Build 64 iOS9 projects in Swift. Build 50 apps and 14 games!
Build 64 iOS9 projects in Swift. Build 50 apps and 14 games!, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 540 lectures, based on 44 reviews, and has 1414 subscribers.
You will learn about Code in Swift Have projects they can add to their resume Code in SpriteKit Build apps from scratch Build games from scratch Upload to the app store This course is ideal for individuals who are Complete Beginners or Not for advanced programmers It is particularly useful for Complete Beginners or Not for advanced programmers.
Enroll now: Build 64 iOS9 projects in Swift. Build 50 apps and 14 games!
Title: Build 64 iOS9 projects in Swift. Build 50 apps and 14 games!
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 540
Number of Published Lectures: 539
Number of Curriculum Items: 540
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 539
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Code in Swift
- Have projects they can add to their resume
- Code in SpriteKit
- Build apps from scratch
- Build games from scratch
- Upload to the app store
Who Should Attend
- Complete Beginners
- Not for advanced programmers
Target Audiences
- Complete Beginners
- Not for advanced programmers
This course was funded through a massively successful Kickstarter campaign.
BUILD 64 iOS projects to enhance your career. Add these projects to your LinkedIn or resume. Start your career in software development today. Did you know that software developers can make up to 200k a year? This course is for complete beginners. If that sounds like you, then enrol today!
One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.
This course is project based so you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately.
You can use the projects you build in this course to add to your LinkedIn profile. Give your portfolio fuel to take your career to the next level.
Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.
You will get full lifetime access to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.
What makes you a good teacher?
- I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store.
- I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making money
- I have been teaching since 2002
- I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroom
- I am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachers
- I have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.
- I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations.
- I have over 150k students worldwide
How you will make money by learning new skills
- Learn practical skills
- Learn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealth
- Learn through practical examples
Why should you learn online?
There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education has
- Motivated me
- Helped my career
- Helped me as a teacher
- Impacted several lives around the planet
I promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Let's learn about Swift!
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: 02. Course Requirements
Lecture 3: 03. Talking about Xcode projects
Lecture 4: 04. Setting up the Xcode environment
Lecture 5: 05. Adding items to the main story board
Lecture 6: 06. Hooking up the swift file
Lecture 7: 07. Using the swift file
Lecture 8: 08. Changing the button text
Lecture 9: 09. Adding in functions
Lecture 10: 10. Variables
Lecture 11: 11. If Statements
Lecture 12: 12. Multiple condition if statements
Lecture 13: 13. Else if statements
Lecture 14: 14. Printing a user selected number
Lecture 15: 15. Apple UI and interactivity
Lecture 16: 16. Course conclusion
Chapter 2: 04. Make a letter counting app with arrays for iOS9
Lecture 1: 01. Introduction to the name changing app
Lecture 2: 02. Designing the app
Lecture 3: 03. Hooking up the swift code
Lecture 4: 04. Adding functions to the app
Lecture 5: 05. Enterting the name data
Lecture 6: 06. Making the app count the characters
Lecture 7: 07. Putting the characters into an array
Lecture 8: 08. Adding in the clear button functionality
Lecture 9: 09. Hiding the keyboard
Lecture 10: 10. Designing the app
Lecture 11: 11. Challenge – Make a 4 box character counting app
Chapter 3: 05. Reversing words app for iOS9
Lecture 1: 01. Introduction to the word reverser
Lecture 2: 02. Designing the app
Lecture 3: 03 Hooking up the actions and the outlets
Lecture 4: 04. Adding in functions to the app
Lecture 5: 05. Setting up variables
Lecture 6: 06. Setting up the user input and testing the app
Lecture 7: 07. Reversing the characters
Lecture 8: 08. Talking about user experience and code
Lecture 9: 09. Designing the app and adding the clear function
Lecture 10: 10. Hiding the keyboard
Lecture 11: 11. Challenge – Count the characters of the reversed word
Chapter 4: 06. Inspirational Quote App for iOS9
Lecture 1: 01. Introduction to the motivational quote app
Lecture 2: 02. Designing the app
Lecture 3: 03 Hooking up the Swift File
Lecture 4: 04. Setting up the variables and the arrays
Lecture 5: 05. Adding in the function to the app
Lecture 6: 06. Printing the variable
Lecture 7: 07. Selecting the random number
Lecture 8: 08. Changing the button Text
Lecture 9: 09. Adding in checking logic
Lecture 10: 10. Designing the app
Lecture 11: 11. Challenge – Add another array item box to the project
Chapter 5: 07. Making an innovative calculator for iOS9
Lecture 1: 01. Introduction to the innovative calculator
Lecture 2: 02. Talking about the main storyboard
Lecture 3: 03. Adding in the other views
Lecture 4: 04. Changing the names of the tabs
Lecture 5: 05. Changing the colors of the slides
Lecture 6: 06. Designing the first page
Lecture 7: 07. Designing the first page for productivity
Lecture 8: 08. Copying the items to the other view controller
Lecture 9: 09. Setting up the outlets
Lecture 10: 10. Hooking up the swift file
Lecture 11: 11. Adding in the addition variables
Lecture 12: 12. Taking in the user data
Lecture 13: 13. Adding in the calculation and printing the answer
Lecture 14: 14. Adding in the clear Button
Lecture 15: 15. Hiding the keyboard
Lecture 16: 16. Adding in the multiplication tab
Lecture 17: 17. Setting up the division page
Lecture 18: 18. Setting up the subtraction page
Lecture 19: 19. Finding different solutions
Lecture 20: 20. Putting final touches on the design
Lecture 21: 21. Challenge add in two more tabs
Chapter 6: 08. Stock Price Calculator for iOS9
Lecture 1: 01. Introduction to the stock price calculator
Lecture 2: 02. Designing the app
Lecture 3: 03. Hooking up the Swift File
Lecture 4: 04. Setting up the variables
Lecture 5: 05. Adding in functions to the app
Lecture 6: 06. Taking in the user data
Lecture 7: 07. Converting variables to floats
Lecture 8: 08. Adding in the price and hiding the keyboard
Lecture 9: 09. Fixing the percent error
Lecture 10: 10. Calculating the profit
Lecture 11: 11. Rounding to two decimal places
Lecture 12: 12. Clearing the app
Lecture 13: 13. Designing the app
Lecture 14: 14. Challenge – Limit the amount of characters in the profit section
Chapter 7: 09. Savings app for iOS9
Lecture 1: 01. Introduction to the savings app
Lecture 2: 02. Designing the labels to the app
Lecture 3: 03. Hooking up the swift file
Lecture 4: 04. Setting up the Variables
Lecture 5: 05. Setting up the functions
Lecture 6: 06. Taking in the data
Lecture 7: 07. Calculating the income
Lecture 8: 08. Calculating the savings
Lecture 9: 09. Printing the variables
John Bura
Best Selling Instructor Web/App/Game Developer 1Mil Students -
Mammoth Interactive
Top-Rated Instructor, 3.3 Million+ Students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 11 votes
- 5 stars: 25 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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