Blazor WebAssembly Full Stack Bootcamp with .NET 5
Blazor WebAssembly Full Stack Bootcamp with .NET 5, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 211 lectures, based on 622 reviews, and has 3777 subscribers.
You will learn about Build a complete web application with Blazor WebAssembly, Web API, Entity Framework and a SQL Server database Razor components: Communication, data binding, event handling, the @code block & more Forms in Blazor WebAssembly with Validation & displaying validation messages Utilize built-in forms components like InputText, InputCheckbox, InputSelect & more Authentication & authorization with the AuthenticationStateProvider & the AuthorizeView component Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Use Web API as web service with the HTTP request methods GET, POST, PUT & DELETE by utilizing the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern Use Entity Framework with code-first migrations to store your data in a SQL Server database Publish & Deploy to a Windows Server with IIS (Internet Information Services) …and much more! This course is ideal for individuals who are Everyone who wants to make the next big step in web development with Blazor & .NET or Students who want to improve their skills in order to have better chances for career advancement It is particularly useful for Everyone who wants to make the next big step in web development with Blazor & .NET or Students who want to improve their skills in order to have better chances for career advancement.
Enroll now: Blazor WebAssembly Full Stack Bootcamp with .NET 5
Title: Blazor WebAssembly Full Stack Bootcamp with .NET 5
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 211
Number of Published Lectures: 211
Number of Curriculum Items: 211
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 211
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build a complete web application with Blazor WebAssembly, Web API, Entity Framework and a SQL Server database
- Razor components: Communication, data binding, event handling, the @code block & more
- Forms in Blazor WebAssembly with Validation & displaying validation messages
- Utilize built-in forms components like InputText, InputCheckbox, InputSelect & more
- Authentication & authorization with the AuthenticationStateProvider & the AuthorizeView component
- Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Use Web API as web service with the HTTP request methods GET, POST, PUT & DELETE by utilizing the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern
- Use Entity Framework with code-first migrations to store your data in a SQL Server database
- Publish & Deploy to a Windows Server with IIS (Internet Information Services)
- …and much more!
Who Should Attend
- Everyone who wants to make the next big step in web development with Blazor & .NET
- Students who want to improve their skills in order to have better chances for career advancement
Target Audiences
- Everyone who wants to make the next big step in web development with Blazor & .NET
- Students who want to improve their skills in order to have better chances for career advancement
Blazor WebAssembly is turning the web development world upside down.
With Blazor you can keep coding every part of your web application – meaning front end andback end – with the programming language and the framework you love – C# and .NET.
No need for JavaScript anymore and you can even use the same classes and methods you write for the server as well as for the client.
We will dive right into the code by first having a look at the standard example project of Blazor WebAssembly and then we already build the main project of this course, which is a classic online browser game, where users can create an army of fighters and send them into battle against other users.
Together with some customization options and climbing the leaderboard, this application will teach you how to use Blazor WebAssembly with Razor components in a playful way.
We will have a look at data- and event binding, communication between components, formswith their built-in componentsand validationoptions, how to use views only authorized users can see, how to make calls to a web service, and much more.
Additionally, you will learn how to build the back end of the browser game with a Web API and Entity Framework to store all the data in a SQL Serverdatabase.
By the end of this course, you will have what it takes to call yourself a full stack Blazor web developer.
With your new skills, you are ready to conquer any upcoming .NET web development project you want to build yourself or any project that is requested by a recruiter.
The only tools you need are Visual Studio, Postman, SQL Server, and a browser like Chromeor Firefox.
Everything is available for free and also cross-platform! So you can follow this course on Windows and macOS.
What You Will Learn
Introduction & Jumpstart
Create an ASP.NET Core hosted Blazor WebAssembly project
Examinethe example project
Explore different ways to run your web application
Debug client & server code at the same time
Initialize a Git repository for your source control
Blazor WebAssembly Fundamentals
Create Razor components
Write C# code and HTML in the same file
The @code block
Component communication with parameters, event callbacks & services
Databinding & eventhandling
Add pagesto your Blazor WebAssembly application
Routing & navigation in a Blazor app
Create and use modelswithin your web application
Loops & more in Razor components
User feedback with toaster messages for errors & more
Manage NuGet Packages
Forms & Authentication
Create forms with validations
Use all built-in forms components like InputText, InputCheckbox, InputSelect & more
Build login & registrationforms
Display validation errors
Utilize models with forms
Add the NavigationManagerto navigate the user in your app
Utilize the AuthenticationStateProvider
Expose the AuthenticationState
Use the AuthorizeView component
Page restriction with the [Authorize] attribute
Use the LocalStoragefor authentication
Web API & Entity Framework
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern
Create modelsand controllers
Use the same models for the server and the client
Attribute routing (with parameters)
The HTTP request methods GET, POST, PUT & DELETE
Code-First Migration
SQL Server
How to use a DataContextand a proper ConnectionString
All previous HTTP requestswith Entity Framework to save your data in a SQL Serverdatabase
Inspect your database with the SQL Server Management Studio
Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
Create & verify JSON Web Tokens
Use the Repository pattern
Add & read claims
Secure controllers with the Authorizeattribute
Use the JWT in the AuthenticationStateProviderof Blazor WebAssembly
Advanced Blazor WebAssembly, Web API & Entity Framework Implementations
Add relationsto your database
Use LINQfunctions to Select, Order & Include entities
Complete the game logic: Grow your army, fight battles, climb the leaderboard
…and more!
Publish & Deploy your Web Application
Deploy your web application on a Windows Server with IIS (Internet Information Services)
User the Web Deploy feature of IIS to publish and deploy your app with Visual Studio
Your Instructor
My name is Patrick and I will be your instructor in this course. I’m a web developer for over a decade now, I have worked for big corporations and small teams, as an employee and a contractor and I just love to see the way Microsoft is going with .NET & Blazor and how important these technologies get day by day.
To this date, I was able to run seven courses on web development here on Udemy about .NET (Core), Blazor, single-page applications, Angular and DevOps – with a total of over 55.000 unique students and over 6.000 reviews.
If you have any questions, feel free to connect.
And if you still have any doubts, you have a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked.
Are you ready to take the next step in web development?
I’m looking forward to seeing you in the course!
Course image: vector illustration/Shutterstock
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: .NET SDK & Tools (.NET SDK, Visual Studio, Postman, SQL Server)
Lecture 3: Git Repository on GitHub
Chapter 2: Jumpstart
Lecture 1: Create an ASP.NET Core Hosted Blazor WebAssembly Project
Lecture 2: Solution Overview
Lecture 3: Example Project Explained
Lecture 4: Initialize Git Repository
Chapter 3: Let’s Make a Game: First Steps with Blazor WebAssembly
Lecture 1: Introduction & Project Overview
Lecture 2: Your First Razor Component
Lecture 3: CSS Isolation
Lecture 4: Component Communication with Parameters (Parent to Child)
Lecture 5: Component Communication with Event Callbacks (Child to Parent)
Lecture 6: Build Units with a new Page (and cleaning up a little)
Lecture 7: Component Communication with Services
Lecture 8: Add Bananas with the BananaService
Lecture 9: New Models for Knights & More
Lecture 10: Build Units with the Unit Service
Lecture 11: Select & foreach in Action (Extending the Build Component)
Lecture 12: Show Me Your Army
Lecture 13: Not enough Bananas! (Display Error Messages)
Lecture 14: Toast Notifications with Blazored.Toast
Lecture 15: Success Message for New Units
Lecture 16: Summary
Chapter 4: Fun with Forms & Authentication
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: User Login Form with Validation
Lecture 3: Model for User Registration (also with Validation)
Lecture 4: User Registration Form
Lecture 5: Add Asterisk to Required Fields through CSS
Lecture 6: Log Objects to the Console
Lecture 7: Use Radio Buttons (InputRadio Component)
Lecture 8: Navigate the User with the NavigationManager
Lecture 9: The AuthenticationStateProvider
Lecture 10: Expose the AuthenticationState & Introduce the AuthorizeView with Friends
Lecture 11: Page Restriction with the [Authorize] Attribute
Lecture 12: LocalStorage for Authentication & Notify about the Authentication State
Lecture 13: Add a Logout Option
Lecture 14: Clean Up the Navigation & Add a FavIcon
Lecture 15: Summary
Chapter 5: First Steps with Web API & Entity Framework
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern
Lecture 3: Add the UnitController
Lecture 4: Get the Units with Postman
Lecture 5: Receive Units from the Web API
Lecture 6: A Quick Word About Dependency Injection
Lecture 7: HTTP Methods Explained
Lecture 8: Asynchronous Calls
Lecture 9: What is Entity Framework? Object-Relational Mapping Explained
Lecture 10: Install Entity Framework
Lecture 11: Install SQL Server Express
Lecture 12: Implement the DataContext
Lecture 13: ConnectionString & Add the DbContext
Lecture 14: Code-First Migration in Action
Lecture 15: View the Database with the SQL Server Management Studio
Lecture 16: Receive Units from the SQL Server Database
Lecture 17: Add a Unit with POST
Lecture 18: Update a Unit with PUT
Lecture 19: Remove a Unit with DELETE
Lecture 20: Summary
Chapter 6: Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The User Model
Lecture 3: Authentication Theory
Lecture 4: Authentication Repository
Lecture 5: User Registration
Lecture 6: “User already exists.”
Lecture 7: Service Response with Generics
Lecture 8: Add the Authentication Controller
Lecture 9: Register a User on the Client
Lecture 10: User Login
Lecture 11: Login with the Client
Lecture 12: Token Authentication with JSON Web Tokens
Lecture 13: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Preparations
Lecture 14: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Implementations
Lecture 15: Use JWT with the Client
Lecture 16: Authentication Middleware & Authorize Attribute
Lecture 17: Create the UserController
Lecture 18: Receive the User’s Bananas on the Client
Lecture 19: Summary
Chapter 7: Grow Your Army with UserUnits
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Add Bananas to the Database
Lecture 3: A One-to-Many Relationship: UserUnits
Lecture 4: Refactor with a UtilityService
Lecture 5: Build UserUnits on the Server with the UserUnitController
Lecture 6: Get UserUnits Implementations
Lecture 7: Build UserUnits on the Client
Lecture 8: Show Me Your Army
Lecture 9: Summary
Chapter 8: Fight Battles & Climb the Leaderboard
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Add Battle Properties to User Model
Lecture 3: Implement the Leaderboard
Lecture 4: Create the Leaderboard Service
Lecture 5: Create the Leaderboard Page
Lecture 6: Change My Leaderboard Style
Patrick God
Passionate Software Developer & Teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 14 votes
- 3 stars: 39 votes
- 4 stars: 186 votes
- 5 stars: 378 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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