Blazor – The Complete Guide [.NET 9] [2024] [E-commerce]
Blazor – The Complete Guide [.NET 9] [2024] [E-commerce], available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.53, with 402 lectures, based on 3629 reviews, and has 33255 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn fundamentals of Blazor Forms in Blazor with Validation Build real world e-commerce application using Blazor Web Assembly and Blazor Server Manage admin features using Blazor Server Authentication & Authorization in Blazor Web App Emails with Blazor Integrate Stripe Payments in Blazor Repository Pattern and Dependency Injection Radzen Blazor Components Social Login in Blazor And much more! This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn fundamentals of Blazor using .NET 9 or Anyone who wants to understand new file structure in Blazor Web App or Build e-commerce website using Blazor Web App in .NET ! It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn fundamentals of Blazor using .NET 9 or Anyone who wants to understand new file structure in Blazor Web App or Build e-commerce website using Blazor Web App in .NET !.
Enroll now: Blazor – The Complete Guide [.NET 9] [2024] [E-commerce]
Title: Blazor – The Complete Guide [.NET 9] [2024] [E-commerce]
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.53
Number of Lectures: 402
Number of Published Lectures: 401
Number of Curriculum Items: 402
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 401
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn fundamentals of Blazor
- Forms in Blazor with Validation
- Build real world e-commerce application using Blazor Web Assembly and Blazor Server
- Manage admin features using Blazor Server
- Authentication & Authorization in Blazor Web App
- Emails with Blazor
- Integrate Stripe Payments in Blazor
- Repository Pattern and Dependency Injection
- Radzen Blazor Components
- Social Login in Blazor
- And much more!
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn fundamentals of Blazor using .NET 9
- Anyone who wants to understand new file structure in Blazor Web App
- Build e-commerce website using Blazor Web App in .NET !
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn fundamentals of Blazor using .NET 9
- Anyone who wants to understand new file structure in Blazor Web App
- Build e-commerce website using Blazor Web App in .NET !
For years JavaScript frameworks have dominated the front end/client side development! But things are about to change with Blazor!
Blazor is an exciting new part of .NET Core (.NET 9) designed for building rich web user interfaces in C#. This course will help developers transition from building basic sample apps to implementing more real world concepts, design patterns, and features.
With that there are many questions.
What is Blazor? How do I get started with fundamentals of Blazor?
How do you scale an existing application?
How do you architect a mid-large scale project?
How to correctly process payments?
How to efficiently understand Blazor and use it in real world projects?
This course will provide you a complete real world scenario with Blazor which will make you face many challenges and solve those issues as we proceed with the course.
There are other courses on Udemy, but this is the ultimate course, it covers everything there is to Blazor starting from fundamentals to advance concepts in Blazor
This course will help developers transition from building basic sample apps to implementing more real world concepts, design patterns, and features.
So join me in this exciting course of exploring what real world challenges are with Blazor as it evolves drastically!
We will be using the latest .NET 9 for this course along with Entity Framework Core and Stripe for payment processing.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Demo – What we will build in the course
Lecture 3: Project Resources and GitHub
Chapter 2: Create Blazor Project
Lecture 1: Create Project
Lecture 2: Add Project to source control
Lecture 3: Run default application
Chapter 3: Blazor Fundamentals Part 1
Lecture 1: Create First Blazor Component
Lecture 2: One way data binding
Lecture 3: Tow way data binding
Lecture 4: Assignment 1
Lecture 5: Assignment 1 Solution
Lecture 6: Dropdown in Blazor
Lecture 7: Global using statement
Lecture 8: Product List
Lecture 9: Assignment 2 – Product Table
Lecture 10: Assignment 2 Solution – Product Table
Lecture 11: Assignment 3 – Binding Product Table to Product Summary
Lecture 12: Assignment 3 Solution- Binding Product Table to Product Summary
Lecture 13: Assignment 4 – Product Demo Component
Lecture 14: Assignment 4 Solution- Product Demo Component
Lecture 15: Button clicks in Blazor
Lecture 16: Passing parameter to method calls in blazor
Lecture 17: Assignment 4 – Delete Product
Lecture 18: Assignment 5 Solution – Delete Product
Chapter 4: Blazor Fundamentals Part 2
Lecture 1: Create Shared Component
Lecture 2: Passing Props to Shared Components
Lecture 3: Assignment 6 – Shared Component
Lecture 4: Assignment 6 Solution – Shared Component
Lecture 5: Create Favorite CheckBox
Lecture 6: Event Callback
Lecture 7: Assignment 7 – Event CallBack
Lecture 8: Assignment 7 Solution – Event Callback
Chapter 5: Blazor Fundamentals Part 3
Lecture 1: Create Parent and Child Components
Lecture 2: Render Fragment
Lecture 3: Simple EventCallBack for methods with no parameters
Lecture 4: Multiple Render Fragment
Lecture 5: Passing Parameters at multiple level
Lecture 6: Cascading Parameter
Lecture 7: Cascading Parameter with Name
Chapter 6: Routing in Blazor
Lecture 1: Routing Basics
Lecture 2: Passing parameters to route
Lecture 3: Multiple Parameters
Lecture 4: Route Constraints
Lecture 5: Catch all Route Parameters
Lecture 6: NavLink
Lecture 7: Named Elements Routing
Lecture 8: Query Parameters
Lecture 9: Navigate using Navigation Manager
Lecture 10: Force Refresh
Lecture 11: Query String
Chapter 7: Blazor and JavaScript
Lecture 1: Confirmbox in Blazor
Lecture 2: Toastr JS
Lecture 3: Toastr JS Part 2
Lecture 4: JS Runtime Extensions
Lecture 5: Assignment 8 – SweetAlert
Lecture 6: Assignment 8 Solution – SweetAlert
Lecture 7: Referencing Components
Lecture 8: Remove Default Components
Chapter 8: Blazor Lifecycle
Lecture 1: OnInitialized LifeCycle
Lecture 2: OnParameterSet LifeCycle
Lecture 3: OnAfterRender Lifecycle
Lecture 4: Should Render and StateHasChanged
Chapter 9: Blazor Project and Configurations
Lecture 1: Create Blazor Web App – SSR
Lecture 2: Enhanced Navigation in Blazor
Lecture 3: Make Data Permanant in Nagivation
Lecture 4: Stream Rendering in Blazor
Lecture 5: Stream Rendering Example
Lecture 6: Blazor Server Project with Global
Lecture 7: Global vs Component Level Interactivity
Lecture 8: Blazor WASM Standalone vs Blazor Web App
Lecture 9: Blazor Auto Interactivity
Lecture 10: Blazor Server VS WASM VS Auto in Action
Lecture 11: Focus on Learning Blazor
Chapter 10: Forms in Blazor
Lecture 1: Product Model Setup
Lecture 2: Edit Form in Blazor
Lecture 3: Bind Method for Form Submit
Lecture 4: Validations in Blazor Forms
Lecture 5: More Input Types
Lecture 6: Display Created Product
Lecture 7: Bind Property to Form
Chapter 11: Final Project
Lecture 1: Create Project
Lecture 2: Add Project to GitHub
Lecture 3: Setup Project
Lecture 4: Create Database
Chapter 12: Category CRUD
Lecture 1: Create Category Model and Table
Lecture 2: Create ICategoryRepository
Lecture 3: Implement Category Repository
Lecture 4: Category List UI
Bhrugen Patel
Microsoft MVP | Passionate Software Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 44 votes
- 2 stars: 52 votes
- 3 stars: 317 votes
- 4 stars: 1191 votes
- 5 stars: 2025 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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