Build Full-Stack Apps with GraphQL, Prisma, Node and React
Build Full-Stack Apps with GraphQL, Prisma, Node and React, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.25, with 112 lectures, based on 59 reviews, and has 447 subscribers.
You will learn about Build highly scalable GraphQL APIS Build frontend apps with React and Apollo client Build and deploy full-stack web application from scratch This course is ideal for individuals who are Javascript developers who want to build full-stack apps with GraphQL and React or Developers who want to learn Prisma and React Apollo Client or Developers who want to GraphQL in production It is particularly useful for Javascript developers who want to build full-stack apps with GraphQL and React or Developers who want to learn Prisma and React Apollo Client or Developers who want to GraphQL in production.
Enroll now: Build Full-Stack Apps with GraphQL, Prisma, Node and React
Title: Build Full-Stack Apps with GraphQL, Prisma, Node and React
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.25
Number of Lectures: 112
Number of Published Lectures: 112
Number of Curriculum Items: 112
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 112
Original Price: $174.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build highly scalable GraphQL APIS
- Build frontend apps with React and Apollo client
- Build and deploy full-stack web application from scratch
Who Should Attend
- Javascript developers who want to build full-stack apps with GraphQL and React
- Developers who want to learn Prisma and React Apollo Client
- Developers who want to GraphQL in production
Target Audiences
- Javascript developers who want to build full-stack apps with GraphQL and React
- Developers who want to learn Prisma and React Apollo Client
- Developers who want to GraphQL in production
What Is GraphQL?
GraphQL is a query language for your APIs. It’s also a runtime for fulfilling queries with your data.
Who is this course for?
This course is for most programmers. If you write software that fetches data from a server, or you write server code that provides data to others, this course is for you. It’s particularly relevant to frontend and backend web and mobile developers.
This course will be especially poignant to these groups of people:
Backend devs who work on REST APIs and write a lot of similar data-fetching code, or who maintain view-specific endpoints.
Frontend devs of medium- or large-sized apps who either: A) don’t use a caching library, and manually keep track of what data has already been fetched from the server, or B) use a cache, and write a lot of code to fetch data over REST and put it in the cache.
What are the drawbacks of REST?
When GraphQL was first released, some touted it as a replacement to REST. “REST is dead!” early adopters cried, and then encouraged us all to throw a shovel in the trunk and drive our unsuspecting REST APIs out to the woods. This was great for getting clicks on blogs and starting conversations at conferences, but painting GraphQL as a REST killer is an oversimplification. A more nuanced take is that as the web has evolved, REST has shown signs of strain under certain conditions. GraphQL was built to ease the strain.”
What will you learn?
Introduction to Prisma :Prisma is a performant open-source GraphQL ORM-like* layer doing the heavy lifting in your GraphQL server.
Build GraphQL Server with Prisma: Introduces you how to build highly scalable GraphQL server with Prisma
CURD In Prisma:You will learn to implement create, read, update and delete the record
Create a Frontend CRUD App with React and Apollo Client : You will learn how to create, read, update and delete the record in React Application using Apollo Client
Authentication in Prisma and GraphQL:In this module, I will teach you how to implement Json web token authentication in GraphQL and Prisma
Authentication in React Apollo Client Application:We will implement Authentication on React Application.
Error Handling:I will teach you how to implement error handling in React and Prisma
Pagination in Prisma and React Apollo Application:This module covers the pagination feature on GraphQL and React application
Optimistic UI In React Apollo Application:Introduces you how to improve the performance of React application
Deploy Prisma and React Application to Heroku:You will learn how to deploy Prisma and React Application to Heroku
Subscriptions in Prisma and React Apollo Application:Understand the real-time subscriptions by building chat application
State Management in React Application using Apollo Link:A modern way to manage state in Apollo client application
File Upload in Prisma and React:Learn how to upload a file in Prisma, GraphQL and React application
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Big Picture of Prisma
Lecture 1: What is Prisma
Lecture 2: Why Prisma
Lecture 3: What Prisma is not
Lecture 4: Who should use Prisma
Lecture 5: What platform and Cloud Providers Prisma work
Lecture 6: What are the benefits of GraphQL
Lecture 7: Prisma generates GraphQL API for your datamodel
Lecture 8: Connect your resolvers to Prisma API
Lecture 9: What is Prisma Query Engine
Lecture 10: What is DataModeling in Prisma
Lecture 11: What databases are supported by Prisma
Lecture 12: What is Prisma Cloud
Lecture 13: VS Code Setup
Lecture 14: Setting up Prisma
Chapter 2: Build GraphQL server with Prisma
Lecture 1: What is DataModel?
Lecture 2: Update Prisma Data Model
Lecture 3: Setup GraphQL server with Prisma
Lecture 4: Setup env variables for Primisa endpoint
Chapter 3: CRUD in Prisma
Lecture 1: Create Data Model in Prisma
Lecture 2: Fetch Records from Database
Lecture 3: Create, Update and Delete Record in Prisma
Chapter 4: Create Frontend CRUD App with React and Apollo Client
Lecture 1: Create React Application
Lecture 2: Create Apollo client in React Application
Lecture 3: Connect Apollo Client to React
Lecture 4: Fetch Data using Apollo Query Component
Lecture 5: Understanding render Prop pattern in React
Lecture 6: Creating Forms in React
Lecture 7: Send GraphQL Mutation from React Component
Lecture 8: Updating Apollo Cache After Mutation
Lecture 9: Adding Routing with React Router
Lecture 10: Render List items to Bootstrap card component
Lecture 11: Query for Single Record
Lecture 12: Edit Record using update Mutation
Lecture 13: Mutation for Delete Record in React Apollo
Chapter 5: Authentication in Prisma and GraphQL
Lecture 1: Restructure the resolver functions into separate folder
Lecture 2: Understanding JSON Web token Authentication
Lecture 3: Signup User in Prisma and GraphQL
Lecture 4: Login User in Prisma and GraphQL
Lecture 5: Apply Authentication on Resolvers
Chapter 6: Authentication in React Apollo Client Application
Lecture 1: Send Login Request from Frontend App
Lecture 2: Save Token to LocalStorage after LoggedIn
Lecture 3: Implement Logout User
Lecture 4: Require Authentication on Edit and Delete
Lecture 5: Implement Signup User on Frontend
Lecture 6: Protect Routes in React using React Router
Lecture 7: Add Authorization header to every request in React Apollo Client
Chapter 7: Error Handling
Lecture 1: Create Error Message Component to render Errors
Lecture 2: Adding Spinner for Loading Data
Chapter 8: Pagination in Prisma and React Apollo Application
Lecture 1: Paginate List fo records of Prisma
Lecture 2: Count all Records using Prisma Connection Query
Lecture 3: Create Pagination Controls in Frontend Application
Lecture 4: Implement Pagination in React Application
Lecture 5: Filtering Records in Prisma
Lecture 6: Create Search Course Component
Lecture 7: Execute Search Query and display courses
Lecture 8: Apply Sorting on the Records
Lecture 9: Update Cache after creating records
Lecture 10: Fix Cache after Delete Records
Chapter 9: Optimistic UI In React Apollo Application
Lecture 1: Improve UI Performance using Optimistic UI in React Apollo
Chapter 10: Deploy Prisma and React Application to Heroku
Lecture 1: Deploy Prisma Project to Heroku
Lecture 2: Deploy React Project to Heroku
Chapter 11: Subscriptions in Prisma and React Apollo Application
Lecture 1: GraphQL Subscription Project Setup
Lecture 2: Prisma Subscription Demo
Lecture 3: Creating Subscription in Prisma GraphQL Server
Lecture 4: Subscription in React using Apollo Client
Chapter 12: State Management in React Application using Apollo Link
Lecture 1: Setup Apollo Link State
Lecture 2: Fetch Records from Apollo State using Query
Lecture 3: Create Task Form Component
Lecture 4: Save new Record in Apollo Link State
Lecture 5: Update Cache using Fragments
Lecture 6: Filter Tasks on the based on Status Value
Chapter 13: File Upload in Prisma and React
Lecture 1: Setup Local Development Server with Prisma and Docker
Lecture 2: File Upload Demo with Prisma and React
Chapter 14: Bonus: React Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Create React App using create-react-app
Lecture 2: Creating React Element
Lecture 3: Creating Nested React Elements
Lecture 4: How React uses React Elements to Create Virtual DOM
Lecture 5: What is DOM
Lecture 6: What is Virtual DOM
Lecture 7: What are Components in React
Lecture 8: Create Component in React
Lecture 9: Adding Props Validations
Lecture 10: Create Nested Components in React
Lecture 11: Create State in React Component
Lecture 12: Update Component State using Events
Lecture 13: Iterate Array and render Components
Haider Malik
Fullstack Developer/Entrepreneur/Author
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 28 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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