Cloud-Native: Microservices, Kubernetes, Service Mesh, CI/CD
Cloud-Native: Microservices, Kubernetes, Service Mesh, CI/CD, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.28, with 427 lectures, 15 quizzes, based on 295 reviews, and has 6267 subscribers.
You will learn about Cloud-Native Pillars: Microservices, Containers, Orchestrators, Communications, Backing Services, Scalability, Devops CI/CD, Monitoring Design and Develop Microservices Architecture using aspnet web minimal apis. Containerize microservices using cloud-native tools such as Docker and containerd. Orchestrate containers using Container Orchestrators like Kubernetes, docker swarm. Deploy and manage microservices on Kubernetes. Discover service mesh and Kubernetes-native solutions for microservices orchestration. Communicate between Kubernetes pods using Service Meshes like Istio. Implement Backing Services in Cloud-Native: Databases, Distributed Caches, Message Brokers Auto-scaling applications in Kubernetes using Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling (KEDA). Implement DevOps, CI/CD pipelines, IaC, GitOps principles into architecture using Cloud-native tools like Github Actions, Terraform, ArgoCD. Monitoring and Observability with Prometheus, Grafana, ELK stack into Kubernetes cluster Learn cutting-edge Kubernetes patterns and serverless Deploy Redis and Kafka nodes on Kubernetes cluster using Minikube Develop 10+ Hands-on lab using Cloud-native Landscape tools Develop Serverless Architecture using AWS Cloud services This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for developers, architects, cloud engineers, DevOps consultants who have willing to learn cloud-native landscape in enterprise applications It is particularly useful for This course is for developers, architects, cloud engineers, DevOps consultants who have willing to learn cloud-native landscape in enterprise applications.
Enroll now: Cloud-Native: Microservices, Kubernetes, Service Mesh, CI/CD
Title: Cloud-Native: Microservices, Kubernetes, Service Mesh, CI/CD
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.28
Number of Lectures: 427
Number of Quizzes: 15
Number of Published Lectures: 427
Number of Published Quizzes: 15
Number of Curriculum Items: 442
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 442
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Cloud-Native Pillars: Microservices, Containers, Orchestrators, Communications, Backing Services, Scalability, Devops CI/CD, Monitoring
- Design and Develop Microservices Architecture using aspnet web minimal apis.
- Containerize microservices using cloud-native tools such as Docker and containerd.
- Orchestrate containers using Container Orchestrators like Kubernetes, docker swarm.
- Deploy and manage microservices on Kubernetes.
- Discover service mesh and Kubernetes-native solutions for microservices orchestration.
- Communicate between Kubernetes pods using Service Meshes like Istio.
- Implement Backing Services in Cloud-Native: Databases, Distributed Caches, Message Brokers
- Auto-scaling applications in Kubernetes using Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling (KEDA).
- Implement DevOps, CI/CD pipelines, IaC, GitOps principles into architecture using Cloud-native tools like Github Actions, Terraform, ArgoCD.
- Monitoring and Observability with Prometheus, Grafana, ELK stack into Kubernetes cluster
- Learn cutting-edge Kubernetes patterns and serverless
- Deploy Redis and Kafka nodes on Kubernetes cluster using Minikube
- Develop 10+ Hands-on lab using Cloud-native Landscape tools
- Develop Serverless Architecture using AWS Cloud services
Who Should Attend
- This course is for developers, architects, cloud engineers, DevOps consultants who have willing to learn cloud-native landscape in enterprise applications
Target Audiences
- This course is for developers, architects, cloud engineers, DevOps consultants who have willing to learn cloud-native landscape in enterprise applications
In this course, we’re going to learn how to Design and Build Cloud-Native Appswith MicroservicesArchitecture, KubernetesDeployments, Communications, Backing Services, CI/CD pipelinesand MonitoringPatterns and Best Practices.
Cloud-native is a huge topic that need to organizehow to digest all topics well. We will follow Cloud-Native Trial Map that starts with Containerizationand Orchestrations, and continues with CI/CD, Service Meshes, Scalability, Distributed Databases.. In every step, we will follow Cloud-native Pillars, with learning Cloud-Native architecture and visit Cloud-Native tools, exploreand understandthese tools, design architecture with these tools and finally develop +20 Hands-on real-world projecton Kubernetes clusters.
Cloud-Native Pillars Map – The Course Map
Here you can find our course map about the “Cloud-Native Pillars”:
Communications (Services Mesh)
Backing Services (K8s Distributed Databases, Caches, Message Brokers)
Scalability (HPA, KEDA)
Devops CI/CD IaC GitOps
Monitoring & Observability
During the whole course we will follow these Cloud-Native Pillars with design and implementation of architectures.
Understand the basics of microservices architecture, its benefits, and how to design and develop sample microservices applications. We will learn, explore, design and develop sample microservice applications.
We will containerize the microservices. We will learn to containerize our microservices using cloud-native tools such as Docker and containerd.
We will orchestrate these containers with learning and using Container Orchestrators like Kubernetes, docker swarm and so on. We will gain hands-on experience with container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes and Docker Swarm to manage your containerized applications.
After that we will see how to communicate between Kubernetes pods using Service Meshes like istio. We will Discover how to use service meshes like Istio to facilitate communication between Kubernetes pods.
Backing Services:
We will implement Backing Services for our architecture, will examine Backing Services in 3 sub categories: Databases, Distributed Caches, Message Brokers. We will learn how to deploy and integrate backing services such as databases, caches, and message brokers into your Kubernetes cluster.
We will auto-scale our applications into Kubernetes using HPA and KEDA. We will Implement auto-scaling for our applications in Kubernetes using Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling (KEDA).
Devops CI/CD:
We will implement DevOps, CI/CD pipelines, IaC, GitOps principles into our architecture using cloud-native tools like GitHub Actions, Terraform, ArgoCD and so on.
We will implement Monitoring and Observability tools like Prometheus, Grafana, ELK stack into our Kubernetes cluster and perform best practices for cloud-native observability.
All these steps we will not onlyexplore cloud-native tools but also explore Cloud Serverless serviceslike AWS Lambdain microservices, AWS Fargate in orchestrators, Backing Services like Amazon DynamoDB, Azure CosmosDB, Service Buses – Azure Service Bus, Amazon Eventbridge and so on.
Way of Learning – The Course Flow
The learning methodology will be;
Learn -> Explore -> Design -> Hands-on
We will learn Cloud-Native architectures and visit Cloud-Native tools, explore and understand these tools. And design architecture with using these tools and lastly we will perform hands-on labs to practice tools and cloud-native architectures.
Hands-on Projects
During the course, we’ll have a series of hands-on labs for each Cloud-Native Pillar to reinforce your understanding and provide practical experience.
Hands-on: Develop a RESTful Microservices with CRUD
Hands-on: Containerize .Net Microservices with Docker
Hands-on: Deploy Microservices to Kubernetes
Hands-on: Deploy Microservices to Kubernetes with Helm Charts
Hands-on: Deploy Microservices to Kubernetes with Service Mesh Istio and Envoy
Hands-on: Deploy CockroachDB in a Single Kubernetes Cluster with Minikube
Hands-on: Deploy Cloud-Native Redis Cache on a Kubernetes Cluster with Minikube
Hands-on: Deploy Cloud-Native Kafka Message Brokers on a Kubernetes Cluster with Minikube
Hands-on: Auto-scaling Kubernetes Pods (VPA,HPA,KEDA) with Minikube
Hands-on: Deploy Microservices on Amazon EKS Fargate
Hands-on: Terraform IaC provision AWS EC2 instance
Hands-on: GitHub Actions CI/CD for Build & Push Docker Images to DockerHub
Hands-on: Kubernetes Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
Also we will see AWS Serverless Labs to show how cloud-native architectures works on fully cloud serverless services, especially for AWS services:
Hands-on: Deploy ProductService Container to AWS Apprunner
Hands-on: Building RESTful Microservices with AWS Lambda, API Gateway and DynamoDB
Hands-on: Amazon SNS Notifications Topic Subscribe From AWS Lambda
These hands-on labs will provide you with practical experience in applying the concepts, tools, and best practices you’ve learned throughout the course.
Course Target
This course has 1 main target:
to be a decision-maker as a software developer/architectin cloud-native architecture boards.
This course is designedfor software developers and architectswho are interested in learning about cloud-native technologies and how to apply them in real-world scenarios.
Hands-on Designand DevelopmentActivities
Apply best practices with cloud-native microservices design patterns and principles
Explore and Practice with cloud-native tools, understand when and where to use these tools
Prepare for Software Architecture Interviews
Prepare for System Design Architecture Interview exams.
By the end of this course, you will gain real-world experience, you will have a solid understanding of the cloud-native ecosystemand will be ready to design, build, and deployyour own cloud-native applications using microservices, Kubernetes, service meshes, CI/CD pipelines, and more.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Cloud Types: Private/On-premises, Public and Hybrid Cloud
Lecture 3: Multi-Cloud Strategy
Lecture 4: Evolution of Cloud Platforms: Cloud Hosting Models: IaaS – CaaS – PaaS – FaaS
Lecture 5: Cloud-Native Application Architecture
Lecture 6: Evolution of Application Architectures: Monolithic, Microservices, Serverless
Lecture 7: Deep Dive into Cloud-Native Pillars – Course Section Flow
Lecture 8: Way of Learning – The Course Flow
Lecture 9: Hands-on Projects
Lecture 10: How to Follow the Course & Course Slides
Chapter 2: Introduction to Cloud-Native – What is Cloud-Native Architecture ?
Lecture 1: What is Cloud-Native ?
Lecture 2: Cloud Native Definition from CNCF
Lecture 3: What Is Cloud Native Architecture ?
Lecture 4: Cloud Native Architecture Design Principles and Key Characteristics
Lecture 5: Benefits of Cloud-Native Architectures
Lecture 6: Challenges of Cloud-Native Architectures
Lecture 7: The Cloud Path of Legacy Applications – Modernization of Legacy Apps with Cloud
Chapter 3: Cloud-Native Fundamentals – The Conway's Law and 12 Factor App
Lecture 1: Introduction – Cloud-Native Fundamentals – Conway's Law and 12 Factor App
Lecture 2: The Conway's Law
Lecture 3: The impact of Conway's Law on Cloud-Native Microservices
Lecture 4: 12-Factors – The Twelve-Factor Application
Lecture 5: I. Codebase – The Twelve-Factor Application
Lecture 6: II. Dependencies – The Twelve-Factor Application
Lecture 7: III. Config – The Twelve-Factor Application
Lecture 8: IV. Backing services – The Twelve-Factor Application
Lecture 9: V. Build, release, run – The Twelve-Factor Application
Lecture 10: VI. Processes – The Twelve-Factor Application
Lecture 11: VII. Port binding – The Twelve-Factor Application
Lecture 12: VIII. Concurrency – The Twelve-Factor Application
Lecture 13: IX. Disposability – The Twelve-Factor Application
Lecture 14: X. Dev/prod parity – The Twelve-Factor Application
Lecture 15: XI. Logs – The Twelve-Factor Application
Lecture 16: XII. Admin processes – The Twelve-Factor Application
Chapter 4: Cloud-Native Deep Dive – Landscape, Trial Map and Pillars
Lecture 1: Introduction – Cloud-Native Deep Dive – Landscape, TrialMap and Pillars
Lecture 2: Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
Lecture 3: Quick Tour on Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
Lecture 4: What Is the CNCF Landscape ?
Lecture 5: Deep Dive into CNCF Landscape Categories
Lecture 6: Complicated with CNCF Projects ? – Funny Break
Lecture 7: CNCF Cloud Native Trail Map
Lecture 8: The Four Pillars of Cloud-Native Applications
Lecture 9: All Cloud Native Pillars – Extended for Course Structure
Chapter 5: Pillar1: Microservices
Lecture 1: Introduction to Pillar1: Microservices
Lecture 2: 12-Factor App and Cloud-native Trial Map – Microservices
Lecture 3: Evolution of Architectures; Monolithic, Microservices, Serverless
Lecture 4: What are Microservices ?
Lecture 5: What is Microservices Architecture ?
Lecture 6: Microservices Characteristics
Lecture 7: Benefits of Microservices Architecture
Lecture 8: Challenges of Microservices Architecture
Lecture 9: When to Use Microservices Architecture – Best Practices
Lecture 10: When Not to Use Microservices – Anti-Patterns of Microservices
Lecture 11: Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture Comparison
Lecture 12: The Database-per-Service Pattern – Polygot Persistence
Lecture 13: Explore: Languages and Frameworks for Microservices
Lecture 14: Explore: Cloud-Native Microservices Frameworks
Lecture 15: Explore: Cloud Managed and Serverless Microservices Frameworks
Lecture 16: Design: Cloud-Native Microservices Architecture – Way of Learning
Lecture 17: Understand E-Commerce Domain: Analysis and Decompose E-Commerce Microservices
Lecture 18: Identifying and Decomposing Microservices for E-Commerce Domain
Lecture 19: Design: Cloud-Native E-commerce Microservices Architecture
Lecture 20: Choose Microservices Language and Frameworks for Cloud-Native Microservices
Lecture 21: Reference Project: .Net Microservices – Cloud-Native E-commerce App
Lecture 22: Reference Project: AWS Serverless Microservices – Cloud-Native E-commerce App
Chapter 6: Hands-on: Develop a RESTful Microservices with CRUD endpoints
Lecture 1: Introduction – Hands-on: Develop a RESTful Microservices with CRUD endpoints
Lecture 2: Primary Programming Languages and Frameworks among Microservices Developers
Lecture 3: Why .Net for Microservices Development ?
Lecture 4: Install Prerequisites
Lecture 5: Developing Product Microservices
Lecture 6: Run the Application – Product Microservices
Lecture 7: Create Product Microservices with AWS Serverless Services: AWS Lambda, API Gw
Lecture 8: Hands-on: Create Product Microservices with AWS Lambda, API Gateway and DynamoDB
Chapter 7: Pillar2: Containers
Lecture 1: Introduction to Pillar2: Containers
Lecture 2: 12-Factor App and Cloud-native Trial Map – Containers
Lecture 3: Evolution of Cloud Platforms: Cloud Hosting Models: IaaS – CaaS – PaaS – FaaS
Lecture 4: What are Container ?
Lecture 5: Why use Containers for developing Cloud-native Microservices ?
Lecture 6: Best Practices of using Containers
Lecture 7: How Containers Works ?
Lecture 8: What is Container Runtimes ?
Lecture 9: What is a Container Registry ?
Lecture 10: Containerization: Running Microservices in Containers
Lecture 11: What is Docker ?
Lecture 12: Docker Containers, Images, and Registries
Lecture 13: Docker Architecture
Lecture 14: Explore Container tools: Container Runtimes, Registries, Deployments
Lecture 15: Explore: Container Registries
Lecture 16: Explore: Container Deployment Options
Lecture 17: Explore: Cloud Container Services: Abstraction Level of Container Deployments
Mehmet Ozkaya
Software Architect | Microservices | .NET | AWS | Azure
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 11 votes
- 3 stars: 28 votes
- 4 stars: 95 votes
- 5 stars: 159 votes
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