C# 1000: Object Oriented Frameworks For Polyglots
C# 1000: Object Oriented Frameworks For Polyglots, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 2.5, with 78 lectures, based on 2 reviews, and has 10 subscribers.
You will learn about Use C# Classes, Structures, & Interfaces to begin the creation of a cross-platform gaming framework Learn how to debug modern C# programs using Microsoft Programming Tools Understand how to navigate between active & debugging windows Review scope of class / namespace / assembly relationships Practice distinguishing .NET paradigms such as getters, setters, static, dynamic, and enumerated content generation Create code from requirement specifications, diagrams, & testing techniques Discover standard, as well as alternative, coding styles & naming conventions Discover the differences between reference, as well as value, types Learn how to create Object-Oreinted Accessors , Mutators, and Object Factories Review C# lists & arrays, as well as advanced data creation & initialization strategies Discover how to research, design, as well as to apply Interfaces to an evolving framework design Understand how to choose between using a `struct,` and a `class,` when managing Interfaces and new objects Discover how to create a highly re-usable "navigational computer" Use the "navigational computer" to to plot random on-course movements, at game-relative speeds This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who know how to use programming variables / data types ("strings", "integers", etc.) or Students who have used conditional programming patterns / control flows (e.g "if" and "while" statements") or Students who have used 'classes' to manage their code creation activities or Students who need to become savvy C# software developers A.S.A.P! or Students wanting to add "N.P.C" / AI movements to their Objects! or Students who need to understand the need for Object Oriented, object relationships or Students who need to add arrow keys, controls, modifiers, and more keyboard events to their programs It is particularly useful for Students who know how to use programming variables / data types ("strings", "integers", etc.) or Students who have used conditional programming patterns / control flows (e.g "if" and "while" statements") or Students who have used 'classes' to manage their code creation activities or Students who need to become savvy C# software developers A.S.A.P! or Students wanting to add "N.P.C" / AI movements to their Objects! or Students who need to understand the need for Object Oriented, object relationships or Students who need to add arrow keys, controls, modifiers, and more keyboard events to their programs.
Enroll now: C# 1000: Object Oriented Frameworks For Polyglots
Title: C# 1000: Object Oriented Frameworks For Polyglots
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 2.5
Number of Lectures: 78
Number of Published Lectures: 78
Number of Curriculum Items: 78
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 78
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Use C# Classes, Structures, & Interfaces to begin the creation of a cross-platform gaming framework
- Learn how to debug modern C# programs using Microsoft Programming Tools
- Understand how to navigate between active & debugging windows
- Review scope of class / namespace / assembly relationships
- Practice distinguishing .NET paradigms such as getters, setters, static, dynamic, and enumerated content generation
- Create code from requirement specifications, diagrams, & testing techniques
- Discover standard, as well as alternative, coding styles & naming conventions
- Discover the differences between reference, as well as value, types
- Learn how to create Object-Oreinted Accessors , Mutators, and Object Factories
- Review C# lists & arrays, as well as advanced data creation & initialization strategies
- Discover how to research, design, as well as to apply Interfaces to an evolving framework design
- Understand how to choose between using a `struct,` and a `class,` when managing Interfaces and new objects
- Discover how to create a highly re-usable "navigational computer"
- Use the "navigational computer" to to plot random on-course movements, at game-relative speeds
Who Should Attend
- Students who know how to use programming variables / data types ("strings", "integers", etc.)
- Students who have used conditional programming patterns / control flows (e.g "if" and "while" statements")
- Students who have used 'classes' to manage their code creation activities
- Students who need to become savvy C# software developers A.S.A.P!
- Students wanting to add "N.P.C" / AI movements to their Objects!
- Students who need to understand the need for Object Oriented, object relationships
- Students who need to add arrow keys, controls, modifiers, and more keyboard events to their programs
Target Audiences
- Students who know how to use programming variables / data types ("strings", "integers", etc.)
- Students who have used conditional programming patterns / control flows (e.g "if" and "while" statements")
- Students who have used 'classes' to manage their code creation activities
- Students who need to become savvy C# software developers A.S.A.P!
- Students wanting to add "N.P.C" / AI movements to their Objects!
- Students who need to understand the need for Object Oriented, object relationships
- Students who need to add arrow keys, controls, modifiers, and more keyboard events to their programs
Welcome to our second C# training opportunity!
Since we created our first educational opportunity for C# Builder back in 2004, the C# programming language has much changed. I created this educational opportunuty after COVID interrupted my teaching C# for The State Of Florida.
Modernly never a Microsoft-Windows-only ‘tech, professionals interested in discovering cross-platform software creation techniques will also enjoy C# 1000: Object Oriented Frameworks For Polyglots.
If you are interested in supporting, creating, automating, and testing DevOps solutions you will find this DevOps IPCeducational opportunity critically important, as well.
Known as “C# 1000” this modern educational opportunity has been designed for students who are either are already familiar with another modern programming language.
Great for accelerated concept reviews, or to fast-track your learning, topics in “Frameworks For Polyglots” are ordered so as to rocket students into writing reusable, real-world C# .Net Core and .NET Framework Applications, as quickly as possible.
C# keywords, operators and concepts will be covered in this training series. The accelerated learning process spends far less time forcing students to re-type under-related examples, to instead focus upon demonstrating what students will need to use to create ready-to-re-use programming solutions. Focusing upon using C# to create an event driven, cross-platform console game, there are few unrelated programming examples here.
So if you are tired of writing “throw away” code… or if you find yourself skipping – or sleeping – your way through so many silly & sophomoric programming examples, then our “For Polyglots” training is designed for you.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Common Types, Tips, & Techniques
Lecture 1: CS_1020: Educational Overview
Lecture 2: CS_1025: Compiling C# Programs
Lecture 3: CS_1030: The C# Programming Landscape
Lecture 4: CS_1040: (Activity) Mastering Basic Debugging!
Lecture 5: CS_1050: Accepting User Input
Lecture 6: CS_1060: (Activity) Data Collection Basics
Lecture 7: CS_1070: Spelunking Objects & Strings
Lecture 8: CS_1080: TryParse, Out & Bool
Lecture 9: CS_1090: (Activity) Data Conversion: Design & Practice
Lecture 10: CS_1100: Code Standards & Hungarian Refactoring
Lecture 11: CS_1110: (Activity) Refactoring Practice
Lecture 12: CS_1120: (Activity) Morphing What We Have Learned
Lecture 13: CS_1130: R&D Program "Re-Purposing"
Lecture 14: CS_1140: What We Have Learned
Chapter 2: Classes, Factories, Properties, and Scopes
Lecture 1: CS_2010: Factories – Assisted Object Construction
Lecture 2: CS_2020: (Activity) Assisted Object Constructions
Lecture 3: CS_2030: Managing Object Properties
Lecture 4: CS_2040: (Activity) Adding Properties
Lecture 5: CS_2050: Classic Object Factories
Lecture 6: CS_2060: (Activity) Adding Factories
Chapter 3: Object Ref for Value Types
Lecture 1: CS_3010: Mutilators & Enumerations
Lecture 2: CS_3020: (Activity) Create your own!
Lecture 3: CS_3030: Accessors & Enumerations
Lecture 4: CS_3040: (Activity) Value Management
Lecture 5: CS_3050: Introduction to `struct` – and the faster `ref` way!
Lecture 6: CS_3060: (Activity) Practical Application
Lecture 7: CS_3070: Nouns Arrays & Mutation Test Cases
Lecture 8: CS_3080: (Activity) Testing Success
Lecture 9: CS_3090: Passing By Value
Lecture 10: CS_3100: (Activity) Reference Removal
Lecture 11: CS_3110: Data `struct` Case Studies
Lecture 12: CS_3120: Warnings, #pragma, Initializers, & struct 'Params
Lecture 13: CS_3130: (Activity) Guess That 'Enum!
Lecture 14: CS_3140: (Solution) Guess That 'Enum!
Chapter 4: Interfaces & Frameworks
Lecture 1: CS_4010: Floating Points & More Integral Types
Lecture 2: CS_4020: 'Nullable References
Lecture 3: CS_4030: (Activity) New Namespace Migrations
Lecture 4: CS_4040: Introduction To Standard Interfaces
Lecture 5: CS_4050: R&D and the DIY Interface?
Lecture 6: CS_4060: (Activity) Interface Update
Lecture 7: CS_4070: Gamework Events
Lecture 8: CS_4080: (Activity) Adding Events
Lecture 9: CS_4090: Basic Console Rendering
Lecture 10: CS_4100: (Activity) Console Rendering
Lecture 11: CS_4110: Going To
Lecture 12: CD_4115: (Activity) Screen Location
Chapter 5: Object Events, Player States, and Movements
Lecture 1: CS_5010: Waiting For …. Death?
Lecture 2: CS_5015: (Activity) The Player Object
Lecture 3: CD_5020: Undead Processing!
Lecture 4: CS_5025: (Activity) Deathwatch
Lecture 5: CS_5030: Get User Screen
Lecture 6: CS_5035: (Activity) Encapsulating Screen Sizes
Lecture 7: CS_5040: Game-Play Initialization & Lifecycle
Lecture 8: CS_5045: (Activity) Internal Framework Life-cycles
Lecture 9: CS_5050: Active State Maintenance
Lecture 10: CS_5060: Encapsulating Move Requests
Lecture 11: CS_5063: Keyboard Case Study
Lecture 12: CS_5065: (Activity) Enumerated Move Requests
Lecture 13: CD_5070: Flat-Earth – Game Over!
Lecture 14: CS_5075: (Activity) Flat-World Management
Lecture 15: CS_5080: More Player Types (Stage One!)
Lecture 16: CS_5085: (Activity) More Character Types
Chapter 6: Polymorphic Player … Possibilities!
Lecture 1: CS_6010: A Player to Noun Relationship
Lecture 2: CS_6015: (Activity) Player Object Management
Lecture 3: CS_6020: Things -v- Players
Lecture 4: CS_6025: (Activity) Thing Colorization
Lecture 5: CS_0630: Basic Alien Motion
Lecture 6: CS_6035: (Activity) Alien Random
Lecture 7: CS_6040: Re-Using Random
Lecture 8: CS_6045: (Activity) Reusing Random
Lecture 9: CS_6050: A Fully-Integrated .NET Object
Lecture 10: CS_6055: (Activity) Full Object / .NET Integrations
Lecture 11: CS_6060: The Alien Navigation Calculator
Lecture 12: CS_6065: (Activity) The Complete Navigational Computer
Lecture 13: CS_6070: Testing The Alien AI
Lecture 14: CS_6075: (Activity) Alien A.I 'Nav
Chapter 7: Final & Upcoming Features
Lecture 1: CS_7010: Rogueish.NET
Lecture 2: CS_7020: Upcoming Enhancements
Randall Nagy
Software Engineer & Educator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 0 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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