Build Realtime Twitter and Fiverr with Node.js + Stripe
Build Realtime Twitter and Fiverr with Node.js + Stripe, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 87 lectures, based on 189 reviews, and has 12472 subscribers.
You will learn about Build a Real-time web application Build a complete Marketplace This course is ideal for individuals who are Entrepreneurs who want to launch a website or Anyone who has a dream to build a tech company or Code Ethusiast It is particularly useful for Entrepreneurs who want to launch a website or Anyone who has a dream to build a tech company or Code Ethusiast.
Enroll now: Build Realtime Twitter and Fiverr with Node.js + Stripe
Title: Build Realtime Twitter and Fiverr with Node.js + Stripe
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 87
Number of Published Lectures: 87
Number of Curriculum Items: 87
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 87
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build a Real-time web application
- Build a complete Marketplace
Who Should Attend
- Entrepreneurs who want to launch a website
- Anyone who has a dream to build a tech company
- Code Ethusiast
Target Audiences
- Entrepreneurs who want to launch a website
- Anyone who has a dream to build a tech company
- Code Ethusiast
Have you ever wondering on how to build your next marketplace Web application?
This course will teach you step by step on how to clone an Fiverrwebsite with the latest cutting edge technology and that is Node.js
You will use Javascript on both the backend and frontend of the web application.
Live is too short to depend on someone else, if you are still waiting for that one amazing technical co-founder to help you on building your web app, then I suggest you instead of waiting , its better for you to do it yourself.
Every code that will be written by me, will be explained in details. So you do not need to worry about not understanding certain algorithm.
If you are ready to embark on this journey on building an marketplace web application, then what are you waiting for? Lets get into it!
0. Foundations
- You will learn the fundamentals on how the web works
- You will learn what sort of technology you will use to build a sophisticated web applications
- You will learn what is HTTP
1. MVP website – Newsletter
- You will learn on how to capture user’s email and store it on Mailchimp
- You will learn the fundamentals of building a web application with Node.js
- You will learn on how to use an amazing template engine – Handlebars
2. Real-Time website – Twitter
- You will learn on how to build an Authentication Features
- You will on how to use a websocket, so that you could send tweets in real-time
- You will learn on how to save data to the database
- You will learn on how to retrieve data from the database
- You will learn how to do an AJAX call, and update content instantly
3. Marketplace website – Fiverr
- You will learn on how to do Social Authentication like Facebook and Google
- You will learn on how to update your profile
- You will learn on how to create a basic search feature using Algolia
- You will learn on how to add a real-time search engine feature using Algolia (Used by companies like Product Hunt, Medium, Twitch, Periscope and Hacker News)
- You will learn on how to add a payment feature using Stripe
- You will learn how to create a one on one chat room feature between buyers and sellers
- You will learn on how to create a cart feature, and using AJAX to update changes instantly (Like removing the cart’s item, or updating the cart icon on the navbar)
- You will learn on how to upload an image to Amazon S3 server both for profile picture and when you add a new GIG
- You will learn on how to pay single GIG and multiple GIGS
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Foundation
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is a website
Lecture 3: What is Node.js
Lecture 4: What is HTTP
Lecture 5: What is MongoDB and its operations
Lecture 6: Working with HTTP and MongoDB
Chapter 2: Build an MVP – Newsletter web application
Lecture 1: What are we going to build
Lecture 2: Setting up
Lecture 3: Requiring all the files
Lecture 4: Middleware – concept
Lecture 5: Middleware and Running our first server
Lecture 6: First Route – Home Route
Lecture 7: Adding Templating Engine – Handlebars
Lecture 8: Adding another middleware, bootstrap and our first web page
Lecture 9: Position the form
Lecture 10: Create Mailchimp account
Lecture 11: Using request to post data and store user's email Part 1
Lecture 12: Using request to post data and store user's email Part 2
Lecture 13: Final Touch
Lecture 14: MVP source code
Chapter 3: Build a Real-time Twitter Application
Lecture 1: What are we going to build
Lecture 2: Setting up and run the server
Lecture 3: Setup home route and landing.hbs
Lecture 4: Setting up layout and partials to organize our codes
Lecture 5: Our first Model – User Model
Lecture 6: Creating Database – connecting and creating a new user object
Lecture 7: Developing Authentication Feature Part 1: Extend User Model
Lecture 8: Developing Authentication Feature Part 2: compare password
Lecture 9: Developing Authentication Feature Part 3: Setting up Session
Lecture 10: Developing Authentication Feature Part 4: Signup Route
Lecture 11: Developing Authentication Feature Part 4: Passport and Login Route
Lecture 12: Real-time Tweet Part 1: Setting up the layout
Lecture 13: Real-time Tweet Part 2: What is
Lecture 14: Real-time Tweet Part 3: Configure
Lecture 15: Real-time Tweet Part 4: Teach to learn about passport
Lecture 16: Real-time Tweet Part 5: Tweet Model
Lecture 17: Real-time Tweet Part 6: Emitting messages
Lecture 18: Real-time Tweet Part 7: Receiving messages
Lecture 19: Real-time Tweet Part 8: Saving Data into Database
Lecture 20: Real-time Tweet Part 9: Render data on Home.hbs
Lecture 21: Creating Profile Part 1: User Route
Lecture 22: Creating Profile Part 2: User.hbs
Lecture 23: Follow and Unfollow Feature Part 1: Create Follow route
Lecture 24: Follow and Unfollow Feature Part 2: Ajax Call
Lecture 25: Follow and Unfollow Feature Part 3: Fixing Follow bugs
Lecture 26: Follow and Unfollow Feature Part 4: Unfollow Feature
Lecture 27: Twitter source code
Chapter 4: Build a Marketplace like Fiverr
Lecture 1: What are we building
Lecture 2: Mongolab: Create a new database
Lecture 3: Clone a project starter
Lecture 4: Create a Gig Schema
Lecture 5: My gig route and page
Lecture 6: Adding a new gig route: GET method
Lecture 7: Adding a new gig route: POST method
Lecture 8: Create a table list
Lecture 9: Render data on Home page
Lecture 10: Creating Single gig route and page
Lecture 11: Order Summary Page
Lecture 12: Payment Route Part 1: GET Route and Handlebars file
Lecture 13: Payment Route Part 2: POST Route
Lecture 14: Order Schema
Lecture 15: Order Page: adding fourth process and Order Route
Lecture 16: Order seller list page
Lecture 17: One on One Chat Part 1: Setting session for
Lecture 18: One on One Chat Part 2: Sending messages
Lecture 19: One on One Chat Part 3: Saving data to the database
Lecture 20: One on One Chat Part 4: Render data on page
Lecture 21: Promo code API
Lecture 22: Real-time search engine Part 1: sync data to Algolia index
Lecture 23: Real-time search engine Part 2: Adding real-time search feature on frontend
Lecture 24: Real-time search engine Part 3: Adding basic search
Lecture 25: Cart Feature Part 1: Creating add to cart ROUTE
Lecture 26: Cart Feature Part 2: add cart icons
Lecture 27: Cart Feature Part 3: Ajax call for add item to cart
Lecture 28: Cart Feature Part 4: Showing items in the cart ROUTE
Lecture 29: Cart Feature Part 5: render cart's items on HBS file
Lecture 30: Cart Feature Part 6: Remove item from cart API
Lecture 31: Cart Feature Part 7: Remove item from cart AJAX
Lecture 32: Cart Feature Part 8: Cart payment route
Lecture 33: Social authentication Part 1: Facebook Developer
Lecture 34: Social authentication Part 2: Passport-facebook configuration
Lecture 35: Social authentication Part 2: Passport-facebook frontend
Lecture 36: Social authentication Part 3: Google developer
Lecture 37: Social authentication Part 4: Passport Google
Lecture 38: Update your profile feature
Lecture 39: Amazon S3 Upload Part 1: Setting up account
Lecture 40: Fiverr source code
Arash Yahya
Software Developer, Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 27 votes
- 4 stars: 31 votes
- 5 stars: 117 votes
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