Build Reactive MicroServices using Spring WebFlux/SpringBoot
Build Reactive MicroServices using Spring WebFlux/SpringBoot, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.52, with 202 lectures, based on 5239 reviews, and has 34874 subscribers.
You will learn about What problems Reactive Programming is trying to solve ? What is Reactive Programming? Reactive Programming using Project Reactor Learn to Write Reactive programming code with DB Learn to Write Reactive Programming with Spring Build a Reactive API from Scratch Learn to build Non-Blocking clients using WebClient Write end to end Automated test cases using JUNIT for the Reactive API This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who is willing to learn and build Reactive APIs using Spring WebFlux It is particularly useful for Anyone who is willing to learn and build Reactive APIs using Spring WebFlux.
Enroll now: Build Reactive MicroServices using Spring WebFlux/SpringBoot
Title: Build Reactive MicroServices using Spring WebFlux/SpringBoot
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.52
Number of Lectures: 202
Number of Published Lectures: 117
Number of Curriculum Items: 211
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 124
Original Price: ₹6,900
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- What problems Reactive Programming is trying to solve ?
- What is Reactive Programming?
- Reactive Programming using Project Reactor
- Learn to Write Reactive programming code with DB
- Learn to Write Reactive Programming with Spring
- Build a Reactive API from Scratch
- Learn to build Non-Blocking clients using WebClient
- Write end to end Automated test cases using JUNIT for the Reactive API
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who is willing to learn and build Reactive APIs using Spring WebFlux
Target Audiences
- Anyone who is willing to learn and build Reactive APIs using Spring WebFlux
This course is structured to give you both the theoretical and coding aspect of Reactive Programming and Reactive RestFul APIs using Spring WebFlux.
If you are looking forward to learn the below listed things:
What is Reactive Programming ?
Write Reactive Programming code with Spring WebFlux.
Write Reactive Programming code with DB.
Building Reactive RestFul APIs with Spring WebFlux
Then this is the right course for you. This is a pure hands on oriented course where you will be writing lots of code.
By the end of this course you will have the complete understanding of coding and implementing a Reactive API using Spring WebFlux.
Why Reactive Programming ?
This section highlights about the need for reactive programming and explains in detail about the current execution model in spring-mvc.
This sections explains about the drawbacks in spring-mvc.
This section explains about the concurrency model in spring-mvc.
What is Reactive Programming?
This section talks about “What is Reactive Programming ?”
How Reactive programming works in a nutshell using a simple example.
This section will give you all an introduction to Reactive Streams Specification.
This section will give all an introduction to “Reactive Libraries” that are out there.
Getting started with Project Reactor
This section will give you all the fundamentals of Project Reactor and explore the project reactor using some examples.
This section covers the Reactive Types Flux and Mono in detail.
Setting up the Project for this course
In this section we will set up the project for this course using the Spring Intializr website.
Reactive Programming (Flux and Mono) – Hands on + Junit Testing
In this section we will explore about how Flux and Mono works via code.
We will do live coding on how to write Junit test cases using Flux and Mono.
We will explore lot of different operators in Flux and Mono.
Build the first Non Blocking RESTFUL API using Annotated Controllers – Hands On
In this section we will build the first non blocking API using the annotated controllers.
This section covers the fundamentals of how the reactive API works.
This sections also covers the coding aspect of how to return a Flux/Mono from an end point.
This section also covers how to write JUNIT test cases using WebTestClient.
Build Non Blocking RESTFUL API using Functional Web – Hands On
In this section we will build the non blocking API using the Functional Web Module.
This sections explains about the RouterFunction and HandlerFunction which forms the foundation for Function Web Module.
This section also covers how to write JUNIT test cases using WebTestClient.
Spring WebFlux & Netty – Execution Model
This section explains about the different layers behind WebFlux to serve a HTTP Request/Response.
This sections covers the concepts of NETTY such as Channel, EventLoop and some of the technical aspects of Netty.
Overview of the Reactive API
This section will give you an Overview of the Reactive API that we are going to build as part of this course.
Reactive Programming in Databases – MongoDB – Hands On
In this section we will learn about how to write the reactive programming code with MongoDB.
Define the Item Document for the project.
This section covers about how to configure different profiles in Spring Boot.
In this section we will set up the ItemReactive Mongo DB adapter.
This section also covers how to write JUNIT test cases for the reactive repository.
Build the Item Reactive API Endpoint – Using RestController
In this section we will learn about how to code the Item CRUD Reactive API using the @RestController approach.
This section also covers how to write automated tests using JUNIT and the non blocking test client WebTestClient.
Build the Item Reactive API Endpoint – Using Functional Web
In this section we will learn about how to code the Item CRUD Reactive API using the Functional Web approach.
This section also covers how to write automated tests using JUNIT and the non blocking test client WebTestClient.
Build Non Blocking Client using WebClient
In this section we will explore the techniques to interact with Reactive API using the WebClient.
Learn the techniques to Invoke the Reactive API using exchange() and retrieve()methods.
We will explore the GET, PUT, POSTand DELETE operations using the WebClient.
Handling Exceptions in WebFlux – RestController
In this section we will code and explore different approaches to handle the exceptions/errors that occurs in the reactive api that’s built using RestController.
Handle exceptions using @ExceptionHandler and @ControllerAdvice.
This section also covers how to write JUNIT test cases for the Exception scenarios.
Handling Exceptions in WebFlux – Functional Web
In this section we will code and explore different approaches to handle the exceptions/errors that occurs in the reactive api that’s built using Functional Web.
Handle exceptions using WebExceptionHandler.
This section also covers how to write JUNIT test cases for the Exception scenarios.
WebClient – Exception Handling
In this section we will code and explore how to handle the exceptions using the WebClient.
Learn the techniques to handle the exceptions using exchange() and retrieve()methods.
Streaming Real Time Data using WebFlux – Server Side Events (SSE)
In this section we will code and learn about build an endpoint for Streaming RealTime Data using Mongo DBand Spring WebFlux.
This section covers about the Tailable Cursors and Capped Collections in Mongo DB.
Build a Non Blocking Streaming Endpoint and interact with the Mongo DB using the @Tailable annotation.
Learn to write Automated Tests using JUNIT for the Streaming Endpoints (SSE).
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started with the Course
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Prerequisites
Chapter 2: Source Code and Course Slides for this Course
Lecture 1: Source Code
Lecture 2: Course Slides
Chapter 3: Why Reactive Programming ?
Lecture 1: Why Reactive Programming – Part 1?
Lecture 2: Why Reactive Programming – Part 2?
Chapter 4: Introduction to Reactive Programming
Lecture 1: What is Reactive Programming ?
Lecture 2: Introduction to Reactive Streams
Chapter 5: Introduction to Spring WebFlux
Lecture 1: Non-Blocking(Reactive) RestFul API using Spring WebFlux
Chapter 6: Getting Started with Project Reactor
Lecture 1: Introduction to Project Reactor
Lecture 2: Reactor Reactive Types – Flux and Mono
Chapter 7: Setting up the base project for this course
Lecture 1: Project SetUp
Chapter 8: Lets Explore Flux and Mono – Hands On
Lecture 1: Let's write our very first Flux
Lecture 2: Let's write our very first Mono
Lecture 3: Reactive Stream Events
Lecture 4: Testing Flux using JUnit5
Lecture 5: Transforming Data Using Operators in Project Reactor
Lecture 6: Transform using map() Operator
Lecture 7: Reactive Streams are Immutable
Lecture 8: Filter using filter() Operator
Lecture 9: Advanced transform using the flatMap() Operator
Lecture 10: Asynchronous Operations using flatMap() Operator
Lecture 11: Advanced transform using the concatMap() Operator
Lecture 12: flatMap( ) operator in Mono
Lecture 13: flatMapMany( ) operator in Mono
Lecture 14: Transform using the transform() Operator
Lecture 15: Handling empty data using defaultIfEmpty and switchIfEmpty() Operators
Lecture 16: Introduction to Combining Reactive Streams
Lecture 17: Combining Reactive Streams using concat and concatWith Operator
Lecture 18: Combining Reactive Streams using merge() and mergeWith() Operators
Lecture 19: Combining Reactive Streams using mergeSequential() operator
Lecture 20: Combining Reactive Streams using zip and zipWith() Operator
Chapter 9: Introduction to Spring WebFlux
Lecture 1: Introduction to Spring WebFlux
Lecture 2: What are we going to build in this Course ?
Chapter 10: Set up the MoviesInfoService Service
Lecture 1: Project SetUp
Chapter 11: Simple Non Blocking RESTFUL API using Annotated Controller Approach
Lecture 1: Build a Simple Non Blocking API – Flux
Lecture 2: Build a simple Non Blocking API – Mono
Lecture 3: Build Infinite Streams API (SSE)
Chapter 12: Automated Tests using JUnit5 and @WebFluxTest
Lecture 1: Introduction to Automated Tests
Lecture 2: Testing Spring Webflux Endpoint using@WebFlux Test Annotation
Lecture 3: Different Approaches of Testing an Endpoint
Lecture 4: JUnit Test for the Mono Endpoint
Lecture 5: JUnit Test Streaming Endpoint – SSE
Chapter 13: Reactive Programming in Mongo DB for the MovieInfo Service
Lecture 1: Set up the MovieInfo Document
Lecture 2: Configure the ReactiveMongoDB Repository for MovieInfo Document
Lecture 3: Configure the Mongo DB server details in the application.yml file
Lecture 4: Setup the Integration Test using @DataMongoTest
Lecture 5: Write Integration Test for findAll() MovieInfo Document
Lecture 6: Write Integration Test for findById() MovieInfo Document
Lecture 7: Write Integration Test for saving the MovieInfo Document
Lecture 8: Write Integration Test for updating the MovieInfo Document
Lecture 9: Write Integration Test for deleting the MovieInfo Document
Chapter 14: Build MovieInfo Service using Rest Controller Approach
Lecture 1: Build a POST endpoint to create a new MovieInfo
Lecture 2: Integration Test for the POST end point using JUnit5
Lecture 3: Build a GET Endpoint to get all the MoviesInfo
Lecture 4: Build a GET Endpoint to retrieve a MovieInfo by ID
Lecture 5: Build a PUT Endpoint to update a MovieInfo by ID
Lecture 6: Build the DELETE endpoint to delete a MovieInfo by ID
Chapter 15: Unit Testing in Spring WebFlux
Lecture 1: Setting up the UnitTest in WebFlux
Lecture 2: Unit Test for GetAllMovieInfos endpoint – GET
Lecture 3: Unit Test for the create MovieInfo Endpoint – POST
Lecture 4: Unit Test for the update MovieInfo Endpoint – PUT
Chapter 16: Bean Validation using Validators and ControllerAdvice
Lecture 1: Bean Validation for Name,Year with @NotBlank and @Positive Annotation Validators
Lecture 2: Customize the Default Error handling using ControllerAdvice
Lecture 3: Bean Validation for List Field using @NotBlank Annotation
Chapter 17: Using ResponseEntity with Reactive Types
Lecture 1: Need for ResponseEntity in Spring WebFlux
Lecture 2: Using ResponseEntity to dynamically change the Response Status
Chapter 18: Writing Custom Queries using ReactiveMongoRepository
Lecture 1: Implement a Custom Query to retrieve MovieInfo by Year
Lecture 2: GET Endpoint to retrieve a MovieInfo by Year – Using @RequestParam
Chapter 19: Spring WebFlux Under the Hood – Netty and Threading Model
Lecture 1: How Netty works with Spring Webflux ?
Lecture 2: How does Netty handle the Request ?
Chapter 20: Introduction to Functional Web Module in Spring WebFlux
Lecture 1: Introduction to Functional Web
Lecture 2: Build a simple RestFul API using Functional Web
Chapter 21: Build MoviesReview Service using Functional Web
Lecture 1: Set up the Repository Class for the Review Document
Pragmatic Code School
Technology Enthusiast, Online Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 42 votes
- 2 stars: 90 votes
- 3 stars: 506 votes
- 4 stars: 2036 votes
- 5 stars: 2565 votes
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