Build ASP.NET Core Web API – Scratch To Finish (.NET8 API)
Build ASP.NET Core Web API – Scratch To Finish (.NET8 API), available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.53, with 185 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 5688 reviews, and has 28452 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn, Understand and Create ASPNET Core Web API From Scratch using .NET8 Building scalable REST APIs from scratch using ASPNET CORE and C# Learn and Apply Entity Framework Core to perform CRUD operations on a SQL Server database Use Entity Framework Core in a code first approach Understand and Apply the Repository Pattern in ASPNET Core Web API Use Domain Driven Design (DDD) approach to create domain first models and project Understand RESTful Principles and Apply them in ASPNET Core Web API Understand Best practices and Clean Coding Techniques, Know Shortcuts and Tips and Tricks Add Validations In ASPNET CORE Web API Use popular third-party libraries such as AUTOMAPPER Understand and Use Interfaces, Inheritance, Dependency Injection etc Understand and Implement Authentication and Role based Authorization to Authenticate and Authorize the ASPNET Core Database Create JWT tokens to Authenticate API Test ASPNET Core Web API using Swagger and Postman Use ASPNET Core Identity in ASPNET Core Web API to Authenticate and add Role based Authorization Learn Filtering, Sorting and Pagination in ASPNET Core Web API This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner to Intermediate Developer with some knowledge in ASPNET Core and C# It is particularly useful for Beginner to Intermediate Developer with some knowledge in ASPNET Core and C#.
Enroll now: Build ASP.NET Core Web API – Scratch To Finish (.NET8 API)
Title: Build ASP.NET Core Web API – Scratch To Finish (.NET8 API)
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.53
Number of Lectures: 185
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 185
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 187
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 186
Original Price: $69.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn, Understand and Create ASPNET Core Web API From Scratch using .NET8
- Building scalable REST APIs from scratch using ASPNET CORE and C#
- Learn and Apply Entity Framework Core to perform CRUD operations on a SQL Server database
- Use Entity Framework Core in a code first approach
- Understand and Apply the Repository Pattern in ASPNET Core Web API
- Use Domain Driven Design (DDD) approach to create domain first models and project
- Understand RESTful Principles and Apply them in ASPNET Core Web API
- Understand Best practices and Clean Coding Techniques, Know Shortcuts and Tips and Tricks
- Add Validations In ASPNET CORE Web API
- Use popular third-party libraries such as AUTOMAPPER
- Understand and Use Interfaces, Inheritance, Dependency Injection etc
- Understand and Implement Authentication and Role based Authorization to Authenticate and Authorize the ASPNET Core Database
- Create JWT tokens to Authenticate API
- Test ASPNET Core Web API using Swagger and Postman
- Use ASPNET Core Identity in ASPNET Core Web API to Authenticate and add Role based Authorization
- Learn Filtering, Sorting and Pagination in ASPNET Core Web API
Who Should Attend
- Beginner to Intermediate Developer with some knowledge in ASPNET Core and C#
Target Audiences
- Beginner to Intermediate Developer with some knowledge in ASPNET Core and C#
The course is compatible with both versions – .NET7 & .NET8
This is a complete guide to creating ASP.NET Core Web API using .NET8, Entity Framework Core (EF Core), and SQL Server database.
With over 11000 student enrolmentsand more than 20005-star reviews, this course has helped students from all backgrounds to learn and implement ASP.NET core Web API.
This course is for all skill levels and best suits beginners and intermediate developers who have gained knowledge in C# and ASP.NET Web MVC and want to use their skills to learn ASP.NET Core and specifically ASP.NET Core Web API.
In this ASP.NET Core WEB API course, we will use .NET8 and create a REST WEB API.
During this course, you will gain so much experience creating ASP.NET Core APIs and endpoints and by the end, I am confident that you will gain enough practical knowledge to create your own ASP.NET Web APIs.
We will create a very engaging Web API in which we will create the regions and walks of New Zealand and we will create an ASP.NET Core Web APIso that clients of this API can consume this data.
We will start with learning what are the principles of REST and understand the files that ASP.NET Core creates as part of a new project.
Then we will create and understand our domain and domain models.
Then we will go ahead and install Entity Framework Coreand using EF Core migrations we will create our SQL Server Database.
We will then create controllers for our API and test them using Swagger UI.
We will also understand and implement the concepts of Domain and Data models and use clean coding techniques to build our ASP.NET CORE Web API.
We will use a famous third-party library called Automapperto map objects inside our API.
With all of this, we will go on and create CRUDoperations for our Web API. We will perform Create, Read, Update, and Deleteoperations on our API using the Repository Pattern in ASP.NET Core API.
Then we will understand and implement Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET CORE Web APIS using JWT tokens and see how we can generate JWT tokens using our API (Server) so that we can Authenticate and Authorize the clients of our application.
We will learn more advanced level stuff by implementing Filtering, Sorting, and Pagination in our ASP.NET Core Web API.
We will use Postman and Swagger to test our Authentication and Authorization.
We will also use ASP.NET Core Identity in our API where we Register users and assign roles to them.
In this course ASP.NET Core Web API course, you will learn and implement:
Understand REST APIs by creating a Web API using ASP.NET Core and .NET 7
Understand REST Principles
Understand Dependency Injection and Benefits
Creating New ASP.NET Core Web API Project
Understand .NET8 WEB API Project In .NET 8 and C#
Learn And Install Entity Framework Core (EF Core) In ASP.NET Core Web API Project
Learn Entity Framework Core Migrations
Understand the difference between Domain models and DTOs
Understand Domain Models and Repository Pattern
Use Swagger To Test ASPNET Core WEB API project
Learn How To Map Models To One Another Using Automapper
Learn Asynchronous Programming (Async Await)
Validate ASP.NET Core WEB API
Secure your ASP.NET Core Web API using Microsoft Identity by adding Authentication and Role-Based Authorization to your REST API.
Add JWT Authentication to ASP.NET Core Web API by creating JWT Tokens for API Clients.
Understand and Add Authentication and Authorization To ASP.NET Core API and Create Read and Write Users To Test this Via Postman
Incorporate ASP.NET JWT Authentication Into SwaggerUI
Add advanced functionality like Filtering, Sorting, and Pagination to your ASP.NET Core Web API.
Know me more
I am Sameer, a professional software developer with over 15 years of industry experience. I love to educate myself and others and that’s why I started with my YouTube channel where I have a loving audience. I create content for software developers like you so that I can share my knowledge.
Over 27000 students on Udemy
Over 4000 Reviews on Udemy
Over 2.4 Million Views on YouTube
Some of the reviews
Hands down the best way to learn this technology stack. Sameer did a good job here and I hope he will be blessing us with more interesting Angular projects in the future! Maybe a sample e-commerce or Hotel Booking app 🙂
Although I didn’t have any prior experience with C# OR .Net Core MVC, I was still able to grasp a lot from this course, all thanks to the instructor!
A very detailed and extensive course! clear voice and great detail to topics.
and 1000s of more reviews on my courses.
Money Back Guarantee
I Guarantee you that after finishing this course, you will be confident enough to create REST APIs in ASP.NET Core and .NET8 on your own.
You will feel confident at work or when creating your projects.
If you want to create functional, generic, clean, and usable websites using ASP.NET, then this is the course for you.
If still, you are unable to get benefit from this course (we will be sad to see you go!), there is a “30-day money back guaranteed by Udemy”.
Why do you need this course?
By buying this course, you will make a fantastic choice as this course will help you gain the confidence you need to create ASP.NET Core Web APIs
I assure you that by the end of this course, you will have the confidence to create scalable ASP.NET Core Web APIs from scratch.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to building ASP.NET Core Web APIs using .NET6
Lecture 1: Introduction to building ASP.NET Core Web APIs using .NET8
Lecture 2: Prerequisites
Lecture 3: Setting up development environment
Lecture 4: Download and Install Visual Studio 2022
Lecture 5: Install .NET SDK and .NET Runtime
Lecture 6: Install SQL Server Management Studio
Lecture 7: Getting help
Lecture 8: Complete Source Code & GITHUB Repository Link
Lecture 9: [OLD Content] Complete Source Code and GITHUB Repository
Chapter 2: Create New ASP.NET Core Web API & Domain Models
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create New ASPNET Core Web API
Lecture 3: Understand ASP.NET Core Web API and File Structure
Lecture 4: Understand REST and HTTP Verbs
Lecture 5: Routing In ASP.NET Core Web API
Lecture 6: Running and Calling ASP.NET Core Web API
Lecture 7: Understanding Our Domain (Domain Driven Development)
Lecture 8: Create Domain Models
Lecture 9: Adding Entity Framework Core Packages
Lecture 10: Creating the DBContext Class
Lecture 11: Adding ConnectionString To The Database In Appsettings.Json
Lecture 12: Understanding Dependency Injection & Injecting DbContext Into Our Application
Lecture 13: Run EF Core Migrations
Chapter 3: Create New Controller – Regions Controller and CRUD Operations / Action Methods
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create New Controller (Regions Controller)
Lecture 3: Get All Regions Action Method
Lecture 4: Get Region By Id Action Method
Lecture 5: DTOs and Domain Models
Lecture 6: Change Methods To Use DTOs
Lecture 7: Create Region Action Method
Lecture 8: Update Region Action Method
Lecture 9: Delete Region Action Method
Chapter 4: Asynchronous Programming, Repository Pattern and Automapper
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Asynchronous Programming and Implement Async Await In our Methods
Lecture 3: Repository Pattern and Benefits
Lecture 4: Implement Repository Pattern In ASP.NET Core Web APIs
Lecture 5: Add Other Methods To Repository
Lecture 6: Automapper Introduction
Lecture 7: Implement Automapper
Chapter 5: Functionality For Walks – Create, Read, Update, Delete For Walks
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Seeding Data Using Entity Framework Core
Lecture 3: Creating Walks Controller and Create New Walk Action Method
Lecture 4: Get All Walks Action Method
Lecture 5: Navigation Properties In Entity Framework Core
Lecture 6: Get Walk By Id Action Method
Lecture 7: Update Walk Action Method
Lecture 8: Delete Walk Action Method
Chapter 6: Validations in ASP.NET Core Web API
Lecture 1: Introduction To Model Validations
Lecture 2: Adding Model Validations To Endpoints
Lecture 3: Custom Validate Model Attribute
Chapter 7: Filtering, Sorting, Pagination in ASP.NET Core Web API
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Seeding Data in SQL Server
Lecture 3: Filtering
Lecture 4: Sorting
Lecture 5: Pagination
Chapter 8: Securing our ASP.NET Core API – Authentication and Authorization – JWT Tokens
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Authentication Flow
Lecture 3: Setting Up Authentication – Install Nuget Packages
Lecture 4: Testing Authentication Without JWT Token
Lecture 5: Setting Up Identity DbContext
Lecture 6: Seeding Roles
Lecture 7: Run EF Core Migrations To Create Identity Database
Lecture 8: Setting Up Identity
Lecture 9: Create Auth Controller and Register Action Method
Lecture 10: Create Login Action Method
Lecture 11: Create JWT Token in ASP.NET Core Web API
Lecture 12: Inject TokenRepository and Create Token
Lecture 13: Role Based Authorization
Lecture 14: Add Authorization To Swagger
Chapter 9: Image Upload In ASP.NET Core Web API
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create Domain Model For Image Upload
Lecture 3: DbContext changes and Migrations For Image Upload
Lecture 4: New Controller and Action Method for Image Upload
Lecture 5: Image Upload Repository Implementaion
Lecture 6: Serving Static Files Through ASPNET Core Web API
Chapter 10: Advanced Functionality in ASP.NET Core Web APIs
Lecture 1: Introduction To Logging
Lecture 2: Add Logging to Console in ASP.NET Core Web API
Lecture 3: Add Logging to Text File In ASP.NET Core Web APIs
Lecture 4: Global Exception Handling In ASP.NET Core Web APIs
Chapter 11: Versioning In ASP.NET Core Web API
Lecture 1: What is Versioning and How To Implement Versioning in ASP.NET Web API
Lecture 2: Implement Versioning in ASP.NET Core Web API By Folder Structure
Lecture 3: Implement Versioning By Nuget Package – Proffered Approach
Lecture 4: Fix Versioning In Swagger
Chapter 12: Consuming our Web API
Lecture 1: Consuming REST Web APIs
Lecture 2: Creating ASP.NET MVC Web Application
Lecture 3: GET – Consume Web API
Lecture 4: POST – Consume Web API
Lecture 5: GET single Region – Edit Region Prerequisite
Sameer Saini
Professional Full Stack Developer and Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 45 votes
- 2 stars: 65 votes
- 3 stars: 460 votes
- 4 stars: 2066 votes
- 5 stars: 3052 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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