Coding in Unity: Introduction to Shaders
Coding in Unity: Introduction to Shaders, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4, with 60 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 102 reviews, and has 813 subscribers.
You will learn about Program surface shaders – Unity's approach to making it easier to write lit shaders. Code lower level fragment and vertex shaders. Program post-processing images effects. Use your new knowledge to create your own, unique shaders and game feel. Understand Unity's ShaderLab and CG/HLSL. Write your own shaders for Unity's built-in Render Pipeline. Create your own custom lighting This course is ideal for individuals who are Intermediate level Unity developers who want to learn how to code their own shaders from scratch. or People with no shader coding experience. or This course is not for people new to Unity or C#. or This course is not for people wanting to learn Unity's Shader Graph. or People wanting to create their own shaders for Unity's built-in Render Pipeline. It is particularly useful for Intermediate level Unity developers who want to learn how to code their own shaders from scratch. or People with no shader coding experience. or This course is not for people new to Unity or C#. or This course is not for people wanting to learn Unity's Shader Graph. or People wanting to create their own shaders for Unity's built-in Render Pipeline.
Enroll now: Coding in Unity: Introduction to Shaders
Title: Coding in Unity: Introduction to Shaders
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 60
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 60
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 61
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 61
Original Price: £119.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Program surface shaders – Unity's approach to making it easier to write lit shaders.
- Code lower level fragment and vertex shaders.
- Program post-processing images effects.
- Use your new knowledge to create your own, unique shaders and game feel.
- Understand Unity's ShaderLab and CG/HLSL.
- Write your own shaders for Unity's built-in Render Pipeline.
- Create your own custom lighting
Who Should Attend
- Intermediate level Unity developers who want to learn how to code their own shaders from scratch.
- People with no shader coding experience.
- This course is not for people new to Unity or C#.
- This course is not for people wanting to learn Unity's Shader Graph.
- People wanting to create their own shaders for Unity's built-in Render Pipeline.
Target Audiences
- Intermediate level Unity developers who want to learn how to code their own shaders from scratch.
- People with no shader coding experience.
- This course is not for people new to Unity or C#.
- This course is not for people wanting to learn Unity's Shader Graph.
- People wanting to create their own shaders for Unity's built-in Render Pipeline.
Learn the basic concepts and language you will need to program your own shaders and image effects for Unity’s built-in render pipeline, for Unity 5 or above.
Learn and Understand Shaders with this Unity Course.
Learn about the different properties of a mesh that can be accessed and changed via a shader.
Write your own vertex and fragment, and surface shaders.
Create your own image effects.
Write custom lighting models.
Understand ShaderLab and CG/HLSL.
Make your game look unique using shaders.
In this course, you will learn the basics of programming shaders, from simple colour changes to whole screen image effects. We’ll go through the different types of shader, Unity’s quirks and in-built functions, and the different bits of code that make up a shader, before writing a full surface shader with a texture, normal map, metallic and emissive effects. We’ll also look at writing a custom inspector for your shader. Once we’ve covered these basics, we’ll look at creating an number of image effects, custom lighting models including cel shading, a sprite shader with a sway effect, and a dissolve effect.
A common criticism of Unity is that games made with the engine all have a similar look. Combat this by writing your own shaders rather than relying on Unity’s inbuilt ones – learn how to improve the look and feel of your game.
By the end of this course, you will understand the basics of shader coding and will be able to create your own shaders. Source code is included to help you on your way.
This course is designed for people who can already use Unity and can program in C#, but who have no previous experience of programming shaders.
I present examples of increasing difficulty for each type of shader (surface, vertex/fragment and image effect) designed to help you to understand howshaders work so that you can be confident in creating your own effects.
For extra support, you can ask questions in the Q&A section, and I’ve provided the completed code examples for download in each Section. You’ll receive a certificate of completion once you finish the course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Meshes
Lecture 2: Vertex and Fragment Shaders
Lecture 3: Surface Shaders
Lecture 4: Image Effects
Lecture 5: Unity's In-built Shaders and HLSL Functions
Lecture 6: The Render Pipeline and Unity's Shader Graph
Chapter 2: Shader Outline
Lecture 1: Structure: Properties, Subshaders and Passes
Lecture 2: Pragma Directives
Lecture 3: Properties
Lecture 4: Tags
Lecture 5: Blender
Lecture 6: A Simple Surface Shader
Lecture 7: A Simple Vertex and Fragment Shader
Lecture 8: Coordinate Systems
Lecture 9: Unity's Lighting Models
Lecture 10: Ordering
Chapter 3: Full Surface Shader
Lecture 1: Adding a Texture
Lecture 2: Adding a Normal Map
Lecture 3: Adding Occlusion + Assignment
Lecture 4: Making it Metallic
Lecture 5: Making it Emissive + Assignment
Lecture 6: Emissive Custom Shader GUI
Chapter 4: Inverted Image Effect
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: Blit
Lecture 3: Culling and Depth Testing
Lecture 4: The Invert Shader
Lecture 5: The C# Blit Script
Chapter 5: Image Effects
Lecture 1: Fade to Black + Assignment
Lecture 2: Lerp Desmos Link
Lecture 3: Fade to Colour Using Lerp
Lecture 4: Desaturation + Assignment
Lecture 5: Parametric Equation Desmos Link
Lecture 6: Rolling Distortion: Using _Time and Parametric Equations
Lecture 7: Textured Distortion
Lecture 8: Chromatic Aberration + Assignment
Chapter 6: Custom Lighting Models
Lecture 1: The Dot Product
Lecture 2: A Simple Lambert Model
Lecture 3: Cel Shading
Lecture 4: Adding Lighting to a Vertex and Fragment Shader
Chapter 7: Swaying Plant Sprites
Lecture 1: A Static Sprite Shader
Lecture 2: Blend and Adding Transparency
Lecture 3: Step Desmos Link
Lecture 4: Step
Lecture 5: Adding the Vertex Function
Lecture 6: Non-Directional Lights
Lecture 7: Improving the Sway
Chapter 8: Dissolve Surface Shader
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: Clip
Lecture 3: Dissolve Texture
Lecture 4: Smoothstep Desmos Link
Lecture 5: Smoothstep
Lecture 6: Ramp Smoothstep Desmos Link
Lecture 7: Adding the Ramp
Lecture 8: The Ramp Contribution
Chapter 9: A Triplanar Shader
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: A Simple Triplanar Shader
Lecture 3: A Weighted Triplanar Shader
Lecture 4: Adding a Top Texture
Lecture 5: Improving With Noise + Assignment
Chapter 10: Bonus
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture: My Other Courses
Jenny Hide
Indie/Freelance Game Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 15 votes
- 4 stars: 35 votes
- 5 stars: 42 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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