Become a Node.js developer:/Node.js/Express.js/MongoDB/API
Become a Node.js developer:/Node.js/Express.js/MongoDB/API, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 104 lectures, based on 284 reviews, and has 31518 subscribers.
You will learn about Build, test, and launch Node apps Create Express web servers and APIs Store data with Mongoose and MongoDB Deploy your Node apps to production environment Create real-time web app with Node ,MongoDB and SocketIO Read and write to files using FS Module Read to streams Write to streams Store data and communicate with online database Track your app with version control Create and test request handlers This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Node Developers It is particularly useful for Beginner Node Developers.
Enroll now: Become a Node.js developer:/Node.js/Express.js/MongoDB/API
Title: Become a Node.js developer:/Node.js/Express.js/MongoDB/API
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 104
Number of Published Lectures: 104
Number of Curriculum Items: 104
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 104
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build, test, and launch Node apps
- Create Express web servers and APIs
- Store data with Mongoose and MongoDB
- Deploy your Node apps to production environment
- Create real-time web app with Node ,MongoDB and SocketIO
- Read and write to files using FS Module
- Read to streams
- Write to streams
- Store data and communicate with online database
- Track your app with version control
- Create and test request handlers
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Node Developers
Target Audiences
- Beginner Node Developers
Node.js is a very powerful JavaScript-based framework/platform built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript V8 Engine. It is used to develop web and mobile applications.. Node.js is open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world. Node was built with JavaScript so it helps if you have some understanding of how JavaScript actually works.Also having some understanding of other web technologies such as HTML, CSS, AJAX is useful.
Nodes uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient—perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. Nodes is a platform built on the Chrome JavaScript run time that can help you build fast, Scalable network applications.
Node is quite popular and used by some big companies like eBay, General Electric, GoDaddy, Microsoft, PayPal, Uber, and Yahoo! just to name a few. By the end of this course you will have some basic understanding of Node.js. build applications.
We will be building a real-time chat application that you can use to communicate with your friends and family using node ,express ,socketio and mongodb. Also we will build a REST APi from scratch using Node and Express. REST stands for Representational State Transfer and defines a set of standards for web services. It is an architectural style as well as an approach for communications purposes that is often used in various web services development.
An API is an interface that different software programs use to communicate with each other.
RESTful API is an API that conforms to the REST architectural style and constraints. REST systems are stateless, salable,cacheable, and have a uniform interface.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: IntroductioNode.js Setup
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is Node.js
Lecture 3: Download and install node.js
Lecture 4: A note on text editors
Lecture 5: Installing Sublimetext
Lecture 6: Installing Visual Studio Code
Lecture 7: Installing Atom
Lecture 8: Install Postman
Chapter 2: Some Node Fundamentals
Lecture 1: What is NPM
Lecture 2: Updating NPM
Lecture 3: Common NPM Commands
Lecture 4: Global Objects
Lecture 5: Synchronous and Asynchronous
Lecture 6: Asynchronous vs Synchronous EventListeners
Lecture 7: Events and Emitters
Lecture 8: Example Event Emitter
Lecture 9: Callbacks
Lecture 10: Components of Nodejs Application
Lecture 11: Modules and Packages
Lecture 12: Installing 3rd party packages
Lecture 13: RDBMS VS NOSQL
Chapter 3: Express.js
Lecture 1: What is express
Lecture 2: Installing Express.js
Lecture 3: Creating a basic express app
Lecture 4: Express application generator
Lecture 5: Creating an app with Express application generator
Lecture 6: Package.json file
Lecture 7: App.js file
Lecture 8: Editing dependences
Lecture 9: Using template engines with express
Lecture 10: How to start node server
Lecture 11: How to stop node server
Lecture 12: What is Routing
Lecture 13: How routing works
Lecture 14: Cloning Routing Functions
Chapter 4: The FS Module
Lecture 1: What is FS Module
Lecture 2: Reading Files
Lecture 3: Listing Files
Lecture 4: Writing to files
Lecture 5: Appending files
Lecture 6: Creating directories
Lecture 7: Renaming directories
Lecture 8: Deleting files
Lecture 9: What are streams
Lecture 10: Reading from streams
Lecture 11: Piping Streams
Lecture 12: Writing to streams
Chapter 5: Build a ChatApp with Node,Express,,Mongodb
Lecture 1: What we will create
Lecture 2: Creating a project folder and package.json file
Lecture 3: Installing Express.js
Lecture 4: Serving static content with express
Lecture 5: Using callback function
Lecture 6: Using arrow function
Lecture 7: Creating user interface- Part 1
Lecture 8: Creating user interface- Part 2
Lecture 9: Adding jQuery
Lecture 10: Creating a get messages service: Part 1
Lecture 11: Creating a get messages service: Part 2
Lecture 12: Creating a post messages service part 1
Lecture 13: Creating a post messages service part 2
Lecture 14: Sending Post request from User Interface
Lecture 15: Installing
Lecture 16: Setting up
Lecture 17: Emitting messages to client
Lecture 18: What is MongoDB
Lecture 19: MongoDB Setup
Lecture 20: MongoDB Setup Updated
Lecture 21: Creating a new database
Lecture 22: Creating a database user
Lecture 23: Installing Mongoose
Lecture 24: MongoDB Data Types
Lecture 25: Connecting to mlab
Lecture 26: Connecting to mlab Updated
Lecture 27: Saving data to MongoDB
Lecture 28: Replacing message array
Lecture 29: ChatApp Code
Chapter 6: Deploying and hosting your app
Lecture 1: What you need to do
Lecture 2: Installing git
Lecture 3: Creating Heroku account
Lecture 4: Installing Heroku-CLI
Lecture 5: Tracking your app in Git
Lecture 6: Deploying your app to Heroku
Lecture 7: Checking Heroku logs
Chapter 7: Build a REST API with Node and Express
Lecture 1: What is an API
Lecture 2: Overview of API and Project Code
Lecture 3: Create a package.json file
Lecture 4: Install Express
Lecture 5: Install Jol
Lecture 6: Creating an application file
Lecture 7: Creating an array of objects
Lecture 8: Creating READ request handlers
Lecture 9: Install Nodemon
Lecture 10: Http
Bluelime Learning Solutions
Making Learning Simple
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 10 votes
- 3 stars: 46 votes
- 4 stars: 91 votes
- 5 stars: 126 votes
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