Basic to Advance Python for Data Analysis – Part1 (12hrs)
Basic to Advance Python for Data Analysis – Part1 (12hrs), available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.9, with 71 lectures, based on 11 reviews, and has 61 subscribers.
You will learn about In this Part1, You will learn everything which a beginner needs to know before start working with real time data You will be able to get the idea how to program every type of project professionally in Python and what do we need to use and when to use it. You will understand Varaibles in Python, IF statements, different types of operators, Loops How to use Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries , error handlers, Constructors, Functions,Strings ,Random modules You will get many projects to create and they are discussed in lectures too so you can tally your codes with solutions and become the best This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Python Developers interested in Data Analytics or If you are someone who wants to learn powerful programming language other than spreadsheets to do data automation and fabulous analysis It is particularly useful for Beginner Python Developers interested in Data Analytics or If you are someone who wants to learn powerful programming language other than spreadsheets to do data automation and fabulous analysis.
Enroll now: Basic to Advance Python for Data Analysis – Part1 (12hrs)
Title: Basic to Advance Python for Data Analysis – Part1 (12hrs)
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.9
Number of Lectures: 71
Number of Published Lectures: 71
Number of Curriculum Items: 71
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 71
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- In this Part1, You will learn everything which a beginner needs to know before start working with real time data
- You will be able to get the idea how to program every type of project professionally in Python and what do we need to use and when to use it.
- You will understand Varaibles in Python, IF statements, different types of operators, Loops
- How to use Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries , error handlers, Constructors, Functions,Strings ,Random modules
- You will get many projects to create and they are discussed in lectures too so you can tally your codes with solutions and become the best
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Python Developers interested in Data Analytics
- If you are someone who wants to learn powerful programming language other than spreadsheets to do data automation and fabulous analysis
Target Audiences
- Beginner Python Developers interested in Data Analytics
- If you are someone who wants to learn powerful programming language other than spreadsheets to do data automation and fabulous analysis
In this Part1, I will teach you Python on my favorite IDE – Pycharm however you can use any other IDLE ,If you wish to. It does not matter at all. Code works the same way.
What are variables and data type used in Python
Declare variables and function to know the data type
How to use constructors and why do we need to learn them.
Know in and not in operators, logical operators, comparison and arithmetic operators
How to pick up the error descriptions and solve the errors using them
How to use for loops and do loops and use them with IF statements
How to use Nested IFs and how to take care of indentations – Very important concept
What are functions in Python and how to create user defined functions
Rules to know before creating a Function
Scope of a variable – Local and Global concepts
Deep dive into Lists and use of lists in Loops with IF Statements
In detail learning about Tuples and use with Loops and every crucial method we should know.
Strings data types and their accessing approach plus methods to handle data
What are error handlers and how to use them.
Introduction to a random module and where you can use it.
Create a Guess a number game using Loops and lists
Create a project to identify odd and even numbers
Create a project to guess and number but this time user should be given 3 attempts
Find out which game has won the highest medals using two lists.
Print function with every small detail . Its parameters like Sep and end – how to use them
F string advantage over normal text if you write in Print function
How to call and import modules or its functions within the directory and outside the directory
My assistance to your questions and replies
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Plans and Installing IDE and Python for Windows
Lecture 1: What are we going to learn and confusions in Students mind with regards to terms
Lecture 2: Download Python on our system -First thing to do.
Lecture 3: Download Pycharm – Best IDE for python
Lecture 4: Get familiar with basic things in Pycharm
Lecture 5: Font size and Theme of a Pycharm
Chapter 2: Introduction to Variables – Data Types
Lecture 1: What are Variables and their use?
Lecture 2: More data types on Variables
Lecture 3: Quiz on Variables
Lecture 4: Rules to remember in naming Variables
Lecture 5: Constructors- Data Conversion
Chapter 3: Python Strings
Lecture 1: Print function – Know everything
Lecture 2: Introduction to Strings -How to access values
Lecture 3: Strings-Access multiple Values now
Lecture 4: Reverse method in Strings
Lecture 5: Modify Reverse methods
Lecture 6: Split method
Chapter 4: Python Types of Operators for calculations
Lecture 1: Arithmetic Operators
Lecture 2: Assignment Operators in Python
Lecture 3: Comparison Operators
Lecture 4: Logical Operators
Lecture 5: Behmas Rule – Which comes first – divide or addition or multiplication
Lecture 6: Deep dive into INPUT Function
Chapter 5: Python IF Statements
Lecture 1: IF statements begins
Lecture 2: Quiz for you to do – Guess a Number
Lecture 3: IF and ELIF – Tackle multiple scenarios
Lecture 4: Different approaches to use in IF statements
Lecture 5: Nested IFs in Python
Chapter 6: Python Loops
Lecture 1: For Loops Begins
Lecture 2: Project Guess a number using Loops
Lecture 3: While Loops
Lecture 4: Nested Loops- Concept we will use in projects
Chapter 7: Python Lists
Lecture 1: Introduction to Lists
Lecture 2: Change values of Lists
Lecture 3: Add values in Lists
Lecture 4: Append method in Lists
Lecture 5: Move method in Lists
Lecture 6: For Loops in Lists
Lecture 7: While Loops in Lists
Lecture 8: Project for you – Get Even and Odd numbers
Lecture 9: Project – Get names using two Lists
Lecture 10: In and Not in Operators
Lecture 11: Quiz -Letter containing specific character
Lecture 12: Project – Find tripletts combinations which sums up to a 1
Lecture 13: Project – Who won highest medals
Lecture 14: Write IF in one line
Lecture 15: Sorting in Lists
Lecture 16: Join and Reverse methods in Lists
Lecture 17: Zip function in Loops – Awesome
Chapter 8: Python Tuples
Lecture 1: What are Tuples – Let us begin
Lecture 2: Change values in Tuple
Lecture 3: Add values in Tuple
Lecture 4: Loops in Tuple
Lecture 5: Index and Count methods
Lecture 6: Error handling in Python
Lecture 7: List and Tuple – Common and Differences – Summarizing
Chapter 9: Python Functions
Lecture 1: User Defined Function and how to write it
Lecture 2: Project for you
Lecture 3: Know more about Functions – Types
Lecture 4: Passing endless parameters to a function
Chapter 10: Random Module -Intro
Lecture 1: Project – Win a Lottery – Random module intro
Chapter 11: Scope of a Variable
Lecture 1: Scope of a Variable – Local and Global
Lecture 2: Example to explain more on Scope of a Variable
Chapter 12: Python Dictionaries
Lecture 1: Introducing Dictionary – Definition
Lecture 2: Access keys and values
Lecture 3: How to change values
Lecture 4: IN and Not IN
Lecture 5: Remove, delete and Clear methods
Chapter 13: Project Encrypt and Decrypt Passwords
Lecture 1: Project – Encrypt Decrypt Messages – Super Knowlege
Lecture 2: Project Continues – Variables importance now
Lecture 3: Finishing the Project with Decrypt code
Lecture 4: My other Courses with links
ajay parmar
Instructor -Excel,Vba ,Access, Access Vba,BI,PQ,G SHEETS
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 8 votes
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