Complete Guide to Protocol Buffers 3 [Java, Golang, Python]
Complete Guide to Protocol Buffers 3 [Java, Golang, Python], available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 83 lectures, based on 4302 reviews, and has 25851 subscribers.
You will learn about Write simple and complex .proto files Practice Exercises to Confirm the Learnings Leverage Imports and Packages appropriately Generate Code using `protoc` in any language Code in Java with Protocol Buffers Understand how Data Evolution works for Protobuf Learn about advanced Protocol Buffers concepts This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers who want to understand how to write .proto files and write code to create Protocol Buffer data or Architects who want to understand how Protocol Buffers works and be useful for their solution archicture It is particularly useful for Developers who want to understand how to write .proto files and write code to create Protocol Buffer data or Architects who want to understand how Protocol Buffers works and be useful for their solution archicture.
Enroll now: Complete Guide to Protocol Buffers 3 [Java, Golang, Python]
Title: Complete Guide to Protocol Buffers 3 [Java, Golang, Python]
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 83
Number of Published Lectures: 81
Number of Curriculum Items: 83
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 81
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Write simple and complex .proto files
- Practice Exercises to Confirm the Learnings
- Leverage Imports and Packages appropriately
- Generate Code using `protoc` in any language
- Code in Java with Protocol Buffers
- Understand how Data Evolution works for Protobuf
- Learn about advanced Protocol Buffers concepts
Who Should Attend
- Developers who want to understand how to write .proto files and write code to create Protocol Buffer data
- Architects who want to understand how Protocol Buffers works and be useful for their solution archicture
Target Audiences
- Developers who want to understand how to write .proto files and write code to create Protocol Buffer data
- Architects who want to understand how Protocol Buffers works and be useful for their solution archicture
Protocol Buffers (protobuf) is a fundamental data serialization format that every Data Engineer should know about. It is leveraged by many top tech companies such as Google and enables micro-services to transfer data in a format that is safe and efficient.
In this course, we are going to explore in depth, with hands-on lectures, all the aspects of Protocol Buffers 3.
In just a few hours, you will know everything you need to know to create simple and complex .proto files, and write code in your Favourite Programming language such as Java, Python and Go. Protocol Buffers generates all the boilerplate code for you!
Stop using XML and JSON and start using a Data Format that will allow you to create the most efficient APIs.
Complete Guide to Protocol Buffers 3 is the best way to get a great overview of all the possibilities offered by Protocol Buffers
> Write simple and complex .proto files
> Practice Exercises to Confirm the learnings
> Leverage Imports and Packages appropriately
> Generate Code using `protoc`
> Code in Java, Go and Python with Protocol Buffers
> Learn about advanced Protocol Buffers concepts
Note: This course assumes you have some knowledge about Programming and JSON / XML
Section outline:
Protocol Buffers Course Introduction: Get an understand of the course objectives, how the course is structured, download the course code and get ready!
Protocol Buffers Basics I: Learn how to create your first messages using Scalar Types. Practice with 5 exercises
Protocol Buffers Basics II: Learn how to create complex messages, and organise your code in different files and packages. Practice with 4 exercises
Setting up Protoc Compiler: Setup the protoc compiler and learn how to generate code in any language
Java Programming with Protocol Buffers: Write your Protocol Buffers Data in Java
Golang Programming with Protocol Buffers: Write your Protocol Buffers Data in Golang
Python Programming with Protocol Buffers: Write your Protocol Buffers Data in Python
Data Evolution with Protobuf: Evolve your protocol buffers file in a safe way in order to add or remove fields without breaking previous code
Protocol Buffers Advanced: Advanced Types in Protocol Buffers as well as Options, Integer Types, and an introduction to RPC Services with gRPC
My name is Clément Jean, and I’ll be your instructor in this course. I teach about Protocol Buffers and gRPC with my focus always on helping my students improve their professional proficiencies. I am also the author of some of the most highly-rated & best-selling courses.
With development being a widely accepted and pursued career, I’ve decided it’s time for students to properly learn about Protocol Buffers. So, let’s kick start the course! You are in good hands!
This Course Also Comes With:
Lifetime Access to All Future Updates
A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section
Links to interesting articles, and lots of good code to base your next template onto
Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download
A 30 Day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee!
I hope to see you inside the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Why Protocol Buffers?
Lecture 2: How are Protocol Buffers used?
Lecture 3: Course Structure
Lecture 4: About your instructor
Lecture 5: Important Message
Chapter 2: Code Download & VSCode Setup
Lecture 1: Code Download
Lecture 2: VSCode Setup (optional)
Chapter 3: Protocol Buffers Basics I
Lecture 1: First Message
Lecture 2: Defaults
Lecture 3: Scalar Types
Lecture 4: Tags
Lecture 5: Repeated Fields
Lecture 6: Enumerations (Enums)
Lecture 7: Comments
Lecture 8: Practice Exercises I
Lecture 9: Solution to Practice Exercises I
Chapter 4: Protocol Buffers Basics II
Lecture 1: Defining Multiple Messages in the Same File
Lecture 2: Nesting Messages
Lecture 3: Imports
Lecture 4: Packages
Chapter 5: Exercise II and Solutions
Lecture 1: Practice Exercise II
Lecture 2: All in One Proto File
Lecture 3: Nested Messages
Lecture 4: Imports
Lecture 5: Packages
Chapter 6: Setting up Protoc Compiler
Lecture 1: Setup Protoc Compiler
Lecture 2: Using Protoc
Lecture 3: Practice Using Protoc
Chapter 7: Java Programming with Protocol Buffers
Lecture 1: Important Message
Lecture 2: Setup & Code Download in Java
Lecture 3: Gradle Project Setup & Code Generation
Lecture 4: Simple Message Creation in Java
Lecture 5: Creating a Complex Message in Java
Lecture 6: Dealing with Enums in Java
Lecture 7: Dealing with Maps in Java
Lecture 8: Dealing with OneOfs in Java
Lecture 9: Serializing/Deserializing (Binary)
Lecture 10: Serializing/Deserializing (JSON)
Lecture 11: Java Options
Lecture 12: Practice Exercise Java (self-guided)
Chapter 8: Golang Programming with Protocol Buffers
Lecture 1: Important Message
Lecture 2: Setup & Code Download in Golang
Lecture 3: Code generation in Golang
Lecture 4: Simple Proto Struct in Golang
Lecture 5: Complex Proto Struct in Golang
Lecture 6: Enum Proto Struct in Golang
Lecture 7: Handling OneOfs in Golang
Lecture 8: Handling Maps in Golang
Lecture 9: Reading and Writing to Disk
Lecture 10: Reading and Writing to JSON
Lecture 11: Practice Exercise Golang (self-guided)
Chapter 9: Python Programming with Protocol Buffers
Lecture 1: Important Message
Lecture 2: Setup & Code Download in Python
Lecture 3: Code generation in Python
Lecture 4: Simple Proto Message in Python
Lecture 5: Complex Proto Message in Python
Lecture 6: Enum Proto Message in Python
Lecture 7: Handling OneOfs in Python
Lecture 8: Handling Maps in Python
Lecture 9: Reading and Writing to Disk
Lecture 10: Reading and Writing to JSON
Lecture 11: Practice Exercise Python (self-guided)
Chapter 10: Data Evolution with Protobuf
Lecture 1: The Need for Updating Schemas
Lecture 2: Rules for Data Evolution
Lecture 3: Renaming Fields
Lecture 4: Removing Fields
Lecture 5: Reserved Keyword
Lecture 6: Beware of Defaults
Chapter 11: Protoc Advanced
Lecture 1: –decode_raw Option
Lecture 2: –decode Option
Lecture 3: –encode Option
Chapter 12: Protocol Buffers Advanced
Lecture 1: Integer Types Deep Dive
Lecture 2: Advanced Data Types (oneof, map, Timestamp and Duration)
Lecture 3: Protocol Buffers Options
Lecture 4: Naming Conventions
Lecture 5: Services
Lecture 6: Introduction to gRPC (from gRPC Course)
Lecture 7: Protocol Buffers Internals
Chapter 13: Next Steps
Lecture 1: List of Protocol Buffer Files to Explore
Lecture 2: What's next & Congratulations!
Lecture 3: Bonus Lecture: Coupons for my other courses!
Clément Jean
Protocol Buffers and gRPC Enthusiast
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 40 votes
- 2 stars: 41 votes
- 3 stars: 225 votes
- 4 stars: 1357 votes
- 5 stars: 2639 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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