Bootstrap 5 Course – The Complete Guide Step by Step
Bootstrap 5 Course – The Complete Guide Step by Step, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.51, with 311 lectures, 15 quizzes, based on 2930 reviews, and has 52448 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn the Latest Bootstrap v5.2 Framework Build Bootstrap 5 EMS front-end App (Project) Build Bootstrap 5 Blog App (Project) Build Bootstrap 5 Educational Website (Project) Complete Bootstrap Implementation into any website You will learn Responsive Web Site Designing You will learn to Build customized Bootstrap 5 Web Apps You will learn different Breakpoints in Bootstrap 5 You will learn how to use Bootstrap 5 Containers You will Bootstrap 5 Grid system You will learn to create responsive images, tables and typography You will learn to create customized Bootstrap 5 Forms You will learn all the Bootstrap 5 components like, Badge, Breadcrumb, Buttons, Button group, Card, and much more You will learn to build a complete Bootstrap 5 Based website This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who is interested to learn Bootstrap 5 or Anyone who wants to become a web designer or Anyone who wants to become a web developer or Anyone who wants to learn responsive web designing It is particularly useful for Anyone who is interested to learn Bootstrap 5 or Anyone who wants to become a web designer or Anyone who wants to become a web developer or Anyone who wants to learn responsive web designing.
Enroll now: Bootstrap 5 Course – The Complete Guide Step by Step
Title: Bootstrap 5 Course – The Complete Guide Step by Step
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.51
Number of Lectures: 311
Number of Quizzes: 15
Number of Published Lectures: 311
Number of Published Quizzes: 15
Number of Curriculum Items: 326
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 326
Original Price: ₹5,900
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn the Latest Bootstrap v5.2 Framework
- Build Bootstrap 5 EMS front-end App (Project)
- Build Bootstrap 5 Blog App (Project)
- Build Bootstrap 5 Educational Website (Project)
- Complete Bootstrap Implementation into any website
- You will learn Responsive Web Site Designing
- You will learn to Build customized Bootstrap 5 Web Apps
- You will learn different Breakpoints in Bootstrap 5
- You will learn how to use Bootstrap 5 Containers
- You will Bootstrap 5 Grid system
- You will learn to create responsive images, tables and typography
- You will learn to create customized Bootstrap 5 Forms
- You will learn all the Bootstrap 5 components like, Badge, Breadcrumb, Buttons, Button group, Card, and much more
- You will learn to build a complete Bootstrap 5 Based website
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who is interested to learn Bootstrap 5
- Anyone who wants to become a web designer
- Anyone who wants to become a web developer
- Anyone who wants to learn responsive web designing
Target Audiences
- Anyone who is interested to learn Bootstrap 5
- Anyone who wants to become a web designer
- Anyone who wants to become a web developer
- Anyone who wants to learn responsive web designing
(June 2023 – Update) Updated Bootstrap Section to Bootstrap 5.3
The course is now updated with the latest version of Bootstrap 5.3 with Dark mode, new progress element and more.
(Updated to Bootstrap 5.2)
Bootstrap is a popular framework designed for the building and development of responsive web applications. With Bootstrap 5, the framework has more UI elements and comes with more advanced features. More than a million websites use Bootstrap and their framework for front-end development.
In this course, you will learn Bootstrap 5 from scratch to an advanced level. You will learn to build 3 Live Real-World projects with the latest Bootstrap 5 CSS framework. We will go through the Bootstrap 5 documentation step by step and learn how to use the UI elements.
Now, before you can get started, you need to have some prerequisites for this course. Although this Bootstrap 5 course covers everything from scratch. You need some skills to get started.
You need to have some skills in HTML5 & CSS3 and you should be able to build some websites with HTML and CSS. If not, that’s ok, but you still need to know some basics of HTML and CSS.
You should know how Classes and IDs work in CSS because classes and IDs are what are used to build websites with Bootstrap 5. Make sure to have some basic idea of what CSS classes and IDs mean.
You also need to have some skills in JavaScript, although it’s not required in this course much. It is still a good idea to have some skills in JavaScript. Because Bootstrap 5 uses JavaScript at its main core to work with web interactions, like dropdown menus, modals, and other UI elements.
So, here’s what you will learn throughout the course.
In section 1, you will learn what the Bootstrap 5 Framework is, and you will learn the basic structure of the Bootstrap 5 Basic webpage.
In section 2, you will learn the breakpoints in the Bootstrap 5 grid system, and the types of containers available, and you will also learn how to work with the Bootstrap 5 grid for multiple devices. Including how-to columns inside the grid. You will learn how to align columns vertically, and horizontally, wrap columns, offset,and also re-ordering them. You will learn about margin utilities, gutters, and both horizontal gutters and vertical gutters.
In section 3, you will learn about Bootstrap 5 main contents, in which you will learn about the Typography of Bootstrap 5.You will learn how to use images inside Bootstrap 5, how to create and use Tables within Bootstrap 5and you will also learn how to create and work with Figures in Bootstrap 5.
In section 4, you will learn how to work with forms and form elements in Bootstrap 5. As a start, you will learn how to create a basic login form with Bootstrap 5 cards and form controls.You will learn to use ways of implying custom and in-built CSS. Also, you will learn to set up and style the form layout within the Bootstrap 5 page.
In section 5, you will learn about the components in Bootstrap 5.You will learn how to use Bootstrap 5’s Dismissible alerts, create badges, use Breadcrumbs in Bootstrap 5, create and align Buttons and Button groups within Bootstrap 5,and so much more.
In section 6,you will learn about helpers in Bootstrap 5.you will learn about clearfix, colors, and background, colored links, ratios, positions, stacks, visually hiding elements, stretching links, truncating text, and vertical rule.
In section 7,you will learn about Utilities in Bootstrap 5.This part includes every minor and major detail about all the utilities available in Bootstrap 5.2
Next, you will learn to create and customize Bootstrap 5 cards, create carousels, make collapsible panels, and add data to make it look more original and real-time.
Then you will learn about dropdowns and list groups, you will learn to create popup modals and create and manage simple and complex navigation systems within Bootstrap 5.
Once we get to know about the navigation systems, you will then learn how to create pagination and pop-overs. Next, you will learn how to work with progress bars and work with scroll spy.
Creating Employee Management System with Bootstrap 5
In this project, you will learn how to create a complete Employee management system or an EMS web app with Bootstrap 5. This project will be the front-end of the EMS apps, which consists of, a Login page, dashboard, a form page to create employee data, and another form page to manage or update the employee data all in Bootstrap 5.
Building a Blog Application System with Bootstrap 5
One of the most commons thing on the internet you can always find is a blog. Here in this project, we are going to build a complete blog application with Bootstrap 5.Our blog app will have banner sections to display hero images, cards to display category information, a footer section to display additional info about the blog, and posts and pages to display all kinds of articles. We will also create a comment system with Bootstrap 5form elements.
Real-World Educational Website Project with Bootstrap 5
As we get some advanced knowledge of Bootstrap 5 by building different types of projects, we will proceed to build an educational website that is going to be live on the web.
The idea of building different types of projects with Bootstrap 5is to give to a practice of developing web applications and building your skills in web development to master the front-end development of a web with bootstrap 5.
I hope you guys will enjoy the course, See you in class.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Bootstrap 5
Lecture 1: Introduction to Bootstrap 5
Lecture 2: What you will need
Lecture 3: Hello World
Lecture 4: Bootstrap 5 Document Structure
Chapter 2: Layouts in Bootstrap 5
Lecture 1: Breakpoints in Bootstrap 5
Lecture 2: Containers
Lecture 3: Grid
Lecture 4: Grid Options
Lecture 5: Nesting Rows and Columns
Lecture 6: Column Vertical Alignment
Lecture 7: Column Horizontal Alignment
Lecture 8: Column Wrapping and Column Breaks
Lecture 9: Reordering and Offsetting Columns
Lecture 10: Margin Utilities
Lecture 11: Gutters
Lecture 12: Horizontal Gutters
Lecture 13: Vertical Gutters
Lecture 14: Horizontal and Vertical Gutters
Chapter 3: Contents in Bootstrap 5
Lecture 1: Typography
Lecture 2: Inline Text Elements
Lecture 3: Abbreviations and Blockquotes
Lecture 4: Working with Lists
Lecture 5: Images in Bootstrap
Lecture 6: Tables in Bootstrap
Lecture 7: Table Alignment, Nesting and Anatomy
Lecture 8: Figures in Bootstrap
Chapter 4: Forms in Bootstrap 5
Lecture 1: Forms in Bootstrap
Lecture 2: Form Control
Lecture 3: Checks and Radios
Lecture 4: Range
Lecture 5: Input Groups
Lecture 6: Floating Labels
Lecture 7: Form Layout
Lecture 8: Horizontal Forms
Lecture 9: Auto Sizing Forms
Lecture 10: Inline Forms
Lecture 11: Form Validation
Chapter 5: Components in Bootstrap 5
Lecture 1: Accordions
Lecture 2: Alerts
Lecture 3: Dismissing Alerts
Lecture 4: Badges
Lecture 5: Breadcrumb
Lecture 6: Buttons
Lecture 7: Button Group
Lecture 8: Button Toolbar
Lecture 9: Button Group Alteration
Lecture 10: Card
Lecture 11: Card Sizing
Lecture 12: Card Navigation
Lecture 13: Card Images
Lecture 14: Card Styles
Lecture 15: Carousel
Lecture 16: Carousel Controls
Lecture 17: Carousel Indicators
Lecture 18: Carousel Caption
Lecture 19: Carousel Fade Effect
Lecture 20: Carousel Timing
Lecture 21: Disable Carousel Touch Swiping
Lecture 22: Carousel Dark Variant
Lecture 23: (Bootstrap 5.3 Update) Deprecation of Carousel Dark & The New Method
Lecture 24: Close Button
Lecture 25: (Bootstrap 5.3 Update) Deprecation of "btn-close-white" & The New Method
Lecture 26: Collapse
Lecture 27: Horizontal Collapse
Lecture 28: Multiple Targets
Lecture 29: Dropdowns
Lecture 30: Split Button
Lecture 31: Dropdown Sizing
Lecture 32: Dark Dropdowns
Lecture 33: (Bootstrap 5.3 Update) Deprecation of Dark Dropdowns & The New Method
Lecture 34: Dropdown Directions
Lecture 35: Dropup and Dropdown Alignment
Lecture 36: Menu Items
Lecture 37: Menu Alignment
Lecture 38: Dropdown Alignment Options
Lecture 39: Menu Contents
Lecture 40: Dropdown Forms
Lecture 41: Dropdown Options
Lecture 42: Dropdown Auto Close
Lecture 43: List Group
Lecture 44: List Group Links and Buttons
Lecture 45: List Group Flush
Lecture 46: Numbered List
Fatah Gabrial
Web Developer & Professional Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 43 votes
- 2 stars: 67 votes
- 3 stars: 344 votes
- 4 stars: 1066 votes
- 5 stars: 1411 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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