Asynchronous Programming in Javascript – Complete course
Asynchronous Programming in Javascript – Complete course, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.72, with 23 lectures, based on 9 reviews, and has 1741 subscribers.
You will learn about By the end of this course, you’ll have a thorough understanding of how Asynchronous programming works in Javascript. You'll learn the ins and outs of one of the major topics that can make you stand out from the crowd You’ll know how to apply those concepts in your projects and create real world code that works as it should You'll learn all about event loops and how Javascript works behind the screen and how it executes Asynchronous code You'll learn about callbacks and how you've probably been using them in your daily programming already You'll learn about the pros and cons of callbacks, callback hell and why we need a replacement You'll learn about promises, an ES6 update, and how they replaced callbacks You'll learn about handling errors in promises You'll learn about making promises prettier with async await You'll learn about handling errors in async await You'll learn how to apply what you learn in 3 real world mini projects You'll learn one of the most complex topics of programming with easy to understand examples and hands-on explanations This course is ideal for individuals who are Javascript developers who want to take their knowledge to the next level or Web developers who'd like to pad their resume and get that promotion they've always wanted. or Web developers who'd like to add "Asynchronous programming" to their resume and stand out in your job interviews. or Programmers who already know Asynchronous programming but would like to learn how to implement it in Javascript. or Fledgling developers who'd like to learn how real world programming works or Front end developers who are working with frameworks like Angular, React, Vue or Svelte and would like to apply Asynchronous programming concepts in their projects. It is particularly useful for Javascript developers who want to take their knowledge to the next level or Web developers who'd like to pad their resume and get that promotion they've always wanted. or Web developers who'd like to add "Asynchronous programming" to their resume and stand out in your job interviews. or Programmers who already know Asynchronous programming but would like to learn how to implement it in Javascript. or Fledgling developers who'd like to learn how real world programming works or Front end developers who are working with frameworks like Angular, React, Vue or Svelte and would like to apply Asynchronous programming concepts in their projects.
Enroll now: Asynchronous Programming in Javascript – Complete course
Title: Asynchronous Programming in Javascript – Complete course
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.72
Number of Lectures: 23
Number of Published Lectures: 23
Number of Curriculum Items: 23
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 23
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- By the end of this course, you’ll have a thorough understanding of how Asynchronous programming works in Javascript.
- You'll learn the ins and outs of one of the major topics that can make you stand out from the crowd
- You’ll know how to apply those concepts in your projects and create real world code that works as it should
- You'll learn all about event loops and how Javascript works behind the screen and how it executes Asynchronous code
- You'll learn about callbacks and how you've probably been using them in your daily programming already
- You'll learn about the pros and cons of callbacks, callback hell and why we need a replacement
- You'll learn about promises, an ES6 update, and how they replaced callbacks
- You'll learn about handling errors in promises
- You'll learn about making promises prettier with async await
- You'll learn about handling errors in async await
- You'll learn how to apply what you learn in 3 real world mini projects
- You'll learn one of the most complex topics of programming with easy to understand examples and hands-on explanations
Who Should Attend
- Javascript developers who want to take their knowledge to the next level
- Web developers who'd like to pad their resume and get that promotion they've always wanted.
- Web developers who'd like to add "Asynchronous programming" to their resume and stand out in your job interviews.
- Programmers who already know Asynchronous programming but would like to learn how to implement it in Javascript.
- Fledgling developers who'd like to learn how real world programming works
- Front end developers who are working with frameworks like Angular, React, Vue or Svelte and would like to apply Asynchronous programming concepts in their projects.
Target Audiences
- Javascript developers who want to take their knowledge to the next level
- Web developers who'd like to pad their resume and get that promotion they've always wanted.
- Web developers who'd like to add "Asynchronous programming" to their resume and stand out in your job interviews.
- Programmers who already know Asynchronous programming but would like to learn how to implement it in Javascript.
- Fledgling developers who'd like to learn how real world programming works
- Front end developers who are working with frameworks like Angular, React, Vue or Svelte and would like to apply Asynchronous programming concepts in their projects.
Would you like to take your Javascript knowledge to the next level? Would you like to become a master Javascript programmer by mastering one of the most complex, but very importantaspects of web development? Asynchronous programming is real world programming, and if you master it, you’ll certainly stand out from your competitors!
Javascript wasn’t designed to be an Asynchronous language, but with just the right tweaks, you can make it Asnychronous.
In the real world, everything doesn’t happen one after the other. You might be stuck with a data fetch that takes a couple seconds to execute. You can’t make the rest of your code wait for it to finish executing though. Asynchronous code helps you manage everything seamlessly while making sure that the data you’re waiting for (in our example) is used in your code ONLY after it has been completely fetched. Sounds like magic, doesn’t it?
But it also sounds too complicated.
Don’t worry.
You’ll learn every single concept of Asynchronous Javascript with easy to understand over-the-shoulder examples and detailed, but interesting explanations.
You’ll learn all about event loops and how Javascript works behind the screen and how it executes Asynchronous code, about callbacks and their drawbacks, how promises replaced them and how Async Awaitmade promises prettier. You’ll apply all of these in 3 real world mini-projects as well.
So, if you’d like to delve deep into the exciting world of Asynchronous programming, especially with Javascript as your language of choice, this course is perfect for you.
What will you learn in this course?
1. By the end of this course, you’ll have a thorough understanding of how Asynchronous programming works in Javascript.
2. You’ll learn the ins and outs of one of the major topics that can land you a job or a promotion
3. You’ll know how to apply those concepts in your projectsand create clean code that runs faster than your peers.
4. You’ll learn all about event loops and how Javascript works behind the screen and how it executes Asynchronous code
5. You’ll learn about callbacksand how you’ve probably been using them in your daily programming already
6. You’ll learn about the pros and cons of callbacks, callback hell and why we need a replacement
7. You’ll learn about promises, an ES6 update, and how they replaced callbacks
8. You’ll learn about handling errors in promises
9. You’ll learn about making promises prettier with Async Await, an ES7 update
10. You’ll learn about handling errors in async await
11. You’ll learn how to apply what you learn in 3 real world mini projects
12. You’ll learn one of the most complex topics of programming with easy to understand examples and hands-on explanations
Who is this course for?
1. Javascript developers who want to take their knowledge to the next level
2. Web developers who’d like to pad their resume and get that promotion they’ve always wanted.
3. Web developers who’d like to add “Asynchronous programming” to their resume and stand out in your job interviews.
4. Programmers who already know Asynchronous programming but would like to learn how to implement it in Javascript.
5. Fledgling developers who’d like to learn how real world programming works
6. Front end developers who are working with frameworks like Angular, React, Vue or Svelte and would like to apply Asynchronous programming concepts in their projects.
How is this course designed:
Module 1 : Introduction –In this module, we’ll look at the difference between synchronous and Asynchronous programming, how Asynchronous programming works, how Javascript works in the background, what event loops are, how call stacks execute your Javascript code, what Web APIs are and so much more!
Module 2 : Callback functions –In this module, let’s delve deeper into Asynchronous Javascript by looking at using callback functions to make your Async codes work seamlessly, but let’s also delve deeper into the pros and cons of callbacks and why we need a replacement for it. We’ll end the module with a mini-project that demonstrates a real world usage of callbacks and asynchronous code.
Module 3 : Promises –In this module, let’s take a detailed look at the ES6 update Promises, why they were needed and how they pretty much replaced calbacks. Let’s also look at how we can get their resolutions and errors and display them, creating promise chains, promisification and error handling in promises. We’ll end this module by creating the same mini project, but this time with promises and comparing them to callbacks.
Module 4: Async Await – In this module, we’ll look at Async Await, an ES7 update, and how they’ve made promises look pretty. We’ll also look at resolving multiple promises at the same time using Async Await and error handling. We’ll end this module with a mini project as well.
Each of these modules will create full-fledged lessons that teach a particular Asynchronous JavaScript concept in detail with a lot of real-world over-the-shoulder examples, so you’ll have a lot of fun while learning!
So, what are you waiting for? Get in and get started on your journey to becoming an Asynchronous web developer today!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction – Synchronous Vs Asynchronous Operations in Javascript
Lecture 2: How Asynchronous code execution works – Multi-threading in Javascript?
Lecture 3: Event loops, Call stacks and Web APIs
Chapter 2: Callback functions
Lecture 1: What are callback functions and what do they do?
Lecture 2: Callbacks in setTimeout and event listeners – Asynchronous actions
Lecture 3: Callbacks within callbacks
Lecture 4: Handling errors in callbacks
Lecture 5: Callback hell
Lecture 6: Synchronous callback
Lecture 7: Mini project #1 – Question
Lecture 8: Mini project #1 – Solution
Chapter 3: Promises
Lecture 1: Promises – what do they do
Lecture 2: Creating and using promises in your Asynchronous code
Lecture 3: .then(), .catch() and .finally()
Lecture 4: Promise chains
Lecture 5: Error handling in promises – In detail
Lecture 6: Promisification
Lecture 7: Mini project #2
Chapter 4: Async Await
Lecture 1: Async Await – a detailed look
Lecture 2: Resolving multiple promises with Async Await
Lecture 3: Error handling in Async Await
Lecture 4: Mini project #3
Lecture 5: Bonus lecture: Continue your journey!!
DigiFisk (Programming is fun)
Hands-on practical training | Programming courses
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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