C, C++, Java; A Programming MegaPrimer for Beginners
C, C++, Java; A Programming MegaPrimer for Beginners, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4, with 152 lectures, based on 99 reviews, and has 775 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn C programming in depth Learn C++ programming in depth Learn c++ 11 in depth Learn java in depth mastering Eclipse IDE Taking over the OOP concepts This course is ideal for individuals who are Students or Beginners in programming or Software developer or Anyone, who is interested to start coding It is particularly useful for Students or Beginners in programming or Software developer or Anyone, who is interested to start coding.
Enroll now: C, C++, Java; A Programming MegaPrimer for Beginners
Title: C, C++, Java; A Programming MegaPrimer for Beginners
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 152
Number of Published Lectures: 152
Number of Curriculum Items: 152
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 152
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn C programming in depth
- Learn C++ programming in depth
- Learn c++ 11 in depth
- Learn java in depth
- mastering Eclipse IDE
- Taking over the OOP concepts
Who Should Attend
- Students
- Beginners in programming
- Software developer
- Anyone, who is interested to start coding
Target Audiences
- Students
- Beginners in programming
- Software developer
- Anyone, who is interested to start coding
What is this MegaPrimer?
We wanted to introduce a package of series that can give a great start to beginner in programming, so we decided to combine the most powerful, popular and mandatory topics of coding. When anyone start a journey to programming life; C, C++ and java are must to learn languages. We have named this beginners programming bundle as MegaPrimer.
What am I going to get from this MegaPrimer?
Complete C programming Course:
C programming is the root or foundation for any person who wants to master computer programming. Learning C in a comprehensive manner is very essential for every software interested soul but things can only be interesting when words are not jargon and every piece of code is explained in detailed manner and that’s what this course is all about.
Complete C++ programming Course:
C++ is an Object oriented programming language that can be used to create modern desktop software, game development or even critical system drivers too. You will find out that most trading applications are designed in C++ because in trading speed is money. When we get into the game development, c++ programming is hard to avoid if you want to create a fantastic and popular game.
In this entire c++ video series, we start from installing gcc on our system. After gcc, we will install Eclipse which is a cross platform IDE because most efficient programmers don’t develop things on notepad. And yes, we don’t like to talk about here and there so expect pure c++ programming guide with everything explained code by code and that too practically.
Complete Java programming Course:
Java is the most popular, powerful and highest job oriented programming language so far. Consulting, not just one or two, in fact any top survey for “Job oriented market for programmers”, you will find that java is always there in top 3 position. After the implementation of java in android projects, a new job market got opened up. Java is diverse enough to build Mobile applications, android application, Desktop applicationor even Web application.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Installing Environment for C coding
Lecture 1: Installation of C compilers
Lecture 2: MAC: Installation of Environment
Lecture 3: Hello world in detail
Lecture 4: Things to take care in C
Chapter 2: Integer Variable and constants in C programming
Lecture 1: C Coding Files
Lecture 2: Integer Datatypes in C coding
Lecture 3: Float datatypes in C coding
Lecture 4: Void and derived datatypes in C coding
Lecture 5: Variable declaration and initialization in C coding
Lecture 6: Integer and floating constants in C coding
Lecture 7: Creating a constants using keywords in C coding
Lecture 8: Escape sequence Codes
Lecture 9: Taking input from users in C coding
Chapter 3: Operation and Conditionals in C programming
Lecture 1: Arithmetic operations in C Coding
Lecture 2: Relational operations in C Coding
Lecture 3: Logical operations in C Coding
Lecture 4: Bitwise operations in C Coding
Lecture 5: IF and ELSE IF Conditions in C coding
Lecture 6: Switch case in C coding
Chapter 4: Loops and Functions in C programming
Lecture 1: What are loops and while loops
Lecture 2: Do while loops in C coding
Lecture 3: For loop in C coding
Lecture 4: Break and continue statements in C coding
Lecture 5: Functions in C Coding
Lecture 6: Function calls in c Coding
Chapter 5: Array, pointer, structure and memory in C programming
Lecture 1: Array in C coding
Lecture 2: Multi dimensional arrays in C coding
Lecture 3: Pointers in C Coding
Lecture 4: double Pointers in C coding
Lecture 5: Strings in C Coding
Lecture 6: Structures in C Coding
Lecture 7: file handling in C coding
Lecture 8: File not found error
Lecture 9: Memory management in C Coding
Lecture 10: Command line argument in C coding
Chapter 6: Conclusion for c programming
Lecture 1: Conclusion for C programming
Chapter 7: Installing environment for C plus plus
Lecture 1: Installing GCC for c plus plus
Lecture 2: Configuring Eclipse for Hello World in C plus plus
Lecture 3: Quick tips for new eclipse users for c plu plus
Lecture 4: Hello World structure in detail
Lecture 5: Identifiers and keywords in C plus plus
Chapter 8: Datatypes, variable and constants in c plus plus
Lecture 1: C++ exercise files
Lecture 2: Datatypes with example code in c plus plus
Lecture 3: Variables with example in c plus plus
Lecture 4: Local and global scope with example in c plus plus
Lecture 5: Constant declaration with const and preprocessor
Lecture 6: Integer, float and Character Constants in C plus plus
Lecture 7: Signed and unsigned difference in c plus plus
Chapter 9: Operations and conditionals in C plus plus
Lecture 1: Arithmetic operations with example in c plus plus
Lecture 2: Relational operations in c plus plus
Lecture 3: Logical operations in c plus plus
Lecture 4: Assignment operations in C plus plus
Lecture 5: If Else statement with example in c plus plus
Lecture 6: Switch case with example in c plus plus
Lecture 7: Shorthand of ifElse with example in C plus plus
Chapter 10: Loops and loop control keywords in C plus plus
Lecture 1: While loop with example in c plus plus
Lecture 2: Do while loop with example in c plus plus
Lecture 3: for loop with example in c plus plus
Lecture 4: Break with example in c plus plus
Lecture 5: continue with example in c plus plus
Lecture 6: goto with example in c plus plus
Chapter 11: Functions and arrays in C plus plus
Lecture 1: Understanding the function with example in C plus plus
Lecture 2: Function calls with example in C plus plus
Lecture 3: Example for default parameter in function in C plus plus
Lecture 4: Builtin Math operation in C plus plus
Lecture 5: array with example in C plus plus
Lecture 6: Multi Dimention array with example in c plus plus
Chapter 12: String, pointers and taking input from users in c plus plus
Lecture 1: Strings with example in c plus plus
Lecture 2: pointers with example in c plus plus
Lecture 3: NULL pointer and alias with example in c plus plus
Lecture 4: taking input from users in c plus plus
Chapter 13: OOPS in c plus plus
Lecture 1: First program with classes and objects in c plus c plus
Lecture 2: Member function in classes with example
Lecture 3: access modifier in c plus plus
Lecture 4: constructor and destructor with example in c plus plus
Lecture 5: friend function with example in c plus plus
Lecture 6: inline function with example in c plus plus
Lecture 7: this pointer with example in c plus plus
Chapter 14: Inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction in c plus plus
Lecture 1: Inheritance with example in c plus plus
Lecture 2: Multiple inheritance with example in c plus plus
Lecture 3: function overloading with example in c plus plus
Lecture 4: Polymorphism and late binding with example in c plus plus
Lecture 5: Virtual destructor with example in c plus plus
Lecture 6: abstraction and encapsulation with example in c plus plus
Lecture 7: Example of working with files in c plus plus
Chapter 15: Exceptions and memory management in c plus plus
Igneus Technologies
Best Comprehensive Courses
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 21 votes
- 4 stars: 44 votes
- 5 stars: 24 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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