ASP.NET Core Integration Testing with CI/CD Pipeline
ASP.NET Core Integration Testing with CI/CD Pipeline, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 66 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 63 reviews, and has 363 subscribers.
You will learn about An overview of Integration Testing. Learners will gain a solid understanding of what integration testing is, its importance in software development. Develop proficiency in designing and implementing integration tests: Learners will learn various strategies for designing effective integration tests. How to create integration tests using Microsoft ASPNET Core? Learners will delve into the process of setting up test environments and configuring test data . Usage of XUnit Test framework for integration tests. Learners will learn how to leverage XUnit's features, such as test fixtures, test runners, assertions. Understand the concept of Mock Repositories. Learners will grasp the concept of simulating data access behavior in tests, isolated and controlled testing Learn how to use In-Memory Databases for Testing. Learn to employ lightweight, transient databases for efficient and isolated testing. Develop a robust testing strategy for data access code. Create robust tests for data access code: comprehensive coverage, handle edge cases, data integrity Gain hands-on experience in conducting integration tests: Through practical exercises, learners will gain hands-on experience in conducting integration tests. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is designed for software developers and engineers who want to enhance their skills in integration testing of data access code. or It is particularly beneficial for those working on web application development using frameworks such as ASPNET or The course is suitable for learners with a basic understanding of programming concepts and experience with a programming language like C#, C++, Java, or Python or Whether you are a beginner seeking to expand your testing knowledge or an experienced developer looking to improve your testing strategy, this course provides valuable insights and practical guidance to help you effectively test data access code in your projects. It is particularly useful for This course is designed for software developers and engineers who want to enhance their skills in integration testing of data access code. or It is particularly beneficial for those working on web application development using frameworks such as ASPNET or The course is suitable for learners with a basic understanding of programming concepts and experience with a programming language like C#, C++, Java, or Python or Whether you are a beginner seeking to expand your testing knowledge or an experienced developer looking to improve your testing strategy, this course provides valuable insights and practical guidance to help you effectively test data access code in your projects.
Enroll now: ASP.NET Core Integration Testing with CI/CD Pipeline
Title: ASP.NET Core Integration Testing with CI/CD Pipeline
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 66
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 66
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 76
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 76
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- An overview of Integration Testing. Learners will gain a solid understanding of what integration testing is, its importance in software development.
- Develop proficiency in designing and implementing integration tests: Learners will learn various strategies for designing effective integration tests.
- How to create integration tests using Microsoft ASPNET Core? Learners will delve into the process of setting up test environments and configuring test data .
- Usage of XUnit Test framework for integration tests. Learners will learn how to leverage XUnit's features, such as test fixtures, test runners, assertions.
- Understand the concept of Mock Repositories. Learners will grasp the concept of simulating data access behavior in tests, isolated and controlled testing
- Learn how to use In-Memory Databases for Testing. Learn to employ lightweight, transient databases for efficient and isolated testing.
- Develop a robust testing strategy for data access code. Create robust tests for data access code: comprehensive coverage, handle edge cases, data integrity
- Gain hands-on experience in conducting integration tests: Through practical exercises, learners will gain hands-on experience in conducting integration tests.
Who Should Attend
- This course is designed for software developers and engineers who want to enhance their skills in integration testing of data access code.
- It is particularly beneficial for those working on web application development using frameworks such as ASPNET
- The course is suitable for learners with a basic understanding of programming concepts and experience with a programming language like C#, C++, Java, or Python
- Whether you are a beginner seeking to expand your testing knowledge or an experienced developer looking to improve your testing strategy, this course provides valuable insights and practical guidance to help you effectively test data access code in your projects.
Target Audiences
- This course is designed for software developers and engineers who want to enhance their skills in integration testing of data access code.
- It is particularly beneficial for those working on web application development using frameworks such as ASPNET
- The course is suitable for learners with a basic understanding of programming concepts and experience with a programming language like C#, C++, Java, or Python
- Whether you are a beginner seeking to expand your testing knowledge or an experienced developer looking to improve your testing strategy, this course provides valuable insights and practical guidance to help you effectively test data access code in your projects.
Welcome to “ASP.NET Core Integration Testing with CI/CD Pipeline” a comprehensive course designed to take your software testing and development skills to the next level. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced developer, this course is your gateway to mastering integration testing in ASP.NET Core, including advanced topics like performance testing with JMeter and implementing a robust CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions Workflow and Azure Web Apps.
In this hands-on course, you’ll start with the fundamentals of integration testing, understanding its significance in building robust, reliable, and high-performance web applications. You’ll dive deep into ASP.NET Core, exploring how to write, run, and automate integration tests effectively.
As you progress, you’ll learn to leverage JMeter, a powerful performance testing tool, to analyze and optimize your application’s speed, scalability, and reliability. You’ll gain valuable insights into performance bottlenecks and learn to implement optimizations.
One of the course highlights is mastering CI/CD using GitHub Actions Workflow and Azure Web Apps. You’ll discover how to automate your entire development and deployment process, ensuring continuous integration, automated testing, and seamless deployment to the Azure cloud.
By the end of this course, you’ll have a strong grasp of ASP.NET Core integration testing, performance testing with JMeter, and the ability to create a complete CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions and Azure Web Apps. This expertise will empower you to deliver high-quality web applications efficiently and with confidence.
Whether you’re a developer looking to enhance your testing skills or an aspiring DevOps engineer seeking to streamline the deployment process, this course provides you with the knowledge and practical experience needed to excel in the world of ASP.NET Core integration testing and CI/CD automation. Join us today and embark on your journey from a beginner to an advanced integration testing professional.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the fundamentals of integration testing and its significance.
Explore ASP.NET Core for effective integration testing.
Learn performance testing using JMeter for application optimization.
Implement a complete CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions and Azure Web Apps.
Gain insights into performance bottlenecks and optimizations.
Target Audience:
Developers aiming to enhance their testing skills.
Aspiring DevOps engineers seeking to streamline deployment processes.
Basic understanding of ASP.NET Core with C# (at least 6 months) and familiarity with version control (GitHub).
Course Format:
Lectures, hands-on coding exercises, and real-world applications.
Duration: Self-paced with approximately [X] hours of content.
Additional materials provided for practical implementation.
Hi, I’m Kaushik Roy Chowdhury, a Microsoft Certified Professional with over 20 years of commercial experience in the .NET stack of products. I hold a master’s degree in computer science from Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand and have worked for multinational companies such as Sungard and Trimble Navigation. My passion lies in software education, and I’ve extensively taught programming languages like C#, Java, and C in tertiary institutions in New Zealand.
Finally, here are some of my earlier reviews from courses on Udemy: •
“Kaushik’s courses are my main reference for anything C# – I find his explanations full of detail which helps to solidify a full understanding of even the most complex aspects of C# programming.” – Martin Catherall (Microsoft MVP) – Master Collection Classes in C# Using Visual Studio •
“An elaborate and detailed description for a beginner. The author has put a lot of effort into structuring the content. Certainly proved useful to me as a starter.” – Sudeep Ghatak (ASP.NET Core 3 with MVC and MongoDB) •
“Great material. Learned a lot.” – John Taylor (Master Collection Classes in C# Using Visual Studio) •
“Well explained in detail.” – Fred Handal (Build and Learn ASP.NET Core 3.1 Blazor Hands-On •
“It’s a nice introduction into Blazor server side where you got a good understanding of Blazor fundamentals” – Seb Lowe (Build and Learn ASP.NET Core 3.1 Blazor Hands-On) •
“One of the best Blazor course” – Mohamed Cisse (Build and Learn ASP.NET Core 3.1 Blazor Hands-On) •
“If you’re like me and were struggling to setup/use Apigee X because the Google docs were lacking the depth to understand the step you were taking and what to do next, this course is for you! Great beginner Apigee X course, I’m really looking forward to the Intermediate/Advanced course to come” –
Garrick Brown (Google Cloud Apigee X API Management – Hands-On Training )”
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Encouraging Constructive Feedback: A Message to Our Udemy Students
Lecture 2: What is Test Driven Development?
Lecture 3: Unit Testing versus Integration Testing
Lecture 4: Introduction to Integration Testing
Lecture 5: Benefits of Integration Testing
Lecture 6: Types of Integration Testing
Lecture 7: Integration Testing with ASP.NET Core
Chapter 2: Creating the System Under Test (SUT)
Lecture 1: Installing the Pre-requisites
Lecture 2: Creating the SUT (ASP.NET 7 Web API) project
Lecture 3: Install the NuGet Packages
Lecture 4: Why Did We Use SQLite In-memory Database For the SUT?
Lecture 5: Create the Entity Model
Lecture 6: Create the Database Context Class
Lecture 7: Seed the Database
Lecture 8: Create the Model Controller
Lecture 9: Edit the Program Class
Lecture 10: Commit the SUT Project to GitHub
Chapter 3: Fluent Assertions in Testing
Lecture 1: Introduction to Fluent Assertions
Lecture 2: Setting Up Fluent Assertions
Lecture 3: Basic Assertions with Fluent Assertions
Lecture 4: Advanced Assertions with Fluent Assertions
Lecture 5: Create Custom Person Assertions with Fluent Assertions
Lecture 6: Test the Person Assertions
Lecture 7: Best Practices For Fluent Assertions
Chapter 4: Integration Testing Of The Database Layer (API Integration Testing)
Lecture 1: Introduction to Integration Testing in the Database Layer
Lecture 2: Get the Todo Api Starter Code from GitHub to Work
Lecture 3: Create a xUnit Test Project
Lecture 4: Integration Test to return a list of Todo Items
Lecture 5: Integration Test to Return a Todo item with a particular Id and a Success Code
Lecture 6: Integration Test to Return a Todo Item with an Id Results in Not Found Status
Lecture 7: Integration Test to Create a Todo Item Should Create a New Todo Item
Lecture 8: Integration Test to Put a Todo Item Should Update the Existing Todo Item
Lecture 9: Integration Test to Delete a Todo Item Deletes an Existing Todo Item
Lecture 10: What type of tests will you classify the ones covered in this section ?
Lecture 11: How do we explain the use of database in tests that don't use dbContext ?
Chapter 5: Integration Tests for Data Access Code
Lecture 1: Create the ITodoItemRepository Interface
Lecture 2: Create the MockTodoItemRepository Class
Lecture 3: Create Test Class with Infrastructure to Test MockTodoItemRepository
Lecture 4: Integration Test For Verifying Todo Item Retrieval by its ID
Lecture 5: Integration Test For Verifying Todo Item Creation in the Database
Lecture 6: Integration Test For Verifying an Update on a Todo Item to the Database
Lecture 7: Integration Test to Verify the Deletion of a Todo Item
Chapter 6: Edge Cases and Special Functionalities
Lecture 1: Targeting Specific Functionalities and Edge Cases
Lecture 2: Get Request to Invalid Id Returns Not Found Status Code
Lecture 3: Posting Invalid Input Returns Bad Request
Lecture 4: Updating a request to an Invalid Id Returns Not Found Status Code
Lecture 5: Installing the Pre-requisites for JMeter
Lecture 6: Concurrency Testing: Edge Case GET Request Performance with JMeter
Lecture 7: Adding an Assertion to GET Request
Lecture 8: POST Request Performance With JMeter
Lecture 9: PUT Request Performance With JMeter
Lecture 10: DELETE Request Performance With JMeter
Lecture 11: Testing High Server Load Demands With JMeter
Chapter 7: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment Using Azure Web Apps
Lecture 1: Introduction to CI/CD
Lecture 2: Setting Up the Development Environment for CI and CD
Lecture 3: Exploring GitHub Actions Hands-On
Lecture 4: Understanding the .NET GitHub Actions Workflow
Lecture 5: Containerization with Docker
Lecture 6: Understanding the Dockerfile
Lecture 7: Docker Hub Integration
Lecture 8: Creating the Continuous Integration Pipeline for the Todo Api Application
Lecture 9: Deploying to Azure Web Apps and Testing Continuous Deployment
Lecture 10: Understanding the Azure Deployment Workflow
Lecture 11: Testing the Complete CI/CD pipeline
Lecture 12: Course Presentation Slide Show
Chapter 8: Practice Test (On the Entire Course)
Chapter 9: Migrating the Completed Solution to .NET 8.0 (ASP.NET Core 8.0)
Lecture 1: Migrate Your Solution from ASP.NET 7.0 to ASP.NET 8.0
Kaushik Roy Chowdhury
Software Educator and Online Course Creator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 56 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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