Complete Face Recognition attendance software| Python OpenCV
Complete Face Recognition attendance software| Python OpenCV, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4, with 28 lectures, based on 17 reviews, and has 82 subscribers.
You will learn about Master the Python GUI programming language by developing a software for face recognition attendance entry with machine learning algorithm using python coding Add this project in your Portfolio or in your resume for python GUI developer jobs . you will learn complete step by step codes to develop this app. Design beautiful interfaces for data science, machine learning, deep learning and IOT projects to show data, images and hover effects using pyqt and qt designer You will be able to develop a filly functioning face recognition application for any business using Python, Qt Designer, SQLite Database using OpenCV You will be able to design SQLite database, tables for any application you want to develop yourself Able to design beautiful interfaces (GUIs) for any application in Qt Designer. You will learn how to create style sheets for each control in qt designed forms You will be able to connect the front end and back end using Python code. The use of try and except are implemented to track connections with SQLite database Learn the database operations like INSERT, SELECT and UPDATE in SQLite database using this project. You will learn how to download face recognition algorithm and how to implement in opencv to detect faces from the web cam video and draw rectangles in faces You will learn how create training datasets using webcam captured images and create folders to store each members captured images for verification This course is ideal for individuals who are If you are a student or a developer want to develop a complete advanced python software from the beginning to end or If you know basics of python programming and want to improve your skills in python GUI programming and Computer Vision (OpenCv) or If you are want to convert the python program output into a GUI to present nicely with beautiful images or College students who want to develop their projects themselves in python and machine learning or To show your IOT programming output through GUI in the Computer or To learn how to develop an machine learning application using python programming and opencv library It is particularly useful for If you are a student or a developer want to develop a complete advanced python software from the beginning to end or If you know basics of python programming and want to improve your skills in python GUI programming and Computer Vision (OpenCv) or If you are want to convert the python program output into a GUI to present nicely with beautiful images or College students who want to develop their projects themselves in python and machine learning or To show your IOT programming output through GUI in the Computer or To learn how to develop an machine learning application using python programming and opencv library.
Enroll now: Complete Face Recognition attendance software| Python OpenCV
Title: Complete Face Recognition attendance software| Python OpenCV
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 28
Number of Published Lectures: 28
Number of Curriculum Items: 28
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 28
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master the Python GUI programming language by developing a software for face recognition attendance entry with machine learning algorithm using python coding
- Add this project in your Portfolio or in your resume for python GUI developer jobs . you will learn complete step by step codes to develop this app.
- Design beautiful interfaces for data science, machine learning, deep learning and IOT projects to show data, images and hover effects using pyqt and qt designer
- You will be able to develop a filly functioning face recognition application for any business using Python, Qt Designer, SQLite Database using OpenCV
- You will be able to design SQLite database, tables for any application you want to develop yourself
- Able to design beautiful interfaces (GUIs) for any application in Qt Designer. You will learn how to create style sheets for each control in qt designed forms
- You will be able to connect the front end and back end using Python code. The use of try and except are implemented to track connections with SQLite database
- Learn the database operations like INSERT, SELECT and UPDATE in SQLite database using this project.
- You will learn how to download face recognition algorithm and how to implement in opencv to detect faces from the web cam video and draw rectangles in faces
- You will learn how create training datasets using webcam captured images and create folders to store each members captured images for verification
Who Should Attend
- If you are a student or a developer want to develop a complete advanced python software from the beginning to end
- If you know basics of python programming and want to improve your skills in python GUI programming and Computer Vision (OpenCv)
- If you are want to convert the python program output into a GUI to present nicely with beautiful images
- College students who want to develop their projects themselves in python and machine learning
- To show your IOT programming output through GUI in the Computer
- To learn how to develop an machine learning application using python programming and opencv library
Target Audiences
- If you are a student or a developer want to develop a complete advanced python software from the beginning to end
- If you know basics of python programming and want to improve your skills in python GUI programming and Computer Vision (OpenCv)
- If you are want to convert the python program output into a GUI to present nicely with beautiful images
- College students who want to develop their projects themselves in python and machine learning
- To show your IOT programming output through GUI in the Computer
- To learn how to develop an machine learning application using python programming and opencv library
Hello Students
Welcome to the course Complete Face Recognition attendance softwareusing Python, Pyqt5, OpenCvand Machine Learning using Qt Designerwith SQLite database
In this course you will learn how to create a complete software to implement face recognition attendance system for a company or for a business to record daily attendance.
First you will learn how to install the required software for our project
Open Cv
Vs Code
Db Browser
Then you will learn how to create beautiful interfacesfor the following process
Login process
Training process
Face recognition attendance entry process
Reports process
In the interface creation process you will learn how to create controls for our requirements
The main process you will learn while designing the forms
How to provide images
How to fit images properly with QLabel
How to capture passwords using Python GUI window.
How to provide styles to all controls
How to provide hover effects to controls in the qt designer.
Connect Qt Designer ui file with Python
Then you will learn how to connect python code with pyqt5 designed GUI using QT Designer.
Create and connect SQLite
Then you will learn how to create sqlite3 database and tables using python code and check the database with db browser.
These are the following modules we will develop in this project.
1. Login Module
In this module, the admin will enter the password to enter into the system. The the python code will check if the entered password is correct or not. If it is correct, it will open the next form. We will use python if condition and user defined functions to check login.
2. Training Module
In this module, the admin will use haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml file to detect the human face shown in the webcam. The camera is capture is created using OpenCv. The captured image contverted to gray scale and Cascade Classifier algorithm will detect any face available in the captured image. If face is available, it will automatically create a directory and store the faces in 1.png, 2.png…. like that till the given number for training. If the face is not detected, then the system will not save the image file.
3. Attendance Module
The member will show their face in the web cam. Now the system will create a LBPHFaceRecognizer model using cv2 library and this model will be trained using the existing dataset we already created image and label set. Then this model will predict with the web cam face and if the person is there in the trained database, it will record the attendance for the person. The attendance will be recorded only if the person is showing their face first time in the current date. If the person is showing their face more than one time, the system will not record the attendance. If a new person is showing their face, it will show unknown person message.
4. Reports Module
In the reports module, the system will show the attendance records of all the day. The admin can select a particular date from the date select control, the system will show the attendance for the selected date.
By doing this course, you will learn how to create a complete python GUI project using face recognition of OpenCV Library and use LBPHFaceRecognizer model. You will also learn how to create database, tables and insert records from the user interface. You will learn how to generate reports from the database and how to connect GUI and python code.
Thank you for your interest in this course…
I will see you in the course…
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Install Python
Lecture 3: Install Pyqt5 and pyqt5-tools
Lecture 4: Install Open CV library
Lecture 5: Install visual studio code ( Optional ) – You can use any editor
Lecture 6: Create Desktop shortcut to Qt Designer
Lecture 7: Install Sqlite Browser
Chapter 2: Resources download for form designs
Lecture 1: Image files download
Chapter 3: Login form design
Lecture 1: Login form design
Chapter 4: Main Form design
Lecture 1: Main form design
Chapter 5: Training form design
Lecture 1: Training form design
Chapter 6: Face recognition attendance entry form design
Lecture 1: Face recognition attendance entry form design
Chapter 7: Reports form design
Lecture 1: Reports form design
Chapter 8: Download the ui file
Lecture 1: Download ui file
Chapter 9: Code to connect ui file with python
Lecture 1: Code to connect ui file with python
Chapter 10: Login and logout code
Lecture 1: Login code
Lecture 2: Logout code
Lecture 3: All form link button code
Chapter 11: Algorithm xml file download
Lecture 1: Algorithm file download
Chapter 12: Training Process
Lecture 1: Develop python code to provide training to the model
Chapter 13: Face recognition attendance entry
Lecture 1: Attendance entry process – training the model with existing dataset
Lecture 2: Attendance entry process – code for face recognition
Lecture 3: Attendance entry process – code to save the attendance record in the table
Chapter 14: Reports generation
Lecture 1: Attendance reports generation code
Lecture 2: Develop code go generate date wise attendance reports
Chapter 15: Removing the tab and frames in QTabWidget
Lecture 1: Remove the tab titles and borders of tab widget
Chapter 16: Complete code to download
Lecture 1: User interface file
Lecture 2: Python file
Muthu Manavandi
Teacher in Sanyu academy from 2006 & trained 1000+ students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
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