Build mobile apps with React Native: From ZERO to EXPERT
Build mobile apps with React Native: From ZERO to EXPERT, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.53, with 93 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 302 reviews, and has 2766 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a react native mobile app from scratch The difference between functional and class components Use React Context and React Hooks Integrate REST APIs in the project Tab Navigation with native navigation behavior Fetch and show data, filter by categories and search by keyword Implement login and signup via email and google Upload images from the phone Display swipeable image carousel Email or make a phone call from the app Link out to links outside of the app in the browser This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner developers eager to learn mobile app development with React Native It is particularly useful for Beginner developers eager to learn mobile app development with React Native.
Enroll now: Build mobile apps with React Native: From ZERO to EXPERT
Title: Build mobile apps with React Native: From ZERO to EXPERT
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.53
Number of Lectures: 93
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 93
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 96
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 96
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a react native mobile app from scratch
- The difference between functional and class components
- Use React Context and React Hooks
- Integrate REST APIs in the project
- Tab Navigation with native navigation behavior
- Fetch and show data, filter by categories and search by keyword
- Implement login and signup via email and google
- Upload images from the phone
- Display swipeable image carousel
- Email or make a phone call from the app
- Link out to links outside of the app in the browser
Who Should Attend
- Beginner developers eager to learn mobile app development with React Native
Target Audiences
- Beginner developers eager to learn mobile app development with React Native
In this course, we will build a complete product sharing app from scratch with React Native which will have all the commonly used features including going step by step and explaining the whole process.
You will learn about the basics of react native from setup, syntax & JSX introductionto navigationand state control. We will also get acquainted with advanced topics such as image carousel, google authentication, and image upload. You will learn what is REST API, how to use it, and integrate some endpoints into the project. And of course, the app will be cross-platform so all of this will be working for both Android & iOS.
You will learn about user authentication including storing the token to keep the user signed in. Also, we will build sophisticated app navigation with a bottom tab navigator and stack navigation. We will have a section. about git integration as well and improve our overall code thanks to formatting with ESLint. The
I have built over 30 diverse cross-platform mobile apps and this course includes all the most demanded features that almost every project needs. After completing this course, you can be confident to take on a new mobile app project and build it with React Native.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What we will build: App Design Preview
Lecture 3: Resources & Helpful Materials
Chapter 2: Get Ready
Lecture 1: Environment Setup
Lecture 2: Typescript vs. Javascript
Lecture 3: Create a React Native App (and some debugging)
Lecture 4: Exploring The Default App Code
Lecture 5: Running on iOS
Lecture 6: Running on Android
Lecture 7: Running with Terminal
Chapter 3: Basics of React Native
Lecture 1: What is JSX
Lecture 2: Imports and Exports: Creating components
Lecture 3: Functional vs. Class Components
Lecture 4: Explaining State for Functional and Class Components
Lecture 5: Lifecycles Explained
Lecture 6: Props in Components
Lecture 7: Understanding Styling
Chapter 4: Project Structure & Splash Screen
Lecture 1: Identifying Components
Lecture 2: Project Structure
Lecture 3: Building the Splash Screen
Lecture 4: Button Component: Pressable vs. TouchableOpacity
Lecture 5: Colors Management
Chapter 5: Authentication Screens & Components
Lecture 1: Authentication Screens Preview
Lecture 2: Creating Authentication Header
Lecture 3: Building Input Component
Lecture 4: Password Input Eye Toggling
Lecture 5: Building Checkbox Component
Lecture 6: Giving Custom Style to Reusable Components
Lecture 7: Building Separator Component
Lecture 8: React.memo: What it is and Why to Use
Lecture 9: Google Login: component & native setup
Lecture 10: Checking Google Login on Android & iOS
Lecture 11: Using Environment Variables
Lecture 12: Building Sign Up Footer Actions
Lecture 13: Building Sign in Screen
Chapter 6: Git Integration
Lecture 1: Creating Github Repository & Git Initialization
Lecture 2: Pushing Changes to Git
Lecture 3: Git Branching System
Chapter 7: Project Navigation
Lecture 1: React Navigation Introduction
Lecture 2: Setup React Navigation
Lecture 3: Manage Navigation Theme
Lecture 4: Moving Between Screens
Lecture 5: Hiding Default Navigation Header
Lecture 6: Fixing Safe Area Issues
Lecture 7: Setup Bottom Tabs
Lecture 8: Preparing Codebase for Tab Navigation
Lecture 9: Customizing Tabs Design
Chapter 8: Managing Lists
Lecture 1: Build App Header
Lecture 2: Add Categories List
Lecture 3: Add Products List
Lecture 4: Filter by Categories
Lecture 5: Filtering by Typing Keywords
Lecture 6: Building Favorites List
Chapter 9: Building the Detailed Screen
Lecture 1: Pass Data Between Screens
Lecture 2: Product Details Screen UI
Lecture 3: Build Sticky Footer
Lecture 4: Add Absolute Header
Lecture 5: Build Image Carousel
Lecture 6: Call or Email from the App
Chapter 10: Building Profile Related Screens
Lecture 1: Build Profile Screen
Lecture 2: Add Settings Screen & Redirect to URLs
Lecture 3: Edit Personal Information
Lecture 4: Create New Listing Screen
Lecture 5: Installing Image Upload Package
Lecture 6: Image Upload Functionality
Lecture 7: Add Image Deleting Option
Lecture 8: Explaining Props Spreading
Lecture 9: Use Keyboard Avoiding View
Lecture 10: Building Custom Picker
Lecture 11: Finalize Create New Listing Screen
Lecture 12: Build My Listings UI
Chapter 11: Integrating REST APIs
Lecture 1: What is REST API
Lecture 2: REST API Methods Explained
Lecture 3: Overview of the API Used
Lecture 4: Using Axios
Lecture 5: Registering a New User with API Call
Chapter 12: Setting Up Global State
Lecture 1: Redux vs. React Context
Lecture 2: Create User Context
Lecture 3: User Authentication
Lecture 4: Introduction to Async Storage
Lecture 5: Save Auth Token to Storage
Lecture 6: Identifying Authenticated Users After Killing the App
Chapter 13: Connect Services & Profile to APIs
Lecture 1: Connect Profile to APIs
Lecture 2: Update Profile API Integration
Elina Hovakimyan
Building cross-platform mobile apps – 30 amazing apps live!
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 10 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 33 votes
- 4 stars: 92 votes
- 5 stars: 159 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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