Complete Guide to NumPy and Pandas
Complete Guide to NumPy and Pandas, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.6, with 73 lectures, based on 11 reviews, and has 71 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn how to read different kinds of data into Pandas Data frames for data analysis & Manipulate, transform and apply formulas on the data imported into the pandas data frames. Find out how to create and slice data arrays using NumPy. Deep Dive into handling missing data in a Pandas DataFrame. Working with panel objects and attributes. Master the use of Pandas Line Plot. Learn to apply multiple and different functions to data frame columns. Implement the concept of exponentially weighted windows. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is perfect for: or Budding data scientist looking to learn the popular Pandas library, or a Python developer looking to step into the world of data analysis. or data scientists, analysts, and Python developers who wish to explore data analysis in a practical, hands-on manner. It is particularly useful for This course is perfect for: or Budding data scientist looking to learn the popular Pandas library, or a Python developer looking to step into the world of data analysis. or data scientists, analysts, and Python developers who wish to explore data analysis in a practical, hands-on manner.
Enroll now: Complete Guide to NumPy and Pandas
Title: Complete Guide to NumPy and Pandas
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Lectures: 73
Number of Published Lectures: 73
Number of Curriculum Items: 73
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 73
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn how to read different kinds of data into Pandas Data frames for data analysis & Manipulate, transform and apply formulas on the data imported into the pandas data frames.
- Find out how to create and slice data arrays using NumPy.
- Deep Dive into handling missing data in a Pandas DataFrame.
- Working with panel objects and attributes.
- Master the use of Pandas Line Plot.
- Learn to apply multiple and different functions to data frame columns.
- Implement the concept of exponentially weighted windows.
Who Should Attend
- This course is perfect for:
- Budding data scientist looking to learn the popular Pandas library, or a Python developer looking to step into the world of data analysis.
- data scientists, analysts, and Python developers who wish to explore data analysis in a practical, hands-on manner.
Target Audiences
- This course is perfect for:
- Budding data scientist looking to learn the popular Pandas library, or a Python developer looking to step into the world of data analysis.
- data scientists, analysts, and Python developers who wish to explore data analysis in a practical, hands-on manner.
Pandas have emerged as a popular tool for analysts to solve real-world analytical problems, Performing Data Visualization, Data Ingestion, Data Wrangling & much more.
This practical course gets you started with very basic of pandas such as introducing to fundamental data structures in pandas and the different data types and indexing. Then you will learn the most important Python packages used by Data Analysts by diving into Python’s NumPy package, which is Python’s powerful extension with advanced mathematical functions. Finally, you will learn how to apply Pandas to important but simple financial tasks such as modelling portfolios, calculating optimal portfolios based upon risk, and more.
Contents and Overview
This training program includes 4 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.
The first course, Learning Pandas will show you how you can get the most out of pandas for data analysis. The course starts with teaching you the absolute basics such as installing and setting up of the pandas library. You will be introduced to fundamental data structures in pandas and the different data types and indexing. You will then implement different kinds of data, indexing, and handling missing data. The course will also teach you how to analyze and model your data, and organize the results of your analysis in the form of plots or other visualization means. Throughout the course, you will implement simple yet highly effective examples and use-cases which are relevant in the real-world scenario, as you build on your understanding of pandas. By the end of this course, you will have a firm understanding of the basics of pandas. You will be ready to start using pandas for different data science tasks with confidence.
The second course, Unpacking NumPy and Pandas you will explore two of the most important Python packages used by Data Analysts. You will start off by learning how to set up the right environment for data analysis with Python. Here, you’ll learn to install the right Python distribution, as well as work with the Jupyter notebook, and set up a database. After that, you will dive into Python’s NumPy package, Python’s powerful extension with advanced mathematical functions. You will learn to create NumPy arrays, as well as employ different array methods and functions. Then, you will explore Python’s Pandas extension, where you will learn to subset your data, as well as dive into data mapping using Pandas. You’ll also learn to manage your data sets by sorting and ranking them. Finally, you will learn to index and group your data for sophisticated data analysis and manipulation.
The third course, Modeling and Visualization of Data in Pandas will support users as they work through a typical real-world data analysis project step-by-step using Pandas. It develops the deep knowledge and skills that will enable students to immediately tackle their own projects with Pandas at work. This product demonstrates how to make financial models using Python’s software library for data manipulation and analysis.
The fourth course, Mastering Python Data Analysis with Pandas you will learn how to apply Pandas to important but simple financial tasks such as modelling portfolios, calculating optimal portfolios based upon risk, and more. This video not only teaches you why Pandas is a great tool for solving real-world problems in quantitative finance, but it also takes you meticulously through every step of the way, with practical, real-world examples, especially from the financial domain where Pandas is a popular choice. By the end of this video, you will be an expert in using the Pandas library for any data analysis problem, especially related to finance.
About the Authors:
Harish Gargis a Data Analyst, author, and Software Developer who is really passionate about Data Science and the Python programming language. He is a graduate from Udacity’s Data Analyst Nanodegree program. He has 17 years of industry experience, which includes data analysis using Python, developing and testing enterprise and consumer software, managing projects and software teams, and creating training material and tutorials. Harish also worked for 11 years for Intel Security (previously McAfee, Inc.). He regularly contributes articles and tutorials on data analysis and Python. He is also active in the open data community and is a contributing member of the Data4Democracy open data initiative. He has written data analysis pieces for think tan takshashila.
Curtis Miller is a graduate student at the University of Utah, seeking an Master’s in Statistics (MSTAT) and a Big Data Certificate. In the past, Curtis has worked as a Math Tutor, and has a double major adding mathematics with an emphasis in statistics as a second major. He has studied the gender pay gap, and presented his paper or Gender Pay Disparity in Utah, which grabbed the attention of local media outlets. He currently teaches Basic Statistics at the University of Utah. He enjoys writing and is an avid reader, and enjoys studying politics, economics, history, and psychology and sociology.
Prabhat Ranjan has extensive industry experience in Python, R, and Machine Learning. He has a passion for using Python, Pandas and R for various real-time, new-project scenarios. As a trainer, he also has a passion for teaching concepts and advanced scenarios in Python, R, Data Science, and Big Data Hadoop. Thus, his teaching experience and strong industry exposure make him one of the best in this domain.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Learning Pandas
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Installing and Setting Up Python
Lecture 3: Installing Pandas and Other Dependent Python Modules
Lecture 4: Setting Up and Using Jupyter Notebooks
Lecture 5: Importing Data (CSV) into Pandas
Lecture 6: Exploring the Imported Dataset
Lecture 7: Manipulating and Reshaping the Dataset
Lecture 8: Handling Missing Data in Pandas
Lecture 9: Analyzing the Imported Dataset
Lecture 10: Using Pandas and Matplotlib to Draw Plots and Charts
Lecture 11: Drawing Bar Charts
Lecture 12: Making Histograms
Lecture 13: Drawing Box Plots
Lecture 14: Drawing Some Other Kinds of Plots with Matplotlib
Lecture 15: Exporting Transformed and Processed Data Out of Pandas
Lecture 16: Exporting to Some Popular File Formats
Lecture 17: Exporting to SQL-Based Databases
Chapter 2: Unpacking NumPy and Pandas
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Installing Anaconda
Lecture 3: Exploring Jupyter Notebooks
Lecture 4: Exploring Alternatives to Jupyter
Lecture 5: Package Management with conda
Lecture 6: Setting Up a Database
Lecture 7: Running through NumPy Data Types
Lecture 8: Creating NumPy Arrays
Lecture 9: Slicing Arrays in NumPy
Lecture 10: Arithmetic and Linear Algebra with Arrays
Lecture 11: Employing Array Methods and Functions
Lecture 12: Pandas Are Fun! What Is Pandas?
Lecture 13: Exploring Series and DataFrame Objects
Lecture 14: Subsetting Your Data
Lecture 15: Arithmetic, Function Application, Mapping with Pandas
Lecture 16: Handling Missing Data in a Pandas DataFrame
Lecture 17: Managing Your Data by Sorting and Ranking
Lecture 18: Hierarchical Indexing
Lecture 19: Plotting with Pandas
Chapter 3: Modeling and Visualization of Data in Pandas
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Building Financial Model by Calculating and Comparing Rates of Return
Lecture 3: Calculating Security's Rate of Return
Lecture 4: Calculating the Rate of Return of a Portfolio of Securities
Lecture 5: Calculating the Rate of Return of Indices
Lecture 6: Working with Panel Objects and Attributes
Lecture 7: Working with Extraction of Data Frames from Panels
Lecture 8: Convert Panels to Multi-index Data Frame, Transpose Panel
Lecture 9: Export Data Frames to CSV Files with the .to_csv() Method
Lecture 10: Import Excel Files into Pandas, and Export Excel Files
Lecture 11: Using Date and Time Functions for Pandas
Lecture 12: Visual Exploratory Data Analysis
Lecture 13: Pandas Line Plot
Lecture 14: Pandas Scatter Plot
Lecture 15: Pandas Box Plot
Lecture 16: Pandas Histogram Plot
Lecture 17: Pandas Pie Plot
Lecture 18: Pandas Area Plot
Lecture 19: Pandas Heatmap
Lecture 20: Pandas Bar Plot
Chapter 4: Mastering Python Data Analysis with Pandas
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Reading and Writing Data in Text Format
Lecture 3: XML and HTML Web Scrapping
Lecture 4: Interacting with Databases
Lecture 5: Binary Data Formats (Excel and HDF5)
Lecture 6: Data Wrangling/ Munging and Pandas Data Structures
Lecture 7: Combining and Merging Data Sets
Lecture 8: Reshaping, Pivoting, and Advanced Indexing Data Sets
Lecture 9: Data Transformation on Data Sets
Lecture 10: String Manipulations on Data Sets
Lecture 11: Working with Missing Data Sets
Lecture 12: Data Aggregation on Data Sets
Lecture 13: Group-Wise Operations on Data Sets
Lecture 14: Statistical Functions Example
Lecture 15: Windows Functions Example
Lecture 16: Applying Multiple and Different Functions to Dataframe Columns
Lecture 17: Exponentially Weighted Windows
Packt Publishing
Tech Knowledge in Motion
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
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