Become Master of Programming and it Concepts & Fundamentals
Become Master of Programming and it Concepts & Fundamentals, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 61 lectures, based on 18 reviews, and has 6136 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn programming and it's concepts & fundamentals in detail and Become a Perfect Programmer and able to create a program Learn Complete PHP in detail and able to develop websites and Apps Learn Mysqli in detail, and able to perform all the functions for database Understand complete concepts of Object Oriented Programming This course is ideal for individuals who are This PHP and MySqli course is for Beginners who do not even have programming knowledge, This course cover all the concepts of programming and advanced OOP with examples in details, and teach complete PHP and MySqli like syntax, functions, flow, loops, conditional statements, logical and relational operators, printing and embedding and so on or This Course is not for you if you already know everything about PHP and Mysqli, however if you are interested to learn in detail and you think that you are not a master in it, then feel free to jump in. It is particularly useful for This PHP and MySqli course is for Beginners who do not even have programming knowledge, This course cover all the concepts of programming and advanced OOP with examples in details, and teach complete PHP and MySqli like syntax, functions, flow, loops, conditional statements, logical and relational operators, printing and embedding and so on or This Course is not for you if you already know everything about PHP and Mysqli, however if you are interested to learn in detail and you think that you are not a master in it, then feel free to jump in.
Enroll now: Become Master of Programming and it Concepts & Fundamentals
Title: Become Master of Programming and it Concepts & Fundamentals
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 61
Number of Published Lectures: 61
Number of Curriculum Items: 61
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 61
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn programming and it's concepts & fundamentals in detail and Become a Perfect Programmer and able to create a program
- Learn Complete PHP in detail and able to develop websites and Apps
- Learn Mysqli in detail, and able to perform all the functions for database
- Understand complete concepts of Object Oriented Programming
Who Should Attend
- This PHP and MySqli course is for Beginners who do not even have programming knowledge, This course cover all the concepts of programming and advanced OOP with examples in details, and teach complete PHP and MySqli like syntax, functions, flow, loops, conditional statements, logical and relational operators, printing and embedding and so on
- This Course is not for you if you already know everything about PHP and Mysqli, however if you are interested to learn in detail and you think that you are not a master in it, then feel free to jump in.
Target Audiences
- This PHP and MySqli course is for Beginners who do not even have programming knowledge, This course cover all the concepts of programming and advanced OOP with examples in details, and teach complete PHP and MySqli like syntax, functions, flow, loops, conditional statements, logical and relational operators, printing and embedding and so on
- This Course is not for you if you already know everything about PHP and Mysqli, however if you are interested to learn in detail and you think that you are not a master in it, then feel free to jump in.
This Course is all about learn Programming and become a worthy Programmer and Start earning money.
It is University level course where we teach Programming and it’s concepts and fundamentals with great and deep explanation.
We will gonna cover all concept and fundamentals of Programming in Details with proper explanation.
We will be using PHPas a programming language and MySqli for Database, both are pretty popular and easy to use.
We will learn PHP and MySqli in complete details, from basic syntax to all the advanced functions and resources in it.
We will also cover Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in this course with complete details and proper explanation with examples.
After this Course you’ll understand how to do Programming and be able to create your programs and projects, you’ll have complete knowledge of PHP and MySqlias well as understanding of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) .
You will understand each concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and easily be able to apply it in real life projects.
You will be able to understand programming concepts and fundamentals and easily be able to apply them in your programming projects.
If you’re Interested to become a Professional Programmer and grow in IT field then get into this course without hesitation and you’ll gonna love it.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Information and Knowledge of PHP
Lecture 1: Introduction to PHP
Lecture 2: Installation Guide for Required Softwares (Xampp & Notpad++)
Lecture 3: Write Basic Syntex and Run PHP file
Lecture 4: PHP Comments
Lecture 5: Data Types in PHP
Chapter 2: PHP Display Functions
Lecture 1: PHP Print function
Lecture 2: PHP printf function
Lecture 3: PHP echo function
Chapter 3: Constant, Variable and Array
Lecture 1: Constant in PHP
Lecture 2: Variable in PHP
Lecture 3: Array in PHP
Chapter 4: Operators, escape sequence, and format specifiers
Lecture 1: Operators in Programming
Lecture 2: Escape Sequences
Lecture 3: Format Specifiers
Chapter 5: Conditional Statements
Lecture 1: IF Statement
Lecture 2: IF and Else Statement
Lecture 3: IF, ELSEIF and ELSE Statement
Lecture 4: Switch Statement
Lecture 5: Conditional Tag
Chapter 6: Loops
Lecture 1: For Loop
Lecture 2: While Loop
Lecture 3: Do While Loop
Lecture 4: For each Loop
Chapter 7: Functions
Lecture 1: Functions
Lecture 2: Parameters in function
Chapter 8: PHP Super Global Variables
Lecture 1: $GLOBALS
Lecture 2: $_GET
Lecture 3: $_POST
Lecture 4: $_COOKIE (Cookie)
Lecture 5: $_SESSION (Session)
Lecture 6: $_REQUEST
Lecture 7: $_SERVER
Lecture 8: $_FILE
Chapter 9: Filters in PHP
Lecture 1: Filters in PHP and filter_has_var() function
Lecture 2: Filter: filter_input()
Lecture 3: filter_input_array()
Lecture 4: Filter: filter_var()
Lecture 5: filter_var_array()
Chapter 10: File Handling in PHP
Lecture 1: Functions for including files
Lecture 2: readfile() function
Lecture 3: How to open and read file
Lecture 4: How to Write and append in file
Chapter 11: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Lecture 1: Basic Knowledge of OOP
Lecture 2: Classes and Objects
Lecture 3: Constructor
Lecture 4: Encapsulation
Lecture 5: Inheritance
Lecture 6: Abstraction
Lecture 7: Polymorphism
Lecture 8: Interfaces
Lecture 9: Traits
Lecture 10: Static
Chapter 12: MySqli Database
Lecture 1: Database Connection
Lecture 2: Insert data into database using PHP
Lecture 3: Fetch data from database with different scenarios
Lecture 4: Update data in database with different examples
Lecture 5: Delete data from database
Chapter 13: Advanced Topics
Lecture 1: Import CSV file into Database
Lecture 2: Export CSV file from Database
Lecture 3: Upload Image
Lecture 4: Download Image
Faraz Abbas
Software developer and Web Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 13 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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