Automated Software Testing with TestCafe
Automated Software Testing with TestCafe, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.44, with 101 lectures, based on 1172 reviews, and has 5068 subscribers.
You will learn about Master the powerful TestCafe framework from beginner to advanced and boost your skills and resume Build a robust automation framework using the best practices of the Page Objects Model Put your skills into practice with real-world end-to-end testing examples and challenging exercises Integrate your automation tests with CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, and streamline your testing process for faster and more efficient releases Get exclusive access to professional tips, tricks, and best practices from industry experts, and stay ahead of the curve with the latest automation techniques Discover how to perform visual regression testing with Testcafe, and ensure your web applications look and perform as intended across different browsers Learn how to integrate TestCafe with popular BDD frameworks like CodeceptJS, and take your test automation to the next level Explore 3rd party integrations and take advantage of a wide range of tools and features to enhance your automation tests This course is ideal for individuals who are Testers or Test automation developers or QA Engineers or Software Developers or QA Analysts or QA Managers It is particularly useful for Testers or Test automation developers or QA Engineers or Software Developers or QA Analysts or QA Managers.
Enroll now: Automated Software Testing with TestCafe
Title: Automated Software Testing with TestCafe
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.44
Number of Lectures: 101
Number of Published Lectures: 101
Number of Curriculum Items: 101
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 101
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master the powerful TestCafe framework from beginner to advanced and boost your skills and resume
- Build a robust automation framework using the best practices of the Page Objects Model
- Put your skills into practice with real-world end-to-end testing examples and challenging exercises
- Integrate your automation tests with CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, and streamline your testing process for faster and more efficient releases
- Get exclusive access to professional tips, tricks, and best practices from industry experts, and stay ahead of the curve with the latest automation techniques
- Discover how to perform visual regression testing with Testcafe, and ensure your web applications look and perform as intended across different browsers
- Learn how to integrate TestCafe with popular BDD frameworks like CodeceptJS, and take your test automation to the next level
- Explore 3rd party integrations and take advantage of a wide range of tools and features to enhance your automation tests
Who Should Attend
- Testers
- Test automation developers
- QA Engineers
- Software Developers
- QA Analysts
- QA Managers
Target Audiences
- Testers
- Test automation developers
- QA Engineers
- Software Developers
- QA Analysts
- QA Managers
Welcome to our comprehensive course on web automation and testing using the popular non-Selenium library, TestCafe! If you’re looking to expand your knowledge of automated testing, or you’re interested in pursuing a career as a TestCafe automation tester, then you’ve come to the right place.
This course is designed to be practical, with coding exercises and projects right from the very beginning. You’ll learn how to install, create, and set up multiple testing projects using TestCafe. You’ll explore web automation and interaction with elements using the TestCafe API, and master cross-browser and headless testing with TestCafe. We’ll also teach you how to implement the popular Page Objects design pattern in test automation, which is an essential skill for anyone working in this field.
But that’s not all! We’ll also cover behavior-driven development using TestCafe and CodeceptJS or Cucumber, visual regression testing with Percy library, performance testing with TestCafe extensions, and continuous integration using Jenkins. You’ll learn how to set up a testing pipeline and work with in-built reporting tools and XPaths. Cloud testing with BrowserStack is another important topic that we’ll cover.
In addition, you’ll get tips and tricks from automation experts, and we’ll help you prepare and practice for interviews. Our learning environment is supportive and collaborative, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and get help. Our team of experienced instructors is always on hand to guide you and answer your questions.
So if you’re ready to take your automated testing skills to the next level, enroll in our course today! You’ll gain practical skills and real-world experience that will help you succeed in your career as a TestCafe automation tester. Let’s get started!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Why TestCafe?
Lecture 3: Setup TestCafe project
Lecture 4: Setup Prettier (Optional)
Chapter 2: Learn TestCafe Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Lets dive into TestCafe
Lecture 2: Add Expect method
Lecture 3: Test Scripts
Lecture 4: Test Hooks
Lecture 5: Test Speed
Lecture 6: Pausing the Test
Lecture 7: TestCafe Selectors
Lecture 8: Screenshots
Lecture 9: Automatic screenshots on failed test
Lecture 10: Page Load Timeouts
Lecture 11: Skip Tests
Lecture 12: Disable Cache
Lecture 13: Explore Actions API
Lecture 14: Explore Assertions API
Chapter 3: Advanced & End-to-End Testing
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: E2E Test 1: Login to Application
Lecture 3: E2E Test 1: Login to Application part 2
Lecture 4: E2E Test 2: Send Forgotten Password
Lecture 5: E2E Test 3: Feedback Form
Lecture 6: E2E Test 4: Search box
Lecture 7: E2E Test 5: New Payment
Lecture 8: Custom Helper Functions
Chapter 4: Parallel & Headless Execution
Lecture 1: Running multiple tests concurrently
Lecture 2: Running tests in headless chrome
Lecture 3: Running multiple different browsers concurrently
Chapter 5: Using XPATHs in TestCafe
Lecture 1: How to use XPaths in TestCafe
Chapter 6: Page Objects Pattern Framework
Lecture 1: What is Page Objects Model
Lecture 2: Components
Lecture 3: Implement Page Objects into tests
Lecture 4: Page Objects methods
Lecture 5: Page Objects using Javascript part 1
Lecture 6: Page Objects using Javascript part 2
Lecture 7: Page Objects using Javascript part 3
Lecture 8: Page Objects using Javascript part 4
Lecture 9: Page Objects using Javascript part 5
Lecture 10: TestCafe + Typescript (easy)
Lecture 11: Extending with BasePage class
Chapter 7: BDD with CodeceptJS
Lecture 1: Project Setup
Lecture 2: CodeceptJS Configuration
Lecture 3: Node Scripts
Lecture 4: Launch the Browser
Lecture 5: Implicit and Explicit Waits
Lecture 6: Assertions
Lecture 7: Multiple Scenarios
Lecture 8: Screenshots
Lecture 9: Working with Forms
Lecture 10: Get Text & Value
Lecture 11: Reload Browser
Lecture 12: Advanced Configuration
Lecture 13: Extend with Custom Helpers
Lecture 14: Page Objects Design Pattern
Chapter 8: Performance Testing (coming next)
Lecture 1: Content in progress
Chapter 9: REST API Testing (coming soon)
Lecture 1: Content in progress
Chapter 10: Visual Regression Testing
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create Percy Project
Lecture 3: Percy Integration with TestCafe
Lecture 4: Visual Testing with TestCafe and Percy
Chapter 11: Continuous Integration & Reporting
Lecture 1: What is CI / CD
Lecture 2: Jenkins vs Circle vs Travis
Lecture 3: Setup Jenkins Build for TestCafe Project
Lecture 4: Parameterized Build with Jenkins
Lecture 5: Jenkins Overview
Lecture 6: Bonus: Jenkins Server Script
Lecture 7: JSON Reporter
Lecture 8: xNunit Reporter
Lecture 9: NUnit Reporter
Lecture 10: List Reporter
Lecture 11: Minimal Reporter
Chapter 12: HTML + JavaScript for Testers
Lecture 1: What is HTML?
Lecture 2: Headings & Paragraphs
Lecture 3: Links
Lecture 4: Images
Lecture 5: Formatting Elements
Lecture 6: Comments
Lecture 7: Tables
Lecture 8: Lists
Lecture 9: Forms
Lecture 10: Class, ID, data-test attributes
Lecture 11: Buttons
Lecture 12: Symbols
Lecture 13: Dynamic Content
Lecture 14: Head & Meta tags
Lecture 15: Javascript tech-stack overview
Lecture 16: Var, Let & Const
Kaniel Outis
Software Testing Specialist & Advisor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 25 votes
- 2 stars: 45 votes
- 3 stars: 145 votes
- 4 stars: 433 votes
- 5 stars: 524 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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