C# data access: from ADO.NET to EF and Dapper
C# data access: from ADO.NET to EF and Dapper, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 56 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 39 reviews, and has 311 subscribers.
You will learn about SQL Database access with Ado Net SQL Database access with Entitiy Framework SQL Database access with Dapper MongoDb access with MongoDb .Net Driver Redis access with ServiceStack Redis This course is ideal for individuals who are .Net Developers or C# Developers in particular or Professional developers in the Microsoft stack in general It is particularly useful for .Net Developers or C# Developers in particular or Professional developers in the Microsoft stack in general.
Enroll now: C# data access: from ADO.NET to EF and Dapper
Title: C# data access: from ADO.NET to EF and Dapper
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 56
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 52
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 58
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 54
Original Price: €19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- SQL Database access with Ado Net
- SQL Database access with Entitiy Framework
- SQL Database access with Dapper
- MongoDb access with MongoDb .Net Driver
- Redis access with ServiceStack Redis
Who Should Attend
- .Net Developers
- C# Developers in particular
- Professional developers in the Microsoft stack in general
Target Audiences
- .Net Developers
- C# Developers in particular
- Professional developers in the Microsoft stack in general
One of the most important aspects of working effectively with any application is accessing and storing the persistent data.
There is no application without data, be it SQL, NoSQL or any other form of a persistent data store.
For all of them the fundamental concepts are similar.
In this course we are going to explore the CRUD operations for different styles and with different technologies.
You will get an insight into all of the following data access technologies and how they are structured:
SQL Databases with Sqlite and PostgreSQL
Entity Framework
MongoDb withMongoDb Driver
Redis StackExchangeRedis
Refresh basic Knowledge on SQL
Setup postgres and redis in docker containers
learn how to store data in MongoDb works essentially
SQL vs NoSQL, when is which appropriate?
Enrolling in this course will boost your productivity and the understanding of how to access any data storage you might encounter. In the end it is all about the information you can store and retrieve.
You should be familiar with .NET in general and C# in particular. You need not to be an expert, but you should be somewhat comfortable with reading code written in dotnet core.Now have fun and enjoy the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What is this course about?
Lecture 2: SQL vs NoSQL
Lecture 3: Basics of Data Acess: CRUD operations
Lecture 4: How to work with the Github Repository to answer questions
Chapter 2: SQL with ADO.NET
Lecture 1: What this section covers
Lecture 2: First SELECT query with ADO.NET: SQLite
Lecture 3: Simple SELECT with PostgreSQL
Lecture 4: SqlDataReader for SELECT and JOIN
Lecture 5: Utilize SQL Parameters
Lecture 6: INSERT with ADO.NET
Lecture 7: UPDATE and DELETE with ADO.NET
Lecture 8: SQlDataAdapter for SELECT
Lecture 9: Transactions with ADO.NET
Lecture 10: Summary
Chapter 3: SQL with ORMS: Entity Framework and Dapper
Lecture 1: Introduction to Entity Framework
Lecture 2: Connect to the databases with Entity Framework core
Lecture 3: Select and Join with Entity Framework
Lecture 4: Insert, Update and Delete with Entity Framework
Lecture 5: RawSql with Entity Framework
Lecture 6: Another ORM: Dapper
Lecture 7: Select with Dapper
Lecture 8: Inner Join with Dapper (One to Many Relationship)
Lecture 9: Insert, Update and Delete with Dapper
Lecture 10: Summary ORMs and further Resources
Chapter 4: More on Dapper: Query versions and Commands
Lecture 1: Deeper look into Dapper
Lecture 2: Query versions: First, Single, Easier Join and QueryMultiple
Lecture 3: Dapper Commands: Use Lists as Parameters
Lecture 4: Dapper Use DynamicParameters to control Input and Output parameters
Chapter 5: Access MongoDb NoSQL with .Net
Lecture 1: Intro to NoSQL database types
Lecture 2: Short intro to MongoDb and MongoDb Driver for .Net
Lecture 3: Connect to MongoDb
Lecture 4: Read and InsertMany with MongoDb
Lecture 5: Update and Read with MongoDb
Lecture 6: Delete all Documents and the entire Collection with MongoDb
Chapter 6: Access Redis NoSQL with .Net
Lecture 1: Short intro to Redis NoSQL database
Lecture 2: Setting up Redis in docker for CRUD operations
Lecture 3: Redis Connect, Create and Read
Lecture 4: Redis: Update and Delete
Lecture 5: Summary: Accessing NoSQL databases
Chapter 7: Data Access Layer Abstractions: Query independent of database type
Lecture 1: Introduction and basic idea
Lecture 2: Query object pattern explained
Lecture 3: Query object pattern implemented as Dapper and EF Access Query
Lecture 4: Repository pattern idea
Lecture 5: Implement most simple Repository
Lecture 6: EF as repository and why you still can use a Repository on top
Chapter 8: Bonus: Setup and Basics
Lecture 1: Setup the SQLite database for this course
Lecture 2: Setup postgres for this course (in a docker container)
Lecture 3: All the used SQL Statements for this course
Lecture 4: Add Nuget packages for the ADO.NET providers
Lecture 5: Setup MongoDb NoSQL for the course
Lecture 6: .Net basics of IO: Streams
Lecture 7: Serialization and Deserialization
Timo | C# Development | .NET | DevOps
Freelancer & .Net developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 19 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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