Autonomous Cars: Deep Learning and Computer Vision in Python
Autonomous Cars: Deep Learning and Computer Vision in Python, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 95 lectures, based on 1259 reviews, and has 11771 subscribers.
You will learn about Automatically detect lane markings in images Detect cars and pedestrians using a trained classifier and with SVM Classify traffic signs using Convolutional Neural Networks Identify other vehicles in images using template matching Build deep neural networks with Tensorflow and Keras Analyze and visualize data with Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn Process image data using OpenCV Calibrate cameras in Python, correcting for distortion Sharpen and blur images with convolution Detect edges in images with Sobel, Laplace, and Canny Transform images through translation, rotation, resizing, and perspective transform Extract image features with HOG Detect object corners with Harris Classify data with machine learning techniques including regression, decision trees, Naive Bayes, and SVM Classify data with artificial neural networks and deep learning This course is ideal for individuals who are Software engineers interested in learning the algorithms that power self-driving cars. It is particularly useful for Software engineers interested in learning the algorithms that power self-driving cars.
Enroll now: Autonomous Cars: Deep Learning and Computer Vision in Python
Title: Autonomous Cars: Deep Learning and Computer Vision in Python
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 95
Number of Published Lectures: 94
Number of Curriculum Items: 95
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 94
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Automatically detect lane markings in images
- Detect cars and pedestrians using a trained classifier and with SVM
- Classify traffic signs using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Identify other vehicles in images using template matching
- Build deep neural networks with Tensorflow and Keras
- Analyze and visualize data with Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn
- Process image data using OpenCV
- Calibrate cameras in Python, correcting for distortion
- Sharpen and blur images with convolution
- Detect edges in images with Sobel, Laplace, and Canny
- Transform images through translation, rotation, resizing, and perspective transform
- Extract image features with HOG
- Detect object corners with Harris
- Classify data with machine learning techniques including regression, decision trees, Naive Bayes, and SVM
- Classify data with artificial neural networks and deep learning
Who Should Attend
- Software engineers interested in learning the algorithms that power self-driving cars.
Target Audiences
- Software engineers interested in learning the algorithms that power self-driving cars.
Autonomous Cars: Computer Vision and Deep Learning
The automotive industry is experiencing a paradigm shift from conventional, human-driven vehicles into self-driving, artificial intelligence-powered vehicles. Self-driving vehicles offer a safe, efficient, and cost effective solution that will dramatically redefine the future of human mobility. Self-driving cars are expected to save over half a million lives and generate enormous economic opportunities in excess of $1 trillion dollars by 2035. The automotive industry is on a billion-dollar quest to deploy the most technologically advanced vehicles on the road.
As the world advances towards a driverless future, the need for experienced engineers and researchers in this emerging new field has never been more crucial.
The purpose of this course is to provide students with knowledge of key aspects of design and development of self-driving vehicles. The course provides students with practical experience in various self-driving vehicles concepts such as machine learning and computer vision. Concepts such as lane detection, traffic sign classification, vehicle/object detection, artificial intelligence, and deep learning will be presented. The course is targeted towards students wanting to gain a fundamental understanding of self-driving vehicles control. Basic knowledge of programming is recommended. However, these topics will be extensively covered during early course lectures; therefore, the course has no prerequisites, and is open to any student with basic programming knowledge. Students who enroll in this self-driving car course will master driverless car technologies that are going to reshape the future of transportation.
Tools and algorithms we’ll cover include:
Deep Learning and Artificial Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks
Template matching
HOG feature extraction
Tensorflow and Keras
Linear regression and logistic regression
Decision Trees
Support Vector Machines
Naive Bayes
Your instructors are Dr. Ryan Ahmed with a PhD in engineering focusing on electric vehicle control systems, and Frank Kane, who spent 9 years at Amazon specializing in machine learning. Together, Frank and Dr. Ahmed have taught over 500,000 students around the world on Udemy alone.
Students of our popular course, “Data Science, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning with Python” may find some of the topics to be a review of what was covered there, seen through the lens of self-driving cars. But, most of the course focuses on topics we’ve never covered before, specific to computer vision techniques used in autonomous vehicles. There are plenty of new, valuable skills to be learned here!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Environment Setup and Installation
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Important installation and troubleshooting notes
Lecture 3: Install Anaconda, OpenCV, Tensorflow, and the Course Materials
Lecture 4: Test your Environment with Real-Time Edge Detection in a Jupyter Notebook
Lecture 5: Udemy 101: Getting the Most From This Course
Lecture 6: Important note
Chapter 2: Introduction to Self-Driving Cars
Lecture 1: A Brief History of Autonomous Vehicles
Lecture 2: Course Overview and Learning Outcomes
Chapter 3: Python Crash Course [Optional]
Lecture 1: Python Basics: Whitespace, Imports, and Lists
Lecture 2: Python Basics: Tuples and Dictionaries
Lecture 3: Python Basics: Functions and Boolean Operations
Lecture 4: Python Basics: Looping and an Exercise
Lecture 5: Introduction to Pandas
Lecture 6: Introduction to MatPlotLib
Lecture 7: Introduction to Seaborn
Chapter 4: Computer Vision Basics: Part 1
Lecture 1: What is computer vision and why is it important?
Lecture 2: Humans vs. Computers Vision system
Lecture 3: what is an image and how is it digitally stored?
Lecture 4: [Activity] View colored image and convert RGB to Gray
Lecture 5: [Activity] Detect lane lines in gray scale image
Lecture 6: [Activity] Detect lane lines in colored image
Lecture 7: What are the challenges of color selection technique?
Lecture 8: Color Spaces
Lecture 9: [Activity] Convert RGB to HSV color spaces and merge/split channels
Lecture 10: Convolutions – Sharpening and Blurring
Lecture 11: [Activity] Convolutions – Sharpening and Blurring
Lecture 12: Edge Detection and Gradient Calculations (Sobel, Laplace and Canny)
Lecture 13: [Activity] Edge Detection and Gradient Calculations (Sobel, Laplace and Canny)
Lecture 14: [Activity] Project #1: Canny Sobel and Laplace Edge Detection using Webcam
Chapter 5: Computer Vision Basics: Part 2
Lecture 1: Image Transformation – Rotations, Translation and Resizing
Lecture 2: [Activity] Code to perform rotation, translation and resizing
Lecture 3: Image Transformations – Perspective transform
Lecture 4: [Activity] Perform non-affine image transformation on a traffic sign image
Lecture 5: Image cropping dilation and erosion
Lecture 6: [Activity] Code to perform Image cropping dilation and erosion
Lecture 7: Region of interest masking
Lecture 8: [Activity] Code to define the region of interest
Lecture 9: Hough transform theory
Lecture 10: [Activity] Hough transform – practical example in python
Lecture 11: Project Solution: Hough transform to detect lane lines in an image
Chapter 6: Computer Vision Basics: Part 3
Lecture 1: Image Features and their importance for object detection
Lecture 2: [Activity] Find a truck in an image manually!
Lecture 3: Template Matching – Find a Truck
Lecture 4: [Activity] Project Solution: Find a Truck Using Template Matching
Lecture 5: Corner detection – Harris
Lecture 6: [Activity] Code to perform corner detection
Lecture 7: Image Scaling – Pyramiding up/down
Lecture 8: [Activity] Code to perform Image pyramiding
Lecture 9: Histogram of colors
Lecture 10: [Activity] Code to obtain color histogram
Lecture 11: Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)
Lecture 12: [Activity] Code to perform HOG Feature extraction
Lecture 13: Feature Extraction – SIFT, SURF, FAST and ORB
Lecture 14: [Activity] FAST/ORB Feature Extraction in OpenCV
Chapter 7: Machine Learning: Part 1
Lecture 1: What is Machine Learning?
Lecture 2: Evaluating Machine Learning Systems with Cross-Validation
Lecture 3: Linear Regression
Lecture 4: [Activity] Linear Regression in Action
Lecture 5: Logistic Regression
Lecture 6: [Activity] Logistic Regression In Action
Lecture 7: Decision Trees and Random Forests
Lecture 8: [Activity] Decision Trees In Action
Chapter 8: Machine Learning: Part 2
Lecture 1: Bayes Theorem and Naive Bayes
Lecture 2: [Activity] Naive Bayes in Action
Lecture 3: Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Support Vector Classifiers (SVC)
Lecture 4: [Activity] Support Vector Classifiers in Action
Lecture 5: Project Solution: Detecting Cars Using SVM – Part #1
Lecture 6: [Activity] Detecting Cars Using SVM – Part #2
Lecture 7: [Activity] Project Solution: Detecting Cars Using SVM – Part #3
Chapter 9: Artificial Neural Networks
Lecture 1: Introduction: What are Artificial Neural Networks and how do they learn?
Lecture 2: Single Neuron Perceptron Model
Lecture 3: Activation Functions
Lecture 4: ANN Training and dataset split
Lecture 5: Practical Example – Vehicle Speed Determination
Lecture 6: Code to build a perceptron for binary classification
Lecture 7: Backpropagation Training
Lecture 8: Code to Train a perceptron for binary classification
Lecture 9: Two and Multi-layer Perceptron ANN
Lecture 10: Example 1 – Build Multi-layer perceptron for binary classification
Lecture 11: Example 2 – Build Multi-layer perceptron for binary classification
Chapter 10: Deep Learning and Tensorflow: Part 1
Lecture 1: Intro to Deep Learning and Tensorflow
Lecture 2: Building Deep Neural Networks with Keras, Normalization, and One-Hot Encoding.
Lecture 3: [Activity] Building a Logistic Classifier with Deep Learning and Keras
Lecture 4: ReLU Activation, and Preventing Overfitting with Dropout Regularlization
Lecture 5: [Activity] Improving our Classifier with Dropout Regularization
Chapter 11: Deep Learning and Tensorflow: Part 2
Lecture 1: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN's)
Lecture 2: Implementing CNN's in Keras
Lecture 3: [Activity] Classifying Images with a Simple CNN, Part 1
Lecture 4: [Activity] Classifying Images with a Simple CNN, Part 2
Sundog Education by Frank Kane
Join over 800K students learning ML, AI, AWS, and Data Eng. -
Frank Kane
Ex-Amazon Sr. Engineer and Sr. Manager, CEO Sundog Education -
Dr. Ryan Ahmed, Ph.D., MBA
Best-Selling Professor, 400K+ students, 250K+ YT Subs -
Mitchell Bouchard
B.S, Host @RedCapeLearning 540,000 + Students -
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Sundog Education Team
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 16 votes
- 2 stars: 33 votes
- 3 stars: 152 votes
- 4 stars: 404 votes
- 5 stars: 655 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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