Become A Full Stack Web Developer in 14 Days
Become A Full Stack Web Developer in 14 Days, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 126 lectures, based on 126 reviews, and has 1438 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand industries most popular web technolgies Create their own Web Apps/Scripting This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner who wish to learn all leading web technologies or Expert to brush up their knowledge of web technologies It is particularly useful for Beginner who wish to learn all leading web technologies or Expert to brush up their knowledge of web technologies.
Enroll now: Become A Full Stack Web Developer in 14 Days
Title: Become A Full Stack Web Developer in 14 Days
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 126
Number of Published Lectures: 126
Number of Curriculum Items: 126
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 126
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand industries most popular web technolgies
- Create their own Web Apps/Scripting
Who Should Attend
- Beginner who wish to learn all leading web technologies
- Expert to brush up their knowledge of web technologies
Target Audiences
- Beginner who wish to learn all leading web technologies
- Expert to brush up their knowledge of web technologies
This course covers all leading programming languages, starting with PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, AngularJS and NodeJS.�
You are meant to watch 1 hour per day for 14 days. This is a commitment you must set aside before you start this course.
We will start with PHP where we will cover basic syntax, variables, loops and decision constructs. Then we will learn object oriented features along with string functions. After this we will move to arrays then after understand how REQUEST, GET, and POST works with server variables. Next will be how to connect to MySQL database.
Next section will cover MySQL starting with creating database and tables, then we will move to basic commands INSERT and SELECT along with WHERE clause. We will also practice how to sort data. Then understand how JOINs work on multiple tables. After this we will touch the section where see practice data manipulation using basic UPDATE and DELETE commands.
After MySQL we will start with JavaScript, where we will learn how to write JavaScript inside HTML tags. Then we will dive in to basic types with arithmetic examples. We will understand how string and boolean works. We will also understand how complex arrays work in JavaScript along with most useful functions. We will discuss how conditional statements work, then learn loops in JavaScript. Document Object Model will be covered in details along with simple practice exercises.
Then we will understand jQuery – JavaScript library works with easy to understand demos. This section will cover Selectors, Events, Effects and Animations and many more. We will learn how to change HTML content of a webpage using jQuery. With the discussion and demos we will cover AJAX with how to handle request, response and errors.
In Ruby section we will learn how to run Ruby interactively at the command prompt. Then understand variable, constant, variables, methods, classes and control structures. We will also cover attribute specifiers, then learn implementing inheritance and how method access in Ruby works.
Then we will move on to Rails with Model View Controller design pattern and how it implements it. We will build small hello world app using scaffold in Rails. We will make contact app with simple controller. We will add action to this app such as show, edit and delete.
In AngularJS section we will try to understand Expressions, two way data handling along with our first basic app. Then we will dive in to usage of ng-repeat, ng-show, ng-hide & ng-if, after this we will learn how form submission works with validations and how search and case filter works.
And then at last we will learn NodeJS – a powerful JavaScript engine. We will understand basic of working with NodeJS then we will understand how core libraries work along with Node Package Manager. We will learn three ways to write and run simple web server using node.
I hope you’ll join us for this exciting course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the course
Lecture 1: Introduction to PHP, Requirements
Lecture 2: Getting XAMPP and Brackets, Starting Server
Lecture 3: First PHP Script
Lecture 4: Variable in PHP
Lecture 5: Conditional Statements
Lecture 6: Loops in PHP
Chapter 2: Object Oriented Features
Lecture 1: Functions in PHP
Lecture 2: Require, Include and some String Functions
Lecture 3: Classes Overview
Lecture 4: Scoping Rules and the Global Keyword
Lecture 5: Static Properties
Chapter 3: Arrays and Variables
Lecture 1: Arrays in PHP
Lecture 2: $_SERVER Variables in PHP
Lecture 3: $_GET in PHP
Lecture 4: $_POST in PHP
Lecture 5: $_REQUEST in PHP
Chapter 4: MySQL Database Insight
Lecture 1: Using PHPMyAdmin
Lecture 2: Sample Database
Lecture 3: Connecting to MySQL
Lecture 4: Inserting to MySQL, and Wrapup
Chapter 5: Introduction and Installation of MySQL
Lecture 1: Installing MySQL
Lecture 2: Database Creation
Lecture 3: Table Creation with SELECT and INSERT
Lecture 4: MySQL Data Types
Lecture 5: Creating an Auto Incrementing Primary Key
Chapter 6: MySQL Basic Statments
Lecture 1: Describe Table
Lecture 2: Loading sql Files into MySQL
Lecture 3: Introduction to SELECT Query
Lecture 4: SELECT Query Demo
Chapter 7: MySQL Advanced Statements
Lecture 1: MySQL Update Query
Lecture 2: Mathematical Operations
Lecture 3: DISTINCT, COUNT and GROUP by Clauses
Lecture 4: Table Relationships
Lecture 5: Introduction to Joins
Chapter 8: MySQL Advanced Statements Part 2
Lecture 1: The Delete Query
Lecture 2: Types of Joins
Lecture 3: Joins Demo
Lecture 4: Creating and Using Views
Lecture 5: Setting Up a Many to Many Relationship
Lecture 6: Demo of Many to Many Relationship
Chapter 9: Javascript Introduction and Overview
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Javascript Overview
Lecture 3: Basic Setup
Chapter 10: Variables and Primitive Types
Lecture 1: Numbers Demo
Lecture 2: Variables Demo
Lecture 3: String Demo
Lecture 4: String Methods Demo
Chapter 11: Object Types
Lecture 1: Arrays Demo
Lecture 2: Functions Demo
Lecture 3: Objects Demo
Chapter 12: Control Flow
Lecture 1: Conditionals Demo
Lecture 2: Looping Demo
Lecture 3: Errors
Chapter 13: Document Object Model (DOM)
Lecture 1: Elements and Attributes
Lecture 2: Events in Javascript
Lecture 3: Function Calculator Exercise
Chapter 14: Introduction to jQuery
Lecture 1: jQuery – Intro and Setup
Chapter 15: Selectors, Events and Effects in jQuery
Lecture 1: jQuery Selectors Demo
Lecture 2: jQuery Events Demo
Lecture 3: jQuery Effects Demo
Lecture 4: jQuery Animations Demo
Chapter 16: DOM in jQuery
Lecture 1: DOM Content Demo
Lecture 2: DOM Structure Demo
Lecture 3: DOM Traversal Demo
Chapter 17: AJax with jQuery
Lecture 1: Ajax Demo Part 1
Lecture 2: Ajax Demo Part 2
Chapter 18: Introduction to Ruby
Lecture 1: Beginning of Ruby on Rails
Lecture 2: Getting Ruby Editors
Chapter 19: Hello World and Basic Features
Lecture 1: Hello World with Puts and Gets
Lecture 2: Interactive Ruby Prompt with int, float & string
Lecture 3: Variables and Constants
Lecture 4: Conditions in Ruby with If, elsif, and else
Lecture 5: If and unless Statement Modifiers
Lecture 6: Special Variable Types in Ruby ($ @ and @@)
Lecture 7: Loops in Ruby
Chapter 20: Arrays and Methods in Ruby
Lecture 1: Arrays in Ruby
Lecture 2: Hashes in Ruby
Lecture 3: Method Syntax in Ruby
Lecture 4: Block Syntax in Ruby
Chapter 21: Classes Properties and Methods in Ruby
EDUmobile Academy
Programming Made Easy
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 16 votes
- 4 stars: 35 votes
- 5 stars: 66 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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