Build WhatsApp clone w video calls Mern stack socket io
Build WhatsApp clone w video calls Mern stack socket io, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.32, with 103 lectures, based on 117 reviews, and has 929 subscribers.
You will learn about Build a Realtime whatsapp clone messaging app with video calls using the mern stack, socket io, webrtc Create a full stack web application like a pro Master React js and all of its secrets and tricks and become comfortable using it for you frontend and backend work Master full authentication system, learn about access and refresh tokens User Redux Toolkit with redux persist for a killer combination for managing state Learn how to work with Mongodb and how to add ,update, remove and query like a pro. Learn how to use Cloudinary to store your images in a new brilliant way and how to upload, search, filter and open a new perspective on working with Cloudinary. Strong advanced form validation using React-hook-form and Zod and learn about the best form validation techniques used Learn how to create protected routes and secure your application and pages. Learn how to work with useState, useReducer, useEffect, useRef, useCallback, event Listeners This course is ideal for individuals who are react js beginners or Beginner web developer or Junior web developer or React js developer or Node js developer or web developer It is particularly useful for react js beginners or Beginner web developer or Junior web developer or React js developer or Node js developer or web developer.
Enroll now: Build WhatsApp clone w video calls Mern stack socket io
Title: Build WhatsApp clone w video calls Mern stack socket io
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.32
Number of Lectures: 103
Number of Published Lectures: 103
Number of Curriculum Items: 104
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 104
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build a Realtime whatsapp clone messaging app with video calls using the mern stack, socket io, webrtc
- Create a full stack web application like a pro
- Master React js and all of its secrets and tricks and become comfortable using it for you frontend and backend work
- Master full authentication system, learn about access and refresh tokens
- User Redux Toolkit with redux persist for a killer combination for managing state
- Learn how to work with Mongodb and how to add ,update, remove and query like a pro.
- Learn how to use Cloudinary to store your images in a new brilliant way and how to upload, search, filter and open a new perspective on working with Cloudinary.
- Strong advanced form validation using React-hook-form and Zod and learn about the best form validation techniques used
- Learn how to create protected routes and secure your application and pages.
- Learn how to work with useState, useReducer, useEffect, useRef, useCallback, event Listeners
Who Should Attend
- react js beginners
- Beginner web developer
- Junior web developer
- React js developer
- Node js developer
- web developer
Target Audiences
- react js beginners
- Beginner web developer
- Junior web developer
- React js developer
- Node js developer
- web developer
Welcome to the ultimate course on building a full WhatsApp clone web application using the MERN stack, Socket IO, and WebRTC! In this comprehensive and professional course, you will learn how to create a feature-rich messaging platform that rivals the best.
As Real-time messaging is at the heart of any great chat application, and our course will teach you how to implement this essential feature and you will be able to communicate with others users realtime with ease and with so much functionality. You’ll also learn how to integrate video calls into your application, allowing users to communicate face-to-face with ease and with all the fancy ringing components and sounds .
Stay connected with friends and colleagues by displaying their online status , so you will know when someone is actually online or not and you will know realtime, and make your application is even more versatile by enabling users to send files of all types m talking images videos , rar/zip files pdf/doc etc… Our course will guide you through the process of creating group chats, so users can collaborate and share ideas with multiple people at once including some other features groups offer.
Enhance user experience by implementing a typing indicator, which allows users to see when someone is typing a message. Add some fun and personality to your app by incorporating a wide range of emojis for users to express themselves.
Make it easy for users to find specific messages or contacts with an advanced search functionality. And, of course, no modern web application would be complete without a robust authentication system. Our course covers everything you need to know about creating secure login and registration processes, as well as uploading images to the cloud.
By enrolling in this course, you can be confident that you are learning from the best. We guarantee that this is a highly professional build that will equip you with all the skills needed to create an outstanding WhatsApp clone web application. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity – sign up today!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Setup backend
Lecture 1: Let's setup our backend
Lecture 2: Let's create a basic express app
Lecture 3: Push source code to github
Lecture 4: Cross-env
Lecture 5: Let's add some middlwares (Functionality, Security and Speed)
Lecture 6: Add a custom logger with winston instead of console.log
Lecture 7: Handling uncaughtException, unhandledRejection errors and SIGTERM signal closing
Lecture 8: Handling http errors
Lecture 9: Setup routes, trim requests and add controllers
Lecture 10: Create a Mongodb cluster
Lecture 11: Connect to Mngodb, handle connection errors and debug mode
Chapter 3: Setup frontend
Lecture 1: Create react app
Lecture 2: Setup tailwind css, explain variables, dark mode custom classes etc…
Lecture 3: Setup react router dom
Lecture 4: Setup redux toolkit store and explain how dispatch actions
Lecture 5: Use redux persist to rehydrate only certain values (smart)
Chapter 4: Authentication – backend
Lecture 1: Creating the user model
Lecture 2: Register a user with validation
Lecture 3: Using Bcrypt to hash password on presave in user model
Lecture 4: Generate access and refresh tokens, store refresh token in cookies in the server
Lecture 5: Login and logout functions
Lecture 6: Generate a new access token using refresh token
Lecture 7: Auth middleware explained in details
Chapter 5: Authentication – Frontend
Lecture 1: Let's setup the register and login page and it's form components
Lecture 2: Adding and explaining react hook form and use it with yup
Lecture 3: Create custom inputs with validation
Lecture 4: Finishing sign up form markup and styles
Lecture 5: Submit register action with AsyncThunk and handling status, error
Lecture 6: Handling picture , handling errors on change
Lecture 7: Upload image to cloudinary
Lecture 8: Working on the login
Lecture 9: Protected routes
Chapter 6: Conversations – backend
Lecture 1: Conversation model
Lecture 2: Open or create a conversation 1
Lecture 3: Open or create a conversation 2
Lecture 4: Get user conversations
Chapter 7: Messages – backend
Lecture 1: Create message model and routes
Lecture 2: Send a message
Lecture 3: Get conversation messages
Chapter 8: Home setup, Sidebar : conversations and search
Lecture 1: Home layout, Sidebar header
Lecture 2: Sidebar notifications
Lecture 3: Sidebar search component
Lecture 4: Chat slice
Lecture 5: get conversations
Lecture 6: making few changes in conversation backend
Lecture 7: list conversations
Lecture 8: Show the proper dates from messages in conversation
Lecture 9: Search users : backend logic
Lecture 10: Search users : frontend
Lecture 11: List Search results
Lecture 12: Sidebar menu and logout functionality
Chapter 9: Chat and messages
Lecture 1: Whatsapp main component
Lecture 2: Open or create a conversation
Lecture 3: Fixing few thing about conversations (no message and message length)
Lecture 4: Full Conversation dispaly : header
Lecture 5: Messages component setup and get conversation messages
Lecture 6: List messages
Lecture 7: Chat Actions component layout and component
Lecture 8: Send a message
Lecture 9: Updating conversations after sending message and remove empty conversations
Lecture 10: Chat emojis
Lecture 11: Chat files menu
Lecture 12: Automatic smooth scroll to the end of conversation and fixing submit loader
Lecture 13: Fixing some styling problems (important)
Chapter 10: Realtime socket io : realtime messages, online status, typing…
Lecture 1: Establish a secure connection between frontend and backend
Lecture 2: Explaining by example, create a global socket context to use anywhere
Lecture 3: Join user and join conversation
Lecture 4: Send and receive messages realtime 1 + fixing a huge mistake i made
Lecture 5: Send and receive messages realtime (update messages and conversations)
Lecture 6: Online status
Lecture 7: Typing…
Chapter 11: Sending files
Lecture 1: Photo attachment component and handling images
Lecture 2: Document attachment component and handling documents, videos, audio files
Lecture 3: Preview files setup
Lecture 4: Preview files -header
Lecture 5: File preview
Lecture 6: Message input
Lecture 7: List all files thumbnails
Lecture 8: Add other files
Lecture 9: Upload files to cloudinary and send message
Lecture 10: loader and remove files
Lecture 11: Send video files preview
Lecture 12: List files with message : image and video
Lecture 13: List files with message : all the rest
Chapter 12: Video calls
Lecture 1: Ringing
Lecture 2: Call header
Mohamed Hajji
Full Stack web developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 24 votes
- 5 stars: 78 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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