C++ MASTERY Course – Build Extraordinary Apps (Step-by-step)
C++ MASTERY Course – Build Extraordinary Apps (Step-by-step), available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.69, with 63 lectures, 21 quizzes, based on 515 reviews, and has 34819 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn one of the most POWERFUL programming language in the world, C++ with complete ease and fun Learn Modern day C++ 11, C++17 and Object-Oriented Programming Step-by-step guide to building 10 Desktop Applications including building a Casino Game for PC Get a Free Ebook with this course Course curriculum starts from scratch, covering the Basic topics to Advanced topics Includes Quizzes This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is perfect for absolute beginners with no previous coding experience It is particularly useful for This course is perfect for absolute beginners with no previous coding experience.
Enroll now: C++ MASTERY Course – Build Extraordinary Apps (Step-by-step)
Title: C++ MASTERY Course – Build Extraordinary Apps (Step-by-step)
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.69
Number of Lectures: 63
Number of Quizzes: 21
Number of Published Lectures: 63
Number of Published Quizzes: 21
Number of Curriculum Items: 84
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 84
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn one of the most POWERFUL programming language in the world, C++ with complete ease and fun
- Learn Modern day C++ 11, C++17 and Object-Oriented Programming
- Step-by-step guide to building 10 Desktop Applications including building a Casino Game for PC
- Get a Free Ebook with this course
- Course curriculum starts from scratch, covering the Basic topics to Advanced topics
- Includes Quizzes
Who Should Attend
- This course is perfect for absolute beginners with no previous coding experience
Target Audiences
- This course is perfect for absolute beginners with no previous coding experience
Which programming language do I need to master in order to get myself recruited in companies like Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google (FANG)? C++
Which is the most popular programming language among the software developers? C++
Which programming language was used to build Windows Operating system? C++
Right now, C++ is the 4th most popular language in the world, according to the TIOBE index. It’s used in various areas where high-performance software is needed. For example, Adobe products, Unreal Engine, and browsers like Chrome and Firefox are built with C++.
C++ will help better understand how computers work. With that knowledge, you can be much more effective while using other languages like Java and C#.
Isn’t C++, little too old a programming language to learn in today’s era?
C++ is still relevant since many applications still bottleneck on processing speed, and the problems with that are not going away.
C++ has had many version releases and updates over the years. It’s a sad fact that most C++ courses do not teach Modern C++, but focus on old, obsolete versions of C++.
This course focuses on Modern C++ i.e. C++11 and C++17
There is a lot of free information out there on internet, why should I spend my money to buy this course?
Yes. You are absolutely correct! There is a lot of free information out on internet but would you like to learn from a platform full of advertisements and no detailed explanation?
You get to interact with the instructor on this platform where you can ask any question related to the course and the instructor responds within 24 hours.
This course format includes theory concepts which are then reinforced with live code examples. Lastly you have the advantage of getting certificate upon completing the course.
How does this course stand out in comparison to other C++ courses on Udemy?
The biggest flex of this course is that you learn to build 10 real desktop applications! No other courses on Udemy teach to build practical and relevant desktop applications.
The course is designed specifically for beginners, so the explanation in every lecture is detailed and the process of learning the basic fundamentals to Advance concepts is step by step.
The curriculum of this course focuses on modern C++ 11 and C++17. Majority of the courses out there still teach the same old C++98 which is not quite relevant in today’s world.
I do not belong to IT sector but I do want to transit my career and get myself in the field of Technology. Is this course a perfect start?
Yes absolutely! C++ is still one of the most popular programming languages used in game development. It’s also heavily used in embedded applications and developing Operating Systems. And as mentioned earlier the course is specially designed for beginners so that they can learn with all ease.
What does this course cover?
The main contents of this course are divided into 3 sections: BASICS, INTERMEDIATE, ADVANCED.
The remaining sections teach how to build some great desktop apps and games like:
Attendance Management app
Banking app
Bus Reservation app
Casino Game
Doctor’s Appointment Management
Food Ordering App
Hotel Management App
Student Database Management App
Student Report Card App
Supermarket billing App
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Download the Ebook!
Lecture 3: What is C++ used for?
Lecture 4: C++ features and advantages
Lecture 5: C++ career opportunities
Chapter 2: BASICS
Lecture 1: Code Blocks Installation On Windows
Lecture 2: Basic Syntax In C++
Lecture 3: C++ Compiler Installation On Android
Lecture 4: Data Types In C++
Lecture 5: Data Type Modifiers In C++
Lecture 6: Basic Input and Output In C++
Lecture 7: Comments In C++
Lecture 8: Operators In C++
Lecture 9: Decision Making In C++
Lecture 10: Loops In C++
Lecture 11: Algorithms In C++
Lecture 12: Flowcharts In C++
Lecture 13: Pseudocodes In C++
Chapter 3: Quick Reminder!
Lecture 1: Quick Reminder
Lecture 1: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
Lecture 2: Class and Objects In C++
Lecture 3: Access Specifiers In C++
Lecture 4: Member Functions In C++
Lecture 5: Constructors In C++
Lecture 6: Destructors In C++
Lecture 7: Inheritance In C++
Lecture 8: Polymorphism In C++
Lecture 9: Function Overloading
Lecture 10: Introduction to Operator Overloading
Lecture 11: Unary and Binary Operator Overloading
Lecture 12: Relational Operator Overloading
Lecture 13: Increment Operator Overloading
Lecture 14: Assignment Operator Overloading
Lecture 15: Function Call Operator Overloading
Lecture 16: Virtual Functions
Lecture 17: Pure Virtual Functions
Lecture 18: Runtime Polymorphism
Lecture 19: Friend Function and Friend Class
Lecture 20: Data Abstraction
Lecture 21: Encapsulation In C++
Chapter 5: ADVANCED
Lecture 1: Advanced Header Files
Lecture 2: Creating Your Own Header File
Lecture 3: Introduction To File Handling
Lecture 4: File Handling In Detailed
Lecture 5: Exception Handling
Lecture 6: File Position Pointer
Lecture 7: Importance Of Pointer and Cons Of Using Normal Pointer
Lecture 8: Smart Pointers In C++11
Lecture 9: Dynamic Memory
Lecture 10: Pre Processor
Lecture 11: Templates In C++11
Chapter 6: Attendance Management system
Lecture 1: Attendance Management system
Chapter 7: Banking Record System
Lecture 1: Banking Record System
Chapter 8: Bus Reservation System
Lecture 1: Bus Reservation System
Chapter 9: Casino Game App
Lecture 1: Casino Game
Chapter 10: Doctor's Appointment system
Lecture 1: Doctor's Appointment system
Chapter 11: Food Ordering App
Lecture 1: Food Ordering App
Chapter 12: Hotel Management system
Lecture 1: Hotel Management system
Chapter 13: Student Database Management System App
Lecture 1: Student Database Management System App
Chapter 14: Student Report Card App
Lecture 1: Student Report Card App
Chapter 15: Supermarket Billing App
Lecture 1: Supermarket Billing App
Chapter 16: How to Debug Code
Lecture 1: Pro Tip on Debugging
Chapter 17: Bonus
Prerak Mehta
Founder @NetMafia | Online course creator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 22 votes
- 2 stars: 23 votes
- 3 stars: 69 votes
- 4 stars: 155 votes
- 5 stars: 246 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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