Coding for Entrepreneurs: Learn Python, Django, and More.
Coding for Entrepreneurs: Learn Python, Django, and More., available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 251 lectures, based on 1050 reviews, and has 24722 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn the fundamentals of programming as it applies to entrepreneurship Learn the Python Programming Language Learn the Django & Twitter Bootstrap frameworks Learn how to use APIs Learn how to accept payments via Stripe Learn Basic HTML & CSS This course is ideal for individuals who are The "non-technical" cofounder or A solo Entrepreneur who is building a web project or Anyone who wants to solve problems through technology or Anyone who wants to learn Django ( It is particularly useful for The "non-technical" cofounder or A solo Entrepreneur who is building a web project or Anyone who wants to solve problems through technology or Anyone who wants to learn Django (
Enroll now: Coding for Entrepreneurs: Learn Python, Django, and More.
Title: Coding for Entrepreneurs: Learn Python, Django, and More.
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 251
Number of Published Lectures: 251
Number of Curriculum Items: 251
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 251
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn the fundamentals of programming as it applies to entrepreneurship
- Learn the Python Programming Language
- Learn the Django & Twitter Bootstrap frameworks
- Learn how to use APIs
- Learn how to accept payments via Stripe
- Learn Basic HTML & CSS
Who Should Attend
- The "non-technical" cofounder
- A solo Entrepreneur who is building a web project
- Anyone who wants to solve problems through technology
- Anyone who wants to learn Django (
Target Audiences
- The "non-technical" cofounder
- A solo Entrepreneur who is building a web project
- Anyone who wants to solve problems through technology
- Anyone who wants to learn Django (
Work Alongside Me & Learn Exactly How To Code An eCommerce Site & A Landing Page From Scratch (Last Updated: Dec-8–2014)
Never coded before? No problem. We've worked with over 120,000 students just like you.
Entrepreneurs like you are a rare breed. You create incredible businesses and come up with ideas that change the world.
Technology has made the 21st century, the century of the entrepreneur. Thanks to the power of the internet, you can reach a global audience in minutes.
The question is…do you have the skills to be able to take advantage of this incredible opportunity?
If you’re starting (or have started) a business in today’s tech driven economy, then you’ve got to understand the code that’s driving your business.
- Imagine asking others to create your software but you’ve no idea how it works?
- Imagine not knowing the time and effort involved in realizing your idea?
- Imagine having an incredible idea but you don’t have the skills to get it started?
Coding For Entrepreneurs Will Teach You, Step-By-Step, Exactly How To Code An eCommerce Website As Well As A Dynamic Landing Page. Over 120,000 students are currently learning from our courses.
All you have to do is follow along with me in a series of easy-to-follow videos that will teach you everything that’s involved in:
Project #1: Building an eCommerce site: This project will take you through everything from setup to execution…but it won't stop there. You won’t just be watching these videos…you’ll actually build this site yourself.
Project #2: Launch a Landing Page for your project: In this section you’ll learn how to build a landing page from scratch so you can collect customer DATA through a FORM. You’ll then deploy this to a live server, and be ready to collect your customer’s information so that you can test market your idea to them immediately.
When you’re finished these sections, you’ll understand how huge eCommerce sites like Amazon, Zappos, Groupon & Livingsocial were created.
I’m Not Going To Teach You Tons of Coding Languages…
Instead of spending infinity boring you with the intricacies of a multitude of languages, Coding For Entrepreneurs will teach you the exact languages you need to know to launch any type of eCommerce site & build landing pages that convert browsers into buyers.
The best way to learn is by doing – you’ll never learn anything if you sit and watch videos or read a PDF all day. We get you into action and enable you to achieve results immediately.
You’ll become proficient in:
- Python
- Django
Don’t worry if these look scary…if you can multiply and add numbers then you can code!
Coding is extremely logical. Take Python for example – it reads just like the English language less a couple of odd characters (if it doesn’t now, it will soon):
We Put Special Emphasis On Django…Why?
– Django is based in Python
– It’s fast, simple, effective, secure, and ideal for "perfectionists with deadlines"
– Built-In User Login (authentication) System
– Web-based Admin system (built – in)
– Template system that allows basic knowledge of HTML/CSS to design the front-end.
– Growing Community for Help/Advice/Best Practices …. and freelance clients (or jobs).
– Easy to implement & Launch
But I’ve Been Told That I Need To Learn C, C#, Objective C and Java?
The truth is that you could learn all of these languages and use them to further enhance your coding.
But why bother?
You’re an entrepreneur, NOT a professional coder. Would you rather learn how to code something quickly and start building your business empire or spend years debugging something that may never launch?
It’s time to take your future into your own hands and learn how to start Coding For Entrepreneurs today!
How To Be Ultra Successful With This Class
– Watch the videos and follow me and do exactly as I do
– If you get stuck, rewind and rewatch while copying me again
– If you’re still stuck, ask questions! I WILL respond to you really quickly!
– Months later if you get stuck, come back and watch the videos all over again 🙂
– Do NOT take notes. Implement what is happening as you see it.
– When finished, repeat the classes. Start fresh. Delete Everything. Do it again
– Repetition is key: it’s like practicing to master a golf swing or a basketball shot
– When you get stuck ASK QUESTIONS – I’ll help you
– Remember that learning this will put you light years ahead of other entrepreneurs
Build a webpage in 10 minutes ** change resolution to 720p
From a student regarding Windows Users:
"The easiest way to take this course in terms of learning is through a Linux VM. On Windows, download Virtualbox and a Linux .iso (e.g. Ubuntu). Once downloaded, open Virtualbox, follow the steps to create a Ubuntu VM, select the .iso from your hard drive, install Ubuntu and you're good to go with all the commands mentioned in this course. The only extra command I've had so far to install pip is 'sudo apt-get install python-setuptools'." — Harry
FAQ (Doubters Read This)
1) I am not technical at all, are you sure I should take this class?There was a time you didn't know how to read, or write, or speak, or walk, or… I believe you are not technical because you didn't take the time to learn through the hard times OR because you haven't even tried. Coding For Entrepreneurs has a growing community to help you through the tough times, the Instructor will help, the Django Community is incredible, and often times a simple web search will solve your problem. Getting help is easier than EVER and often comes for free.
2) Is Django actually that good? It's the default choice for Instagram, Mozilla, Pinterest, Disqus, and many, many more. Django is lightweight, super flexible, easy to learn, easy to implement. I believe it's that good.
3) What makes Python a good language for beginners? Python looks closest to the English language next to many other programming languages and therefore is easier to learn. Python uses spaces " " more often than ";" or "$" or "{" or "(" like PHP and Ruby use.
4) I already know PHP (or another language), should I learn Python/Django? There are two schools of thought: 1) Yes because it's awesome and makes it easy to implemented web-based projects or 2) No because you don't really need to know more than 1 language. If there is any feeling of desire to learn more, do it.
5) Why don't I just use WordPress or another platform? I think this is like asking a chef why he doesn't follow someone else's recipe. The other recipe might be fantastic… but it's still following a recipe. A true chef creates. A cook follows. Using a platform can be great…but to truly innovate, you need to know how to do it yourself.
6) I see that Django version 1.6 and Python 2.7 is what is used… isn't Python 3.4 and Django 1.7 out? Why aren't you using those versions? Yes both are out and both are very solid on their own. There is much debate about Python 2.7 and Python 3.4 as to which to use. Mac and Linux come standard with Python 2.7 so we believe it's still a solid choice and will remain that way until these major operating systems change what they use. Django 1.7 vs 1.6 (or even 1.5) is virtually the same; especially for a beginner. Once you understand Django, you understand Django. Regardless of the version until Django releases a huge overhaul (which won't happen anytime soon).
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome
Lecture 1: What is Coding for Entrepreneurs?
Lecture 2: Why Code?
Lecture 3: Welcome to Coding for Entrepreneurs
Lecture 4: How to Approach this Class || Learning by Doing
Chapter 2: Setup Your Computer
Lecture 1: Install the Tools You Need
Lecture 2: System Setup Links (PDF)
Lecture 3: Notes on Text Editors
Lecture 4: Using Github
Chapter 3: Intro to Python & Django
Lecture 1: Introduction to Python
Lecture 2: Get to know Django
Lecture 3: Links & Resources
Chapter 4: Django 101
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Websites + Servers
Lecture 3: Settings, Urls, Views
Chapter 5: Try Django 1.9
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Walkthrough
Lecture 3: Before Getting Started
Lecture 4: Versions & Install
Lecture 5: Superuser & Admin
Lecture 6: First App & Model
Lecture 7: Model to Admin
Lecture 8: Customize Admin
Lecture 9: CRUD
Lecture 10: Writing our First View
Lecture 11: Request & Response
Lecture 12: Mapping URLs to Views
Lecture 13: In App URLs
Lecture 14: Django Templates
Lecture 15: Template Context
Lecture 16: QuerySet Basics
Lecture 17: Get Item or 404 Query
Lecture 18: Dynamic URL Routing & Patterns
Lecture 19: URL Links & Get Absolute URL
Lecture 20: ModelForm & Create View
Lecture 21: Instance Update View
Lecture 22: Django Messages Framework
Lecture 23: Delete View
Lecture 24: Template & Inheritance
Lecture 25: Setup Static Files – CSS – Javascript – Images in Django
Lecture 26: Implement Bootstrap
Lecture 27: Pagination by QuerySet
Lecture 28: File Uploads with FileField and ImageField
Lecture 29: SlugField
Lecture 30: Social Share Links
Lecture 31: Custom Template Tag
Lecture 32: Basic User Permissions
Lecture 33: Associate User to Post with a Foreign Key
Lecture 34: Using Facebook Comments
Lecture 35: Item Publish Date & Draft
Lecture 36: Model Managers & Handling Drafts
Lecture 37: Search Posts
Lecture 38: Next Steps & Thank you
Chapter 6: First Project: Launch with Code (Django 1.6.5, Bootstrap 3)
Lecture 1: Welcome to Launch with Code
Lecture 2: Start your First Django Project
Lecture 3: First view using Function Based Views
Lecture 4: Settings Setup
Lecture 5: Implement Bootstrap for Front End Design
Lecture 6: Start a Django App
Lecture 7: Using Django Forms
Lecture 8: Making Changes to Models in Django Version 1.6
Lecture 9: Get User IP Address
Lecture 10: Create Custom Reference ID
Lecture 11: Create a Social Sharing Page
Lecture 12: Use Custom Django Middleware
Lecture 13: Save Shares by Reference ID
Lecture 14: Create a Social Sharing Page Part 2
Lecture 15: Load Static Files in Django
Lecture 16: Update Front-End Design
Lecture 17: Create a Social Sharing Page Part 3
Lecture 18: Use jQuery to Make Progress Bar
Lecture 19: Implement Social Sharing HTML
Lecture 20: CSS Background Image & Parallax
Lecture 21: Update Email Form Design
Lecture 22: Final Styles Update
Lecture 23: Prepare for Producing using Heroku
Lecture 24: Launch your Project to Heroku
Chapter 7: eCommerce 2
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Walkthrough
Lecture 3: Requirements
Lecture 4: Setup a Previous Django Project
Lecture 5: Try Django 1.8 to eCommerce 2
Lecture 6: Product Roadmap
Lecture 7: Products App
Lecture 8: Product Detail View
Lecture 9: Urls within Django App
Lecture 10: Add HTML Template
Lecture 11: ListView
Lecture 12: Using Links for Model Instances
Lecture 13: Model Managers
Lecture 14: Product Variations
Lecture 15: Post Save Signal for Variations
Lecture 16: Product Detail Layout
Lecture 17: Image Uploads
Justin Mitchel
Coding Entrepreneur & Teacher – 568,000+ Students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 40 votes
- 2 stars: 45 votes
- 3 stars: 132 votes
- 4 stars: 292 votes
- 5 stars: 541 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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