Big data,Cassandra,AWS,Mysql,MariaDB,Linux for Beginners
Big data,Cassandra,AWS,Mysql,MariaDB,Linux for Beginners, available at $129.99, has an average rating of 3.4, with 38 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 34 reviews, and has 629 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn about AWS | Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Security group, launch instance, access to it Learn about basic MySQL and NoSQL(Cassandra) syntax Learn about how to create one of the leading NoSQL DB, Cassandra cluster on AWS Learn about High Available MySQL cluster with NDB engine Learn about how to create MariaDB Galera cluster for true master-master , fault tolerant RDBMS on AWS Learn about how to create instances( for databases) on different available zones on a cloud for true fault tolerant Learn about how to connect between MariaDB(RDBMS) with Cassandra(NoSQL) storage Learn about how to load balance for database servers Learn about how to create a Hadoop cluster and do map-reduce jobs This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone new to database or Anyone who would like to become a Web developer, Database developer, System Administrator or Anyone who doesn't have enough time, but want to learn practical things by doing it or This is for anyone who haven't had any experience, but would like to get started for various databases and hands on experience with them or If you / your company wants to know about what databases out on the market and would like to try and save a lot of time with these videos It is particularly useful for Anyone new to database or Anyone who would like to become a Web developer, Database developer, System Administrator or Anyone who doesn't have enough time, but want to learn practical things by doing it or This is for anyone who haven't had any experience, but would like to get started for various databases and hands on experience with them or If you / your company wants to know about what databases out on the market and would like to try and save a lot of time with these videos.
Enroll now: Big data,Cassandra,AWS,Mysql,MariaDB,Linux for Beginners
Title: Big data,Cassandra,AWS,Mysql,MariaDB,Linux for Beginners
Price: $129.99
Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Lectures: 38
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 38
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 45
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 45
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn about AWS | Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Security group, launch instance, access to it
- Learn about basic MySQL and NoSQL(Cassandra) syntax
- Learn about how to create one of the leading NoSQL DB, Cassandra cluster on AWS
- Learn about High Available MySQL cluster with NDB engine
- Learn about how to create MariaDB Galera cluster for true master-master , fault tolerant RDBMS on AWS
- Learn about how to create instances( for databases) on different available zones on a cloud for true fault tolerant
- Learn about how to connect between MariaDB(RDBMS) with Cassandra(NoSQL) storage
- Learn about how to load balance for database servers
- Learn about how to create a Hadoop cluster and do map-reduce jobs
Who Should Attend
- Anyone new to database
- Anyone who would like to become a Web developer, Database developer, System Administrator
- Anyone who doesn't have enough time, but want to learn practical things by doing it
- This is for anyone who haven't had any experience, but would like to get started for various databases and hands on experience with them
- If you / your company wants to know about what databases out on the market and would like to try and save a lot of time with these videos
Target Audiences
- Anyone new to database
- Anyone who would like to become a Web developer, Database developer, System Administrator
- Anyone who doesn't have enough time, but want to learn practical things by doing it
- This is for anyone who haven't had any experience, but would like to get started for various databases and hands on experience with them
- If you / your company wants to know about what databases out on the market and would like to try and save a lot of time with these videos
By 2020, there will be a lot of shortage for data scientists and analytic professionals. The United States alone faces a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with analytical expertise. This course gives you what you need to get started for data scientists, system administrator, devOps. You will be able to create MySQL cluster that uses ndb storage engine, create MariaDB Galera cluster, create Cassandra cluster, and also you will be able to create a hadoop cluster. You will be able to load balance for your databases using Ha-proxy. You will be able to deploy all of these on AWS cloud with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). You will get reinforced by hands on experience with an assignemt on every section. Furthermore, you will also be able to map between MariaDB with Cassandra, so you can use both RDBMS and NoSQL all together for your needs. You can advance your career with this course, save thousands of dollars that you spend otherwise, and make it easier to land a job.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: AWS(Amazon Web Services) EC2 . AWS account, instance, access
Lecture 1: Create an AWS account
Lecture 2: Create an AWS instance
Lecture 3: Access to an instance ( Windows )
Lecture 4: Access to an instance ( Linux )
Chapter 3: Create a Cassandra cluster on commodity hardwares for scalability
Lecture 1: Create one Cassandra instance on AWS
Lecture 2: Create a Cassandra cluster with two servers on AWS
Lecture 3: Create a Keyspace, table, and Insert, Update, Delete data on it.
Chapter 4: MariaDB Galera Cluster
Lecture 1: Create a MariaDB Galera Cluster with three Ubuntu servers 1st part
Lecture 2: Create a MariaDB Galera Cluster with three Ubuntu servers 2nd part
Lecture 3: Create AWS VPC Peering connection. Five steps( step 1,2,3)
Lecture 4: Create AWS VPC Peering connection. Five steps( step 4,5)
Lecture 5: Create a MGC on different availability zones for a true fault tolerance-(A)
Lecture 6: Create a MGC on different availability zones for a true fault tolerance-(B)
Lecture 7: Secure AWS instance access
Lecture 8: Connect between MariaDB and Cassandra
Chapter 5: Haproxy (High available proxy ) load balance
Lecture 1: Haproxy configuration overview
Lecture 2: Haproxy configuration on AWS with MariaDB Galera cluster
Lecture 3: View Haproxy work loads through web and terminal with MariaDB client
Chapter 6: Mysql cluster
Lecture 1: Create a Mysql Cluster with 4 machines on the cloud on AWS 1st part (Management)
Lecture 2: Create a Mysql Cluster with 4 machines on the cloud on AWS 2nd part( Data nodes)
Lecture 3: Create a Mysql Cluster with 4 machines on the cloud on AWS 3rd (sql node)
Lecture 4: MySQL : Create a database
Lecture 5: MySQL : Create a Table
Lecture 6: MySQL : Describe a table
Lecture 7: MySQL : Pattern matching
Lecture 8: MySQL : Insert Data, Retrieve Data, Check tables
Lecture 9: MySQL : Comparison Operators & logical operators
Lecture 10: MySQL : Order By
Lecture 11: MySQL : Limit By
Lecture 12: MySQL : Distinct, Count, Name As
Lecture 13: MySQL : Update a row and Delete a row
Lecture 14: MySQL : Rename a Table
Lecture 15: MySQL : Drop a table
Lecture 16: MySQL : Drop a database
Chapter 7: Hadoop Single node cluster
Lecture 1: Create a Single Node Hadoop Cluster part 1
Lecture 2: Create a Single Node Hadoop Cluster part 2
Lecture 3: Create a Single Node Hadoop Cluster part 3 And run a map reduce job
Theo W.
Software Engineer, Architect for start ups
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 8 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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