C Programming Language Demystified
C Programming Language Demystified, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.05, with 151 lectures, 24 quizzes, based on 196 reviews, and has 1086 subscribers.
You will learn about You will be able to write a small game application in C using pointers, Structures, arrays, functions, etc.. You will overcome the fear of pointers, arrays and functions Ability to write 150+ lines of C program using various control structures of C language viz. Decision control structure, loop control structure and switch case control structure in C, functions, and pointers in C Advanced topics like Structues, File Handling, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Preprocessor Directives and Storage Classes in C You will understand and don't need to remember At the end of this course you will be well versed with Programming Fundamentals Master the foundations of the C language You will able to use various compilers like TC, gcc and CodeBlocks This course is ideal for individuals who are Someone who is passionate about the C programming language or A person that needs to refresh their knowledge of C and its syntax or Someone who is Brand new to Programming and wants to master Python or Someone who wants to know Python from inside or Any student who wants to learn a general programming language or A Grade School or High School student looking to better understand the concepts of programming It is particularly useful for Someone who is passionate about the C programming language or A person that needs to refresh their knowledge of C and its syntax or Someone who is Brand new to Programming and wants to master Python or Someone who wants to know Python from inside or Any student who wants to learn a general programming language or A Grade School or High School student looking to better understand the concepts of programming.
Enroll now: C Programming Language Demystified
Title: C Programming Language Demystified
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.05
Number of Lectures: 151
Number of Quizzes: 24
Number of Published Lectures: 150
Number of Published Quizzes: 24
Number of Curriculum Items: 178
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 177
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: ₹4,499
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will be able to write a small game application in C using pointers, Structures, arrays, functions, etc..
- You will overcome the fear of pointers, arrays and functions
- Ability to write 150+ lines of C program using various control structures of C language viz. Decision control structure, loop control structure and switch case control structure in C, functions, and pointers in C
- Advanced topics like Structues, File Handling, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Preprocessor Directives and Storage Classes in C
- You will understand and don't need to remember
- At the end of this course you will be well versed with Programming Fundamentals
- Master the foundations of the C language
- You will able to use various compilers like TC, gcc and CodeBlocks
Who Should Attend
- Someone who is passionate about the C programming language
- A person that needs to refresh their knowledge of C and its syntax
- Someone who is Brand new to Programming and wants to master Python
- Someone who wants to know Python from inside
- Any student who wants to learn a general programming language
- A Grade School or High School student looking to better understand the concepts of programming
Target Audiences
- Someone who is passionate about the C programming language
- A person that needs to refresh their knowledge of C and its syntax
- Someone who is Brand new to Programming and wants to master Python
- Someone who wants to know Python from inside
- Any student who wants to learn a general programming language
- A Grade School or High School student looking to better understand the concepts of programming
What sets us apart from other C language courses? Our novel approach presents the course in real-world illustrations through animation and examples. We explain why you do it, not just how. Have you ever tried to “learn C in an hour”, it sometimes takes a little more time. We know that understanding the “why” is just as important as the “how” in getting your head around the concepts of C programming.
This course is designed to be comprehensive, so we assume that you desire the following:
- Knowledge of computer fundamentals
- Basic programming fundamentals
- Mastery of the C programming language through a self-study program
- Why you should learn the C programming language
- You want to use curiosity and “out-of-the-box” thinking to create excellent computer programs.
Our voice-over artists are selected to complement the animation and unique teaching styles of our instructors. Tests, quizzes and assignments are dispersed throughout the course to help you retain more information. The self-study nature and added new material ensures that the learning never stops. As the student, your effort and participation determines the extent of your mastery. If you write sufficient programs to practice as you come to the end of each chapter, then you will become a master in the C programming language. We are continuously adding course content and revising older courses to benefit our students.
Whether you are an undergraduate in engineering, a polytechnic student, a professional or looking for an engaging career, then this course is for you! Be ready to explore writing programs in the conventional DOS based TC compiler, the latest IDEs as well as the GCC compiler in the Linux environment.
We are excited to get you started in the rewarding process of learning and mastering the C programming language. Start this course now and get ready to have the C language demystified!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: ABC of C
Lecture 1: Introduction to Computers
Lecture 2: I am here to help you… How to contact me…?
Lecture 3: Software
Lecture 4: Introduction to Language
Lecture 5: History of the C Language
Lecture 6: Constants, keywords and variables in C
Lecture 7: Structure of C program
Lecture 8: Sample C Program
Lecture 9: Assignments
Lecture 10: Interview Questions – 1
Lecture 11: Princess
Chapter 2: C under Linux
Lecture 1: Introduction to Ubuntu
Lecture 2: How to use an editor and terminal window in gcc…?
Lecture 3: Hello World Program – Part 1
Lecture 4: Hello World Program – Part 2
Lecture 5: Hello World Program – Part 3
Lecture 6: Hello World Program – Part 4
Lecture 7: Temperature Conversion Program – Part 1
Lecture 8: Temperature Conversion Program – Part 2
Lecture 9: Cryptic Code
Lecture 10: Summary
Chapter 3: Steering the Control
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: If control structure in C
Lecture 3: if else control structure in C
Lecture 4: Logical operators in C
Lecture 5: Nesting of if-else control structures in C
Lecture 6: Ternary operators in C
Lecture 7: Assignments
Lecture 8: Interview Questions – 2
Chapter 4: Merry go Round
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Parts of loop
Lecture 3: while loop in C
Lecture 4: for loop in C
Lecture 5: do…while loop in C
Lecture 6: Nesting of loops in C
Lecture 7: break and continue statement in C
Lecture 8: Special loop in C
Lecture 9: Assignment
Lecture 10: Game Challenge
Lecture 11: Pattern Printing
Chapter 5: Menu of C
Lecture 1: Introduction to switch-case control structure in C
Lecture 2: Syntax of switch-case block
Lecture 3: Sample program on switch-case control structure in C
Lecture 4: Special program using switch-case block in C
Lecture 5: Assignment
Chapter 6: Functions in C language
Lecture 1: Introduction to functions in C
Lecture 2: Types of function in C
Lecture 3: Function calling mechanism in C
Lecture 4: Return type of function in C
Lecture 5: Function Prototype
Lecture 6: Sample program with summary of function
Lecture 7: Assignments
Chapter 7: Naughty Pointers
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction to Pointers
Lecture 3: Pointers and Functions
Lecture 4: Call by Value and Reference
Lecture 5: Swap contents of two variables
Lecture 6: Sample Program using pointers
Chapter 8: Arrays in C Language
Lecture 1: Recap
Lecture 2: Introduction to an Array
Lecture 3: How an array in C works…
Lecture 4: How to initialize and assign an array elements…
Lecture 5: Pointers Revisited
Lecture 6: Arithmetic operations on the Pointers in C
Lecture 7: Pointers and Arrays in C
Lecture 8: Arrays and functions in C
Lecture 9: Array bound checking
Lecture 10: Inside Array in C
Lecture 11: Double Dimensional Array in C
Lecture 12: Pointers and 2-D Array
Lecture 13: Summary
Bhalchandra Gholkar
Creating innovative e-contents for programming languages -
Daryl Newell
Electronics Engineering and Programing for Over 20 Years
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 16 votes
- 4 stars: 49 votes
- 5 stars: 121 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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