Beginner's guide to Redis 5
Beginner's guide to Redis 5, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.7, with 93 lectures, based on 18 reviews, and has 135 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn to install and use Redis using the redis client Understand concepts on the different data structures offered by redis like lists, sets, sorted sets, hashes, geo etc. Learn streams which is a redis 5 feature. Understand different server features like memory management, security, storage and creating custom server scripts using Lua. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone with basic computer science skills and the enthusiasm to learn. It is particularly useful for Anyone with basic computer science skills and the enthusiasm to learn.
Enroll now: Beginner's guide to Redis 5
Title: Beginner's guide to Redis 5
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Lectures: 93
Number of Published Lectures: 93
Number of Curriculum Items: 93
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 93
Original Price: ₹1,199
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn to install and use Redis using the redis client
- Understand concepts on the different data structures offered by redis like lists, sets, sorted sets, hashes, geo etc.
- Learn streams which is a redis 5 feature.
- Understand different server features like memory management, security, storage and creating custom server scripts using Lua.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone with basic computer science skills and the enthusiasm to learn.
Target Audiences
- Anyone with basic computer science skills and the enthusiasm to learn.
Caching is a technique used for improving application performance.
Redis is the most popular caching software.
Rich functionality and high performance makes Redis an excellent candidate as a caching software. In some projects, Redis is used as the only database.
We will cover all the major topics inside redis 5 and the right APIs to use for different scenarios.
We’ll look at the following topics from the ground up:
Redis data structures like strings, lists, sets, sorted sets, hashes, geo hashes and hyperloglog
Blocking APIs are covered as well.
Redis streams (This is a new feature in Redis 5)
Message passing
Scaling redis manually and using redis clustering.
Server configuration (includes security and extending Redis using scripts.)
The complete course is taught in Linux (Ubuntu), which is what most industries use in production environments.
This course is self contained and has no programming language requirement.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to redis.
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Installing redis on ubuntu 18.04
Lecture 3: Basic string commands part 1
Lecture 4: Basic string commands part 2
Lecture 5: Exploring substrings using getra and updating values using setrange
Lecture 6: Arithmetic operations – increasing and decreasing values
Lecture 7: Arithmetic operations – bitwise operations
Chapter 2: Timeouts
Lecture 1: All about timeouts
Chapter 3: More key commands
Lecture 1: More key commands 1
Lecture 2: More key commands 2
Chapter 4: List
Lecture 1: Introduction to lists
Lecture 2: Accessing elements within the list
Lecture 3: Adding elements to a list
Lecture 4: Removing elements from a list
Chapter 5: Sets
Lecture 1: Introduction to sets
Lecture 2: Looking at elements inside a set
Lecture 3: Adding elements + set operations
Lecture 4: Why use set operations like union, intersection
Lecture 5: Removing elements from a set
Lecture 6: Scanning through elements of a set
Chapter 6: SortedSets
Lecture 1: Introduction to sorted sets
Lecture 2: Rank of an element within a set using zrank
Lecture 3: Adding elements into sorted set
Lecture 4: Scores and retrieval – part 1
Lecture 5: Scores and retrieval – part 2
Lecture 6: Removing the smallest and largest element based on scores
Lecture 7: More element removal operations
Lecture 8: Scanning through a sorted set
Lecture 9: Set operations on a sorted set
Chapter 7: Hashes
Lecture 1: Introduction to hashes
Lecture 2: More operations on hashes
Lecture 3: scanning through elements of hash
Chapter 8: Sorting
Lecture 1: Introduction to sorting APIs
Lecture 2: Sorting data alphabetically
Lecture 3: More sort subcommands
Lecture 4: Using a hash as a comparison provider
Chapter 9: Hyperloglog
Lecture 1: Introduction to hyperloglog
Lecture 2: Hyperloglog commands
Lecture 3: Counting and merging hyperloglogs
Chapter 10: Geographic data support in redis
Lecture 1: Introduction to geo data type using a map
Lecture 2: Adding points to geo data structure
Lecture 3: GeoHash
Lecture 4: Inspecting geo entities
Lecture 5: Retrieving geo entities
Chapter 11: Transactions
Lecture 1: Introduction to transactions in redis
Lecture 2: Compare and set semantics
Lecture 3: Transactions and pipelining
Chapter 12: Publish and subscribe
Lecture 1: Introduction to publish / subscribe
Lecture 2: Redis commands for subsciption
Lecture 3: Unsubscription
Lecture 4: More pub sub subcommands
Chapter 13: Streams
Lecture 1: Introduction to streams
Lecture 2: Adding elements to a stream
Lecture 3: Removing elements from a stream
Lecture 4: Reading from a stream using a single consumer
Lecture 5: Consumer groups
Lecture 6: More about consumer groups
Lecture 7: Reading claimed messages
Lecture 8: Associating multiple streams within a single consumer group
Lecture 9: Conclusion
Chapter 14: Scaling redis by manually moving keys
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Key migration
Lecture 3: Conclusion
Chapter 15: Scaling via master replica (aka master slave) architecture
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Setting up replication
Lecture 3: Removing replication
Lecture 4: Replication via chaining
Chapter 16: Sentinel
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Failover demo
Chapter 17: Scaling redis via clustering
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Setting up a cluster
Lecture 3: Exploring cluster slots and replicas
Lecture 4: Mapping between keys and slots
Lecture 5: Scaling redis cluster with replicas
Lecture 6: Accessing keys in slots
Lecture 7: saving cluster configuration
Lecture 8: Automatic failover
Lecture 9: Changing cluster topology
Lecture 10: Replicating a cluster node
Lecture 11: Manually triggering failover
Lecture 12: Moving slots
Lecture 13: Resetting a cluster
Chapter 18: Redis server management
Balaji Ambresh Rajkumar
Independent software engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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