C Programming Language Hands-On-Lab Challenge
C Programming Language Hands-On-Lab Challenge, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.83, with 140 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 3 reviews, and has 30 subscribers.
You will learn about OVER 120+ Hands-On Practical Programming Exercises of C Programming Understand the Core Concepts of the C Programming Language with Real Time Examples Create your first C Application Learn one of the most popular, widely used languages in the world This course is ideal for individuals who are Who Ever Wants to Learn C Programming in Practical Way with Real time Examples or Anyone Who has Basic Knowledge of C Programming Can Improve their Programming Skills It is particularly useful for Who Ever Wants to Learn C Programming in Practical Way with Real time Examples or Anyone Who has Basic Knowledge of C Programming Can Improve their Programming Skills.
Enroll now: C Programming Language Hands-On-Lab Challenge
Title: C Programming Language Hands-On-Lab Challenge
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.83
Number of Lectures: 140
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 140
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 141
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 141
Original Price: ₹1,299
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- OVER 120+ Hands-On Practical Programming Exercises of C Programming
- Understand the Core Concepts of the C Programming Language with Real Time Examples
- Create your first C Application
- Learn one of the most popular, widely used languages in the world
Who Should Attend
- Who Ever Wants to Learn C Programming in Practical Way with Real time Examples
- Anyone Who has Basic Knowledge of C Programming Can Improve their Programming Skills
Target Audiences
- Who Ever Wants to Learn C Programming in Practical Way with Real time Examples
- Anyone Who has Basic Knowledge of C Programming Can Improve their Programming Skills
C is a good programming language to get started with. and It’s a great language to add to your resume!
Maybe you have some experience In writing Simple C Programs, but want to learn C in-depth
Or perhaps you are stuck in a low-paying programming job and want to move up to a better, more senior position. Learning C can help you!
The fact is, learning how to program in C is not only an excellent programming language to get started with, but it will also make you better at programming in other computer languages!
Note: We have Used Windows 10 OS and Code-blocks IDE for Writing Programs throughout the course
Why learn C Programming?
C is often considered to be the mother of all languages because so many other languages have been based on it.
Though C is simple it is one of the most powerful languages. it was created over 50 years ago, it is still it is ruling the Programming world. It is usually in the top 5 or 10 most popular and most widespread programming languages in the world.
Learning C can actually make you better at programming in other languages like C++, Java, or C# by equipping you with a Programming Logic of what the computer is actually doing when you run your programs.
By learning how things really work “under the hood”, and understanding memory space, CPU architecture, and so on, you can create more efficient programs, and obtain a huge advantage over other programmers in the process.
If you want to become a better developer, learning C is a great way to start!
Why enrolling in this course is the best decision you can make.
By the end of this course, you will understand the Programming Concepts in a Practical way, and make yourself more marketable for entry-level programming positions.
You will understand variables and the different data types, be able to utilize functions and arrays, understand the concept of pointers, and learn about control flow (decision statements and iteration).
You will be in a position to apply for real-time programming positions, and truly understand the core language that most modern languages are based on!
If you have previously used the C programming language, then this course will deepen your understanding of it.
This course does not skip on the details. You will learn how to write high-quality code and become an excellent problem solver. This course does not just present how to code in the C programming language, but, also includes all the details on “why” you are doing the things you are doing. At the end of this course, you will fully understand the concepts of the C Programming language.
Your instructor, Atish Jain has been teaching students for over 15 years via Offline online classes.
This means you are learning from someone who has all the professional training, skills, and experience you need to teach you how to become proficient in the C programming language.
If you are ready to get that first paid programming job or to move up to a more senior programming position, then this course is for you!
Your new job or academic career opportunity awaits!
Why not get started today?
Click the Signup button to Enroll for the course to Kick start your Coding Journey!
Atish Jain
-Coding Career Expert
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Pledge – Commitment
Lecture 2: How to be Consistent?
Lecture 3: Where to Begin?
Chapter 2: Control Structures: Sequence Programming Exercises
Lecture 1: Generating Bill for a Customer
Lecture 2: A Business Owner Wants to Know Total Sales of Two Months January and February.
Lecture 3: Program to calculate Travel Expenses.
Lecture 4: Program to Calculate Rent Paid by a Person
Lecture 5: Program to Calculate Total Bank Balance of Mr.James
Lecture 6: Swapping of two Number Without using 3rd Variable
Lecture 7: Swapping of two Numbers without using 3rd variable and without using + and –
Lecture 8: Gross Salary & Net Salary Calculation Example
Lecture 9: Write a Program to Calculate Simple Interest
Lecture 10: Read Gender and Display
Lecture 11: Program to Read Personal Information of a Person and Display
Lecture 12: Self Introduction
Lecture 13: Online Examination: True or False
Lecture 14: Write a Program to Convert inputted Lowercase character into uppercase.
Lecture 15: Write a Program to Convert Inputted Rupees into Paise
Lecture 16: Write a program to calculate electricity bill.
Lecture 17: Rupees into Paise Conversion
Lecture 18: Price of 3 Chocolates.
Lecture 19: Program to Read the Price of 1 Dozen Apples and Display the Price of 1 Apple
Lecture 20: Program to Print First Name and Last Name using Multiple printf() Functions
Lecture 21: Write a Program to Check How Many Images can be attached while sending a mail.
Lecture 22: Write a Program to Convert the Temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
Chapter 3: Selection or Decision Making Programming Examples
Lecture 1: Electricity Bill Generation Example
Lecture 2: Write a Program to Check whether the inputted year is leap year not.
Lecture 3: Write Program to Read Name and Age of Two Persons and Display Elder Person Name.
Lecture 4: Program to Check Whether the Inputted Number is Positive or Negative or Neutral
Lecture 5: Calculate Grade Based on Marks
Lecture 6: Write a Program to Print Discount & Actual Amount from the Given Details.
Lecture 7: Salary Calculating Example
Lecture 8: Railway Fare Concession Example
Lecture 9: Write a Program to Find Biggest of 4 Numbers.
Lecture 10: Biggest of two numbers
Lecture 11: 1+1 Offer Example
Lecture 12: SUM and Difference Example
Lecture 13: Find out the Topper of the Class
Lecture 14: Electricity Bill Generation Based on Different Rate Slabs
Lecture 15: Calculate Grade
Lecture 16: Choose Your Program from the Menu
Lecture 17: Employee Validation
Lecture 18: Even Or Odd Number Checking without using if Condition
Lecture 19: When Can i Vote?
Chapter 4: Iterations or Looping construct Examples
Lecture 1: Printing Even Numbers
Lecture 2: Print Natural Numbers in Reverse Order
Lecture 3: Write a Program to Print Inputted Number, that Many times
Lecture 4: Write a Program to Print Sum and Average of Inputted N Numbers
Lecture 5: Printing Table Example
Lecture 6: Mobile No Validation
Lecture 7: Whats ur Lucky Number?
Lecture 8: Palindrome Number Checking
Lecture 9: Break Keyword
Lecture 10: Continue Keyword
Lecture 11: Shopping Cart Example using break keyword
Lecture 12: Shopping Cart Example using continue keyword
Lecture 13: Write a Program to Print Armstrong numbers till 1000
Lecture 14: Read the Numbers Till the User Inputs 0
Lecture 15: Display all the factors of a Positive Integer With Count.
Lecture 16: Find the 2nd Biggest Number
Lecture 17: Write a Program to Print ASCII Chart
Lecture 18: Write a Program to Print the Following Series 1,2,4,7,11,16,…100
Lecture 19: Write a Program to Print Result of inputted Base & Power
Lecture 20: Write a Program to Print Perfect Numbers till 100
Lecture 21: Write a Program to Print Strong Numbers Till 1000
Lecture 22: Fast-Food Menu Mini Project
Lecture 23: Aadhar Number Validation Example
Lecture 24: Write a Program to Print the Following Number Patterns
Chapter 5: Arrays Examples
Lecture 1: Write a Program to Display Array of 10 Elements in Reverse Order
Lecture 2: Program to Read Array of N Elements, Calculate Total & Average.
Lecture 3: Write a Program Fill the Array of 10 Elements with Prime Numbers
Lecture 4: Array Filling with Even and Odd Numbers
Lecture 5: Filling the Array with Random Numbers
Lecture 6: Array Addition Example – 1
Lecture 7: Array Addition Example – 2
Lecture 8: Write a Program to Copy all Elements of one array to another array
Lecture 9: Write a Program to Perform Linear Search on Array Containing Duplicate Elements
Lecture 10: Sort the Array
Lecture 11: Write a Program to Perform Binary Search on Array of N Elements
Lecture 12: Find Minimum & Maximum Number
Lecture 13: Write a Program to Find Frequency of Each element from the Array of N Elements
Lecture 14: Write a Program to Insert a Element in the Array of N Elements
Lecture 15: Write a Program to Delete an from the Array of N Elements
Lecture 16: Write a Program to Generate 5 Students Marks Report using Arrays
Lecture 17: Arrays of Numbers Digits Count
Lecture 18: Multidimensional Array Addition
Lecture 19: Matrix Multiplication
Lecture 20: Multidimensional Array Even and Odd Number Filling
Lecture 21: Search Operation on Multidimensional Arrays
Lecture 22: Write a Program to Print Diagonal Elements of a Square Matrix (5*5)
Lecture 23: Write a Program to Print Upper Triangle and Lower Triangle of 5*5 Array
Lecture 24: Program on Transpose of a Matrix
Lecture 25: Program to Print Semester Wise total
Chapter 6: Strings Examples
Atish Jain
Coding Career Expert
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 2 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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