Build Unofficial Udemy clone Application in Next.js v13
Build Unofficial Udemy clone Application in Next.js v13, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 3.94, with 46 lectures, based on 8 reviews, and has 70 subscribers.
You will learn about Routing Pages and Layout Linking and Navigation Loading UI Error Handling Rout Handlers Rendering Fundamentals Server and Client Components Static and Dynamic Rendering Data Fetching Streaming and Suspense Generate static Params API Routes CSS Modules Global CSS React Bootstrap Images Deployment Prisma CRUD API development with Prisma Postgres Database integration This course is ideal for individuals who are Javascript developers who want to build fullstack web applications or NodeJs developers who want to to build full-stack web application or React developers who want to learn how to build full-stack web applications or Developers who want to learn how to build Server Rendered App or Developers who want to learn how to build static web applications It is particularly useful for Javascript developers who want to build fullstack web applications or NodeJs developers who want to to build full-stack web application or React developers who want to learn how to build full-stack web applications or Developers who want to learn how to build Server Rendered App or Developers who want to learn how to build static web applications.
Enroll now: Build Unofficial Udemy clone Application in Next.js v13
Title: Build Unofficial Udemy clone Application in Next.js v13
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 3.94
Number of Lectures: 46
Number of Published Lectures: 46
Number of Curriculum Items: 46
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 46
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Routing
- Pages and Layout
- Linking and Navigation
- Loading UI
- Error Handling
- Rout Handlers
- Rendering Fundamentals
- Server and Client Components
- Static and Dynamic Rendering
- Data Fetching
- Streaming and Suspense
- Generate static Params
- API Routes
- CSS Modules
- Global CSS
- React Bootstrap
- Images
- Deployment
- Prisma
- CRUD API development with Prisma
- Postgres Database integration
Who Should Attend
- Javascript developers who want to build fullstack web applications
- NodeJs developers who want to to build full-stack web application
- React developers who want to learn how to build full-stack web applications
- Developers who want to learn how to build Server Rendered App
- Developers who want to learn how to build static web applications
Target Audiences
- Javascript developers who want to build fullstack web applications
- NodeJs developers who want to to build full-stack web application
- React developers who want to learn how to build full-stack web applications
- Developers who want to learn how to build Server Rendered App
- Developers who want to learn how to build static web applications
The React Framework for the Web
Used by some of the world’s largest companies, Next.js enables you to create full-stack web applications by extending the latest React features and integrating powerful Rust-based JavaScript tooling for the fastest builds.
In this course, You will learn all the latest features of Next.js like app directory, pages, data fetching in a new way.
You will learn these concepts in this course:
Client and Server Rendering
Nested Routing
Data Fetching
Built-in Optimization
Typescript support
API Routes
CSS styling
Using database
One of the main benefits of Next. js is that it enables server-side rendering. This means the server can generate the HTML for a page and send it to the client, rather than the client generating the HTML using JavaScript. This can improve the performance and SEO of your app.
One of Next.js’s best features is file-based routing. Instead of dealing with complicated route settings in a program like react-router, routes can be specified using the directory project structure. By adding an entry point to the directory page, you can create a new path.
Next.js 13 includes updated file routing with the new directory. The optional app directory introduces a new layout structure as well as several new features and improvements.
The directory structure has undergone minor changes due to the new routing mechanism. Each path in the route has a dedicated directory with a page.js file that serves as the content entry point in Next.js 13.
What’s most exciting about the new version of Next.js is the expanded support for React server components. Server components let us run and render React components on the server side for faster delivery, a smaller JavaScript bundle, and less expensive client-side rendering.
In addition, depending on the kind of data required to generate a route, server components are automatically cached at build-time or runtime for added performance benefits.
Combining server and client components allows you to use server components for fast-loaded, non-interactive parts of your program while using client components for interaction, browser APIs, and other features.
When constructing client components for your Next.js application, you can designate them as such by using the ‘use client’; directive at the top of the file. However, if you utilize any third-party packages, you might need to create a client wrapper.
In addition, Next.js 13 introduces async components, a fresh approach to data collection for server-rendered components. When using async components, we can render systems using Promises using async & await.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What is Next.js
Lecture 2: Next.js Fundamentals source code
Lecture 3: Getting Setup
Chapter 2: Routing
Lecture 1: File based Routing
Lecture 2: Dynamic Route
Lecture 3: Route Groups
Chapter 3: Pages, Layout, and Navigation
Lecture 1: Pages and Layout
Lecture 2: Navigation using Link Component
Lecture 3: Programatic Navigation
Lecture 4: Dynamic segment
Chapter 4: Server vs Client Component, Data Fetching
Lecture 1: Server vs Client Component
Lecture 2: Data Fetching
Chapter 5: API Routes, Loading, Error Handling
Lecture 1: Create your first API Route
Lecture 2: Access Dynamic Route Segment
Lecture 3: Loading
Lecture 4: Streaming
Lecture 5: Error Handling
Chapter 6: Styling
Lecture 1: Global Styling
Lecture 2: CSS Modules
Lecture 3: Installing Bootstrap with Next.js
Chapter 7: [Unofficial Udemy Clone] – Project Setup
Lecture 1: Getting setup
Lecture 2: Install Bootstrap and React Bootstrap in Next.js
Chapter 8: [Unofficial Udemy Clone] – Building Frontend
Lecture 1: Build Navigation
Lecture 2: Design Home Page
Lecture 3: Render courses against each Category
Lecture 4: Create single course details page
Lecture 5: Add Learning Outcomes
Lecture 6: Add Course Content Section
Lecture 7: Add to Cart Button
Chapter 9: [Unofficial Udemy Clone] – Building Backend
Lecture 1: Install Prisma
Lecture 2: Create Course Model
Lecture 3: Create GET API endpoint to fetch all courses
Lecture 4: Creating Schema Design
Lecture 5: Creating Schema in Prisma
Lecture 6: Create Dynamic Route segment
Lecture 7: Fetch single course based on slug part 1
Lecture 8: 07-Fetch single course based on slug part 2
Lecture 9: Fetch courses based on Topic
Chapter 10: Fetching data on the frontend
Lecture 1: Make API Call to render courses Part-1
Lecture 2: Make API Call to render courses Part-2
Lecture 3: Make API Call to render courses Part-3
Lecture 4: Fixing SSRProvider Error with React Bootstrap
Lecture 5: Create Course Card Component
Lecture 6: Adding PropTypes
Lecture 7: Render Courses in CourseCard part 01
Lecture 8: 07-Render Courses in CourseCard part 02
Haider Malik
Fullstack Developer/Entrepreneur/Author
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
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