C# .NET Core 8 with MS SQL Complete Beginner to Master 2024
C# .NET Core 8 with MS SQL Complete Beginner to Master 2024, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.48, with 131 lectures, 15 quizzes, based on 2758 reviews, and has 20414 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand core concepts of software development in C# that extend beyond any one language Understand how to read and write code that runs powerful software tools and REST APIs with C# and .NET Core Understand how to read and write SQL Queries with T SQL for MS SQL Server and Azure SQL Learn how to use powerful cross-platform tools for writing code (VS Code), querying databases (Azure Data Studio), and testing REST APIS (Postman) Provision Azure resources for production C# .NET Core 7 Applications and Azure SQL Databases Use .NET Core to build powerful Data Driven applications and APIs This course is ideal for individuals who are People who want to start learning how to program or New Programmers who want to learn about API Development or Front End developers looking to learn more about backend APIs and/or Databases or Backend/Full Stack developers who want to learn about .NET Core and/or C# or Backend/Full Stack developers who want to learn about SQL It is particularly useful for People who want to start learning how to program or New Programmers who want to learn about API Development or Front End developers looking to learn more about backend APIs and/or Databases or Backend/Full Stack developers who want to learn about .NET Core and/or C# or Backend/Full Stack developers who want to learn about SQL.
Enroll now: C# .NET Core 8 with MS SQL Complete Beginner to Master 2024
Title: C# .NET Core 8 with MS SQL Complete Beginner to Master 2024
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.48
Number of Lectures: 131
Number of Quizzes: 15
Number of Published Lectures: 130
Number of Published Quizzes: 14
Number of Curriculum Items: 146
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 144
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand core concepts of software development in C# that extend beyond any one language
- Understand how to read and write code that runs powerful software tools and REST APIs with C# and .NET Core
- Understand how to read and write SQL Queries with T SQL for MS SQL Server and Azure SQL
- Learn how to use powerful cross-platform tools for writing code (VS Code), querying databases (Azure Data Studio), and testing REST APIS (Postman)
- Provision Azure resources for production C# .NET Core 7 Applications and Azure SQL Databases
- Use .NET Core to build powerful Data Driven applications and APIs
Who Should Attend
- People who want to start learning how to program
- New Programmers who want to learn about API Development
- Front End developers looking to learn more about backend APIs and/or Databases
- Backend/Full Stack developers who want to learn about .NET Core and/or C#
- Backend/Full Stack developers who want to learn about SQL
Target Audiences
- People who want to start learning how to program
- New Programmers who want to learn about API Development
- Front End developers looking to learn more about backend APIs and/or Databases
- Backend/Full Stack developers who want to learn about .NET Core and/or C#
- Backend/Full Stack developers who want to learn about SQL
Up to date and compatible with the latest .NET Core 8 (.NET 8)
All resources are available to all operating systems – follow along from Windows, Linux or MacOS. –(Includes special install instructions for MS SQL Server for Linux and Mac**)
“The course was a great match! Dominic is a very good teacher who explains this subject in a fun and engaging manner.” – Risto
“As a seasoned programmer looking to refresh my knowledge in C#, this walkthrough was very clear and concise. I could have been a complete beginner and still understood.” – Max
“The knowledge gained from this course is very valuable. The pacing is great and the explanations are very clear. I think the most important thing about this course is the instructor – he has such good energy, keeping you engaged.” – Chris
Learning Paths:
There are 3 different Modular pieces of this course that can be mixed and matched to fit your learning needs, depending on what you already know and what you want to learn.
C# Basics (and general programming basics)
.NET Core 8 API Development
MS SQL Server and Azure SQL
If you are new to programming, or just new to C#, you can get an in depth understanding of basic programming concepts like variable types, data structures, classes and methods in our C# Basics section.
If you already know C# that’s great, you can skip over that basics section and start learning how to build powerful REST APIs with .NET Core.
If you already build REST APIs with .NET Core and just want to write cleaner code, learn how to decouple logic, or consolidate endpoints with more dynamic logic – I highly recommend starting with the SQL section, brushing up on Dapper in the Crash course section if you need to, and then checking out the advanced section of the course.
(If that sounds complicated and confusing, it won’t at all by the time you are done with the course)
This course is also set up so that the SQL section is entirely optional, although I do think it is very useful and I highly recommend it. As much as I think you would benefit from learning SQL along with C#, I do understand that building REST APIs and writing SQL are two different skills.
If you just want to focus on the API development side of the course, I am happy to be your personal SQL Developer on the side by providing a few scripts you can just drop into Azure Data Studio to get things set up for you in the database, so that you can go through the entire .NET Core part of the course without missing a beat.
If you are new to software development, congratulations on starting your journey to become a developer! I look forward to seeing you inside!
“Tried many courses, but I used to get bored/stuck or just had partial understanding. This is one of the best courses. Will recommend this course for anyone learning .NET API development. Using Visual Studio Code, instead of visual studio helped me understand some thing I took for granted and never learned in VS. Also love the fact that you had C# and SQL sections. It was useful for me.”
– Abishek
“I have gone through about 10 courses on Udemy before this one and I found Dominics course on C# .NET Core to be the best I have gone through yet. It is extensive with many exercises. Dominic while never really holding your hand follows you through the course and explain his design choices and methods so you can understand what you are doing. You will learn a lot from C# fundamentals, MVC design schemes, MS SQL servers, SQL Query Language, Azure. Take your time. It will be well worth it. I recommend this course highly.”
– Peter
“This is a very in depth course which presented me with many challenges. I have about 1/3rd left to go at this point and usually I like to wait until I’ve completed things before leaving a review. That said, I decided to just do it now. Dominic’s support in answering questions and offering solutions to problems throughout the entirety of this course was amazing. I can’t tell you how many courses I’ve bought to find out there is a dead community, no one to go to with problems, and outdated lectures or assignments that haven’t been kept up with. There is none of that here and I greatly appreciate it!”
– Emily
“My Udemy library is a lot like my Steam library. I’ve got a lot of courses in there but not many that I’ve completed. This is one of the few that I’ve actually finished, and genuinely enjoyed. I knew a little C# going in, and I’ve done a fair amount of work with SQL in terms of data analysis, but the application layer and dotnet was something of a mystery to me so I wanted to learn more about that. The pace is really good, the delivery is really good and I’ve really learned a lot. Definitely have the confidence to start expanding out of my comfort zone and experiment with some new projects.”
– Lisa
“It’s been an amazing journey so far, well thought off, clear, simple, and on point. I’ve been struggling to understand this whole backend concept for about a year now, on and off with different courses until I started your course. You made it so much easier. you are awesome Dominic Tripodi. I will definitely purchase more courses from you”
– Holliday
“I am Japanese. I took a lecture using the translation function. The video was very easy to understand. Even if there was something I didn’t understand, when I asked a question, the instructor gave me an answer immediately. If you are lost in the .net lecture, I recommend it.”
– 浩太郎 阿知波
“I enrolled in this course as part of a professional transition from traditional WinForms application development to modern web applications, as required by my workplace. I found the course immensely helpful. Dominic’s thorough and clear explanations exceeded my expectations, providing deep insights into each topic. I anticipate returning to these videos frequently to continue my learning. Thank you, Dominic, for such a valuable resource!”
– Rabin
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Install List
Lecture 3: .NET 8
Lecture 4: Install
Lecture 5: Mac/Linux Install MS SQL Server – Notes
Lecture 6: Mac/Linux Install MS SQL Server
Lecture 7: Hotkeys and Macros
Lecture 8: How To Learn More Easily
Chapter 2: C# Crash Course – Basics
Lecture 1: Basics Theory Pt 1
Lecture 2: Console App Theory
Lecture 3: Creating a Console App
Lecture 4: Basic Theory Pt 2
Lecture 5: Console.WriteLine
Lecture 6: Nuget package source and C# extensions in VS Code
Lecture 7: Nuget package source and C# Extensions
Lecture 8: Console App Template
Lecture 9: Variables Notes
Lecture 10: Variables
Lecture 11: Data Structures
Lecture 12: Operators and Conditionals
Lecture 13: Basic Theory Pt 3
Lecture 14: Conditional Statements
Lecture 15: Loops
Lecture 16: Methods
Lecture 17: Scope
Chapter 3: C# Crash Course – Intermediate
Lecture 1: Intermediate Theory
Lecture 2: Models
Lecture 3: String Property Defaults
Lecture 4: Namespaces
Lecture 5: Dapper Definitions and Planning
Lecture 6: Computer SQL Script
Lecture 7: MacOS and Linux Users
Lecture 8: Database Connections
Lecture 9: Windows Connection Troubleshooting
Lecture 10: Dapper Pt 1
Lecture 11: Error converting data type varchar to numeric
Lecture 12: Dapper Pt 2
Lecture 13: Entity Framework Definitions and Planning
Lecture 14: Entity Framework
Lecture 15: Config
Lecture 16: Intermediate Theory Pt 2
Lecture 17: File Read and Write
Lecture 18: JSON Definitions and Planning
Lecture 19: JSON
Lecture 20: Model Mapping
Lecture 21: Async Await Theory
Lecture 22: Tasks
Lecture 23: Async Methods
Chapter 4: SQL Seed
Lecture 1: Skipping Crash Course
Lecture 2: MacOS and Linux Users
Lecture 3: SQL Seed
Chapter 5: Sql
Lecture 1: SQL – Basics Pt1
Lecture 2: SQL – Basics Pt2
Lecture 3: SQL – Intermediate
Chapter 6: API – Basics
Lecture 1: API Basics Theory
Lecture 2: Getting Started
Lecture 3: "MSBUILD : error MSB1011" – A bug in C# Dev Kit affecting some students
Lecture 4: Running the API
Lecture 5: Startup.cs
Lecture 6: First Custom Controller
Lecture 7: .NET 8 launchSettings.json
Lecture 8: API Setup
Lecture 9: MacOS and Linux Users
Lecture 10: InvariantGlobalization Bug
Lecture 11: Database Connection
Lecture 12: Http Launch
Lecture 13: User Models
Lecture 14: Users Controller
Lecture 15: Put & Post
Lecture 16: DTOs
Lecture 17: Namespaces
Lecture 18: User Delete
Lecture 19: EF Setup
Lecture 20: EF User Controller
Lecture 21: AutoMapper
Lecture 22: Beginner Assignment
Lecture 23: Beginner Assignment Solution Dapper
Lecture 24: Beginner Assignment Solution Entity Framework
Chapter 7: API – Intermediate
Lecture 1: API Intermediate Theory
Dominic Tripodi
Full Stack Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 38 votes
- 2 stars: 40 votes
- 3 stars: 182 votes
- 4 stars: 839 votes
- 5 stars: 1659 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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