Become a Professional Programmer
Become a Professional Programmer, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 507 lectures, based on 668 reviews, and has 11265 subscribers.
You will learn about Know how to use Html tags and build with the most common ones Learn the use of attributes and common settings create their own functions that assign variables of various types; hook up a basic UI with events; create their own classes and structs; cast between different data types; use the playground and xcode environment for debugging; implement protocols Students will learn Go fundamentals and see how to apply them to real world scenarios. Some of the bigger course concepts include: - Go Language - Advanced Go Topics - Concurrency Access and parse the web with Python Create an interactive, database driven website This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to be a programmer It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to be a programmer.
Enroll now: Become a Professional Programmer
Title: Become a Professional Programmer
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 507
Number of Published Lectures: 505
Number of Curriculum Items: 507
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 505
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Know how to use Html tags and build with the most common ones
- Learn the use of attributes and common settings
- create their own functions that assign variables of various types; hook up a basic UI with events; create their own classes and structs; cast between different data types; use the playground and xcode environment for debugging; implement protocols
- Students will learn Go fundamentals and see how to apply them to real world scenarios. Some of the bigger course concepts include: - Go Language - Advanced Go Topics - Concurrency
- Access and parse the web with Python
- Create an interactive, database driven website
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to be a programmer
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to be a programmer
If you’re looking at this page, you’ve probably had ‘learn how to code’ at the top of your to-do list forever. Coding is the future, and the technology industry is crying out for good programmers fluent in a range of languages. With that in mind, we’ve created this bundle for people just like you. Whether you’re a complete newcomer to programming or you already have some experience but want to expand your knowledge, this bundle will set you up for a career as a professional programmer/.
With access for life, you can learn at your own pace and complete lessons according to your own schedule. Whether you take your time or power through at breakneck speed, you can rest assured you’re learning everything you need to know.
This bundle includes the following courses:
- HMTL5 and CSS3 Fundamentals: HTML5 is the latest version of the code that makes the web tick, and CSS3 is the next level of web design to go with it. Put them together and you have a recipe for future-proofed, flawless and perfectly functioning websites. This course will teach you both by diving right in at the practical end, and have your creating beautiful websites in no time.
- Python Programming for Beginners: Python is one of the most in-demand skills that top employers like Microsoft, Google and many more look for; and that’s a trend that only set to continue for the next few years at least. Python is a simple, versatile and highly readable code used for everything from building websites to controlling robots! Whether you’re new to Python or new to programming in general, this course will get you up to speed.
- Swift Programming for Beginners: Swift is one of the hottest new languages out there right now, and essential if you want to become a fully fledged iOS app developer. If you’re looking for a crash course to get a handle on Apple’s primary coding language, look no further. This course will turn you into an expert Swift engineer, building your knowledge from scratch with plenty of practical exercises.
- Google Go Programming: It should come as no surprise that Google has its own programming language. And since Google is one of the biggest names in the technology world, it should come as no surprise that learning Go is a sure-fire way to boost your employment credentials, both with this computing behemoth and just about everyone else too. This course will tell you everything you need to know.
- Fundamentals for Java Programming: Every professional programmer worth their salt knows Java inside and out. It’s the most common programming language in the world, and it sets the tone for all other code. In short, you won’t get anywhere without it, so it’s worthwhile learning how to do it right; and that’s exactly what this course does – from the ground up.
- Perl Programming for Beginners: It’s easy to get a little lost in the sea of programming languages out there. Luckily, Perl is a great starting off point because it’s simple to use, easy to learn, and very versatile. If you don’t know where to take the first step to becoming a professional programmer, there are worse places to start. This course will help you grasp the fundamentals and get started in the programming world.
- C++ Programming Fundamentals: C++ is the Grandfather of many of the tech world’s programming languages – Java being just one. Learning C++ gives you a head start on learning any other language, and a leg up as far as your employability is concerned. By taking this course, you’ll lay down a solid coding foundation and gain an excellent platform for improving your skills.
- Python Web Programming: After you’ve completed our Python Programming for Beginners course, Python Web Programming will give you an extra edge and a new set of skills with a language that’s not only easy to learn, but a real money maker too. You’ll learn the art and the science behind web programming, graduating with all the tools necessary to build vibrant and sustainable web based programs.
- Ruby On Rails: Ruby on Rails can sound intimidating for anyone who doesn’t know it, but in reality it’s not only extremely useful, but completely logical too. This course will take from zero to Rails developer, showing you how to create fully interactive Rails applications from the very beginning. You’ll learn how to connect databases, accept user input, and complete a comprehensive project so you’re ready to use RoR in the real world straight away.
- Fundamentals of JavaScript: JavaScript is fast becoming one of the most widely used programming languages in the world, thanks in part to its ever growing catalog of libraries that allow you to do just about anything you want. Before you get into learning the JS libraries you’ll need to know the basics. This is where you should start.
- AngularJS:AngularJS is one of the above-mentioned JS libraries, and is one of the reasons for JavaScript’s sudden rise to popularity. Learn Angular programming here by first learning the basics, then moving on to Angular projects that you’ll be proud to add to your portfolio.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 1: Welcome to Course
Chapter 2: HTML5 and CSS3 For Beginners
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Page basics
Lecture 3: Text Basics
Lecture 4: Text Formatting
Lecture 5: Lists
Lecture 6: Image Prep
Lecture 7: Inserting An Image
Lecture 8: Website Project1
Lecture 9: CSS Basics
Lecture 10: Font Styles
Lecture 11: Color
Lecture 12: List Styles
Lecture 13: Advanced Selectors
Lecture 14: Website Project2
Lecture 15: Link Basics
Lecture 16: In-page Links
Lecture 17: Link Styles
Lecture 18: Navigation Menus
Lecture 19: Website Project 3
Lecture 20: Block Spacing
Lecture 21: Arranging the Page
Lecture 22: Positioning
Lecture 23: Website Project 4
Lecture 24: Tables
Lecture 25: Table Styles
Lecture 26: Website Project 5
Lecture 27: Form Basics
Lecture 28: form Elements
Lecture 29: HTML5 Form Elements
Lecture 30: Form Styles
Lecture 31: Website Project 6
Lecture 32: Video preparation
Lecture 33: Video HTML
Lecture 34: Website Project 7
Lecture 35: Section Conclusion
Chapter 3: Python Programming for Beginners
Lecture 1: Installation
Lecture 2: Print And Strings
Lecture 3: Math
Lecture 4: Variables
Lecture 5: While loop
Lecture 6: For loop
Lecture 7: If Statements
Lecture 8: If Else Statement
Lecture 9: If Elif Else Statement
Lecture 10: Functions
Lecture 11: Function Parameters
Lecture 12: Global and Local Variables
Lecture 13: Common Python Errors
Lecture 14: Writing to a File
Lecture 15: Appending to a File
Lecture 16: Reading From a File
Lecture 17: Classes
Lecture 18: Input and Statistics
Lecture 19: Import Syntax
Lecture 20: Making Modules
Lecture 21: Error Handling – Try and Accept
Lecture 22: Lists Vs Tuples And List Manipulation
Lecture 23: Dictionaries
Lecture 24: Project: Making a Python Program
Chapter 4: Swift Programming for Beginners
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Variables and Strings Introduction
Lecture 3: Variables
Lecture 4: Strings
Lecture 5: Variables and Strings Conclusion
Lecture 6: Your first app Introduction
Lecture 7: First app
Lecture 8: madLibs
Lecture 9: Your first app Conclusion
Lecture 10: Branching Introduction
Lecture 11: if and bool
Lecture 12: boolExp
Lecture 13: Operators
Lecture 14: Switch Part 1
Lecture 15: Switch Part 2
Lecture 16: Branching Conclusion
Lecture 17: Collections + Loops Introduction
Lecture 18: Arrays
Lecture 19: Dictionaries
Lecture 20: For loops
Lecture 21: While
Lecture 22: Loop collections
Lecture 23: Collections + Loops Conclusion
Lecture 24: Functions Introduction
Lecture 25: Functions Part1
Lecture 26: Functions Part2&3
Lecture 27: Functions Part4
Lecture 28: Scope
Lecture 29: Functions Conclusion
Lecture 30: Enumerations Introduction
Lecture 31: Enummotivation
Lecture 32: Defandusage
Lecture 33: Enumerations Conclusion
Lecture 34: Structures Introduction
Lecture 35: Structure definition and basic usage
Lecture 36: Structure methods and sorting
Stone River eLearning
Over 1,000,000 Happy Students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 20 votes
- 3 stars: 69 votes
- 4 stars: 208 votes
- 5 stars: 357 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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