Become A Professional Java Developer From Scratch
Become A Professional Java Developer From Scratch, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 118 lectures, based on 325 reviews, and has 14888 subscribers.
You will learn about 103 Lectures Understand variables and perform operations with them Create Arrays to store data Create multidimensional arrays to store data Get the input from the user Create and manipulate files on the system Use text input and output to store data Use binary input and output to store data Understand Object Orient Programming principals in depth Use abstract classes and interfaces to model your classes Handle exceptions Use Java GUI API to create user interfaces for your Java programs Use the collections framework to store your data Use multithreading to make your program execute multiple tasks at the same time Connect you program to a database, store and fetch data Use Java servlets to create dynamic web content Use Java server pages to create dynamic web content Use Java Server Faces to create dynamic web content This course is ideal for individuals who are Complete Beginners or Students with programming experience who want to learn Java It is particularly useful for Complete Beginners or Students with programming experience who want to learn Java.
Enroll now: Become A Professional Java Developer From Scratch
Title: Become A Professional Java Developer From Scratch
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 118
Number of Published Lectures: 114
Number of Curriculum Items: 118
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 114
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- 103 Lectures
- Understand variables and perform operations with them
- Create Arrays to store data
- Create multidimensional arrays to store data
- Get the input from the user
- Create and manipulate files on the system
- Use text input and output to store data
- Use binary input and output to store data
- Understand Object Orient Programming principals in depth
- Use abstract classes and interfaces to model your classes
- Handle exceptions
- Use Java GUI API to create user interfaces for your Java programs
- Use the collections framework to store your data
- Use multithreading to make your program execute multiple tasks at the same time
- Connect you program to a database, store and fetch data
- Use Java servlets to create dynamic web content
- Use Java server pages to create dynamic web content
- Use Java Server Faces to create dynamic web content
Who Should Attend
- Complete Beginners
- Students with programming experience who want to learn Java
Target Audiences
- Complete Beginners
- Students with programming experience who want to learn Java
Over 4400 Enrolled Students Are Already Learning Java, Enroll Now And Start Learning Today
Join me on this fantastic journey where we are going to explore Java from ground up.
If you never coded before and want to learn Java this is a perfect course for you. We are going to start from basics so that you will feel comfortable writing your own code.
This course assumes no previous experience and takes you from beginner concepts like variables, functions and classes and then goes into more detail while we explore advanced Java concepts.
We are also going to learn Object Oriented Programming principles which will help you learn any other programming language after you have mastered Java in this course!!
I have also added challenging task for you to complete and test your knowledge which is going to bring you from a complete beginner to an experienced developer comfortable writing any program in Java.
You will also benefit from my quick response (I check Udemy forums every day if some student has encountered a problem) and you will also get assistance from the other students taking the course.
If you are a complete beginner join now and master the worlds most popular programming language, on the other hand if you are a developer already, then it will not hurt you to add one more powerful programming language at your disposal!!
Topics Covered
- Variables
- Loops
- Conditionals
- Classes
- Objects
- Methods
- Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstract Classes
- Interfaces
- Handling Exceptions
- Creating Files
- Text Input / Output
- Binary Input / Output
- Java Graphical User Interface
- Collections
- Multithreading
- Java Database Programming
- Java Servlets
- Java Server Pages
- Java Server Faces
Enroll Now You Will Not Be Disappointed!!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Variables and variables operations
Lecture 1: How To Study This Course
Lecture 2: Downloading and setting up our environments
Lecture 3: Variables
Lecture 4: Numeric operations and String concatenation
Lecture 5: Augmented Assignment Operators and Increment and Decrement Operators
Lecture 6: Getting Input from the user
Lecture 7: Displaying Current time
Lecture 8: Assignment
Chapter 2: Loops and Conditionals
Lecture 1: The if statement
Lecture 2: Nested If-else statements
Lecture 3: Switch statement
Lecture 4: Logical Operators
Lecture 5: Using if-else statement to controll the input from the user
Lecture 6: Conditional Expressions
Lecture 7: Loops
Lecture 8: Nested Loops
Lecture 9: Using loops to controll the user input
Lecture 10: Assignment
Chapter 3: Classes, objects and methods
Lecture 1: Classes
Lecture 2: Constructors with parameters
Lecture 3: Methods
Lecture 4: Static, final and scope of a variable
Lecture 5: Visibility Modifiers
Lecture 6: Data encapsulation
Lecture 7: Passing objects to methods
Lecture 8: Assignment
Chapter 4: Arrays
Lecture 1: Introducing arrays
Lecture 2: Processing arrays
Lecture 3: For each loop
Lecture 4: Arrays and methods
Lecture 5: The Arrays class
Lecture 6: Multidimensional arrays
Lecture 7: Assignment
Chapter 5: Inheritance and Polymorphism
Lecture 1: Inheritance
Lecture 2: Super, overriding and overloading
Lecture 3: The Object class
Lecture 4: Primitive and Reference variables
Lecture 5: The equals method
Lecture 6: The protected modifier and preventing Extending and Overriding
Lecture 7: Assignment
Chapter 6: Abstract Classes and interfaces
Lecture 1: Abstract Classes
Lecture 2: Interfaces
Lecture 3: Assignment
Chapter 7: Exception handling and Text I/O
Lecture 1: Exceptions
Lecture 2: Getting information from exceptions and throwing our own exceptions
Lecture 3: The finally clause
Lecture 4: The File class
Lecture 5: Writing and reading data
Lecture 6: Reading data from the web
Lecture 7: Assignment
Chapter 8: Binary Input/Output
Lecture 1: FileInputStream and FileOutputStream
Lecture 2: DataInputStream and DataOutputStream
Lecture 3: BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream
Lecture 4: ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream
Lecture 5: RandomAccessFile class
Lecture 6: Assignment
Chapter 9: Java GUI
Lecture 1: JFrame
Lecture 2: Adding a button to our JFrame
Lecture 3: Layout Managers
Lecture 4: Using JPanel as a subcontainer
Lecture 5: Helper Classes
Lecture 6: Image Icons
Lecture 7: Other components
Lecture 8: Listeners and Inner classes
Lecture 9: Alternative ways to create listeners
Lecture 10: Mouse Listeners and Mouse Adapters
Lecture 11: The Timer class
Lecture 12: Simple Login App
Lecture 13: More GUI Components
Lecture 14: Processing JComboBox and JList
Lecture 15: JScrollBar and JSlider
Lecture 16: CardLayout, BoxLayout and Box
Lecture 17: JTabbedPane
Lecture 18: Menus
Lecture 19: Dialogs
Lecture 20: JColorChooser and JFileChooser
Lecture 21: Assignment
Chapter 10: Collections
Lecture 1: ArrayList and LinkedList
Lecture 2: Stacks, Vectors, Sets and Maps
Lecture 3: Note About Collections
Chapter 11: Multithreading
Lecture 1: Introduction to Multithreading
Lecture 2: Thread Pools
Lecture 3: Synchronization
Lecture 4: Parallel Programming
Chapter 12: Java Database Programming
Lecture 1: Setting up mamp and JDBC
Lecture 2: Basic MySQL Syntax
Lecture 3: Accessing our database and getting data
Lecture 4: PreparedStatement
Awesome Tuts
Anyone Can Learn To Make Games
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 61 votes
- 4 stars: 106 votes
- 5 stars: 141 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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