C, C++, Python and Ruby Programming
C, C++, Python and Ruby Programming, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 307 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 546 reviews, and has 26762 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn all Basic Fundamentals in C, C++, Python and Ruby Programming Will be understand any standard programs in C, C++, Python and Ruby Programming and modify them according to the requirements Explore the world of Software Languages Write your own programs in C, C++, Python and Ruby Programming This course is ideal for individuals who are who are interested in learning C programming or who are interested in learning C++ programming or who are interested in learning Python programming or who are interested in learning Ruby programming or who are interested in learning multi programming languages or who wants to become software programmer and are about to start It is particularly useful for who are interested in learning C programming or who are interested in learning C++ programming or who are interested in learning Python programming or who are interested in learning Ruby programming or who are interested in learning multi programming languages or who wants to become software programmer and are about to start.
Enroll now: C, C++, Python and Ruby Programming
Title: C, C++, Python and Ruby Programming
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 307
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 307
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 311
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 311
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn all Basic Fundamentals in C, C++, Python and Ruby Programming
- Will be understand any standard programs in C, C++, Python and Ruby Programming and modify them according to the requirements
- Explore the world of Software Languages
- Write your own programs in C, C++, Python and Ruby Programming
Who Should Attend
- who are interested in learning C programming
- who are interested in learning C++ programming
- who are interested in learning Python programming
- who are interested in learning Ruby programming
- who are interested in learning multi programming languages
- who wants to become software programmer and are about to start
Target Audiences
- who are interested in learning C programming
- who are interested in learning C++ programming
- who are interested in learning Python programming
- who are interested in learning Ruby programming
- who are interested in learning multi programming languages
- who wants to become software programmer and are about to start
C,C++,Ruby and Python are the most popular and advanced programming language which are used in most of the applications today, They are used in application like web-applications, games, mobile apps, operating systems, popular websites like yahoo, google, instagram twitter and many more.
This course teaches you all the basic fundamentals in C, C++, Python and Ruby Programming Languages. You will get complete course on each of the individual subjects, It’s four in one course.
All Subjects here are treated as individual courses and are stand alone course, that means If you want to learn any one of the course it’s absolutely fine and you are getting the complete course for your selected one.
All the topics are explained separately under each subject, If there is common topics among the subjects they are explained in each of the course again and again as they are separate courses just included in one course.
This courses are designed with practical examples for each topic to understand the concepts better. You will start each course from installing the software to run your program to basic concepts and further proceed to advanced concepts in each subject.
After completing the course on one subject or all subject you will be able to write your own code for any requirement and bag strong knowledge on this programming languages.
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Welcome Note
Chapter 1: Python Programming Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: First Program
Lecture 3: Basics
Lecture 4: Commenting
Chapter 2: Variables and Data Types
Lecture 1: Variables
Lecture 2: variables 2
Lecture 3: User entered data
Lecture 4: Operators
Lecture 5: All Operators in Python
Chapter 3: Creating Executable File
Lecture 1: Creating file and .exe file
Chapter 4: Decision making in Python
Lecture 1: If statement
Lecture 2: If-else statements
Lecture 3: Program to print odd or even
Lecture 4: Program to find vowel
Lecture 5: Find the greatest number
Chapter 5: Loops
Lecture 1: For Loops
Lecture 2: While Loops
Lecture 3: Program to print factorial of number
Lecture 4: Program for multiplication table
Lecture 5: multi multiplication table
Lecture 6: Exponential Program
Lecture 7: Break statement
Lecture 8: continue statement
Lecture 9: Example password
Chapter 6: Functions and Modules
Lecture 1: Functions and Modules
Lecture 2: User defined functions
Lecture 3: Functions with arguements
Lecture 4: Creating modules
Chapter 7: Strings in python
Lecture 1: Strings
Lecture 2: Strings2
Chapter 8: List, Tuple and Dictionary
Lecture 1: List introduction
Lecture 2: List methods
Lecture 3: Tuples
Lecture 4: Dictionaries
Chapter 9: Time, Date and Calendar Modules
Lecture 1: Time module
Lecture 2: Time module example
Lecture 3: delay time example
Lecture 4: Small assignment
Lecture 5: Calendar module
Chapter 10: Working with Files
Lecture 1: Files intoduction
Lecture 2: Rename and Remove files
Lecture 3: Working with folders
Lecture 4: Exceptions
Lecture 5: Formatting inside print()
Lecture 6: .format() function
Chapter 11: OOPs in Python: Object Oriented Programming
Lecture 1: Class and Object Introduction
Lecture 2: Class creation
Lecture 3: Constructor method
Lecture 4: Student class example
Lecture 5: Special Functions
Lecture 6: Inheritance
Lecture 7: overloading
Lecture 8: conclusion
Lecture 9: Keywords in python
Chapter 12: Ruby Programming Introduction
Lecture 1: 1 Introduction to ruby
Lecture 2: 2 Ruby software install
Lecture 3: 3 First program
Lecture 4: 4 Basic numbers
Lecture 5: 5 Commenting
Lecture 6: 6 variables
Lecture 7: 7 text editor and file
Lecture 8: 8 User input
Chapter 13: Decision Making
Lecture 1: 9 If statement
Lecture 2: 10 if else statements
Chapter 14: Examples
Lecture 1: 11 Program to find odd or even
Lecture 2: 12 vowel or consonant
Lecture 3: 13 Finding greatest number
Chapter 15: Operators
Lecture 1: 14 Operators in ruby
Lecture 2: 15 Operators
Chapter 16: Loops in Ruby
Lecture 1: 16 While Loop
Lecture 2: 17 Until Loop
Lecture 3: 18 For Loops
Lecture 4: 19 Program to find factorial of any number
Lecture 5: 20 Program to print multiplication table
Lecture 6: 21 Multi multiplication table
Lecture 7: 22 Exponent value
Lecture 8: 23 Break Statement
Lecture 9: 24 Next statement
Lecture 10: 25 redo
Lecture 11: 26 .times
Lecture 12: 27 Password example
Lecture 13: 28 chomp
Lecture 14: 29 print vs puts
Doedu education
High Quality Training
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 24 votes
- 2 stars: 34 votes
- 3 stars: 109 votes
- 4 stars: 200 votes
- 5 stars: 179 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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