Blazor – Real World Developer Portfolio (WASM + Web API)
Blazor – Real World Developer Portfolio (WASM + Web API), available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 90 lectures, based on 187 reviews, and has 1205 subscribers.
You will learn about Blazor WebAssembly C# .NET 6 ASP .NET Core Web API Entity Framework Core Microsoft Azure Git GitHub SQLite HTML CSS Bootstrap 5 Agile/Scrum project management Software architecture This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring to junior+ programmers or Aspiring to junior+ developers or People interested in Microsoft technologies or People interested in ASP .NET or People interested in Web Development It is particularly useful for Aspiring to junior+ programmers or Aspiring to junior+ developers or People interested in Microsoft technologies or People interested in ASP .NET or People interested in Web Development.
Enroll now: Blazor – Real World Developer Portfolio (WASM + Web API)
Title: Blazor – Real World Developer Portfolio (WASM + Web API)
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 90
Number of Published Lectures: 90
Number of Curriculum Items: 90
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 90
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Blazor WebAssembly
- C#
- .NET 6
- ASP .NET Core Web API
- Entity Framework Core
- Microsoft Azure
- Git
- GitHub
- SQLite
- Bootstrap 5
- Agile/Scrum project management
- Software architecture
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring to junior+ programmers
- Aspiring to junior+ developers
- People interested in Microsoft technologies
- People interested in ASP .NET
- People interested in Web Development
Target Audiences
- Aspiring to junior+ programmers
- Aspiring to junior+ developers
- People interested in Microsoft technologies
- People interested in ASP .NET
- People interested in Web Development
You have done the basic tutorials. You kind of understand C#, HTML, CSS and ASP.NET but you don’t feel fully ready yet to tackle a real world application alone. Well if that’s you then this is the course you need. In this project based course we’ll build a real world web application for a fictional developer named John Doe.
It’s NOT for medior and senior devs that are already very able to build full stack web apps on their own. No, in this course I’ll show junior and aspiring devs how to build a complete web app in the Microsoft .NET stack and explain everything as if we were a pair programming couple.
Developers get paid a lot of money to build applications with this stack. According to Glassdoor, the national average salary in the United States for .Net Developers is $96,000 dollars per year.
The most important technologies you’ll learn are C#, .NET 6 LTS, Blazor WASM, ASP.NET Core Web API, The Microsoft Azure Cloudand GitHub.
This is a practical, follow-along, no-nonsense course and the end result will be a beautiful and functional developer portfolio web app. It has a secured admin area with Content Management System (CMS) features using a data-driven ASP.NET Core Web API and a Blazor WebAssembly front end.
So I’m Ruben and it’s my goal to help people learn software development with C# and .NET and I do that by creating educational content about it.
I have taken a lot of online programming courses myself and while taking them I often had ideas on how I’d communicate the things they’re teaching differently.
I bundled all those ideas I had and implemented them in this course. One of them is seeing the teacher’s face. I learn better when I see a teacher’s face, so I’ll actually show my face in all the lectures. Second, I am going to write out all the code that matters, so no annoying copy pasting of important logic and third no annoying “I have made some progress off camera.”. There won’t be any gaps I’ve done off camera between lectures.
As we progress through the application we come across basic and intermediate concepts about the technologies we’re working with, I explain these subjects and point you to good resources on the internet about them as we encounter them, so you’re not overloaded with information before you’ve even seen a line of code.
The best learning strategy I have personally found (having been in the IT field for 7 years now as a student, employee and entrepreneur) is to learn some theory and then putting that into practice as soon as possible. This really cements the new information into my brain. So I teach people using this same strategy.
This way of teaching allows my students to get a lot of value from my courses and the people paying for your skills will notice you’ll have a deep understanding of your stack. This will lead to you growing faster in your career, which in turn allows you to earn more money.
There’s no risk for you because here on Udemy there is a No Questions Asked 100% refund for 30 days.
It’s up to you to take action!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Getting the most out of this course
Lecture 2: Why learn C#, ASP.NET and Blazor
Lecture 3: What you'll learn and how you'll learn it
Lecture 4: ASP.NET and Blazor introduction
Chapter 2: Creating the walking skeleton
Lecture 1: Installing and setting up prerequisites
Lecture 2: Setting up a fancy Windows Terminal (including VS & VSCode)
Lecture 3: Creating the solution, adding the projects and adding source control
Lecture 4: Deleting Blazor boilerplate and preparing CSS
Lecture 5: Creating the home page
Lecture 6: Creating the navbar CSS
Lecture 7: Creating the navbar C# logic
Lecture 8: Creating the navbar HTML
Lecture 9: Creating the footer
Lecture 10: Expanding the blog page
Lecture 11: Creating the CategoryCard component
Lecture 12: What are Entity Framework Core and SQLite?
Lecture 13: Creating the Category model
Lecture 14: Creating the DBContext
Lecture 15: Using the DBContext
Lecture 16: Creating a migration
Lecture 17: Generating the database
Lecture 18: Creating the API
Lecture 19: Consuming the API from the Client (1/2)
Lecture 20: Consuming the API from the Client (2/2)
Lecture 21: Making the blog page dynamic (1/2)
Lecture 22: Making the blog page dynamic (2/2)
Lecture 23: Creating the Server deployment pipeline
Lecture 24: Finishing the Server deployment pipeline
Lecture 25: Creating the Client deployment pipeline
Lecture 26: Finishing the Client deployment pipeline
Chapter 3: Expanding the public front end
Lecture 1: Fancying up our application
Lecture 2: Agile/SCRUM Software Development
Lecture 3: Finishing the public navbar
Lecture 4: Scaffolding out the public pages
Lecture 5: Expanding the Skills page
Lecture 6: Expanding the Portfolio page (1/2)
Lecture 7: Expanding the Portfolio page (2/2)
Lecture 8: Finishing the modal window component
Lecture 9: Expanding the About page
Lecture 10: Expanding the Contact page
Chapter 4: Expanding the back end
Lecture 1: Adding the Post model
Lecture 2: Updating the database (1/2)
Lecture 3: Updating the database (2/2)
Lecture 4: Expanding the categories controller (1/2)
Lecture 5: Expanding the categories controller (2/2)
Lecture 6: Fixing the object reference cycle error
Lecture 7: Updating the projects to .NET 6 Preview 7
Lecture 8: Creating the posts controller
Lecture 9: Trying out and fixing the posts controller
Lecture 10: Testing the fixed posts controller
Chapter 5: Creating the admin area front end
Lecture 1: Creating the admin index page
Lecture 2: Creating the admin navigational sidebar (1/2)
Lecture 3: Creating the admin navigational sidebar (2/2)
Lecture 4: Creating the categories index page
Lecture 5: Expanding the categories index page
Lecture 6: Creating the categories create page
Lecture 7: Expanding the categories create page
Lecture 8: How to debug your applications in Visual Studio
Lecture 9: Adding image uploading (1/2)
Lecture 10: Adding image uploading (2/2)
Lecture 11: Creating some reusable components
Lecture 12: Expanding the categories index page with deletion (1/2)]
Lecture 13: Expanding the categories index page with deletion (2/2)
Lecture 14: Creating the category update page
Lecture 15: Testing Category CRUD and finishing app.css
Lecture 16: Finishing the InMemoryDatabaseCache class
Lecture 17: Fixing some deployment bugs
Lecture 18: Creating the posts index page
Lecture 19: Creating the posts create page
Lecture 20: Setting up QuillJS
Lecture 21: Adding QuillJS to the Posts create page
Lecture 22: Creating the posts update page
Lecture 23: Implementing quick post (un)publishing
Lecture 24: Adding custom model validations
Lecture 25: Conclusion
Chapter 6: Finishing the public front end
Lecture 1: Expanding the Blog page
Lecture 2: Creating the Categories Index page
Lecture 3: Finishing the Categories Index page
Lecture 4: Displaying blog posts
Chapter 7: Adding authentication with ASP.NET Identity
Lecture 1: Setting up ASP.NET Identity for the Server
Lecture 2: Seeding and updating the database with ASP.NET Identity
Lecture 3: Creating the sign in controller
Lecture 4: Securing the Server API
Lecture 5: Setting up security for the Client
Lecture 6: Creating the SignIn component
Lecture 7: Securing the rest of the admin area
Lecture 8: Finishing security for the Client
Lecture 9: Course Project Improvements and Updates
Lecture 10: Conclusion
Lecture 11: What's next?
Ruben Heeren
.NET Developer/Online Educator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 20 votes
- 4 stars: 61 votes
- 5 stars: 101 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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