Case Studies in Data Mining with R
Case Studies in Data Mining with R, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 136 lectures, based on 86 reviews, and has 2255 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand how to implement and evaluate a variety of predictive data mining models in three different domains, each described as extended case studies: (1) harmful plant growth; (2) fraudulent transaction detection; and (3) stock market index changes. Perform sophisticated data mining analyses using the "Data Mining with R" (DMwR) package and R software. Have a greatly expanded understanding of the use of R software as a comprehensive data mining tool and platform. Understand how to implement and evaluate supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning algorithms. This course is ideal for individuals who are The course is appropriate for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge and analytical skills related to conducting predictive data mining analyses. or The course is appropriate for undergraduate students seeking to acquire additional in-demand job skill sets for business analytics. or The course is appropriate for graduate students seeking to acquire additional data analysis skills. or Knowledge of R software is not required to successfully complete this course. or The course is appropriate for practicing business analytics professionals seeking to acquire additional job skill sets. It is particularly useful for The course is appropriate for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge and analytical skills related to conducting predictive data mining analyses. or The course is appropriate for undergraduate students seeking to acquire additional in-demand job skill sets for business analytics. or The course is appropriate for graduate students seeking to acquire additional data analysis skills. or Knowledge of R software is not required to successfully complete this course. or The course is appropriate for practicing business analytics professionals seeking to acquire additional job skill sets.
Enroll now: Case Studies in Data Mining with R
Title: Case Studies in Data Mining with R
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 136
Number of Published Lectures: 136
Number of Curriculum Items: 136
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 136
Original Price: $159.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand how to implement and evaluate a variety of predictive data mining models in three different domains, each described as extended case studies: (1) harmful plant growth; (2) fraudulent transaction detection; and (3) stock market index changes.
- Perform sophisticated data mining analyses using the "Data Mining with R" (DMwR) package and R software.
- Have a greatly expanded understanding of the use of R software as a comprehensive data mining tool and platform.
- Understand how to implement and evaluate supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning algorithms.
Who Should Attend
- The course is appropriate for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge and analytical skills related to conducting predictive data mining analyses.
- The course is appropriate for undergraduate students seeking to acquire additional in-demand job skill sets for business analytics.
- The course is appropriate for graduate students seeking to acquire additional data analysis skills.
- Knowledge of R software is not required to successfully complete this course.
- The course is appropriate for practicing business analytics professionals seeking to acquire additional job skill sets.
Target Audiences
- The course is appropriate for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge and analytical skills related to conducting predictive data mining analyses.
- The course is appropriate for undergraduate students seeking to acquire additional in-demand job skill sets for business analytics.
- The course is appropriate for graduate students seeking to acquire additional data analysis skills.
- Knowledge of R software is not required to successfully complete this course.
- The course is appropriate for practicing business analytics professionals seeking to acquire additional job skill sets.
Case Studies in Data Miningwas originally taught as three separate online data mining courses. We examine three case studies which together present a broad-based tour of the basic and extended tasks of data mining in three different domains: (1) predicting algae blooms; (2) detecting fraudulent sales transactions; and (3) predicting stock market returns. The cumulative “hands-on” 3-course fifteen sessions showcase the use of Luis Torgo’s amazingly useful “Data Mining with R” (DMwR) package and R software. Everything that you see on-screen is included with the course: all of the R scripts; all of the data files and R objects used and/or referenced; as well as all of the R packages’ documentation. You can be new to R software and/or to data mining and be successful in completing the course. The first case study, Predicting Algae Blooms, provides instruction regarding the many useful, unique data mining functions contained in the R software ‘DMwR’ package. For the algae blooms prediction case, we specifically look at the tasks of data pre-processing, exploratory data analysis, and predictive model construction. For individuals completely new to R, the first two sessions of the algae blooms case (almost 4 hours of video and materials) provide an accelerated introduction to the use of R and RStudio and to basic techniques for inputting and outputting data and text. Detecting Fraudulent Transactions is the second extended data mining case study that showcases the DMwR (Data Mining with R) package. The case is specific but may be generalized to a common business problem: How does one sift through mountains of data (401,124 records, in this case) and identify suspicious data entries, or “outliers”? The case problem is very unstructured, and walks through a wide variety of approaches and techniques in the attempt to discriminate the “normal”, or “ok” transactions, from the abnormal, suspicious, or “fraudulent” transactions. This case presents a large number of alternative modeling approaches, some of which are appropriate for supervised, some for unsupervised, and some for semi-supervised data scenarios. The third extended case, Predicting Stock Market Returns is a data mining case study addressing the domain of automatic stock trading systems. These four sessions address the tasks of building an automated stock trading system based on prediction models that utilize daily stock quote data. The goal is to predict future returns for the S&P 500 market index. The resulting predictions are used together with a trading strategy to make decisions about generating market buy and sell orders. The case examines prediction problems that stem from the time ordering among data observations, that is, from the use of time seriesdata. It also exemplifies the difficulties involved in translating model predictions into decisions and actions in the context of ‘real-world’ business applications.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: A Brief Introduction to R and RStudio using Scripts
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: Introduction to R for Data Mining
Lecture 3: Data Structures: Vectors (part 1)
Lecture 4: Data Structures: Vectors (part 2)
Lecture 5: Factors (part 1)
Lecture 6: Factors (part 2)
Lecture 7: Generating Sequences
Lecture 8: Indexing (aka Subscripting or Subsetting)
Lecture 9: Data Structures: Matrices and Arrays (part 1)
Lecture 10: Data Structures: Matrices and Arrays (part 2)
Lecture 11: Data Structures: Lists
Lecture 12: Data Structures: Dataframes (part 1)
Lecture 13: Data Structures: Dataframes (part 2)
Lecture 14: Creating New Functions
Chapter 2: Inputting and Outputting Data and Text
Lecture 1: Using the scan() Function for Input (part 1)
Lecture 2: Using the scan() Function for Input (part 2)
Lecture 3: Using readline(), cat() and print() Functions
Lecture 4: Using readLines() Function and Text Data
Lecture 5: Example Program: powers.r
Lecture 6: Example Program: quartiles1.r
Lecture 7: Example Program: quad2b.r
Lecture 8: Reading and Writing Files (part 1)
Lecture 9: Reading and Writing Files (part 2)
Chapter 3: Introduction to Predicting Algae Blooms
Lecture 1: Predicting Algae Blooms
Lecture 2: Data Visualization and Summarization: Histograms
Lecture 3: Data Visualization: Boxplot and Identity Plot
Lecture 4: Data Visualization: Conditioning Plots
Lecture 5: Imputation: Dealing with Unknown or Missing Values
Lecture 6: Imputation: Removing Rows with Missing Values
Lecture 7: Imputation: Replace Missing Values with Central Measures
Lecture 8: Imputation: Replace Missing Values through Correlation
Lecture 9: Visualizing other Imputations with Lattice Plots
Chapter 4: Obtaining Prediction Models
Lecture 1: Read in Data Files
Lecture 2: Creating Prediction Models
Lecture 3: Examine Alternative Regression Models
Lecture 4: Regression Trees
Lecture 5: Strategy for Pruning Trees
Chapter 5: Evaluating and Selecting Models
Lecture 1: Alternative Model Evaluation Criteria
Lecture 2: Introduction to K-Fold Cross-Validation
Lecture 3: Setting up K-Fold Evaluation (part 1)
Lecture 4: Setting up K-Fold Evaluation (part 2)
Lecture 5: Best Model (part 1)
Lecture 6: Best Model (part 2)
Lecture 7: Finish Evaluating Models
Lecture 8: Predicting from the Models
Lecture 9: Comparing the Predictions
Chapter 6: Examine the Data in the Fraudulent Transactions Case Study
Lecture 1: Exercise Solution from Evaluating and Selecting Models
Lecture 2: Fraudulent Case Study Introduction
Lecture 3: Prelude to Exploring the Data
Lecture 4: Exploring the Data
Lecture 5: Exploring the Data Continued (part 1)
Lecture 6: Exploring the Data Continued (part 2)
Lecture 7: Exploring the Data Continued (part 3)
Lecture 8: Dealing with Missing Data (part 1)
Lecture 9: Dealing with Missing Data (part 2)
Lecture 10: Dealing with Missing Data (part 3)
Chapter 7: Pre-Processing the Data to Apply Methodology
Lecture 1: Review the Data and the Focus of the Fraudulent Transactions Case
Lecture 2: Pre-Processing the Data (part 1)
Lecture 3: Pre-Processing the Data (part 2)
Lecture 4: Pre-Processing the Data (part 3)
Lecture 5: Defining Data Mining Tasks
Lecture 6: Semi-Supervised Techniques
Lecture 7: Precision and Recall
Lecture 8: Lift Charts and Precision Recall Curves
Chapter 8: Methodology to Find Outliers (Fraudulent Transactions)
Lecture 1: Exercise from Previous Session
Lecture 2: Review Precision and Recall
Lecture 3: Review Lift Charts and Precision Recall Curves
Lecture 4: Cumulative Recall Chart
Lecture 5: Creating More Functions for the Experimental Methodology
Lecture 6: Experimental Methodology to find Outliers (part 1)
Lecture 7: Experimental Methodology to find Outliers (part 2)
Lecture 8: Experimental Methodology to find Outliers (part 3)
Lecture 9: Experimental Methodology to find Outliers (part 4)
Lecture 10: Experimental Methodology to find Outliers (part 5)
Chapter 9: The Data Mining Tasks to Find the Fraudulent Transactions
Lecture 1: Review of Fraud Case (part 1)
Lecture 2: Review of Fraud Case (part 2)
Lecture 3: Review of Fraud Case (part 3)
Lecture 4: Baseline Boxplot Rule
Lecture 5: Local Outlier Factors
Lecture 6: Plotting Everything
Lecture 7: Supervised and Unsupervised Approaches
Lecture 8: SMOTE and Naive Bayes (part 1)
Lecture 9: SMOTE and Naive Bayes (part 2)
Chapter 10: Sidebar on Boosting
Lecture 1: Introduction to Boosting (from Rattle course)
Lecture 2: Boosting Demo Basics using R
Lecture 3: Replicating Adaboost using Rpart (Recursive Partitioning) Package
Lecture 4: Replicating Adaboost using Rpart (part 2)
Lecture 5: Boosting Extensions and Variants
Lecture 6: Boosting Exercise
Chapter 11: Introduction to Stock Market Prediction Case Study
Geoffrey Hubona, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of MIS and Data Analytics
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 16 votes
- 4 stars: 31 votes
- 5 stars: 30 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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