Automated Software Testing with Playwright
Automated Software Testing with Playwright, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.33, with 143 lectures, based on 1700 reviews, and has 10762 subscribers.
You will learn about Master the powerful Microsoft Playwright framework from beginner to advanced Build a robust automation framework using the best practices of the Page Objects Model Put your skills into practice with real-world end-to-end testing examples and challenging exercises Learn how to use Playwright for REST API testing and web scraping, and expand your automation capabilities beyond web UI testing Integrate your automation tests with CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, and streamline your testing process for faster and more efficient releases Discover how to perform visual regression testing with Playwright, and ensure your web applications look and perform as intended across different browsers Get exclusive access to professional tips, tricks, and best practices from industry experts, and stay ahead of the curve with the latest automation techniques Explore 3rd party integrations with popular test runners, and take advantage of a wide range of tools and features to enhance your automation tests Learn how to integrate Playwright with popular BDD frameworks like Cucumber and CodeceptJS, and take your test automation to the next level Discover why Playwright is the next generation framework that surpasses Selenium and Cypress in terms of speed, reliability, and ease of use This course is ideal for individuals who are Manual Testers or Automation Testers or QA Engineers or QA Architects or QA Managers or Software Developers It is particularly useful for Manual Testers or Automation Testers or QA Engineers or QA Architects or QA Managers or Software Developers.
Enroll now: Automated Software Testing with Playwright
Title: Automated Software Testing with Playwright
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.33
Number of Lectures: 143
Number of Published Lectures: 143
Number of Curriculum Items: 143
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 143
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master the powerful Microsoft Playwright framework from beginner to advanced
- Build a robust automation framework using the best practices of the Page Objects Model
- Put your skills into practice with real-world end-to-end testing examples and challenging exercises
- Learn how to use Playwright for REST API testing and web scraping, and expand your automation capabilities beyond web UI testing
- Integrate your automation tests with CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, and streamline your testing process for faster and more efficient releases
- Discover how to perform visual regression testing with Playwright, and ensure your web applications look and perform as intended across different browsers
- Get exclusive access to professional tips, tricks, and best practices from industry experts, and stay ahead of the curve with the latest automation techniques
- Explore 3rd party integrations with popular test runners, and take advantage of a wide range of tools and features to enhance your automation tests
- Learn how to integrate Playwright with popular BDD frameworks like Cucumber and CodeceptJS, and take your test automation to the next level
- Discover why Playwright is the next generation framework that surpasses Selenium and Cypress in terms of speed, reliability, and ease of use
Who Should Attend
- Manual Testers
- Automation Testers
- QA Engineers
- QA Architects
- QA Managers
- Software Developers
Target Audiences
- Manual Testers
- Automation Testers
- QA Engineers
- QA Architects
- QA Managers
- Software Developers
Are you looking to learn web automation and testing using the world’s most popular non-Selenium framework, Playwright? Look no further! This comprehensive course is designed to be as practical as possible, with coding exercises and real-world examples from the very start. All you need is NodeJS and a code editor, along with some basic programming knowledge in either JavaScript or TypeScript.
In this course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Playwright, including how to install, create, and set up multiple testing projects. You’ll also learn about web automation and interaction with elements using the Playwright API, and you’ll get to practice various real-world E2E testing examples. Additionally, you’ll learn about advanced Playwright features and patterns, REST API testing with Playwright, and third-party integrations.
One of the highlights of this course is that you’ll learn how to implement the popular Page Objects design pattern in test automation, which is widely used in the industry. You’ll also get to try behavior-driven development using Playwright and popular frameworks like CucumberJS and CodeceptJS. Additionally, you’ll learn about professional custom reporting, visual regression testing, continuous integration using Jenkins, and web scraping with Playwright.
Finally, you’ll get tips and tricks from automation experts, and you’ll find out why Playwright is better than other popular frameworks like Cypress, Selenium, TestCafe, or Puppeteer. And if you get stuck, don’t worry – the learning environment is supportive and collaborative, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and get help from the instructor and other students. So why wait? Start your journey to becoming a Playwright automation expert today!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Why Playwright?
Lecture 3: Project Setup
Chapter 2: Playwright Fundamentals
Lecture 1: First Playwright Test
Lecture 2: Playwright CLI Options
Lecture 3: Click on Element
Lecture 4: Selectors
Lecture 5: Note for the next lesson Working with inputs
Lecture 6: Working with Inputs
Lecture 7: Assertions
Lecture 8: Annotations
Lecture 9: Tagging
Lecture 10: Playwright Configuration
Lecture 11: Reporters
Lecture 12: Screenshots
Lecture 13: Before & After Hooks
Lecture 14: Custom Functions
Lecture 15: Node Scripts
Lecture 16: Playwright Inspector
Lecture 17: Artifacts on Fail
Lecture 18: Parallel Tests Execution
Lecture 19: Source Code
Chapter 3: End-to-End Testing Project
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Create E2E Tests Config
Lecture 3: E2E Test – Login / Logout Flow
Lecture 4: SSL Certificate Error fix
Lecture 5: E2E Test – Feedback Form
Lecture 6: E2E Test – Search
Lecture 7: E2E Test – Transfer Funds
Lecture 8: E2E Test – Filter Transactions
Lecture 9: E2E Test – Payment
Lecture 10: E2E Test – Currency Exchange [Challenge Time]
Lecture 11: Source Code
Chapter 4: Page Objects Pattern
Lecture 1: What is Page Objects Model?
Lecture 2: Create Page Model Class for Login
Lecture 3: Implement Page Model to Login Test
Lecture 4: Create Page Model for Home Page
Lecture 5: Implement Page Model to Search Test
Lecture 6: Feedback Form Test Refactoring
Lecture 7: Login Functionality Refactoring
Lecture 8: Components
Lecture 9: Implement Page Model for Payment Test
Lecture 10: Advanced: Abstract Page
Lecture 11: Project Code Clean Up
Lecture 12: Source Code
Chapter 5: Visual Regression Testing
Lecture 1: Create Visual Tests Configuration
Lecture 2: Full Page Snapshots
Lecture 3: Single Element Snapshots
Lecture 4: Page Objects Model with Snapshots
Lecture 5: Update Snapshots
Lecture 6: EXTRA: Node Scripts
Lecture 7: EXTRA: Guide
Lecture 8: Source Code
Chapter 6: REST API Testing
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: API Tests Configuration
Lecture 3: Simple API Test
Lecture 4: Parse Response JSON Data
Lecture 5: GET Request Test
Lecture 6: POST Request Test
Lecture 7: PUT Request Test
Lecture 8: DELETE Request Test
Lecture 9: Source Code
Chapter 7: CI / CD Integration
Lecture 1: Download Jenkins Server
Lecture 2: Run Jenkins Server
Lecture 3: Create Jenkins Build
Lecture 4: Parameterized Jenkins Build
Lecture 5: Jenkins Server Node Script
Chapter 8: Advanced Tips & Tricks
Lecture 1: Test Info Object
Lecture 2: Skip Browser Annotation
Lecture 3: Fixme Annotation
Lecture 4: Retries
Lecture 5: Parametrized Tests
Lecture 6: Mouse Movement Simulation
Lecture 7: Multiple Browser Pages
Lecture 8: Device Emulation
Lecture 9: Generate PDF Files
Lecture 10: Generate Customized Screenshots
Lecture 11: Emulate Browser Language & Timezone
Lecture 12: Data Helpers – Get Random Number
Lecture 13: Data Helpers – Get Random String
Chapter 9: Professional Custom Reporting
Lecture 1: Create Custom Reporter
Lecture 2: Source Code
Chapter 10: BDD with Cucumber and Playwright
Lecture 1: Create Cucumber + Playwright Project
Lecture 2: Project Structure Overview
Lecture 3: Global Assertions
Lecture 4: Global Hooks
Lecture 5: Features
Lecture 6: Step Definitions
Lecture 7: Node Script for Cucumber
Lecture 8: Page Objects Model
Kaniel Outis
Software Testing Specialist & Advisor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 14 votes
- 2 stars: 24 votes
- 3 stars: 170 votes
- 4 stars: 594 votes
- 5 stars: 898 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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