture 5: Autoencoders for Unsupervised Classification
Lecture 6: Autoencoders With Keras
Lecture 7: Keras Autoencoders on Real Data
Lecture 8: Stacked Autoencoder With Keras
Lecture 9: Keras For Outlier Detection
Lecture 10: Find the Outlier
Lecture 11: Outlier Detection For Cancer (With Keras)
Chapter 8: CNN Intuition
Lecture 1: Plan of Attack
Lecture 2: What are convolutional neural networks?
Lecture 3: Step 1 – Convolution Operation
Lecture 4: Step 1(b) – ReLU Layer
Lecture 5: Step 2 – Pooling
Lecture 6: Step 3 – Flattening
Lecture 7: Step 4 – Full Connection
Lecture 8: Summary
Lecture 9: Softmax & Cross-Entropy
Chapter 9: Practical CNN Implementation in R
Lecture 1: Implement a CNN for Multi-Class Supervised Classification
Lecture 2: More About Our CNN Model Accuracy
Lecture 3: Set Up CNN With Keras
Lecture 4: More About CNN With Keras
Lecture 5: Implement Keras CNN On Real Images
Lecture 6: Some More Explanations
Lecture 7: Improve CNN Performance
Chapter 10: Working With Textual Data
Lecture 1: Basic Pre-Processing of Text Data
Lecture 2: Detect Frauds Using Keras Autoencoders on Text Data
Lecture 3: Word Embeddings For Classifying Fraud
Lecture 4: Word Embeddings For Classifying Fraud-GloVe
Chapter 11: Congratulations!! Don't forget your Prize 🙂
Lecture 1: Bonus: How To UNLOCK Top Salaries (Live Training)
Minerva Singh
Bestselling Instructor & Data Scientist(Cambridge Uni) -
SuperDataScience Team
Helping Data Scientists Succeed -
Ligency Team
Helping Data Scientists Succeed
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 12 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 14 votes
- 5 stars: 25 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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